Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 68: Master (on)

(Come here, come out in the morning)

Ten Thousand Island began to recover again, only because the last forces of Xinfenglou, Yuanyuan Palace, and Sanshou Alliance came out of the giant rock world and rebuilt on the original ruins.

As for Wan Zongzong, he was removed directly.

After that, there was no Wanzong in Wandao Island. As for the injury of the owner of Xinfeng, naturally it was not difficult for Chen Zong, and he soon recovered.

The Tradewind Tower, Yuanyuan Palace, and the Sanshou Alliance were completely united to form a 10,000 yuan alliance, and Chen Zong was elected as the leader. As for the Trade Wind Tower and Yuanyuan Palace, and the original Sanshou Alliance leaders, they served as the veterans. The sixth strongest is the elder of the 10,000 League.

In order to prevent the worship of the gods or purgatory demon gates and infernalism, the giant rock world is further strengthened and left behind, you can directly enter from one place of Wanmeng and reach the hinterland of Wanwan Island, and then enter the giant rock. Small world, so that you can save your life in the event of a powerful enemy attack.

In addition, there are also formations left by Chen Zong outside of the Giant Rock Small World and the Ten Thousand Leagues, which are enough to withstand the attack of the small sacred realm and maintain a short period of time, which is enough for them to evacuate safely.

Of course, if the Great Holy Realm takes a shot, no one can escape if it is broken.

After finishing these arrangements, Chen Zong left a few swords in the 10,000 League. These swords are not much to Chen Zong, but to the 10,000 League, they can be used as secrets.

Leaving, with Yu Nianxin quickly went to Nine Dragons.


The ninth heaven is the beginning of Chen Zong in the outer universe.

Beginning with the Ninetimes Tenerife, Chen Zong reentered the Xinfeng Building, and then entered the Taihao Mountain. He gradually progressed and became stronger and stronger until now.

In the Ninth Heaven Temple, there are his own master and sister and so on.

The Nine-joyed Lynx is located on the Tianxiao continent. It is the strongest force in the Tianxiao continent and the actual controller of the Tianxiao continent. The Tianxiao continent is said to be a mainland. In fact, there are still many islands and land. Around the largest island.

There are hundreds of islands and islands on this island. Some islands and islands have strong and pure vitality. Therefore, there are practitioners to build up their forces.

At this moment, on a very remote and deserted island land, there are many caves left here, which are caves of some beasts long ago, but those beasts have become extinct.

Immediately, I saw a figure that looked like a streamer, and after a few laps, it quickly entered a seemingly ordinary and hidden cave, with a subtle sound, and continued to bend around the channel, quickly Go underground and go straight into the depth of hundreds of meters.

This passage is also crisscrossed like a maze. If you are unfamiliar or lack guidance, you can easily get lost in it.

However, this figure was very light on the road, and went directly to the most correct road, and eventually reached the end.

It was an underground cave nearly a thousand meters deep.

In the depths of this cave, there are several figures.

"came back."


These three figures stood up one by one to greet the person who entered from the surface. One of them was jade flawless.

"Brother, what's the situation outside?" Yu Wuzheng immediately asked, and the person known as Brother, if Chen Zong was here, would be surprised to find out that it was the Master's great disciple, In the original void, there is Luo Beichuan, which is called the northern wolf.

After a few hundred years, Luo Beichuan even entered the void, and the breath emanating from him was not weak at all, and he reached the fifth level level.

"People of Infernoism move around, but all who don't surrender are exterminated by the door." Luo Beichuan exhaled, "We are not safe here, and may be approached by Infernoism at any time. "

Luo Beichuan's remarks immediately called Yu Wuzhen and the other three to silence.

Today, the Master is injured and is being healed. He is still full of strength, but he ca n’t fully exert it. The master Luo Beichuan has the strength of the Fifth Realm, and he has the strength of the Fifth Realm. The two masters and sisters are weaker. There is only the third level.

Such a lineup of strengths, once you meet someone from the Infernal Demon, even if you can kill some, you will eventually escape unless you surrender.

It is impossible to surrender. You will never learn to surrender in this life. It is the iron bones of the heart, but they also do not want to die. Because of this, they will hide and flee to this remote desert island. However, doing so is only delaying the time of death.

Sooners will find this place sooner or later.


In a certain open space near Tianjiu continent on the Tianxiao continent, a crack appeared suddenly and turned into a portal. Then, two figures stepped out.

Freehand like a stroll in a leisurely court.


"Catch it."

The shouting sounded suddenly, and the murderous swept away, and saw a few black robes erupting at an astonishing speed. They flew towards Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin like a rushing wind.

That speed is really fast, but for Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin, it is very slow.

He didn't move, didn't even raise his arm, but just released some Jianwei. The figures of these black robes solidified directly in the void, motionless.

"This breath ..." Chen Zong's brow frowned slightly, and her eyes fell on the figures of these black robes, and she felt very familiar: "... Infernal Demon!"

These men in black robes are arrogant.

Has the magic sword penetrated here?

The heavenly continent where the Nine Dragons are located is actually inconspicuous in the outer universe and belongs to a relatively remote corner, but after hundreds of years, it is unavoidably caught up by the Demon Demon.

Infernalism and the Purgatory Demon Gate have revived, and the powerful strength that has been accumulated for many years is gradually showing up. They try to run across the universe and invade everything, but the two major forces seem to be tacitly aware of each other and do not target at any one time.

In other words, where there is a purgatory demon gate, there must be no inferno demon, there is no purgatory demon gate in the place where there is a demon demon, which directly avoids the confrontation and conflict between the two major demonic forces, which originally expected the two major forces to rise. Those in conflict are disappointed.

If the two major demonic forces conflict, it is equal to internal fighting, self-consumption, and then the threat to other forces will decrease sharply.

It's a pity that Purgatory Demon Gate and Inferno Demon know this very well.

Next, Chen Zong naturally asked for information.

Soon, Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin knew what was going on.

It turned out that ten years ago, the people of the Infernal Demon came to this area of ​​Fangzhou, first demanding that the major forces surrender, and directly surrender without surrendering.

Nine heavy tents did not surrender, but chose to resist and fight to the end.

At first, the power of the Infernal Demon was not strong enough, and it was also repelled, but then it mobilized the strong to reinforce and directly defeated the resistance of Jiuzhong Tianxian.

The founder of Jiuzhong Tianmao was a seventh-level emperor-level powerhouse, but he has been away for many years and has never returned. Today, the strongest of the nineth-day emperor is the sixth-level emperor-level powerhouse. The seventh strongest man has no resistance.

In the end, the Nine Dragonfly was destroyed, but some of the sixth-level powerhouses either escaped alone or fled with several disciples, scattered around, but were also continuously pursued, found, and killed.

Chen Zong asked a lot of people he knew, but basically died.

And most concerned about the master and sister.

Unfortunately, there is no information about the sister, but there is information about the master, because the master has already become one of the senior leaders of the Nine Emperor Heavenly Alliance Dao, and has been selected as the Dao League ’s leader.

That is to say, Master has broken through to the sixth realm to become the imperial powerhouse.

This is a good thing, but under the invasion of Infernalism, it is not a good thing. However, there has been no news of the death of Master, and it may be alive.

Holding a few hopes, after Chen Zong casually crushed these inferior demons, Yu Nianxin rushed into the sky immediately, and it was the mixed power that covered all directions and quickly searched.

First search on the Tianxiao continent, if you can't find it, leave the Tianxiao continent to find other continents.

As long as people are alive, they can always be found.

While searching, Chen Zong frowned. This time, the situation is obviously changed and more dangerous than before.

The purgatory demon gate and the demon demon are becoming more and more rampant, not only that, but also more powerful. They have destroyed several holy sites one after the other. If they did not return in time, they would be destroyed if Taihao Mountain could not support it.

Ten Thousand Island is because of worship, but now Jiuzhong Tianxian is because of the Demon Sect.

Purgatory Demon Gate, Infernalism, Worshipping God!

These are the three major tumors of the outer universe.

It seems that I should contribute to this outer universe and eliminate the three major tumors as much as possible.

Xunyuan's heart is deep and unpredictable, but it is silent, as if the spring weather and rain cover all.

"The breath of one mind." Chen Zong suddenly felt a joy.

Taking Chen Zong's current practice as an example, once the mixed mind is released, he can directly cover the entire Tianxiao continent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but it takes a little time to spread.

The search, the constant search, was finally found by Chen Zong on a deserted and remote island. The residual breath fluctuations were very subtle. If Chen Zong had not deduced the Yi Xin to an unprecedented height, it would be difficult to condense his mental strength. Be aware.

"Go." With Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong tore the void again, but in an instant, he straddled far and reached the deserted island.

Here, since there is a lingering aura of breath, although it is not very strong, it also shows that people who have cultivated a mind have stayed here.

Yixinju is the unique inheritance of Yixin Palace. It is difficult to get started, and it is more difficult to penetrate.

In addition to the Master and the Third Master Sister Jade flawless, who else can master such a profound devotion?

Therefore, Chen Zong made the inference that the remaining one-hearted breath here should have something to do with the three masters or the master.

Sensing and searching, Chen Zong quickly found the entrance to the cave, and a smile hanged at the corner of his mouth.

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