Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 69: Master (below)

Tianxia mainland, a deserted remote island land in a depth of thousands of meters underground cave.

Jade flawlessly surrounds Chen Zong, looking at the left and right, he seems to be unbelievable.

"Are you really the fifth master?" He muttered while looking at Chen Zong completely.

"It's me, sister three." Chen Zong smiled helplessly. The three sisters first impressed themselves very much. What a violent woman she was.

Immediately, Chen Zong looked at the erect figure standing on the side full of blood and blood, and said, "Master."

"Fifth Master." Luo Beichuan's stern face suddenly showed a sincere smile.

Luo Beichuan is very grateful to Chen Zong.

At that time, Chen Zong's mention that Luo Beichuan finally seized the opportunity and finally broke through from the third realm to the fourth realm.

Since then, Luo Beichuan has made rapid progress, rising continuously at the level of the fourth level, approaching the peak, and finally breaking through the fourth level to the fifth level in the void of that side, becoming the dominant power.

However, Luo Beichuan was not reconciled, knowing that there is still the existence of Jiuzhong Tianzhang, and the road to cultivation has a higher level. The fifth realm is placed in that universe, but it just barely enters the ranks of the strong.

As a gifted person, at the same time placed in the void, also known as the existence of the youngest lord, he has a higher pursuit. If you do n’t know the existence of the Nine Heavenly Gods and the universe, then that ’s all, but since you know, It was like a silent temptation, constantly attracting him.

Various attempts, various attempts, and repeated failures, coincidentally, Luo Beichuan chose the last step, which is to step into the universe.

Stepping into the universe with the fifth realm of the void will be oppressed by the universe, and Luo Beichuan is very decisive, abolishing one's practice directly and restarting cultivation.

Such decisiveness, Luo Beichuan's talents are indeed extraordinary, he just rebuilt successfully, and made rapid progress. In just one or two hundred years, he practiced to the fourth realm, and even reached the peak of the fourth realm. In the face of the invasion, in the face of the crisis of life and death, the potential exploded, breaking through to the fifth level.

I have to say that Luo Beichuan's talents are indeed amazing. Of course, in addition to talents, he also has his very decisive mentality. It is not easy to cultivate to the fifth level. How many people have cultivated for hundreds of years and thousands of years. , Can not break through to the fifth realm.

However, Luo Beichuan said that he would abandon the waste and rebuild it without any delay, but he also succeeded. Although he suffered a lot during the period and experienced many setbacks, he succeeded.

The strength of the Fifth Realm is placed in the entire Nine Dragons, and it can also be regarded as a strong level. Of course, for the entire universe, the Fifth Realm is just barely stepping into the strong and barely has the qualification to break into the universe. The sixth realm can truly be called a cosmic powerhouse.

In any case, Luo Beichuan came to the universe and transferred to the Fifth Realm, which is a great start. If it was n’t for the invasion of the Infernal Demon, it would be possible to practice safely and securely, and to break through to the Sixth Realm.

Chen Zong is happy for Luo Beichuan, this is the master of Yixin Palace.

The other two, a man and a woman, look very young, and in fact they are very young. They are all less than a hundred years old, and even less than fifty years old.

The young man and woman are looking at Chen Zong with curious eyes.

"Brother Five, let me introduce you." Yu Wuzhen noticed their gaze and immediately smiled at Chen Zong.

Said: "This is Qing Ying, this is Tian Chu, Qing Ying and Tian Chu are the disciples that Master has received in these decades. Qing Ying is a six-sister girl, and Tian Chu is a seven-sister boy."

"Qing Ying, Tian Chu, this is Master's fifth disciple, your five elder brother Chen Zong." Yu Wuzhen said to the young man and woman.

"Meet the five brothers." Qing Ying and Tian Chu quickly gave Chen Zongxing a gift.

They are actually very curious about the five brothers, just because they were accepted as disciples by the Emperor of the Mind, they also entered the Ninth Heaven, and heard the legend left by Chen Zong.

First, he rose in the Nine Dragons from the end of Weiwei, then entered into the powerful wind power tower than Nine Dragons, and then entered the holy land of Taido Mountain, the sacred place of Kendo. Achievement is amazing.


That is a legend. When they knew it, the kind of admiration was like a continuous stream of water, and they were looking forward to seeing their legendary five brothers one day.

What was unexpected was that I would see it in such a situation.

But no matter what the circumstances, it is a great honor to be able to see this legendary Five Brothers.

Yu Nianxin was also a native of Jiuzhong Tianmao, and is now an ancestor of Chen Zong, a sister of both.

As a elder brother, this is the first time I have seen my elder sister and younger brother. Naturally, I want to show that Chen Zong took out some things as a ceremony.

To Chen Zong, this is just a common thing, but for two younger generations who are not in the third realm, they are heavy treasures. Not to mention them, even the jade flawless who entered the fifth realm was shocked.

But Chen Zong is the respect of the great sword sage, so superb, and the things he collects, of course, are not ordinary.

Although shocked, Qing Ying and Tian Chu finally accepted Chen Zong's gift.

Xu Shi felt the breath of Chen Zong, and the emperor's heart-wounded retreat also retreated.

"Master," Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin met immediately.

"Get up." The emperor smiled heartily, and saw Chen Zong again, his most satisfied disciple so far. The joy in his heart was beyond words, and it was directly on his face.

Chen Zongchao's strong perception also felt that the breath of the imperial emperor was somewhat disordered. Obviously, the injury had not healed yet, and it was not light.

But for Chen Zong, it's nothing. Many of the healing elixir contained in the storage artifact can be taken out at will to treat such injuries.

The injury could not be delayed. Chen Zong took out the most suitable healing elixir and gave it to the Emperor Xinxin Dao. The Emperor Xin Yi immediately took it. While working to resolve the power of the elixir, he talked with Chen Zong.

One heart is so excellent, you can refining the elixir without retreating.

Previously, the reason why the Emperor retreat from the retreat was also because of the serious injury and the lack of suitable elixir to help him. He could only retreat without any interference. The effect would be better invisibly.

The entrance of the elixir continuously refines and releases pure and gentle strength, which diffuses the whole body of the Emperor and makes his injury gradually heal. Chen Zong can acutely feel that his breath is improving and he is becoming more and more stable. The pale complexion gradually improved.

"Chen Zong, Qing Ying was a disciple I collected 40 years ago, and Tian Chu was a disciple I collected 20 years ago." With one heart, the Emperor laughed and said, "It is difficult to learn with one heart, and it is difficult to learn it in us. In the original void, I have left a lot of heritage, but unfortunately, few people get started. "

It's difficult to get started with one mind, Chen Zong knows, otherwise there will not be only a few people in Yixin Palace.

What I didn't expect was that in this outer universe, it was good to find two people who can get started with one mind, so that one mind can be passed on better.

Suddenly, Chen Zong thought that the outer universe is so vast, I don't know how many times it is the void, and the 10,000 voids cannot compare with the universe. No, even 100,000 voids cannot compare with the universe.

There will be more geniuses in the outer universe than in the void, and maybe there are more people who are suitable for practicing one mind.

In this way, one mind will be better passed on.

Suddenly, the look of Chen Zong, who was chatting with the emperor, moved slightly.

"Master, someone is here." Chen Zongdao said.

"Who?" The emperor looked at it with a single heart.

"Persons of Demon Demon." Chen Zongdao.

"What!" The wholehearted look of the emperor and others changed dramatically.

The horror of the Infernal Demon is very clear. This is how the Nine Emperor Tenjin is destroyed. Many of the strongest in the Nine Emperor Tenjin are also killed by the inferior Demon Strongman, which is a unilateral slaughter.

And that's just a small part of the power of Infernalism.

Some of them had good luck, and they finally escaped from hiding in Tibet. They escaped here and planned to leave the Tianxiao continent to go farther away, but now, the people of the Inferno Demon in this area of ​​the universe run rampant, so that they I can only hide here, I dare not act at will.

Only Luo Beichuan will go out to inquire about the news at an interval. Once there is a suitable time, he will immediately leave the place.

What I didn't expect was that people from the Infernal Demon had been found.

"Chen Zong, leave with your brothers and sisters and brothers and sisters. I am about to recover from my injuries and come to hold them back." The emperor said with a single heart, he decided to sacrifice himself so that his disciples could safely escape. Opportunity.

Chen Zongnai is his favorite disciple, and the true inheritance of one mind must fall on him.

As for the big disciple Luo Beichuan, he is indeed talented, but compared with Chen Zong, there is still a significant gap.

"Master, there are disciples who have to take care of them." Chen Zong laughed. At this time, where does Master need to work hard.

The people who come to the Demon Sect are the most powerful, but they are only in the seventh state.

A seventh realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What is the difference between you and the ants?

The voice fell, Chen Zong's body flickered, he immediately left the underground cave, appeared outside, and the speed was so fast that the emperor had no time to respond.

"Chen Zong."

"Five Masters!"

"Fifth Brother!"

All the people stunned and shouted immediately.

"Master respects you and rest assured, some people who are incarnate are not counted for Chen Zong." Yu Nianxin laughed suddenly.

Although Yu Nianxin has not yet broken through to the Great Sacred Realm, but it is also the pinnacle of a small sanctuary. His divine thought can easily cover the entire deserted island. Therefore, the strength of those who come can be felt by Yu Nianxin. Already.

The seventh realm, the inner universe is just equal to the heavenly stratum, and Chen Zong is a great swordsman who is far beyond the heavenly stratum, and even exists with the ancient ancestors of the ancient ancestors of ancient Huangshan.

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