Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 70: I am the Holy Order

The deserted and remote islands are usually birds and beasts flying and inaccessible, but in the case of this chaotic invasion of the Infernos, it has become the first choice for many people to avoid disasters.

People in the Devil also seem to understand this, they searched one after another, but when they found it, they either surrendered or killed, there is no third way to go, as for counter-killing?

It's not impossible, the problem is that it can't be done.

The power of the Infernal Demon is too strong. Although it is only a small part of the Tianxia continent, there are several seventh realms and more fifth realms. As for the fifth realm, let alone the fourth realm. Countless.

Tianxiao continent, the strongest is the sixth realm, which is estimated to be less than ten in total, and it is not as strong as a small group of believers in Infernalism.

Now, a seventh realm, with two sixth realms and ten fifth realms, searches for each deserted island, and pushes sideways, killing countless people who do not want to surrender. Now, finally, they have arrived here.

With some clues, the elder of the Seventh Realm of Wujian Demon affirmed that someone was hiding here.

According to the normal situation, if Chen Zong did not find it, then the consequence is that the Emperor and other people were captured and killed by repression, after all, the gap between the strengths was too great, even if they wanted to escape, there was no hope. .

But no if, because Chen Zong is here.

His body flashed, and Chen Zong appeared on the surface directly from the underground cave, which was thousands of meters deep, behind the elders and believers.

"Are you looking for someone?" A light voice seemed to sound with a bit of ridicule, which directly shocked the people of Wujian Demon, even the seventh realm.

It turned out to be so silent and silent, if you didn't take the initiative to make a sound, you wouldn't be aware of the slightest.

Turning back in an instant, the terrible breath exuded a kind of chills and glooms, spreading like wild spirit, directly locking Chen Zong.

When I saw Chen Zong, I saw that Chen Zong was so young and locked in his own breath. The elder in the seventh realm of Wonder Demon immediately calmed down.

Perhaps the other party can appear silently behind oneself and others because of some special means.

"Who are you?" But Elder Seventh Realm of Evil Demon was still very alert, and asked immediately.

"People who killed you." Chen Zong's answer was not loud, but it was clearly introduced into the ears of every Demon Demon, suddenly making them angry, and the atmosphere that locked Chen Zong also surged.

"Pretend to be a ghost. In this case, take it directly and treat it well." The elder of the seventh state snorted suddenly, his face was cold, and he immediately waved between them, and then someone shot.

Chen Zong's breath is introverted, so everyone can't judge Chen Zong's cultivation as a level from the breath, but it looks so young, at most it is the fifth level, even if it is better, it is only the sixth level.

Such a young sixth state is placed in the top universe in the entire universe, and it is impossible for such a young sixth state to appear in such a remote place as the continent.

However, the shot was still a sixth state, and it was enough attention.

Facing the attack of the Sixth Realm, Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, but with a flick of his finger, a ray of intangible energy burst out instantly, there was no way to dodge, and he immediately hit the sixth realm and immediately raised his eyebrows. Through, the soul is broken.


"Take care of you first, then uproot the Infernal Religion, and exterminate it completely." Chen Zong's voice sounded, albeit slight, with an indescribable Xiao killing and decisiveness, people have no doubt about the determination contained therein.

Although he felt that the other party was talking, Chen Zong shot and killed a sixth realm directly, and immediately called the other infernalists to look different, especially the elder in the seventh realm. Although the elders in the inferiority are ordinary Elders of different levels, but after all, they are seventh-level powerhouses, and they can easily defeat and kill the sixth-level powerhouses.

However, he also felt that if he wanted to kill a sixth realm, it could not be that simple. It was impossible to just kill with a little flick of force. If he could do that, it would definitely be very strong in the seventh realm level. Strong presence.

break out!

Suddenly, this elder erupted directly, and other Infernalists also broke out, the dark breath spread out, covering all directions directly, forming a general existence.

This is the reduced version of the Infernal Realm, which is very different from the real realm, but for ordinary practitioners, it is insoluble.

Chen Zong smiled slightly, but it was just a little trick.

The breath leaked out, like a thunderstorm, raging away in an instant, impacting in all directions, setting off a mighty sword power, breaking all the crushing vacuum breaking Jiuxiao general.

The reduced version of Infernal Realm did not even have a 100% time to die, it was broken directly under Chen Zong ’s mighty sword power, and there was no resistance. These infernals were also in Chen Zong ’s mighty sword power. It can't move.


The space and time all around seemed to be frozen, not moving.

The Christians of the Demon Demon are like mosquitoes frozen in spider webs. They can't struggle if they are struggling. They can only keep their eyes open, full of horror, especially the elder in the seventh realm, whose strength is clearer. Perceived that he could not move at all.

What kind of power is this?

Is it the Holy Order Strong?

Otherwise, even if you are a semi-sacred powerhouse, you can't make yourself so?

The panic in his heart could not be described clearly in words. He wanted to speak, but couldn't open his mouth, as if stuck by death.

"Dead!" Chen Zong just spit out a word gently, as if the words could be spoken in a random way. The shocking sword power also broke out in an instant, turning into a mouthful of invisible sharp swords, as if the sky sword crashed directly. A member of Infernalism.

This sword of mighty sword is invisible, silent and silent, and can't cause any harm to the body, but it will directly hurt its spirit and will.

Chen Zongnai is a great swordsman, and his sword power is a swordsword level of the great swordsman level, and it is an inestimable difference to deal with a group of people who are not more than the seventh level.

Under the shock of the world-famous Jianwei, these people, including the elder in the seventh realm, were directly torn and smashed, and instantly turned black, fell directly into the bottomless abyss, and forever sank.


Their spirits and spirits were completely defeated, and the spirits flew away, leaving only a hollow body.

Dispersing Jianwei, the stagnation of time and space around it also returned to normal, a body suddenly fell to the ground, splashing a dust.

An outrageous breath erupted and burst out of the cave below the ground. It was the Master and the Master and the Three Sisters, and even the Sixth Sisters and Seventh Sisters of the Third Realm who did not fear death.

However, when Yixin Daohuang and others appeared on the ground, they only looked at a person standing in the air, wasn't it their disciples (master, brother)?

What about those who are infernal?

Didn't come?

Or is it gone?

Immediately, they also saw the motionless black robes lying on the ground, with a faint breath remaining on their bodies, wasn't it the breath of Infernalism?

These are the people of Infernalism.

It all fell down?

"Chen Zong, this ..." The Emperor said with one heart, but there was chaos in his mind, and he didn't know how to ask.

"Master, rest assured, these people are already dead." Chen Zong answered directly.

This directly called Yixindaohuang and others relieved.

"Go, leave here at once." The Emperor of Hearts just breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately lifted up, and said quickly: "These people die, and other people of Infernalism will soon know that they will come over in a short time, Very bad for us. "

"Master, rest assured, even if there is the Holy Order of Inferno Demon, there is no need to evade." Chen Zong said with a slight smile. The calmness of the voice contained an incomparable power that directly raised the hearts of everyone.

"Shengjie is not afraid!" Yixindaohuang and others suddenly changed their expressions, showing a very complex expression on their faces.

Holy Order!

If in the past, they have n’t entered the universe or have n’t entered the universe for a long time, they have no concept of these two words.

But now they have clearly divided the practice.

The dominator in the void is just the fifth realm in the universe, and the fifth realm in the universe is barely regarded as the strong, only to enter the threshold of the strong, and barely have the qualifications to travel the universe.

Only when the sixth level above the fifth level is achieved and the emperor level is achieved, can it be regarded as a true strongman, and it is truly qualified for the universe, and it is not so easy to fall.

Above the sixth realm, there is a seventh realm.

Above the seventh realm, there is a semi-sacred level. That is a stronger existence than the seventh realm. How strong is it?

I do n’t know, because they do n’t even have a too direct concept of the strength of the seventh realm, but it ’s easy to know that the seventh realm is going to defeat the sixth realm, and the semi-holy level is also very easy to defeat the seventh realm.

As for the semi-holy level, that is the holy order. According to legend, the holy order is a terrible level far beyond the semi-holy order. The holy order in the entire universe is very rare, and each of them is a super-existent sacred place. .

Holy land!

Jiuzhong Tianmao is very strong, at least in their eyes, but the most powerful is only the sixth realm, not even the seventh realm, the entire Jiuxiao universe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ also no seventh realm.

In the sacred place, according to legend, the sixth realm is sparse and common, and the seventh realm is also very much, there are many semi-holy levels, and it is even guarded by the strongest holy order.

Chen Zong said that even if the sacred steps of the Infernal Religion arrived, there was no need to evade.

What does it mean?

Does his disciple fear the Holy Order?

What does it mean not to fear the Holy Order?

It means that the other party should also be the super existence of the Holy Order.

Does his disciple turn out to be a holy order strongman?

Impossible, how old are your disciples. Which sacred order is not an old monster that has lived for thousands of years. How can it become a sacred order for hundreds of years.

"I am the Holy Order." It seemed that he was aware of the doubts in the eyes of everyone, and Chen Zong responded directly.

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