Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 71: Lidao 1 heart

"I am the Holy Order."

"Mindfulness is also holy order."

For a time, Yixin Daohuang and others looked dull, their eyes were numb, and their ears seemed to echo the words of Fang Cai, and their hearts seemed to be turbulent.

Holy Order!

His disciples, mentors, and brothers turned out to be a sacred step strong man. For them, the sacred step strong man only existed in the legend. Not only that, even his prince Yu Nianxin was also a sacred step strong man.

Holy steps, high above them, is a legendary existence for them, but now there are two living in front of them, so close.



Chen Zong and Yu Nian smiled at each other, but did not bother them, let them immerse in the shock, there is no danger to them, even if there is a Holy Order attack, they can not hurt them.

Not to mention the super strength of Yu Nianxin's small sacred realm, and Chen Zong's super-strong swordsman who was enough to resist the ancestor under the full force of the outbreak, even if the ancestor came, it would be blocked.

Moreover, it is still unknown whether there is a sacred ancestor in the outer universe.

After a moment, the one-hearted emperor was fully awake for the first time. Even so, his heart still couldn't be calm, and Chen Zong's eyes were different.

That is the Holy Order Strong.

However, the Emperor of One Mind did not have any mentality like awe. First, he is the master of Zong Chen. Second, the mentality is really strong. It strengthens the mind and can better strengthen its own God.

"Who can believe that my disciples turned out to be the strongest holy order." The Emperor of Hearts finally laughed.

Luo Beichuan and others also woke up, but their dedication to cultivation was not as deep as that of the Emperor, so deep in their hearts, they breed a kind of awe, especially Qing Ying and Tian Chu.

"Brother, three sisters, I'm your fifth brother." Chen Zong immediately laughed.

In a sincere tone, Luo Beichuan and Jade flawless were suddenly stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled, that was the original five masters.

As for Qing Ying and Tian Chu, the two met Chen Zong for the first time, and they were only in the third state. Instinctively left awe in their hearts. It was inevitable that Chen Zong had no choice.

"I almost didn't dare to talk to you anymore." Yu Wuji smiled habitually, and wanted to take a photo of Chen Zong's shoulder, but he took it away when he raised his hand. Chen Zong also noticed that only Can sigh inside.

This is the difference. The absolute difference in strength is brought about, and unless one day the jade is flawless and can be cultivated to the Holy Order, this gap cannot be eliminated.

However, it's pretty good.

"Mind your heart, wait here to guard the Master, I'll come and go." Chen Zong said, after the voice fell, he stepped out, as if disappearing into a void.

Then, everywhere in the Tianxiao continent, wherever there is a Demon cultist, there will be a figure stepping out of the void. As soon as it appears, when it has not become clear, it will be flicked to shoot out the sword, and will be one by one. Infernos in black robes kill.

Chen Zong's speed is extremely fast, and under the cover of the mixed mind, everything in the entire Tianxiao continent can't hide.

It did n’t take much time, not even half a day, all the Demonists in the entire Tianxiao continent were wiped out by Chen Zong, no matter if you are in the sixth or seventh state, you ca n’t stop Chen Zongyi Slamming refers to the lasing of the sword gas, killing directly


"It's resolved." Chen Zong, who reappeared in front of Xinxin Dao and others, laughed suddenly. The clouds were light and light, as if he just returned for a walk.

Yu Nianxin smiled a little, while Yixin Daohuang and others were stunned, and the pupils dilated immediately.


What do you mean?

"All the demon believers in the Tianxiao continent are dead." Chen Zong added, with one heart, the emperor and others felt that his mind seemed to explode.

Is this the ability of the Holy Order Strong?

In less than half a day, thousands of Infernalists on a continent have all died.

A holy order strong person, killing hundreds or even thousands of people in one blow, they are not surprised, but these people are scattered all over the Tianxiao continent, did not gather together, want to kill them, You have to look everywhere, it takes a lot of time.

"Master, I have an idea," Chen Zong suddenly said, looking at the Emperor of Hearts and Hearts, "It is difficult to get started with one mind, but if you can get started, even if you only focus on the first place, you will be able to greatly help your cultivation. "

Huangan listened intently.

"It is difficult to learn with one heart, but it is not so easy to pass it on," said Chen Zongzheng. "It is better to head for the master, stand on your own door, stand on your own path, and create a gate."

"Creating the ancestral gate." Yixindaohuang and others muttered to themselves, but their eyes gradually lightened.


This is a major event for any power, and it is "alive" only if it is passed down.

Not just forces, even individuals.

Jun did not see Tai Haoshan's second-old veteran created the non-killing sword code, and wanted to pass it on, but he could not find a suitable heir. In the end, he favored Chen Zong, even if he did not bring Chen Zong into his door. He still handed the sword of no-killing to Chen Zong and left the lineage, so even if he died, there was still Chen Zong's control of the sword of no-killing line, and the lineage would not be cut off.

Yixinjue is a very amazing auxiliary skill. Naturally, the Emperor wants to inherit it and even carry it forward. Otherwise, he wo n’t leave some secrets and places in the original void. Tips for getting started, people can get.

But unfortunately, over the years, there have been many people who have gotten one-handed entry skills. However, very few people can get started. Otherwise, these will not be the only ones.

The environment of the universe is better than the void, larger, more staffed, and more talented. Of course, there will naturally be more people who can cultivate one mind.

Qing Ying and Tian Chu are the disciples that the Emperor of the Mind has received in these decades.

And the one-hearted experience of the emperor was only confined to the Jiuxiao universe.

Within a few decades of Jiuxiao Cosmos, you can find two people who are suitable for training. The vast universe, its range and personnel are hundreds of times, or even 10,000 times more than Jiuxiao Cosmos. There will definitely be more suitable for cultivation. Tactic person.

Don't seek to spread the whole heart to the universe, but at least it can be passed on.


Chen Zong ’s statement made Yixin Daohuang very heart-warming. In fact, he had such an idea for a long time, but he did n’t dare to think about it because his strength was not enough. At least, he had to wait until he broke through to the seventh realm, and then think about it. Thing about independence.

Now Chen Zong raised it, and a holy order strongman raised it, meaning

The meaning is different.

"Master, stand in one's heart, you are the master of teaching." Chen Zong saw that Master was intent on the way and the emperor was very hearty, and said again, "I and Nianxin can be elders."

"Okay." Emperor Yixin Dao is also a very decisive figure: "Since this, we are single-minded, open school, and single-minded."

With one heart, under these circumstances, a few words were created.

Creating a martial art inheritance is naturally not that simple, but the current environment does not allow it to be so complicated. You can only determine the intention, determine the name of the martial art you want to create, and so on, and determine some basic things.

Today's single-mindedness is only seven up and down, the strongest is the Holy Order, the weakest is the third realm, the gap between levels is very large, just like the sky.

Emperor Yixin Dao, as the teacher of Yixin Dao, is called the Master of Xinxin Dao. Luo Beichuan and Yu Wuzhen are both in the Fifth Realm and temporarily listed as the elders of One Heart Dao, because the relationship between the Fifth Realm is equal to the Taoist King of One Heart Level, and the one-minded Taoist is the honorable title of the one-minded Taoist, or the emperor of the sixth realm.

As for Qing Ying and Tian Chu, they are only in the third state. Of course, they cannot hold any positions, they are only disciples.

As for Chen Zong and Yu Nianxin, although Yu Nianxin has not cultivated a single tactic, she is an ancestor of Chen Zong. Therefore, these two sacred steps have become the esoteric guardian of the one heart, the holiness of the one heart, the highest status, will not Inferior to the one mind.

There are two great sacred step strengths. The potential of this mentality is unpredictable, and it can even be regarded as a sacred place on one side and the smallest one.

Of course, the Emperor Yixin Dao also intends to make Yixin Dao a unique sectarian gate. His disciples will not be as many as other forces, and he will follow the elite line.

Chen Zong is not opposed to this.

In fact, even if there are some people in the universe who can cultivate a single mind, they may not always be earning one's heart. In the end, only a small part of it.

On this deserted and remote island land, Chen Zong and the Emperor of Xinxindao discussed many issues of Xinxindao.

What a mastery it is.

Just the mastery of ten moods is enough to make it possible for an ordinary genius to catch up with top talents. After all, they cannot maintain the same mood at all times like Chen Zong. The time available every day is limited, but within that period of time , But it is of great help to cultivation and enlightenment.

But because of this, one-hearted practice is extremely difficult ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ One-hearted emperor can meet two suitable ones in decades, which is considered good luck.

Initially define everything in one mind, the others can only be gradually improved in the future.

Departing, and then leaving here, Chen Zong prepared to take the Master and his brothers, sisters, younger sisters, younger brothers and sisters to find a suitable place to serve as the foundation of the heart.

Good places are more conducive to cultivation.

There is no need for a unique environment for the cultivation of Yixinjue. Whether it is in a barren land or a place with strong vigor, there is basically no difference, because the cultivation of Yixinjue has nothing to do with vigor.

However, in order to take root in the universe, we also need to cultivate other skills and martial arts. One heart is an auxiliary, an extremely important one, but the cultivation of other skills requires a good environment.

As for Chen Zong's one-hearted ambition, it is on a different path. Although Chen Zong does not mind passing it on, he can take this path on duty because of many factors. Those factors are lacking. It is impossible to reproduce.

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