Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 72: 斩 Exhaustion Demon Collection 剑

One-hearted inheritance of the Taoist Road, the initial establishment of the One-hearted Road, but at present there is no suitable mountain gate, Chen Zong can not take everyone around.

The lack of strength of the crowd, taking them, will affect Chen Zong's efficiency to a certain extent. In addition, Chen Zong also has a follow-up plan, which is not convenient for them.

In the end, it was decided to send everyone to Taihao Mountain first, taking Chen Zong's current status and importance in Taihao Mountain, and sending a few people to it, even if he did not join Taihao Mountain and stayed in Taihao Mountain for a while, Someone will say anything, not to mention Chen Zong's original pedigree.

After settling Master and others for a while, Chen Zong began investigating information about the Infernal Religion, the Purgatory Demon Gate, and worship.

The outer universe was cleared, the three major tumors were eradicated, and the outer universe was a bright one.

Competition always exists, and life and death can never be avoided, but these are normal, belong to the normal environment in the universe, and also the normal environment of the practitioner world.

The purpose of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernoism is to suppress or eradicate all other forces, to dominate the universe, and the purpose of worship is similar.

This is not a good thing for the universe. It is like throwing a large amount of garbage into a stream of clear water, which directly destroys the living beings in the clear water.

When you do n’t have the ability, you can just watch, but when you have the ability, you have to act for it.

At that time, Chen Zong won the first place on the third list, and was recognized by the will of the universe. He also received a lot of help from the will of the universe when he broke through. This is equal to a kindness. Now, Chen Zong will pay it back.

Moreover, it is also beneficial to do so. The will of the universe is high and supervises everything. If you clean up the tumors of the universe, you will also receive the care of the universe. When you are in this universe, you will receive the care of the universe and your forces The "care" of the universe's will.

Either way, you have to act.

Taihao Mountain is a powerful sacred place. Although it was attacked by the Purgatory Demon Gate and suffered considerable losses, the second veteran broke through to the Holy Order and Chen Zong returned. It is the Great Sword Saint and Chen Zong ’s priests. Huang Jiansheng, on the whole, the strength of Taihao Mountain has become increasingly tyrannical.

Soon, Chen Zong knew several strongholds of Purgatory Demon Gate, Infernalism, and Worship.

Bringing Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong immediately set off and rushed to the fastest speed.

The sword power of the Great Sword Master was released in an instant and immediately swept across all directions to cover everything directly. The 100,000-meter circle was covered by the shroud. The members of the purgatory demon gate within the 100,000-meter sword power seemed to fall into the spider web. Mosquitoes are average, it is difficult to move, only panic.


If the way of speaking is as usual, Chen Zong is like a **** who has become a supreme **** and gently spit out a word. The word sounds very subtle, but it looks like a thunderous thunder and a blast.

The monstrous Jianwei was shot down instantly, rolling along countless stresses, directly impacting the disciple of the Purgatory Demon covered by 100,000 meters of Jianwei, one by one, being shocked by Jianwei, the body trembled unconsciously, and a strong eye directly appeared in his eyes. Frightened and frightened, but helpless, the light quickly dimmed.

The soul is flying!

With the impact of Chen Zong's Sword Master, even if it is a Ya Sheng, it is difficult to resist, not to mention only a group of the strongest but not half holy practitioners, like ants.

Thousands of people were buried directly and died within a short period of time without a breath, and no wounds were seen on their bodies, but there was no vitality, and it was a complete smashing of the soul and death.

After doing all this, Chen Zong also used the wealth,

Take the resources and take them with you, you may not have access to them, but you can give them to Tai Haoshan to train your disciples, or you can keep some of them to Yixindao.

The establishment of a martial art must be inherited. In addition to the skills of inheritance, it also needs resources. Otherwise, inheritance will become difficult in the absence of resources.

Just as a clever woman can't cook without rice.

The first stronghold was removed.

Not long after, with super fast speed, Chen Zong arrived at the second stronghold. He didn't take a shot, and didn't need to take a shot. In the absence of the enemy of the Holy Order, he only needed to release the amazing sword power.


Beat the soul!

Soul flying soul completely died, leaving only an empty shell body.

Third stronghold!

Fourth stronghold!


With Yu Nianxin, Chen Zong continued to remove the strongholds to eliminate the three major tumors at the fastest speed, regardless of which one, as long as the distance was close enough.

And Chen Zong's killing speed is extremely fast, without wasting the slightest time to avoid being reacted by other strongholds.

Kill kill!

Killing silently, his hands are not stained with the slightest blood, but the killing is heavy.

The sixth stronghold, this is a stronghold of worship, or not a general stronghold, but the chief religion of worship.

The void was torn by the force of extreme force, and the amazing divine power poured out from the fissure like a torrent of a dyke, violent and extremely fierce, as if to destroy the mountains.

The demon comes and crosses the border.

Just because his sect was to be destroyed by Chen Zong, once it was destroyed, he lost the stronghold of this side of the universe, and it was no longer possible to enter this side of the universe.

You know, it cost a lot of money before you finally stepped into this universe. Now if you lose it, the loss can be very heavy.

So he came, to eliminate the threat.

Chen Zong looked involuntarily.

Spirit level!

It turned out to be a spirit-level demon power, very good.

If it is the God Lord, then you have to be very cautious, because the strength of the God Lord is extremely arrogant, even the weakest God Lord, I am not sure to defeat it, if a strong God Lord, life-saving is good.

In the eyes of Chen Zong, the spirit and **** level is a spirit and **** level. If he himself refines and absorbs it, he can also be further improved and become closer to completeness.


Chen Zong estimates that once he has reached a perfect state, even if he does not use Zhenhaizhu, with his own patience, it is enough to contend with the general ancestor class.

What does that mean?

It means that after that, I will surpass the level of the Great Sword Saint and truly step into the level of the ancestor, even if it is just the more ordinary level of the ancestor. Not weak level.

The divine power became more and more vast, and the more powerful and arrogant became more and more amazing. Chen Zong did not interrupt, but let the divine power come.

Finally arrived, Yu Nianxin retreated to the side. This arrogant breath made her know that this demon is a spirit and **** level that transcends the true **** level, which is beyond her power.

When that demon came across the boundary completely and came to the outer universe, Chen Zong also erupted in an instant, releasing the mighty Jianwei, and then the inner universe.

Inside the universe and outside, the big star sword realm, Zhenhai realm!

If you do n’t do it, Chen Zong ’s shot is all-out, in order to prevent this demon and strong from escaping.


As soon as the poor spirit-level demon-powered man arrived, he had not yet fully demonstrated his power. Before he could exit, he immediately felt imprisoned around him, along with his proud body of demon-devil. It was suppressed in an instant, and the invisible pressure was so extreme that it looked like an ancient god, making it difficult to move immediately.

break out!

Because of the kind of panic in the heart, a burst of strength broke out in an instant, even if it caused some damage to itself.

However, it was too late, and there was a dazzling glare in front of the eyes, which was extremely subtle at first, but became fiery in an instant, filled with eyes, as if it were a world.

Triple God Xiaoxiao!

When Chen Zong shot, he did his best, and did not leave the slightest chance for this spirit-level demon. One shot was a lore, and he would take the life of this demon under a sword.

Can't escape!


This demon was directly hit by the triple **** Xiaoxiao, the terrible sword and sword energy entered the body, raging wildly, destroying and destroying its vitality, even the tyrannical demon body could not resist the slightest.



Divine intake!

The whole process is very short, from beginning to end in less than one breath.

This poor spirit-level demon has just arrived, and before he has time to exert his powerful strength, he has already been terminated.

Chen Zong glanced at the spirit-level deity, without hesitation, directly absorbed it into the inner universe and quickly refined it.

At first, it took some time for Chen Zong to refine the spirit and god-level deity, but now it only takes less than three breaths to refining. After the three breaths, this spirit and god-level deity was thoroughly refined by Chen Zong. I also feel that my cultivation has improved a bit, but it is not obvious.

"If you want to upgrade Xiu to a perfect state, it is estimated that three god-level deities are needed." Chen Zong involuntarily estimated: "If it is a spirit-god-level deity, it is estimated that hundreds of articles are needed."

Thinking of this, Chen Zong could not help but grin.

Three god-level deities are equal to three god-level demon powers. How difficult it is to kill three god-level demon powers.

Moreover, depending on their current strength ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Under normal circumstances, a **** master cannot be killed at all, and may even be counter-killed.

Therefore, it is impossible to kill the three god-level demon powers.

As for killing hundreds of deity-level gods and demon strong, hey, deities of demon-level demon and strong to the current Chen Zong, it is not difficult to kill in a one-to-one situation, even if it is a pair To kill them in the case of two or even one to three, it just takes more time and power.

But where to find the Lark God-level demon power?

It seems only possible to break into the demon world.

Let ’s not say that you ca n’t enter the realm of the demon. Even if you can, you ca n’t do it. The realm of the demon is the real world of the demon. The strength in the demon world is definitely stronger than in other worlds.

Gently shook his head to set aside these thoughts. It would be useless to want more. Everything depends on the chance. As for the other, let's get rid of the three major tumors first.

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