Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 88: 24 great holy places

In the mighty universe, countless stars flicker endlessly, containing infinite mysteries.

Lights of different colors and breaths erupted at an astonishing speed. They flew across the sky and stirred up the sky. There were eight in total, and each of them emitted strong fluctuations in the level of the Great Holy Land.

The eight great holy realms are the great holy realms of the Holy Land Alliance. At this moment, they all set off and gathered together at an extreme speed.

Chen Zong is headed, followed by the ancient Yuan Dasheng, the third generation of Taihao, and so on. As for Yu Nianxin, the fourth generation of Taihao is guarding Taihao Mountain.

"Everyone, this is a virtual sky boat. It is fast and can hide the atmosphere." Gu Yuanda Sheng took out a palm-sized black flying boat and immediately shook it. The black flying boat turned into a streamer and shot into the distance, quickly. Enlarged into a hundred-meter-long crescent-shaped flying boat, exuding a wonderful breath.

If this breath is absent, it seems to exist and does not exist.

The ancient Yuan Dasheng first entered the flying boat, and other big holy realms also entered one after another. This flying boat was completely restrained by the operation of the ancient Yuan Dasheng, and entered the void sandwich, moving forward rapidly.

In this way, it will be more secretive, and it will not be easy to be discovered by people of Purgatory Demon Gate and Infernal Demon.

Silently and silently, but at a fast speed, quickly flew towards the location of the Purgatory Demon Gate headquarters, and did not take too long to arrive.

"Is this the place?"

Everyone is a great sacred state, superb. At this moment, under the reminder of Chen Zong, he felt more carefully at once, and finally felt where the purgatory demon gate was. At the same time, listening to Chen Zong's story, his heart was even more shocked .

"It's so secretive."

"No wonder I haven't been able to find it all this time, thanks to Wushuang Swordmaster."

"Now that you find it, you can destroy the Purgatory Demon Gate in one fell swoop, and then wipe out the Infernal Demon."

Not only was the headquarters of Purgatory Demon Gate found by Chen Zong, but also the headquarters of Inferno Demon was found.

However, the strength of the Holy Land Alliance is limited, and it is not possible to attack in two ways at the same time. In order to prevent anybody, no one knows what kind of power and what kind of power are in the headquarters of Purgatory Demon Gate and Inferno Demon danger.

The virtual sky boat is very secretive. It quietly entered the first mezzanine, and was not affected. It continued to move forward, then broke the film and entered the second mezzanine. But here, the virtual sky boat began to be affected. However, it is not very strong. Until entering the third mezzanine, the influence of the virtual sky boat began to become strong.

Mezzanine, there are as many as five, now it is only the third.

When entering the fourth lane, the virtual sky boat was greatly affected. It could only be put away, and it could no longer be used.

"This feeling!"

As soon as they broke away from the virtual sky boat, they lost the defense of the virtual sky boat, and everyone immediately felt that there was no vitality here, and the turbulence of the heaven and earth road directly affected their strength.

The most important thing for practitioners is the control and application of the avenue, followed by cultivation. When both are affected, it will directly affect the exertion of one's strength.


You need to be more cautious. If you are found here by Purgatory Demon Gate, no one knows what dangers you will face.

Headed by Chen Zong, with the convergent breath of everyone, he made a slow breakthrough, breaking through the fourth interlayer and entering the fifth interlayer.

After the fifth mezzanine, the feeling of being disturbed has become stronger. In such places, except for Chen Zong, the other seven great holy realms can hardly exert their strengths, at most they are small holy realms. Just strength.

Before the fifth interlayer film, Chen Zong eight stopped.

"You, this should be the last layer." Chen Zong said, "Once you break through this layer, it will cause the vigil of the purgatory demon gate to be directly attacked by that time, and you are ready."

"Rest assured, Wushuang Swordmaster, already prepared."

"Be prepared, just wait to get into the old nest of Purgatory Demon Gate."

A great holy realm has said that their eyes are shining brightly, and if they are not worried about being discovered, they have already erupted into extreme fluctuations.

Get ready to break through.

Instantly when the last layer of film was torn through.

In the old nest of Purgatory Demon Gate, a statue of a standing demon **** immediately trembled, and his eyes burst into red light, extremely evil.

"what happened?"

"The demon **** warned, someone came in."

"Kill, no matter who breaks in, they all kill."

This is where the old nest of the Purgatory Demon Gate is. The old nest should be the most secretive and will not be found. They only have a stable base camp. Even if the battle fails, there is a place to rest and rest. They can recover again and have a comeback. Ability.

Now, how could anyone accept that Lao Chao was invaded?



No matter who it is?

No matter what its origin?

As long as you dare to invade the base camp, you will have to kill all of them.

Immediately, the people of Purgatory Demon Gate acted one after another, and the master of Purgatory Demon Gate exuded an extremely terrible breath.

Although the attack of Tai Haoshan failed in conjunction with Wujian Demon, and the loss was great, there is still a powerful force in the old nest of Purgatory Demon Gate.


Statues of demon gods trembled one after another, countless dust fragments falling from their bodies, and the terrible breath permeated from the bodies of those statues, turning into a burst of strong wind howling and impacting It drove away, constantly colliding with each other, and it turned into a hurricane roar.

There are as many as twenty-four statues of such demon gods. After the debris on each statue is completely dropped, the five-meter-high demon body becomes more horrible, and it emits ripples. , The constant impact went away.

The breath was like a storm raging. Immediately, the twenty-four demon gods burst out with amazing power and rushed out of the cave.

The breath of astonishment directly oppressed everything across the sky, as if it were overwhelming, as if one side of the sky collapsed and oppressed, directly calling Chen Zong and others to feel a big change.

Great Holy Land!

Turned out to be the breath fluctuation of the Great Holy Land level.

Within the old nest of the Purgatory Demon Gate, there is still a strong person in the Great Sacred Realm. This is not surprising to everyone. The owner of the Purgatory Demon Door is a peak of the Great Holy Realm itself.

But now, it ’s not as simple as one, two, three great holy places.

Among the inductions, there are 24 of them, each of which is at the level of the Great Sacred Realm, and the breath fluctuations emitted by each of them are extremely evil and fierce.

Twenty-four Great Holy Realms!

how can that be?

The Purgatory Demon Gate has such a powerful power that it has been able to sweep the outer universe. Even if it is a holy land in the heyday, the number of Great Holy Places will not exceed 20. What about the Purgatory Demon Gate?

Counting the twenty-four statues here plus the ones that were defeated before, there are even more, so powerful enough to sweep everything.

Why did n’t Purgatory Demon Gate do that?

As everyone knows, although the twenty-four statues of the Purgatory Demon Gods are powerful, they cannot escape from the old nest of the Purgatory Demon Gate. They can only be used as guards to guard the base camp. Otherwise, the Purgatory Demon Gate has already taken them out, and no holy place can resist it. It will be flattened and swept away.

"You must be careful." Chen Zong said, with the strong induction, Chen Zong's sense of the great sacred realm is not only the twenty-four Taos, or the twenty-four Taos that have now erupted. The atmosphere of the environment is almost the same, with the same root and the same intensity, which is equal to the level just broke through to the Great Sacred Realm.

In addition, there are three more powerful great sanctuary atmospheres that are hidden and have not erupted. One of them directly reached the peak of the great sanctuary.

Purgatory Demon Gate Master!

Although their breath is very secretive, Chen Zong's mixed-heart mentality is more subtle and directly senses them all.

At the same time, the twenty-four demon gods killed one after another, their breath traversed the sky, the black and red continued to permeate, and the monsters were extremely fierce, as if they came from hell, terrible, covering everything directly ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ In the distance, the purgatory demon gate master also saw the offender.

"Chen Zong, the Sword Master of Wushuang, turned out to be him!" The heart of the Purgatory Demon Gate unconsciously jumped violently, and an inexplicable sense of astonishment suddenly grew from his heart and then burst out.

Helpless, when he attacked Taihao Mountain before, he was very clear about the powerful strength of the star swallowing crocodile, but was destroyed by the warrior Sword Master Chen Zong. The 10,000-meter-tall water giant was too terrifying. He was so horrified that he did not dare to confront Chen Zong at all, because he was very clear that with his own strength, he was not enough to compete, and even the opponent ’s lore could not be blocked.

Unexpectedly, this Chen Zong actually invaded here.

"How did he find it?" The purgatory demon gate's master gritted his teeth, but he was very puzzled, obviously he was very secretive, but he was still found. How did the other party find it?

Puzzled, extremely puzzled.

"Since it's here, then don't try to leave alive." The eyes of the purgatory demon gate's eyes slowly bursting into hate and exaggeration: "Here is my Shenmen base camp. Here, our strength is stronger. You will be captured and refined into oracles in order to conquer the Quartet and be invincible. "

The strength of Wushuang Swordmaster is extremely tyrannical, it is the peak of the great holy realm, and even the horrible existence that can kill the cosmic monster alone. If such a person is refined into a deity, it will directly become the strongest of the gate of God. The combat power will not only sweep the Holy Land Alliance, but also defeat Inferno Demon, and truly dominate the universe.

Thinking of this, the purgatory demon gate master became more and more determined to take down Chen Zongqian, even if it paid a price, it is not impossible. After all, the benefits of refining Chen Zong as a **** are so great that he just thought about it. , I felt the heart beating.

Fighting broke out, and fierce fighting began.

Eight to twenty four!

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