Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 89: Absolute combat power

Twenty-four infernal demon gods have come to their deaths, and suffocation has come under pressure, making it difficult for people to breathe. Except for Chen Zong, the other seven Great Holy Realms are extremely dignified and have a feeling of being suppressed by the invisible devil. , As if falling into the incomparable magic sea vortex, it is to be broken.

With a bang, Chen Zong immediately released the inner universe, directly covering 100,000 meters, resisting the scourge of the twenty-four purgatory demon gods, and the seven great holy realms also released their own avenues and opposed them. stand up.


The eight great holy realms were dispersed immediately, keeping a certain distance, separating the twenty-four infernal demon gods and preventing them from forming a siege, because the breaths of the twenty-four demon gods were the same and had the same root. , It is very likely to be good at joint attack, if the formation of the encirclement trend, I'm afraid that more powerful power will erupt.

Chen Zong's strength is the most powerful, and he directly enlists eight infernal demon gods and directly incorporates them into the outer universe. The star fields of the stars are urged and the stars are blinking. The power of the outer universe is doubled and its repression is suddenly suppressed. The power is stronger.

However, it is still not enough to suppress the eight mighty purgatory demon gods.

The dark blue water swept out of the air, and between the mighty, it suddenly permeated in all directions, integrated into the inner universe and put it inside, making the suppression of the inner universe soar.


The eight purgatory demon gods were suppressed at once. There was a certain relationship between the breath and power between them. It kept erupting, but it was difficult to break such repression.

The endless breath, however, is a constant gathering from all sides, rushing into the body of the purgatory demon **** to help them continue to resist and struggle.


Chen Zong waved his sword and exploded immediately. The sixteen swords of light ruptured the sky and killed directly, killing one of the purgatory demon gods directly. The sharp sword edge was astonishing. He suddenly broke the purgatory demon god's arrogant body, but However, Chen Zong's expression changed slightly, and Jian Feng's touch made him know that the body of this purgatory demon **** was too arrogant, and his swordplay was just barely broken.

You know, the Mind Sword is now the best holy weapon level, the sharp edge is amazing, and the sharp edge of the single-minded swordsmanship is even more terrifying. In this case, it just barely broke its defense and did not kill it. The arrogance is really terrible.

The demon gods broke out one after another, releasing a violent attack, one punch after another, one claw, and one claw. The power of each blow was extremely powerful, and there was a fascinating power to break through the inner universe and the outside.


In an instant, they were bombarded to death, and the power of each blow was extremely powerful. They could easily smash the mountains and relentlessly bombarded Chen Zong.

Chen Zong did not intend to resist. Although the defense of the universe is very amazing, and his body strength is very high, but there is no need for it. After all, he is a sword repair. The universe's true body and arrogant physique are for better survival. You don't need to fight against the enemy specifically, unless it can't be avoided.

The body flickered, and immediately avoided the eight powerful attacks, and the body and sword were broken and killed directly.


It doesn't need to erupt completely. One sword **** Xiao, the speed of the sword is extremely fast, and it is also sharp.


The extremely powerful demon **** was suddenly penetrated through the body. The sword air was raging in his body and destroyed madly, but the endless breath continued to surge from all directions, even the inner universe and the outer space could not be isolated. The body of the Purgatory Demon God made his heavy injury heal quickly.

In this scene, Chen Zong frowned slightly.

The powerful body, amazing defense, and the help of the atmosphere here, once wounded, you can quickly heal, how can such a powerful enemy kill?


Very difficult!

"Hahahaha, consume, exhaust their power." In the distant hidden place, the viewer of the Purgatory Demon Gate, secretly excited and anticipated.

In the Shenmen base camp, the demon deities almost claimed to be immortal because of the strength of the base camp.

Strong body, aggressive attack, amazing self-healing ability, difficult to kill, extremely fast recovery, such a demon **** is terrible, even if the overall strength is not as good as the opponent, you can also consume the opponent to death.

At that time, you can get eight great holy realms and refine them into shrines, and the power of the gate of God will directly increase, especially one of them is the most powerful existence like Wushuang Sword Master, refined into shrines, will Push the outer universe invincibly and dominate the universe.

What a wonderful future.

On the other side, the Seven Sacred Realms have also fallen into hard battle.

Chen Zong alone fought eight purgatory demon gods, and there were only 16 left. The strength of the ancient Yuan Dasheng was second only to Chen Zong. One man fought alone three purgatory demon gods. Holy, but there is no great difference, so one person fights three purgatory demon gods alone, and the remaining ten purgatory demon gods are divided by two other five holy realms.

A single purgatory demon **** can not be called as strong, but once there are two purgatory demon gods, they can form a joint force, which greatly increases their strength, and the combination of three purgatory demon gods is even more terrible.

As a result, the seven holy places of the seven practitioners fell into hard battles, and fell directly into the downwind, only to support them bitterly.

If this situation continues, if there is no accident, it will most likely be exhausted, and it will be caught alive at that time. Once caught alive, the consequences will be very bad.

But if they do get there, they would rather blow themselves up than be caught alive.

Explode, you can also pull a few backs.

In another place, Chen Zong, one of the eight infernal demon gods who fought alone, broke out again. A sword swept across the sky, the real sun rolled up, bursting with unparalleled light and fiery heat. It seemed to be able to burn between these fiery rolling Everything, everything to ashes.


For a long time, Chen Zong has not used Tai Hao to defeat the enemy, but this does not mean that Tai Hao's power is weak. On the contrary, with Chen Zong's continuous deduction and perfection, Tai Hao's power is also in A little bit of refinement became even more overbearing.

Tai Hao is extremely violent. Its high temperature burns everything, and it is extremely horrible. At this time, it is extremely suitable to perform it.

A sword blasted out, the real sun rolled, burning endless flames to burn everything, and directly bombarded a purgatory demon god.

Under the suppression of the inner universe, the Purgatory Demon God couldn't avoid such a brutal blow. After being struck instantly, the brutal body was difficult to resist, and it was immediately broken. The terrible high temperature burned uncontrollably.

The endless breath came from the outside in an attempt to repair it, but under the burning of the fire of Tai Hao, the breath was continuously weakened.

Too Hao Too Hao Too Hao!

Sword after sword exploded, with Chen Zong's current practice as a pedantic student like Tai Zhan, as long as it was not three times the burden, the burden would not be obvious, and more than a dozen swords could be burst in succession.

In a hurry, rounds of true sun blasted away, hitting seven other purgatory demon gods one after another, and directly burned.

In addition, Chen Zong's attack was very rhythmic, and he directly purged the eight deities.

The demon gods all bombed together and gathered together.

break out!

three times!

Eternal stars!

A huge star phantom seems to be dragged out of eternal time and space, with a majestic atmosphere, which suppresses all directions at once, and time and space are frozen.

Three times the ancient stars exploded directly, striding away, crushing everything.


Even though the purgatory demon god's body is arrogant and defensive, it can't resist the slightest. Under this terrible eternal star, he is crushed and crushed.


Originally severely damaged by Taihao's extinction, it has not been restored, but now it has been hit by three times the ancient stars and has been broken apart.

The infernal demon **** here is indeed an amazing speed of recovery, it can be called immortal, but it is not truly immortal. As long as it is completely crushed, it will be difficult to recover.

What's more, after being smashed by three times the ancient stars, the fire of Taihao continued to burn, burning to ashes, completely turning into nothingness, preventing the possibility of regeneration.


Under Chen Zongjian, the eight purgatory demon gods died one after another. This scene suddenly called the purgatory demon gate master directly in imagination.

how come?

how come!

Just a simple face-to-face, how could a powerful demon **** be bombarded and killed into slag?

How can the strength of this unparalleled swordsman be so terrible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ terrible to such a degree.

The eight purgatory demon gods were all blasted into slag, and the remaining purgatory demon gods were afraid they could not support it.

Chen Zong attacked directly, killing one of the demon gods with a sword in an instant, but the sword was so powerful that he did not penetrate the demon god, but struck it.

The speed of the sword is extremely fast, and it is like an aurora moment. When it is killed, six demon gods are hit at the same time and directly hit a ball.

Three times too much!

The huge Zhenyang bombarded and directly hit the six purgatory demon gods.

Triple the ancient stars!

The ancient stars attacked, crushing everything crushed.

Six demon demon gods were crushed and burned into ashes under the outbreak of Chen Zong's trick, and no longer exist.

In just three breaths, fourteen of the twenty-four demon gods were killed by Chen Zong, and only ten remained, threatening to decrease sharply.

"Come back." The purgatory demon gate master immediately recalled the ten purgatory demon gods, because if it was not recalled, the strength of Chen Zong, the Warrior Sword Saint, would be enough to kill them all.

The speed of the ten purgatory demon gods is extremely fast, and they are directly transformed into ten streamers and they are far away from each other at a rapid speed.


Chen Zong and others immediately pursued it, the speed was extremely fast, especially headed by Chen Zong, the strength is the most tyrannical, and it is reassuring like a backing.

I believe that Chen Zongzai, the Wusong Sword Master, can be overcome even if it encounters any danger. For example, the twenty-four infernal demon gods in the past, if there is no Wusong Sword Master, the consequence is that they are exhausted. Finally, Either pull a few backs by yourself, or be captured and refined as a puppet, and fight for the Quartet of Purgatory Demon Gate.

Fortunately, there are no two soldiers to attack the Infernal Demon. Otherwise, if the Infernal Demon does not have such a background as the Purgatory Demon Gate, let alone destroy it, it is still unknown whether it can survive.

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