Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 90: The last madness of the host

This continent is owned by the Purgatory Demon Gate, and it took a lot of time to cast it. There are many strange beasts running on it. They are new breeds developed by the Purgatory Demon Gate for many years. They exist in two ways. effect.

The first is to provide materials for further research on the Purgatory Demon Gate.

The second is to provide troops for the Purgatory Demon Gate to fight the Quartet.

The strength of these strange beasts is not very strong, at most it is a semi-holy level, and it cannot be a high-end combat force, but it is very useful as a military force.

No one in Chen Zong paid attention to those strange beasts. As long as the people in the purgatory demon gate were truly killed, these strange beasts would eventually become the training targets of the holy disciples.

During the pursuit, came to the center of the mainland, there was a palace with a weird shape, just like the head of a giant demon, with three horns pointing directly above the sky, containing an amazing power that seemed to pierce the sky.

The ten purgatory demon gods are immersed in this huge demon skull palace.

Chen Zong and others paused and felt that the scent of the demon head palace was very vague and terrible, as if some ancient demon was sleeping, and once waking up, it would destroy the world.

This feeling made Chen Zong and others feel frightened, so they were reluctant to rush in, lest they encounter something unexpected.

No matter how cautious it is in the strong base camp.

Even if Chen Zong's strength is extraordinary, after stimulating Zhenhai Zhu's strength, he will be able to transcend the great holy realm, and he is unwilling to risk such inexplicable viciousness.

Because Chen Zong is very clear that his own strength is not enough, even stronger than himself, even if there is an upper limit of power in the outer universe, but there are always exceptions.

For example, oneself is an exception. The power that stimulates Zhenhai Zhu can break that ceiling. Who can guarantee that no one has control over the treasure?

Even though the treasure is rare and precious, it still exists.

break out!

Zhenhai Zhu urged, Zhenhai Realm suddenly spread, turbulent and violent, endless, Chen Zong also cut out with one of the sword, the sword light stretched directly, turned into a volley of hundreds of meters in size, chopped to the huge The demon head palace wants to cut it.

However, the mighty Jianguang was enough to wreck the great sacred realm, but it could not cut through the palace. When Jianguang cut the palace, there was a touch of luster on the surface, and a flash passed, the luster was extremely tough. , Resisting Jian Guang's slash and at the same time counter-shocked a force, breaking that Jian Guang.

This scene immediately shocked everyone.

The strength of Wushuang Swordmaster is the most powerful of them. The one sword made them feel tremor, but they didn't want the demon skull palace to be changed, let alone them.

However, this sword is not Chen Zong's most powerful move. In this case, it broke out.

The rumbling sounded suddenly, and between the seas rushing, they constantly rushed up into the sky, and then condensed into a giant, a giant of 10,000 meters of water, once again appeared, emitting terrible sword power, suppressing all directions.

"It's amazing."

Although it was not the first time I saw it, I could not help but marvel at the seven holy places when I watched it at such a close distance and felt the horror atmosphere contained in it.


Extremely arrogant, terribly arrogant, the kind of breath that made them feel terrified and shudder from the heart.

Immediately, I saw the huge palm in the depth of the 10,000-meter-tall water giant grabbing towards the sea below, grabbing a 8000-kilometer-long dark blue sword. The sword emitted by the giant sword was imposing and terrifying. When it appeared, it seemed to suppress the octagonal quadrupole.


As the great sword was lifted up, there was a burst of horrible sounds, constant shocks and shocks, and the void on the edge even shattered.

The 10,000-meter-high giant of water holds the eight-kilometer sword of water. This is the strongest form that Chen Zong can inspire. The form that transcends the level of the Great Sacred Realm has fought fiercely with the ancient ancestors of the ancient Phoenix. Strong form.

In a hurry, there seemed to be a roaring sound behind the 10,000-meter-tall giant of water, as if it was introduced into ancient time and space, and the invisible chains condensed into the depths of the void, and then dragged fiercely. Dragged a huge round of 100,000 meters of stars.

Eternal stars!

After the Zhenhai Pearl is evoked, it will form the area of ​​Zhenhai, which is a water property. The 10,000-meter giant and the 8000-meter giant sword formed from this also contain the strong power of water.

Such power is naturally unsuitable for the Taihao Peerlessness, because the Taihao Peerlessness is biased towards the nature of fire. It is difficult to increase its power by exerting it with the giant of water, but it will be damaged and weakened.

The most suitable is the trick of the ancient stars, crushing everything with a force that crushes the front.

The 100,000-meter star phantom was dragged out, as if penetrating through time and space, and permeated with immense horror, suppressing all amazing power, and all the emptiness around it was frozen.

Then, as the giant of the water was cut out with a sword, the ancient stars were also pushed forward and shot down instantly.

break out!

The power of terror erupted completely, and a shot beyond the Great Holy Realm was shot down. He ruthlessly blasted to the demon skull palace with a layer of light flashing on it. It instantly became dazzling and radiated amazing power. .

With a bang, the ancient stars directly bombarded the light of the demon skull palace, and they immediately opposed each other. The ancient stars with strong forces to break and crush them, and the light of the demon skull palace was pulsating like water. Resist the bombardment of this ancient star stupidly, let it not be broken, and continue to shake the counterattack, to break up the ancient star.

The creaking sound kept ringing. It was the overwhelming sound of the demon's skull palace. It was a sound that could not bear the bombardment of the stars of all ages. The light flickered increasingly fiercely, which meant that the layer of protection was difficult to support.

The attack of the Great Holy Realm is indeed difficult to break through that layer of protection, but the power of Chen Zong's sword surpassed the Great Holy Realm and reached the level of the Holy Ancestor directly.

The upper limit of the outer universe's strength is the Great Sacred Realm, which wants to reach the level of the ancestor, unless using the power of the Supreme Treasure.

However, the treasure is rare and very rare.

At least Chen Zong has not heard of it in the outer universe, and it has not been recorded in Taihaoshan's classics. Even if it does exist, it is estimated that it is very rare, very few, and hundreds or thousands of times less than the inner universe.

Within the demon skull palace, ten purgatory demon gods at the level of the great holy realm all stand quietly around, and three great holy powers of the holy realm also appear among them, one of which is the master of the purgatory demon gate.

Feeling that the palace's protection was being attacked, and it was about to break apart, the Lord of Purgatory Demon Gate's look changed dramatically.

"For the sake of today, this can only be the case." The purgatory demon gate master gritted his teeth.

They are all Warriors of the Sword. If it weren't for him, then Taihao Mountain had been destroyed by them, and even the Holy Land Alliance was now finished, and the outer universe would soon fall into their hands.

But if not, this is how the Warriors Sword Master returned. It returned at the most critical moment, and showed a terrible strength, repeatedly destroying the plans and actions of Shenmen, and now it is directly killing the base camp.

Bullying too!

It ’s just, how can that be?

Strength is strength, and strength is strength. If they are powerful, they can be unscrupulous and do not need to hide their base camp.

"Immolate." The purgatory demon gate master gritted his teeth, his eyes were scarlet, his heart was angry and cold.

This is the last method. It is the method he does not want to use, because the cost is too high and full of uncontrollable. Once this step is taken, it will be a dead end and there is no room for turning.

Once carried out, this Shenmen base camp is also very likely to be destroyed and difficult to rebuild, and the efforts of countless years have come to nothing.

Every effort was wasted.

However, if the sacrifice is not carried out, the palace's defense will not be able to carry the powerful sword of Wushuang Swordmaster. Once it is broken, everyone in the field is not an opponent. All of them will be suppressed and killed.

Thinking of that consequence, the purgatory demon gate master couldn't help going crazy.


The last craziness.

Suddenly, with the order of the purgatory demon gate master, the ten purgatory demon demon gods of the sacred level erupted in an astonishing atmosphere, and then burned. The black and red flames were fierce, burning more and more exuberant. Its breath became stronger and more intense.

Immediately, the ten demon gods rushed to the vortex at the center, and the vortex was not large. It was about one meter in radius ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, floating slowly in the middle of the air, when a purgatory demon When the **** charged and rushed in, the vortex suddenly trembled, as if a mouth was swallowing it. Immediately, a layer of black-red flame was burned, and the vortex expanded to ten meters.



One after another rushed to the past, rushing into the vortex and being swallowed continuously. With the swallow, the vortex also continued to expand, and soon expanded from the original one meter to the size of ninety-nine meters. Black and red flames were burning around, and the flames were strange.

Next to the huge black-red flame vortex, the void gradually became chaotic and distorted, and the flow of time in it was also greatly affected. It also became extremely chaotic.

Time and space are all distorted, as if they are detached from this space-time.

When the ten purgatory demon gods were completely submerged, the vortex was always fixed at the size of 99 meters.

"Not enough. It's one meter short, not enough." The purgatory demon gate owner was anxious.

If it is less than a hundred meters, then the sacrifice cannot be successful, and if it fails, nothing is left.

Immediately, a flash of viciousness flashed through the eyes of the Purgatory Demon Gate's eyes, and he immediately shot up to suppress the two great holy realms and threw them into the vortex.

The obvious gap in strength and unpreparedness directly caused them to fall into the vortex and be swallowed up and disappeared.

However, the vortex did not finally break through to a hundred meters, and it was always a bit behind.

"how come!"

"How can this be!"

The purgatory demon gate master was shaking all over, almost, just a little worse, but there was no great holy realm.

"You forced me. You forced me. You forced me to a dead end. You all must die, everything must be destroyed." The purgatory demon doorkeeper growled wildly, his body burning, and rushed directly to the vortex.

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