Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 91: Ancient Demon God Comes

Angry and burning.

The purgatory demon door master is crazy, completely crazy, not crazy and not alive.

"An old demon god, I ask you to wake up with your life, come on." In the wild roar, a layer of blood-red flame suddenly burned on the body of the purgatory demon door master, and it became extremely fierce in an instant, and then , Rushing towards the vortex with the last madness.

The last madness of life is so gorgeous and desolate.

When the Lord of Purgatory Demon Gate burned and rushed into the vortex, the protective layer of the palace could not support it, and it was shattered directly under the huge starry shadow of 100,000 meters.


The palace began to collapse, and the power of the eternal stars was extremely powerful and terrifying, crushing everything and invincible.

At the same time, after swallowing the purgatory demon gate master, the vortex finally broke the limit and reached the size of 100 meters. The burning black and red flames became more and more fierce and violent, as if to burn the earth, a terrible one. The breath came out of it, and rushed wildly.

The breath is full of ancient, deep, mysterious, and has a supreme taste, and it is full of evil breath, extremely evil.

With a bang, the one hundred meter vortex seemed to erupt from the inside by an invisible force, soaring directly to the size of a kilometer, and the exhaled breath became more terrifying. Then, an arm extended from it.

It was a terrible arm. It was huge. The first fingers appeared, a total of seven, each one hundred meters long, covered with thick dark cyan scales, each of which was larger than an adult's palm. More than doubled, there seem to be countless patterns inside the scales, which look very mysterious and deep, as if full of mysteries.

The breath of astonishment permeated from the scales, as if it turned into a substance, and the flames swayed endlessly, covering the fingers and arms as if burning.

The fingers are 100 meters long, not to mention the arm, which is extremely huge.

That terrible monster arm appeared as if it appeared from the endless demon abyss. As soon as it appeared, the will of the outer universe immediately vibrated and filled with a terrible breath, and it was suppressed.

The fierce breath also erupted from the demon's arm, fighting against the will of the outer universe, sending out an endless invisible roar, terrible.

Immediately afterwards, I saw the seven fingers of that arm slightly spread out, and they shot towards the 100,000-meter-long vanity star phantom falling from above. It seemed like the sky was falling apart, and the entire vanity star phantom seemed to have no resistance. It was crushed directly.

Although the vanguard of the ancient stars also consumed a lot of power when smashing the palace's protection, the remaining power is still terrible, and it can easily suppress the great holy realm, but it is crushed by this huge demon arm. How terrible.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of Chen Zong and others.

"What's that?" The ancient Yuan Dasheng and others suddenly changed their expressions, terrified, and felt only a fierce and violent breath invading. The breath seemed to originate from the ancient space and time, and it was coming continuously. Then, the horror was boundless, just a trace of breath made them chill all over the body, and the spirits trembled, as if they were about to fall into boundless purgatory.


Extremely frightening, and at this moment, after a huge and terrible demon arm crushed the ghost of the ancient stars, he just stunned and slammed at eight people such as Chen Zong.

The seven fingers, as if they were transformed into seven celestial pillars, were constantly enlarged in the eyes of eight people, and the breath of breath was also permeated, making people fall from the abyss forever.

Seven people, such as Gu Yuan Da Sheng who was about to retreat, suddenly stopped. They didn't want them not to retreat, but they were suppressed. The breath contained in the slap was suppressed.

Chen Zong's expression changed greatly, and he was horrified. Between his eyes, he only felt that the giant demon's palm was zooming in front of his eyes quickly, as if instead of replacing the sky with the void, he suppressed everything directly. Feeling of resistance.

Since you can't resist, don't resist at all, that's it.

Sink. Sink now. Give up all resistance and don't struggle.

The seven great holy realms have become blind, even the most powerful peak holy realm ancient Yuan Dasheng, and the third generation Taihao of Kendo Xeon Jianyi is unavoidable.

Only Chen Zong has not completely fallen.

break out!

Constantly erupting, the sword's meaning became more tyrannical, breaking the feeling of sinking, but this sinking feeling continued to strengthen with the slap of the giant demon's palm, becoming stronger and stronger, and the spirit of the whole person again Once there was a trance, the giants of water were erratic.

break out!

Chen Zong erupted again, and a trace of blackness suddenly grew from the inside of the eight-kilometer water sword, spreading quietly, and the black spread extremely quickly. With a blink of an eye, the eight-kilometer water sword was completely black. , Black paint, deep and boundless, filled with a terrible breath.


Chen Zong burst into full force, a sword suddenly cut out, pouring out everything without reservation, the dark sword light like a rushing current, instantly breaking through the air to kill.

This is the most powerful sword that Chen Zong now has.

Everything in the world returns to the market!

A sword came out, the dark sword light seemed to be endlessly turbulent, surging and boundless, everything that went by was turned into nothingness.

But under the blow of the demon's arm, this dark sword-qi frenzy was also constantly broken and dissipated.

In the end, before it even touched the arm of the demon, it completely disappeared.

This scene, suddenly called Chen Zong shocked inexplicable.

how come!

You have to know that you urged Zhenhai Zhu to explode all the heavens and earth under the full force of the sword. It is a sacred ancestor level. Even if the ancient ancestors face this sword, they dare not despise it. Don't dare to resist, otherwise you will suffer.

But such a mighty sword disappeared like a small stone into the water.

What level has the power of this arm reached?


I couldn't help feeling trembling, and trembling from the heart, it seemed to be a kind of suppression, a kind of suppression of the essence of life.

It's like the gap between the python and the dragon, and the python can transform the pupa, which is a kind of metamorphosis at the level of life.

But now the demon's arm exudes a terrible breath, which even brings himself a sense of suppression of the level of life, which can't help but stun Chen Zong inexplicably.

On the level, he is the great sacred state, second only to the ancestor. With Zhenhai Zhu, he can have the ancestor-level combat power. Regarding the level of life, the small sacred state and the ancestor are actually the same. The difference is only It lies in the level of strength and strength.

Therefore, even the top ancestors such as the Lord of Ancient Swords, they only surpass themselves in the realm and strength and can suppress themselves, but they are definitely not the suppression of the level of life.

Now, he is suppressed, a kind of suppression of life level.

how come?

What kind of existence is this?

For an instant, Chen Zong's mind flashed into an unknowable place that he had entered during the ancient Jianxuan Wanjian Mountain. At that time, there was a Tongtian God Tower in a piece of space-time debris, and he encountered the first generation of Tai Tower in the Tongtian God Tower. Hao.

From the first generation of Taihao, he learned more information about the core universe, and even was taught the ancient divine language, but the ancient divine language was inscrutable. So far, he has not given up on enlightenment, but Without much gain, it's too difficult.

However, all kinds of information also told Chen Zong to know more secrets.

The ancestor, in the core universe, can be regarded as a strong one, but the one that is stronger than the ancestor still exists, that is to understand the true meaning.

The true meaning of the Tao and the true meaning of the universe, the one who understands the true truth, will transform its own strength. Once the transformation occurs, although it is still the state of the sacred ancestor, the nature of the strength is no longer the same, and its strength is naturally greatly increased.

After realizing the second true truth, not only will the power transform again, but the realm will also break through. At the same time, it will bring about a leap of life level and become a demigod. After the demigod, it is the true god.

So, is the master of this demon arm a god?

It should be a demigod.

Even if it is only a demigod, I don't know how many times to transcend myself. It is not a level at all, just like the gap between a ant and a true dragon.

Demi god!

How come to the outer universe?

Chen Zong, who knows more about mysteries, thinks that is impossible ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Semi-gods can only stay in the core universe, it is impossible to appear in the outer universe at all. The will of the universe does not allow it, not just the outer layer. The will of the universe is not allowed, nor is the will of the core universe.

For the outer universe, the demi-level level is too powerful and superb, and the outer universe simply cannot carry such a powerful existence. If it is hit, the entire outer universe will be affected by this. And fall apart and fall directly into ruin.

But now, why are there such horrible monster arms?

Is this not a demigod?

Just a more unique and powerful life?

Chen Zong didn't understand, and had no more time to think. He could only erupt, and once again exhibited everything in the world, only the Xeon sword can resist a little bit and gain a little time.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately dispersed the giants and swords of the water, and broke out with extreme speed. At the same time, he also pulled the third generation Taihao and the ancient Yuan Dasheng. As for other great holy places, Chen Zong could not Pulling can only wake them up as much as possible, if they let themselves back.

As soon as awakened, the extreme speeds erupted one by one. However, the demon arm also continued to slap, as if it was just a homeopath, but it was difficult to evade.

Bang Bang!

Three of the slower holy holy realms were hit by the palm of that demon one after another. Their powerful strength did not protect their bodies. Instead, they were smashed like watermelons, flesh flew away, and were terrified The intangible flame burned by the breath is directly turned into nothingness.

In this scene, Chen Zong and others suddenly changed their looks and were appalled.

How could it be so horrible!

Such strength completely surpasses the level of Saint Ancestor.

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