Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 92: Reappearance of the Eye of Heaven

The demon's arms seemed to shoot flies. They directly smashed the three Great Holy Realms and turned them into powder puppets. They disappeared completely. The spirit flew away and disappeared, as if they had never appeared. There was no pause, and they continued to move towards Chen. Zong and others patted away.

The slapping of this demon's arm did not seem fast, but it had an endless power, as if it replaced the world, everything was under its cover, and it was impossible to escape at all. The escape now is only temporary, It's just a struggle, the last one.

The ancient Yuan Dasheng and others were horrified to the extreme, desperate to break out, and even burned their own power in exchange for more powerful power and faster speed. Chen Zong looked cold, his eyes were sharp, and all speed broke out. At that time, I can't take care of others.

The opponent is too horrible. Its strength is horrible to the extreme, and the indescribable extreme is not at all a level. The gap is so large that it makes people despair.

How to do?

Helpless, it seems to be desperate, can only wait to die.

However, his childhood experience, his teachings, and subsequent continuous grinding made Chen Zong always uphold his faith of self-improvement, even if he was in despair and he did not give up in the face of despair, he still had to give it a shot, and he would shed some vitality. .

Fighting, fighting, and fighting to the end, even if it fails, there is no regret, because he has already done his best and has no reservations, but if there is no outbreak of fighting, he will still end up Dead, maybe I'm sorry.


Chen Zong doesn't want to die, but sometimes, it's not that you can do what you want, or you can't do nothing if you don't want to.

Why practice?

Why become stronger?

Is it because you want to enjoy that powerful feeling? Still have a long or even endless life?

Both, and all, but in the end, you still have to control yourself.

Maybe a practitioner is not clear enough, but it is an instinct, a kind of instinct that comes from the depths of the bones and souls.

Control yourself, control fate.

Only with great power can we control our own destiny, and we will not be forced to act against our will by the outside world. The stronger and stronger we are, the more we are entitled to be at ease.

But for now, it's not enough, it's not enough.

In this way, only the final outbreak can be carried out.

Zhenhai Zhu!

This is even the treasure, the rare treasure, the precious treasure, which can increase his strength to a level of treasure, but now facing such a danger, Chen Zong had to urge this treasure at the cost of damaging Zhenhai Zhu, overdraft Unearth its power.

break out!

Suddenly, under the control of Chen Zong, Zhenhai Zhu immediately trembled violently, and the seawater inside was turbulent, becoming instantly violent, as if to destroy everything.

The sound of rumbling sounded, and the shock of the weather spread out, and the clicking sound burst suddenly. I saw a crack on the surface of Zhenhaizhu, and the crack expanded rapidly, and eventually spread throughout the entire Zhenhaizhu. Shows a dark blue light.

As soon as this dark blue light appeared, it unleashed an unparalleled horror power, which was several times stronger than the power before when Zhenhai Zhu was urged.

Chen Zong suddenly realized that he was the only one

The broken shell is the bearing of Zhenhai Zhu's power. To a certain extent, it is also a kind of restraint, just like a container. Now that container is broken, the restraint also disappears. Once the restraint disappears, it seems to be crushed. Like the torrent flooding, the terrible power broke out completely.

That **** is also a kind of protection. It binds and protects the power of Zhenhai Zhu. Once used, it can be retracted and recycled again and again.

But now, the **** has disappeared, which is equivalent to the disappearance of protection, and Zhen Haizhu's power has erupted all at once.

These forces, even Chen Zong, who is in charge, are frightened. In front of these forces, they will have no resistance. Fortunately, they are controlled by themselves.


The dark blue power suddenly stretched away under Chen Zong's thoughts, and turned into a dark blue sword with a length of ten meters. There was no hilt and no hilt, only the sword body was enough. Yes, because this sword does not need Chen Zong to hold it by hand, but to directly control it with the hybrid power.

This water sword fluctuates endlessly, permeating the terrible might, far surpassing the time when Chen Zong used the power of Zhenhai Zhu to explode his power completely, even more than several times.

"Everything in heaven and earth returns to the market!" With a low groan, there was a dark light breeding in the depth of the water sword, and then it quickly spread and spread out into a black line stretched apart, but that black diffused the sword The ridge, however, cannot cover all the blades, because the failure of that blade is too aggressive.

Rao is so, the power of this sword has also increased a lot, becoming more and more terrible.


Under the control of Chen Zong's mixed-heart mental power, the ten-meter-long dark blue sword body immediately exploded, and blasted directly toward the demon arm that slammed in the air. The endless terrible demon breath turned into a fire that burned everything crazy , Intending to burn the water sword.

However, the mighty power of Zhenhai Zhu ’s outbreak was terrible and difficult to be wiped out, just because it was a one-time outbreak of Supreme Power, an unrecoverable overdraft outbreak. After this outbreak, it will be exhausted directly and never again Exist again.


Unparalleled arrogance. Such a blow is directly more than ten times the previous full strength. Chen Zong affirmed that the ancestors of the ancient Phoenix could not resist or evade. They would be directly smashed and killed, even if they were arrogant. The extreme master of the ancient sword could not stop such a brutal blow.

Chen Zong's heart was very shy.

I don't know if the blow that erupted at the cost of Zhenhai Zhu's total damage could threaten the demon's arm and rescue himself and others in danger.

Everything, just look at this blow.

With a completely restrained blow, it is difficult to tell from the appearance alone, but the power of it is really terrible and amazing.

Jian Guang came to death, was not worn away by the horrible flame carried by the demon's arm, and finally hit the palm of the demon's arm. After a slight pause, it suddenly burst out and turned into a dark blue with heavy black silk. The tide, each tide also contains the terrible power of destruction, destroys everything, and puts everything into nothingness.

Under the shock of this horrible annihilation tide, the demon's palm stopped for a while, and a terrible force broke out against the violent annihilation tide. The amazing coercion also weakened a lot, and the influence on Chen Zong and others changed. Much weaker.

Zhenhai Zhu, which broke out at the cost of complete destruction, exhibited his strongest sword and everything returned to the market. Its power

It has increased more than ten times, and its power level has also undergone some changes. It has a taste that transcends the realm of the sacred ancestors and changes to the first true truth. It is even more amazing.

The demon's arm completely stopped, Chen Zong and others seized the opportunity and immediately fled and fled away at a rapid speed. According to this situation, there was hope to escape from this place.

Then, the heavy tide of destruction was also broken and consumed, but it also shocked the demon palms to recede layer by layer. The final blow broke the demon palms into a crack, and several scales sputtered with a little blood. Out, as if the meteor burst into the sky, just flew in the direction of Chen Zong.

Sensing this, Chen Zong collected the scales that carried blood very quickly, and walked away without decreasing speed.

The demon's arm was a meal. When it was about to rise again, Chen Zong and others had fled far away and pursued it!

The demon's arm moved again, as if being irritated, and chased wildly with endless fireworks. Wherever it passed, the layers of void collapsed, and the earth burst, and countless strange beasts perched on the earth. Under this terrible breath, the body ruptured, then collapsed and disappeared completely.

Be invincible!

However, Chen Zong and others have been immersed in the space mezzanine formed by the formation method, and have continued to advance, while the demon arm has been pushed out very arrogantly, and the first space mezzanine has been pushed directly under such overbearing force Break and destroy.


Everything can't be blocked, nothing can be blocked, and it is instantly defeated.

Finally, Chen Zong and others rushed out of the Purgatory Demon Gate Base ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and rushed out completely. Then, everything collapsed, as if annihilated, like a grand firework in the universe. A huge arm burst out from the fireworks.

The arm was covered with scales, and the breath became more and more terrifying, and it was constantly growing.


Above, an endless breath emerges quickly, condensing from all directions, containing an indescribable terror that is overwhelming, with an indescribable anger.

Chen Zong knew immediately that it was the manifestation of the will of the universe.

Obviously, the power of this demon's arm is too arrogant, which violates the will of the outer universe, making the will of the outer universe manifest directly, and it will be suppressed.

In general, the will of the outer universe is rarely manifested, unless it is a special case, and now it is a special case and the most dangerous one.

A huge one-eyed eye appeared over the sky, and the one-eyed eye was ten miles in size. The endless rays of light condensed and flowed in the pupils of the eye. The endless power also condensed in it, turning into a thunderous roam Endlessly, the terrifying atmosphere permeated.


Unparalleled strength, amazingly strong.

Chen Zong and others were shocked. With such power, they could easily kill the Great Holy Land.

Suddenly, from the ten-mile-sized one-eyed, a terrifying thunder with a diameter of ten miles was shot down, and he ruthlessly blasted at the expanding demon's arm, direct unavoidable bombardment.

With a single blow, the demon's arms fluttered, and numerous scales were also split, and the blood was evaporated to ashes instantly.

Under that blow, the demon's arm was directly wounded, and a terrible howl suddenly penetrated through the void void, coming out from the deep nest of the purgatory demon gate, shaking the universe and breaking everything.

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