Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 93: Anti-chaos time


Everything is broken, as if the void of the universe is collapsing, the endless darkness spreads quickly, and the terrible fierce atmosphere is rolling like a sea.

In the distance, Chen Zong and others were cold all over the body.


Regardless of the blow from the Eye of Heaven, or the atmosphere fluctuations erupting from the depths of the Purgatory Demon Headquarters at this moment, the sacred realm was imminent and died instantly.

"Not even the ancestors can carry it." Chen Zong secretly said, extremely sure.

Even if it is such a top ancestor of the ancient sword master, it is extremely powerful and can easily defeat ordinary ancestors. It is not as good as this kind of power, far worse than that. It is a power beyond the level of the ancestor.


The home base of the Purgatory Demon Gate began to collapse under that horrible force, and a huge figure seemed to forcibly leap from nothingness, exuding a breath of horror, boundlessness, endless demon, The fire continued to spread, covering hundreds of miles directly.


Hundreds of miles away, the fire of the demon burned madly, the breath emitted was terrifying, it burned everything, and it continued to expand and spread thousands of miles away.


The eye of heaven and earth once again shot down a horrible thunderbolt, and that thunderbolt contained the meaning of ruling, as if to judge all "people" who dared to violate its majesty between heaven and earth.

That shot fell, opening up the cosmic void, illuminating the octagonal quadrupole, and between the eyes of Chen Zong's eyes, it seemed as if he had been split open, and a burst of enlightenment continued to emerge.

Deep and mysterious.

The blow of the Eye of the Tao that day seemed simple, but it contained incomparable mysteries, beyond the imagination. These great wonders of the mystery were incomprehensible, but Chen Zong faintly gained something, only because Chen Zong's understanding and realm are above those great holy realms.

Barely touched, inspired inspiration, all kinds of enlightenments of the past emerged, the collision of aroused a ray of aura, into a burst of enlightenment.

In the depths of Chen Zong's eyes, there seemed to be a ray of sword light, and the constant collision of sword light shocks. It seems that there are many swords practicing swords that are fighting and tearing each other out, thus confirming the sword skill.

That ’s right, each ray of sword light deep in the eyes represents a sword skill. Different sword skills contain their own mysteries, they collide with each other and confirm each other. Chen Zong will be mixed with the mystery of the Yuan Dynasty. To the extreme, it can be done without reservation.

Countless auras are generated during collisions, and are then absorbed and tempered.

As soon as the Eye of Heaven fell down, it shattered the heavy vortex and fog, and directly bombarded one of the huge and terrible bodies, directly wounding it, causing the huge body to make a terrible howl.

"Tiandao, I don't hesitate to return to you from the past, I would not be afraid of you." In the howl, there was another roar. This voice was not heard by others, but Chen Zong understood it because it was Ancient divinity.

Although Chen Zong did not comprehend any mystery after receiving the ancient divine language, he could understand the meaning.

Just because he understood the meaning in that discourse, Chen Zong was even more shocked.

Back in time and space?

What does it mean?

If it is understood literally, it does not mean that this horrible demon came from the past to travel through time and space. How incredible is it from the past to travel through time and space to the present.

There is another explanation, which is that in the past it has died, but now it is alive again.

In short, no matter what kind of explanation, Chen Zong was shocked and incredible.

The Eye of Heaven does not speak, but there is an endless force condensing, more and more cohesive and tyrannical, countless thunders continue to gather, the breath that erupts is becoming more and more terrifying, full of the power of destruction, to destroy everything.

Chen Zong found that the original bright white thunder was actually changing, and the color gradually deepened, and eventually turned into black, a kind of black that seemed to attribute everything to nothingness, which contained the ultimate meaning of destruction, and the darkness was deep and boundless.

This blackness suddenly brought an unspeakable touch to Chen Zong, reminding him of his most powerful sword.

Everything in the world returns to the market!

Wasn't that sword the ruthless extermination that completely destroyed everything?

It is also because of the mighty power of that sword that Chen Zong's perfection is more difficult and takes a long time. But now he has been touched and inspired, and he has started to improve it as a primer.

shoot down!

The eye of heaven erupted again and shot down directly. It was a dark thunder, annihilating all the dark thunder, trying to put everything into nothingness.

"Tiandao, you can't help me." The demon roared again, his body skyrocketed again, directly over 100,000 meters, huge, burning terrible demon flames, and the terror breathed into the sky, immediately, only Seeing a dark light split from its forehead and crush everything.

Collision, the void was directly reduced to nothingness, and the hundreds of miles of space seemed to completely disappear, revealing the interlayer of void, and also the cosmic monsters and dark demons in it, all under this terrible power, were extinct. Ash fly out.

Moreover, Chen Zong also saw the undead world of the interstellar universe.

What a terrible attack.


The will of the universe is furious to the extreme. It has never been so furious. Each attack of this kind of fury consumes its original power, and each consumption takes a long time to recover. Therefore, under normal circumstances, the will of the universe is It wouldn't do that, even if it was the scourge of the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon and the worship of the gods, it did not do so.

Because the three major tumors want to truly shake its roots, but it is not so easy, not to mention the Holy Land Alliance and so on, but it is beyond the tolerance of the Holy Land Alliance, beyond everything, if it does not act to fight back If it does, it is very likely to be destroyed.

"Ancient demon god, if you don't wake up again, you won't have a chance." This demon suddenly burst into a roar, and still only Chen Zong could understand. The roar suddenly spread with excitement, passing through the layers, directly through the void, banging Into a distant place.

After a few breaths, a huge eye suddenly opened in the depths of the basement of the Demon Cult. It was a vertical eye, extremely dark, deep and boundless, like an abyss.

With that one eye opened, the terrible breath spread out, and the ground shook.

"What's going on?" The Master of the Inferno Demon was startled, and other elders and others also felt the shock and were shocked.

This is the base camp of Infernalism, how can this happen?

Feeling the increasingly strong and fierce ancient atmosphere, as if it came from distant space and time, the Master of the Infernal Demon shuddered, seeming to think of something like it, inexplicably excited.

"it is true."

"Is the previous record true? My holy religion really has an ancient **** sleeping here?"

The magic is rolling, the ancient is deep and ferocious, and it is getting richer, and it continues to gush from the depths, constantly diffuses, covering everything. When someone is covered with the dark ancient magic, he unconsciously reveals a look of joy And satisfied look.

That trace of dark magic seems to contain inexplicable power. When integrated into their bodies, they make them feel that their strength has been continuously improved and strengthened, and even their body has been strengthened, moving towards higher and more. Strong level advancement.

This is true of the demon cultists, and so are the elders. Even the demon cult master feels this way. He is the cultivation of the pinnacle of the great holy realm. Now, nourished by this magic energy, it is slowly increasing gradually, it is incredible. You know, at his point, it is difficult to go any further if you cultivate by yourself.

But now, I feel the improvement, which is very wonderful.

However, the music was extremely sad, and the bodies of the believers were filled with magic, and then their vitality was integrated into the magic, as if forcibly swallowed, and then rushed out of the body.


It was just a short moment, and the believers who were immersed in the improvement of strength, followed by the enchantment of each one, became corpses, followed by the elders, and finally the leader of the Infernal Religion.

"No, how can this be so!" The leader of Wujian Demon was shocked, and quickly agitated his strength to fight against it, unwilling to be swallowed up by this ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But everything was just struggling, just futile, because of the difference in strength levels It's too big, and in order to be able to improve itself, the leader of the Inferno Demon has also actively absorbed a lot of magic.

A vitality was completely absorbed and devoured, and then, the unstoppable body broke out.

"No ..." In the sorrow of utter sorrow, the dark and magical spirit rushed out of the body like a demon dragon, and the leader of the Devil's Demon became a dead body in wailing.

The darkened dragons, one hundred meters or ten meters, coiled endlessly on this piece of land, making bursts of roars, and then rushed into the ground.


The whole land suddenly shook violently, and there seemed to be some terrible existence to wake up.


The ground collapsed, and a huge and extremely dark figure also emerged. It was a 10,000-meter-high body. When it appeared, it stood up to the wind and reached 100,000 meters.

This is a one-eyed demon. The whole body emits an extremely terrible breath, and every breath spreads out, as if it can break the world and open up the abyss.

He stood there, the ground crumbled, his footsteps were empty, and the endless atmosphere surrounded him, constantly strengthening.

"Since my ancient demon awakened, the universe should be re-evolving." This terrible demon seemed to mumble to himself, but his voice sounded like a thunderous thunder and tumbling.

"Exactly, the idiot of the ancient demon was stared at by this universe, this is my time." The ancient devil laughed and was happy, the laughter became more and more amazing, and shattered all directions.

The Eye of Heaven is now fully dealing with the ancient demon. Although it feels that the ancient demon is awake, it is unable to cope.

Suddenly, this ancient demon's huge and extremely strong arms were raised, and the endless magic power condensed on him, and the magic light shone.

"Time and Space ... Rebellion!"

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