Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 94: Chaos Reappearance

Time and Space ... Rebellion!

As the one-eyed demon exploded with a full blow, that blow turned into a mighty black light that crushed the celestial poles, and immediately punched out a huge hole in the void of the universe. The magic light swelled like a tidal wave, and the will of the universe was too late to stop.

Just because at this moment, the will of the universe is concentrating its strength against the ancient demon, unable to take care of the one-eyed ancient demon. This is an excellent opportunity to rebuild the will of the universe.

The magic light seemed to be surging and surging, and it continued to diffuse and irritate all directions, making the huge cave wider and wider, as if the curtain was opened, showing the scene behind, it was a void, a gray Chaos-like nothingness.

The gray chaos-like nothingness directly exuded a terrible atmosphere fluctuation, as if it contained an unparalleled mystery, as if it contained an unparalleled crisis.

"Ha ha ha ha, come back to chaos." The one-eyed ancient devil laughed a lot. He has slept for many years. Since the time when he slept in ancient times, the universe has not been broken at that time, and there is no so-called inner core of the outer layer. Some are just a universe, a unified universe, and that universe is called a chaotic universe.

However, due to the war, the chaotic universe shattered and eventually became four layers, with interlayers between each layer.

Now, the ancient demon and the ancient demon are reappearing. Their purpose is very simple: to break the universe and return to chaos.


The outer universe is the weakest of the four universes, and the will of this universe is also the weakest. The ancient demon and the ancient demon are both powerful and demi-gods. The outer universe will only be able to compete if it gathers all its forces.

If it is the will of the inner universe, the ancient demon and the ancient demon may be suppressed because they are difficult to compete. If it is in the core universe, the cosmic will is extremely powerful. The ancient demon and the ancient demon can only be obedient. If they dare to make waves, The consequences are very serious, and they will not only be easily suppressed, but even destroyed.

The persimmon picks up the soft pinch. The ancient demon and the ancient demon also have the same idea, so they have been lurking in the outer universe, falling into a deep sleep, and their strength has been reduced to the extreme. They have not caused the outer universe's attention in the slightest, until now they wake up.

The gray chaos continued to expand and deepen, penetrating through the void interlayer and heading towards the undead world of the interstellar universe.

In the undead world of the interstellar universe, the sacred step strongmen among the undead are startled, only to feel that the sky of this great world seems to be infiltrating, and it seems that a terrible and irresistible force is coming.


The outer universe and the interstellar universe are constantly approaching each other. The proximity of the two universes has caused a collision of breaths and vibrations. The land of the undead mages of the interstellar universe has cracked, and in the outer universe, bursts of storms emerge from nothing This storm raged endlessly and became more violent. When some of the weaker stars were blown, they even started to crack, and they were scratched layer after layer, terrible.

This accident happened suddenly. The power of the outer universe's will was directly damaged and directly wounded. The power of the Eye of Heaven suddenly weakened and fluctuated. It seemed to be difficult to maintain.

"Good opportunity." The ancient demon immediately seized this opportunity, and the horrible and extreme power broke out instantly. The one horn on the forehead lit up again, and endless power emerged incessantly. Among the horns, the light is great, the black-red is extremely deep, and the monster is extremely evil.


This light, the whole body is black and red to the extreme, carrying the terrible force directly into the sky.

The Eye of Heaven was directly bombarded and could not dodge. It could only resist it. However, because of the blow of the ancient demons that reversed the chaotic relationship of time and space, the power of the outer universe's will dropped to the extreme and it could not bear it at all.

The clicking sounds rang directly, and cracks appeared on the heavenly eyes of Ten Mile, spreading quickly, as if they were broken porcelain.

"How come!" Chen Zong stared at this scene with incredible eyes, incredible.

That is the eye of heaven, it is the manifestation of the will of the universe, how could it be broken?

But the fact is right in front of me, and I do n’t have any illusions. The Eye of Heaven is indeed broken, and there are countless cracks, as if they would be broken when touched.

"Come again." The ancient demon roared again, radiating a terrible black-red light from the unicorn again, breaking through all the shots and blasting to the eye of heaven again.


The Eye of Heaven can no longer support it, it is directly crushed, and it instantly turns into countless fragments, which are directly spattered away.

A wailing sounded at the moment when the eye of heaven was crushed. It rang through the heavens and the earth and spread throughout the mighty universe. Drops of crimson blood began to breed from above and then fell.

Cangtian crying blood!

The meaning of sadness permeates the universe.

Chen Zong only felt heavy and empty, as if he had lost something. That scene also called Chen Zong to know that the eyes of heaven were broken, and the sky was sobbing blood, just because the will of the outer universe was also Crushed.

Break the will of the universe!

What a terrible existence is absolutely demigod. In the face of such a super existence, even the will of the universe cannot resist it, and it is not its opponent.

This time, I'm afraid it's really over.

Unfortunately, at the cost of Zhenhai Zhu's complete destruction, he still couldn't escape.

In this case, fight it, fight your life, and you will never stop there.

Chen Zong's eyes lighted up instantly, and there was a touch of decisiveness, which was absolutely so thorough, his eyes were so bright and stern, and as his heart moved forward, there was a conviction that his heart was invincible.

At this moment, everything can't affect Chen Zong's conviction. The faith of perfection, purity, and sincerity is irritating endlessly. It seems to be turbulent, surging, surging, and constantly rising. It motivates the sword to become more and more powerful. Amazing.

The sword is pure and strong, coming out through the body, directly affecting the surrounding void, as if torn apart in time and space. The mixed elemental heart nebula vortex in the inner universe also spins up madly, the speed of rotation has reached the extreme, as if to break The original limit reached another high speed.

The inner universe shook violently.

The one-hearted mixed reality is constantly turbulent.

In Chen Zong's mind, Yu Nianxin's face flashed.

"Mind, I'm afraid I can't see you anymore."

There are also Dad, they do n’t know if they are still alive after all these years. If they are alive, they will not have the chance to see them again.

This is regretful, reluctant, reluctant to die, but helpless, still not strong enough, otherwise, it will not be the case.

However, even if I die, I don't want to die so easily. When I burn myself, the strongest sword out of the sky breaks out. This sword does not seek to kill the demigod demon, but it also hurts.

This is the dignity of Jian Xiu, and it is also the last insistence of Jian Xiu.

The inner universe is insanely turbulent. The speed of the Xunyuan Xinli Nebula's whirlpool speed exceeds the limit, the faith is more firm, the sword is more tyrannical, and a hint of luster appears. The sharpness is extreme.


To accommodate, all the power, to accommodate as many as possible into the sky sword of intentions, and then truly affect the surrounding.

A sword of Xeon, a sword of life, this sword, when it is to be as sublime as possible, tells Chen Zong to see the higher level mystery of Kendo.

"It's a pity ..." Chen Zong could not help but sigh secretly. As a sword repairer, he has been pursuing the ultimate of Kendo for the rest of his life and has been walking on the road to the ultimate of Kendo. However, he has not seen the deeper realm. But at this moment.

However, after this time, I will also die and die, and I will never have the opportunity to chase.


Great pity.

Variations are abrupt, and in the eyes of the broken heavenly path, a little aura is rushed out, and the aura is extremely fast, and it shoots towards Chen Zongfei in an instant, directly falling into the heart of Chen Zong's mind, and then, it is amazing. The suction of hair bursts as if to devour everything, and directly absorbs the scales and blood that were broken in all directions by the ancient demon side, and directly smashes it into a ray of pure power, which is not in the sword of mind.

Void trembled and time was chaotic, and Chen Zong felt only spinning.

"Dead!" The ancient demon also noticed this change ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A sudden roar, the huge demon's arm immediately lifted up and pushed straight across, the palm contained the terrible and fierce power and shattered. It was vacuum, everything that had passed, was cut apart and flattened.

The shock of terror was irresistible, and the faces of Chen Zong and others changed dramatically.

In the next breath, I saw the body of Chen Zong and the third generation Taihao and Guyuan Dasheng as if distorted by time and space. They continued to shrink into the interior, and eventually collapsed into a point, then disappeared.

At the same time, the giant demon's arm just pushed across, flattening one piece, completely annihilating the void.

However, the ancient demon was very clear that the blow that he had just hit did not hit those little bugs, but was escaped. The reason why he could escape was to protect them and send them away.

However, it's just a few small bugs. The little bugs that don't threaten don't need to care.

"Come back again, that's when I wait for heaven and earth." The ancient demon quickly forgot Chen Zong and others, and roared with a roar, then broke out again, his arms struck three thousand miles, breaking up countless voids, breaking the heavens Seeing chaos, the gray patch continued to spread.

Chaos reappears!

With the continuous outbreak of ancient demon and ancient demon, it seems as if it has opened up chaos, and all the ancient breaths have emerged, which is the ancient existence that is awakening.

"Who is breaking Chaos and repeating chaos?"

"This is a great opportunity. Don't miss it."

"Breaking up the chaos and breaking the heavens and the earth, there is hope to become the leader of one side of chaos, and we must fight."

A horrible breath erupted, followed by a horrible thought sweeping all directions. Wherever they went, the void was cracked and even collapsed under the influence of that thought.

How terrible, the idea is invisible and impertinent, but it is so powerful.

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