Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 95: Breaking Fan Cang and Seeing New World (Part 1)

Time and space are chaotic and chaos repeats itself.

The heavens and earth of the outer universe are broken, and the will of the outer universe is also shattered. The gray chaos slowly opens like a curtain, showing deeper mysteries.

In the entire outer universe, the roaring sound continues to tremble and oscillate, causing countless destruction storms, madly raging in all directions, withering and dying, and the weaker stars are scratched by the invasion of this cosmic storm. Layer by layer, if there is living inhabitation, it will be scraped directly and the bones will disappear completely.

This is a upheaval, a upheaval that does not know how long it will last. This upheaval is extremely amazing. It brings about a big change and a big disaster. If you ca n’t resist the disaster, you will die completely under this upheaval.

"What happened in the end?" In Taihao Mountain, the cosmic storm invaded and the void trembled endlessly, but was resisted by Taihao Mountain's large mountain guard, but Yu Nianxin was very disturbed.

I do n’t know why, at a certain moment, Yu Nianxin suddenly felt a pain in her heart that seemed to be dug out, but recovered instantly.

"Chen Zong, is it that Chen Zong is in trouble?" Yu Nian was so anxious and certain that she burst into a dazzling sword light, filled with unparalleled shocking power, and burst out of Taihao Mountain in an instant. At the moment, he waved a sword light again, and the sword light left the line on a mountain wall.

She is going to find Chen Zong.

Don't know where Chen Zong is at this moment? I do n’t know if it was killed?

But Yu Nianxin just couldn't wait in Taihao Mountain with peace of mind. He had to find, find, and choose a direction to find by his induction. It was better to stay still.

The outer universe ’s drastic changes are constantly close to the interstellar universe, so the interstellar universe is also caught in the upheaval. The environment of the interstellar universe is not the same as the outer universe. It is a big world, composed of heaven and earth, so close. Below, it is as if two stars are approaching each other, and their force fields impact each other to cause vibration.

The shaking of the interstellar undead world is like an earthquake. Numerous ground cracks, numerous cracks, potholes, and collapses have occurred. Numerous undead have also fallen, shattered, and the death and injury are very severe, far better than outside. Layer universe.

The ancient universe and the demon world of the inner universe were also affected by this, shaking slightly.

"What's going on?" The Lord of the Ancient Swords who guarded the gate of the Devil was suddenly shocked. His strength was extremely arrogant and his state was superb. He felt the slight vibration for the first time, and the vibration quickly strengthened, looming a kind of It's weird and makes the owner of Wangu sword feel wrong.

Not only did the ancient sword master feel it, but also the other ancestors.

What the **** happened?

Within the realm of gods and demons, powerful god-level gods and demons also sensed the shock as soon as possible, becoming more and more intense.

As for the core universe, which is the most central part of the universe, there is no peace, but it is also gradually shaking.

In the core universe, there are demigods, and the demigods have reached a very high level of knowledge of the universe. When they notice this shock, they immediately trace their roots.

"Get up!" A suspended **** on the top of the mountain, an old-looking demigod stretched out his hands a little in front of the void. Suddenly, the time and space in that place fluctuated endlessly, as if distorted. Then, like a wave of water, a picture appeared, impressive It is the scene in the outer universe where the ancient demon fights against the eye of heaven and the ancient demon awakens and breaks.

"It was them." The old man gazed at the picture, his thoughts seemingly murky, but the eyes of the abyss revealed thoughts. After a few breaths, he stunned: "They are still alive, and they are right, from the ancient chaotic universe. The ancient demons and ancient demons that were strong and rampant, and the chaotic universe's breaking up did not call them falling, but fell asleep. Now that we are awake, we must reintegrate this incomplete universe and return to chaos. "

"The universe's evolution and return to chaos is a big event, but a great opportunity. Hahahaha, since our Dianyuan encounters this opportunity, if he refuses to be a benevolent, he must also fight for a position of dominance, maybe he can glimpse the true God." The old man laughed and immediately stepped out, as if disappearing into time and space.

In another place, there is a vast and endless lava field, innumerable magma billowing, endless, hot flames are spreading, the tongue of the fire is soaring into the sky, as if to burn the heaven and earth, in one of the largest magma lakes, one is blooming. A huge lotus that covered hundreds of miles. The lotus flower is reddish, as if the magma solidifies into crystals, which is extremely magnificent.

In the middle of this magma lotus, there are dozens of miles on the lotus platform, and there is a huge figure sitting, as if burning a layer of crimson fire, never extinguished.

"Is the universe going to return to chaos? The chance is extreme. It's time for me to go out."

Huge stones are scattered on the vast ground. Each stone is hundreds of meters and thousands of meters high, and even tens of thousands of meters tall. It is like a mountain all around. A hundreds of meters tall is like a savage wearing animal skin. The giant in the short skirt was running in it, carrying a huge incomparable tomahawk.

Suddenly, a shock came, and the savage felt that he was also a demigod.

After careful induction, half a quarter of an hour later, the savage-like demigod grinned suddenly, exposing a mouthful of extremely fine teeth, and then pulled out the huge tomahawk behind it, splitting forward suddenly.

The tomahawk is straight, simple and straightforward, but there is an indescribable ultimate mystery contained in it. The sky and earth are directly split, and wherever it passes, a 10,000-meter-sized stone is also split.

Stepping out, the savage demigod rushed into the rift split by the Tomahawk and disappeared.

In the core universe, there are more than one demigod, but there are multiple deities. Each demigod has a long and longevity, which is infinite. As long as you don't die by yourself, you will not fall.

These demigods have lived endlessly long years, and their knowledge and experience are also extremely rich, and some demigods like to be quiet, stay in a place for a long time, slowly realize, and some demigods will part out of a consciousness incarnation, Traveling through the world realizes all kinds of red dust.

But no matter which demi-god was, at this moment, when I felt the great movement of the universe, they started to fight for the opportunity.

The present universe is incomplete, and if the incomplete universe is to be fused and re-evolved into a chaotic universe, it will become a complete universe. At that time, the heavenly path will be completely perfected and complete, and the once-severed path of the true **** will be restored.

True God is expected!

This return to chaos is a disaster for most living beings and an irresistible calamity, but for a few strong men, it is an opportunity, a great opportunity against the sky.

The four crippled universes are constantly shaking, and the frequency of their shaking is getting closer and closer.

The outer universe kept approaching the interstellar universe, and then began to collide, starting to fuse in a fierce collision.


Time and space are distorted. Its mighty Xeon is irresistible and can only follow the wave.

I do n’t know when or how long it took, and finally calmed down, Chen Zongfang woke up and swept around quickly, only to find himself in an unknown place.

All around was filled with a grey atmosphere, completely covered up and down, left and right, front and back, but not close to himself.

"Where is this?" Chen Zong could not help thinking.

Before that, it was the terrible and extremely suspected demi-god-like demon who appeared to confront the Eye of Heaven, but I don't know why the Eye of Heaven suddenly fell into the wind and was broken.

After that, I wanted to fight, and I had to explode completely. The sword of Xeon was incomparable. It was a sword that broke away from the realm, a sword that touched a higher realm, and so far I was able to. A sword released.

That sword, Chen Zong even felt that he could surpass the power of Zhenhai Zhu before he was urged.

But at the last moment, he was taken away by the last power of the outer universe's will, otherwise he would be killed.

Chen Zong himself is very clear. Even if the sword is Xeon, it has surpassed his current level by many, but it still cannot affect the extremely powerful and terrible demon. The gap is too big, and it will be hit by the demon. Cheng Suim disappeared completely, now it is very good, and was taken away by the will of the outer universe.

"Thank you." Chen Zong could not help saying ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ sighed slightly, but did not know who to say to.

The will of the universe has always been fair and fair. It has always been paramount. It has never been biased.

Of course, some are particularly outstanding, and they will still be favored more or less. They, like themselves, have been saved by the will of the universe. It should be rare.

Having said that, the third generation of Tai Hao and others also seemed to have been taken away with the will of the universe, but now they are not with themselves, but do not know where they are going.

Looking around, Chen Zong found that it seemed small, but it seemed large, infinite, gray, and even when he touched the gray atmosphere on the edge, he felt a sense of consternation for no reason, it seemed to have a sense of The immense crisis and fierce danger seem to kill himself as nothing.

The mind sword suddenly trembled, Chen Zong immediately grasped it, and then a piece of information circulated from the sky sword into his mind, called Chen Zong silent for a moment.

"So it is." Chen Zong could not help but sigh again.

The information was just the fragmentary information left by the will of the outer universe. This information mentioned that it was going to dissipate. Before dissipating, donate the last point of origin to Chen Zong, or to the mind sky sword. Tianyi Tianjian will slowly change to a higher level in the future.

In addition, Xinyi Tianjian has additional mysterious abilities.

After that, it is mentioned here that it is a small chaotic void, and it is also a chaotic cage. Because the outer universe is colliding and merging at this moment, it has to be re-evolved into a chaotic universe. This chaotic cage is a protection.

If you want to leave, you must break this cage. According to the residual information of the will of the universe, if you can break this chaotic cage, you should have the power to protect yourself in the new chaotic universe.

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