Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 98: 1 sword 0 years

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Within the cage of chaos, Chen Zong looked calmly, raised his sword and raised his eyebrows, stared at the front of his sword flush with his sword body, and passed through the superb realm of Shendao Kendo, so that Chen Zong could see the flow of chaotic air more clearly.

Those chaotic airflows do not completely flow in one direction, but some flow forward, and some flow backward, forming a cross. At the intersection, a small number of cyclones are born, and the cyclones rotate like a vortex. , Contains a terrible power.

"Shen Xiao!" With a low drink, Chen Zong Yi Jian waved his sword, turning the sword into an aurora and tearing everything directly.

All the chaotic airflows were torn immediately, and Shenxiao had a sword-like momentum, in which the mystery of the magic sword realm was brought into play, and the unique mystery that cut everything was also incorporated into this sword. Makes this sword even more tyrannical.

However, when Shenxiao Yijian hit a chaotic cyclone, it was directly broken, but Chen Zong also keenly felt that the power of Shenxiao Yijian was continuously weakened under the chaos cyclone.

One, two, three ...

Shen Xiao broke through one cyclone after another with a sword, but was continuously weakened. After defeating the five chaos cyclones, the power was also wiped out, and he was unable to move forward, while the chaos airflow layer had not yet been penetrated halfway.

"Come again!"

This sword is a three-fold burst of Shen Xiao, and its power is even stronger.

A sword was shot through the air, and another chaotic airflow was broken, and each chaotic cyclone was broken. It has never been as strong as a smashing bamboo, but in the end, it was almost impossible to completely break the chaotic airflow layer.

Triple the ancient stars!

Huge stars phantoms emerged, and then quickly condensed and pushed straight out. The void sent out a series of explosive sounds, as if being crushed, and a stream of chaotic air was crushed horizontally under the ancient stars. Every chaotic cyclone was also crushed, but the same eternal stars were also weakened by the power of the chaos cyclone, eventually consuming all.

Still unable to break through the chaotic airflow layer.

"Not enough." Chen Zong closed his sword, his eyes condensed and his frowns wrinkled slightly, and he pondered carefully.

Although the Kendo realm has broken through to a higher level of astral realm, so that the power of single-minded swordsmanship has multiplied several times, and the powers of the four outstanding skills have also been improved, especially the Shenxiao and the mysterious gods that are in harmony with the mysterious astral realm. The ancient stars are much more powerful, but it is not enough to break the chaotic cage.

"I need to be stronger!" Chen Zong said to himself, with a very firm tone, full of amazing sharpness.

Since the two mysteries contained in the Tong Shen Sword Realm are the cutting edge and the majestic domineering, the two tricks of Shen Xiao and Wan Gu Xing Chen are deduced to further improve and enhance their power.

As for the third mystery, it is still evolving, and Chen Zong does not know when it will be completed.

Enlightenment and constant enlightenment. Whenever there is gain, Chen Zong wields his sword and uses the chaos airflow layer as the enemy to perform peerlessness.

Time and again, continuous modification and perfection make the two moves of Shenxiao and Eternal Star more and more perfect. As they continue to improve, the power is more and more powerful.

Time is passing, but Chen Zong can't feel it, and he completely forgets it. He is immersed in the enlightenment wholeheartedly. In addition to being difficult to improve, other aspects have also been continuously improved and refined to a higher level. Levels.

On this day, Chen Zong awakened from the enlightenment again, his eyes twinkled and his eyes were dangling, and the corner of his mouth hung a touch


"Shenxiao and Eternal Stars are two types of peerless learning, and now I have realized the extreme of the first stage." Chen Zong secretly said, "It is difficult to go further, and it needs to be sharpened."

So let's break through.

Only this sword.

Suddenly, the mixed elemental heart nebula vortex in the inner universe suddenly twirled violently.

Today's mixed elementary vortex has been continuously cultivated. Although it is slowly upgraded, it has reached the level of forty-six miles, which is much stronger than before.


The mixed elemental vortices between the violent vortexes began to shrink inside, and the more they contracted, the more powerful the bred power was. This is the secret method for Chen Zong to explode the mixed elemental mentality.

Previously, Chen Zong was only able to compress three times and explode three times, but after not knowing how much time, he finally realized a stronger explosion, three times more, and four times more.

It's just that this higher multiple explosion is not so easy to show, it takes a little time to prepare.


In just one breath, Chen Zong's mixed-heart Nebula vortex shrank to the extreme, shrinking five times, which means that five times the power will erupt.

A breath time is just a normal blink of an eye. It is very short, but for a strong person, a breath time is enough to change a lot.

For example, Chen Zong can wield hundreds of thousands of swords in one breath, so for most people, the breath time is very short, but for the strong, the breath time can also be very long.

After a breath, five times broke out, and Shenxiao gave a sword.

This sword is extremely sharp and invincible. It directly crushes the chaotic air currents and breaks the chaos cyclones. It is as invincible as possible, and it cuts through, tears, and cuts everything.

This sword is a sword that has exhausted Chen Zong's full strength. A sword that broke out five times is impossible to display the second sword in a short time.

This sword carries all the hopes of Chen Zong. If you still ca n’t break through this layer of chaotic airflow, then you do n’t know how long you have to learn before you can master a stronger attack. After all, by now, you have already tapped the potential. At the limit, there is no way to go further in a short time.

Break down one by one, advance layer by layer, and run through everything.

The last chaotic cyclone was finally broken, and there was only the last trace of Jianguang's power, which disappeared after darting in.

Chen Zong's heart could not help but wonder, did this break the chaotic cage or not?

Suddenly, the strands of chaotic airflow began to fade, gradually disappeared, and disappeared completely. Chen Zong first frowned, and then rejoiced.

Finally ... finally broke the chaotic cage.

And breaking the cage of chaos, I can finally leave here, my inner excitement is unspeakable, but then gradually calmed down.

"Not ten times!"

"A mere tenfold increase in power will not break out of the cage of chaos."

This level of chaotic airflow is equal to the level of the strength of the ancestor that understands the first true meaning of the universe. For the strength of the ancestor, it is a metamorphosis, and the essential differences have begun to appear.

Even if the amount of power is the same, the essence is different. It seems that a pound of wood and a pound of steel are also a pound, but the hardness of that steel is far more than that of wood.

Calculated in this way, it can be said that the ten-fold increase can break the chaotic airflow layer. In fact, it is not true. After all, the mind sword is promoted to semi-precious.

In addition, I fully understand the Shendo Kendo, and continue to enlighten it, and excavate the mystery of the Shendo Kendo and the two mysterious powers. Under the superposition, the power is more than ten times stronger than before, and the other three The outbreak has also been increased to five times. In this way, it is more than ten times more outbreaks, or the transformation of the nature of power.

"Breaking the cage of chaos, I have stronger power than ever before." Chen Zong secretly rejoiced: "It is much stronger than when mastering Zhenhai Zhu at the time, and it should be no less inferior than the owner of the ancient sword, no, The elder sword master at the time did not break through to the Tongshen sword realm and never realized the first true meaning of the universe. I am stronger than the elder sword master at the time. "

According to the information left by the will of the outer universe to himself, after breaking the cage of chaos, his strength was placed in the new chaotic universe. When he also had the ability to protect himself, Chen Zong could not help but be shocked.

Protect yourself!

Is it just self-protection?

It is unimaginable.

You should know that now that Chen Zong is confident of defeating the eternal sword master at the time, that is the top ancestor of the ancestor class. Such a strength is only capable of protecting himself in the new chaotic universe.

So how terrible is the power of this new chaotic universe?

Thinking about it, Chen Zong couldn't help feeling shocking, but at the same time, he also felt an indescribable excitement. Such a powerful new chaotic universe will have so many powerful people ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will be more exciting .

Now, I can't wait to see the new and more powerful Chaos Universe.

In addition, I do n’t know how many years have passed, I do n’t know how Ningxin is doing now, and Aye, they do n’t know if they are still alive.

With a change of heart, Chen Zong turned into a sword light. The sword light was extremely sharp and extremely sharp. It directly cut through this void and disappeared into it.

In a void in the Chaos Universe, a crack suddenly appeared and expanded rapidly. Then, a stream of light quickly flew out of it with an unspeakable mystery, and Jian Guang was restrained, and a figure appeared. Out is Chen Zong.

As soon as Chen Zongfu appeared, he felt that the air of the heavens was full in all directions, and the air of the heavens was at least ten times stronger than the outer universe.

At the same time, the richness and purity of the universe's vitality are 10,000 times that of the previous outer universe.

"Thousands of times!" Chen Zong could not help breathing down.

In this new chaotic universe, its heavenly will is so powerful that it is ten thousand times more powerful than the outer universe at that time. What is that concept?

At that time, the will of the inner universe was indeed stronger than that of the outer universe, but it was only about ten times stronger. As for the core universe, although I have never been there, I think it should only be about ten times stronger than the inner universe It's more and it won't be more than a hundred times.

Today, the heavenly will of the new chaotic universe is directly ten thousand times that of the outer universe, and this gap is really too great.

And even the vitality of the universe is ten thousand times before, what does this mean?

It means that in this chaotic universe, cultivation will become easier. Even as simple as eating and drinking, it means that more powerful practitioners will be born.

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