Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 99: Chaotic universe

For thousands of years, I did not expect that I would stay in the chaotic cage for a thousand years. After Chen Zong inquired about the news, he suddenly showed a sigh of peeing from his heart.

He couldn't help but be sighed. In the previous calculations, his cultivation time was less than one thousand years. I didn't expect that staying in the chaotic cage directly for one thousand years would be longer than his previous experiences. It was unimaginable.

One thousand years later, the original outer universe, interstellar and inner universes, and the core universe all disappeared, or merged, and merged into a new chaotic universe, which is hundreds of times larger than the simple outer universe. Super universe, amazing.

Not only that, there are various races, such as human race, primitive race, undead, demons, etc., which are more complicated than the past many times, and there are more powerful ones.

This is a great world, a world of great prosperity. In this world, there are countless geniuses and powerful people.

"Ten thousand times the heaven and universe strength, even a pig can become very strong." Chen Zong secretly said.

If you think about it, it ’s more than 10,000 times more heavenly and cosmic energy than before. Then the difficulty during practice has dropped more than 10,000 times. People who were mediocre in the past and difficult to get started can easily get started. People can easily promote cultivation, and those who have slow understanding on the Tiandi Avenue in the past can easily understand the mysteries of Tiandi Avenue to a higher level.

"However, the real strong ones are not created by a superior environment." Chen Zong knew this.

Any strong person not only has extraordinary strength, but also has an amazing mentality. This mentality has nothing to do with how his character behaves, but only has to do with the grind they have experienced.

A good environment is easy to cultivate, and more masters can be born, but it is not so easy to become a true strong and powerful person in the world. It needs to be sharpened.

In a huge empty city, Chen Zong was thinking about drinking wine.

Today's chaotic universe has changed. It is different from the past. Many things have disappeared, and many things have reappeared.

Chen Zong could not find the news of Taihao Mountain.

There are two possibilities. One is that Tai Haoshan can't handle it in the process of cosmic fusion and evolution and chaos, and the gray smoke is gone. The other possibility is that for the current chaotic universe, Tai Haoshan is too small. There was no such place as it was in the outer universe.

Because it is too small, it is not so famous.

Regardless, Chen Zong knew that he had to find Taihao Mountain, whether it had died or disappeared, because it was very likely that Nianxin was still waiting for him to return in Taihao Mountain.

In addition, in the past, the hometown of the Nether also had to find a trip back to see if they were still alive.

One more thing is to restore the Mind Heavenly Sword to the highest level.

How to fix it?

Chen Zong already knew that it was hunting.

What to kill?


At that time, the heavenly will of the outer universe was defeated by that terrible demon. Because of this, the will of the universe hated that demon.

Whoever says that the will of the universe has no emotions is actually there, but it is different from people. In most cases, the will of the universe is

Indifferent, standing on the vantage point and overlooking all the vicissitudes of change.

But sometimes, there are still biases.

For example, the three top lists of the outer universe will be favored by the will of the universe. The higher the rank, the greater the favor, which is itself a bias.

Therefore, the origin of the will of the outer universe is called Mind Heavenly Sword repair to the level of semi-arc treasure, but it is difficult to further repair to the level of arcana, even under the current chaotic universe environment, it takes a long time Only OK.

Arcane treasure, it has incredible power in itself, equal to the strength of the sacred ancestor level, very powerful.

Even in the core universe of the past, the ancestral ancestor level is not considered to be weak, and can be included in the strong one. Even in the current chaotic universe, the ancestor level is not bad.

Then, if Mind Sky Sword wants to be restored to the highest level as soon as possible, it is necessary to hunt and kill the demon, while killing the demon while devouring the origin of the demon as a nutrient, repair the Mind Sky Sword faster, and to the highest level as soon as possible.

Chen Zong also felt that the complete sword of the mind was not only the treasure. After all, the treasure was equal to the ancestor class, but today's chaotic universe, the ancestor intelligence is good, barely called the strong.

Then, the complete mind Tianjian is most likely to be beyond the level of supreme treasure.

The environment has changed, and it has become a chaotic universe. The value of the previous gods and the like has also fallen sharply. The treasures of the past have also fallen sharply. It is equivalent to saying that Chen Zong ’s amazing wealth in the past has also shrunk greatly. At least it has shrunk more than ten thousand times.

Chen Zong is also helpless, but he has to sell it, because in this chaotic universe, there is no value anymore.

The common currency in today's chaos universe is not only the cosmic crystal. The cosmic crystal can only be regarded as ordinary currency. It is used by those who are weaker. The real good is chaos crystal. Now Chen Zong is Not even a Chaos God Crystal.

But luck is also good, there are some "antiques" in Chen Zong's collection.

The environment of the chaotic universe is more complicated than ever, and the past universe has become history, even if it is only a thousand years old, but for many people, it looks like ancient times. After all, some creatures have carried that time. Cosmic fusion survived, but more creatures were born after the cosmic fusion, and were born directly into the chaotic universe.

Among the creatures born in the chaotic universe, some of them are interested in the predecessor universe, and they are also very interested in the things left by the predecessor universe, and consciously collect them.

Chen Zong had a lot on his body. He picked out a few for sale and directly got a lot of chaos.

"This is the chaos **** crystal." Chen Zong held a piece of **** crystal the size of an egg, the whole body is gray, this gray is very pure, very delicate, the power contained in it is also very pure and magnificent.

The value of a chaos **** crystal is equal to 10,000 universe **** crystals, and the difference is very large.

Chen Zong sold some so-called "antiques", which cost hundreds of chaos gods, which is also a lot of wealth.

"It's time to go and continue to inquire about the news elsewhere." Chen Zong secretly drove a sword light directly out of this void city, and flew towards the chaos void of the outside world.

Chen Zong has also explored this city. In the vast and infinite chaotic universe, this void city is just

It's just a small city, all aspects are limited. If you want to find out more news, you can only go to some larger void cities.

"Now the cities in the Chaos Universe are divided into three levels: Void, Cosmic, and Chaos, Void, Cosmic, and Chaos."

"I went to find a giant city of chaos. I should be able to learn more. Maybe I can also find information about Taihao Mountain."

Jian Guang's rapid flight in the chaotic void, the binding force is many times stronger than the outer universe at the time, which means that even if Chen Zong, the speed is greatly affected, and it is also much slower than before Times.

If in the past the outer universe, due to the strength of Chen Zong at this moment, its speed broke out, and the breath can directly go for thousands of miles, but now it has been reduced many times. Under the speed burst, only 50,000 can be swept away in one breath It's just meters.

Five hundred meters is a mile. Now Chen Zong's speed is just a mile away. Naturally, it is extremely fast for ordinary people, but relatively slower than before.

In addition, Chen Zong can feel that he can have a hundred miles of speed, or because his kendo realm has broken through to the relationship of the Tongshen sword realm. Otherwise, the speed will be ten times slower, and his breath will be ten miles and ten thousand. Meter.

Ten thousand meters!

Such a speed is really too slow and too slow. Even if it is 50,000 meters, Chen Zong also feels slow, but fortunately, he is gradually getting used to it. After all, it is not only himself, but other practitioners are also bound by it. .

Unfortunately, the size of the Void Array in the Void-level town is limited, and the transmission distance is very limited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but the chaos gods consume a lot.

In addition, although there are also Chaos Shenzhou capable of flying across the air, the Chaos Shenzhou of the void-level towns has very few exchanges and often has to wait for a lot of time. Chen Zong does not want to wait.

Fly first and have a chance to say it again.

Not long after Chen Zongfei was out of this void town, there was also a large streamer bursting out at an alarming speed, sprinting at a speed of 100,000 meters, chasing Chen Zong, appearing after stopping in front of Chen Zong, Then, a stream of light emerged from the flying boat and quickly spread out. A total of ten people formed a circle to surround Chen Zong.

Vaguely, the breath of these ten people is related to each other, and they can be united at any time, and a more powerful power bursts out.

Chen Zong can also clearly feel that the breath of these ten people is cultivated as a level, which is a level of great sacred realm.

"What's the matter with you?" Chen Zong asked, looking a little surprised.

In the past, there were few great holy realms. The great holy realm in the entire outer universe was very limited, but in this chaotic big universe, the big holy realm was nothing.

Just because the heavenly way of the Chaos Universe is ten thousand times clearer and stronger than before, it is also more powerful, clearer, and easier to understand. Therefore, if you want to break through the holy order, the difficulty will also drop thousands of times. By the same token, it is easier to promote the small holy realm to the big holy realm, and it is also easier to promote the big holy realm to the holy ancestor level.

However, if you want to understand the true meaning of the first universe, the difficulty is directly increased many times, just because you understand the true meaning of the first universe in this chaotic universe.

There is still a clear gap between the pseudo-strong and the real strong.

"My master invited me." One of them suddenly laughed, seemingly an invitation, but his tone and attitude were very tough.

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