Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 100: True saint

Ten people, ten strong men, are forming a siege circle, and they are connected to each other. At any time, they can place a matrix law to imprison four weeks and suppress Chen Zong.

"Who is your young master?" Chen Zong asked.

"Don't make nonsense, just take it down." Another one seemed to growl impatiently. Immediately, a tense breath erupted directly on the ten people, impacting in all directions, and all the forces belonging to the level of the Great Sacred Reality erupted.

If it is placed in the outer universe, such a burst of power will definitely cause a fierce storm to sweep tens of miles or even hundreds of miles, but now it can only spread to a few hundred meters, and the heavenly will of the chaotic universe is stronger. Times, although they can make practitioners feel more clearly and then enlighten, they also have greater constraints.

When the breath of ten people erupted, Chen Zong felt that their breath was directly integrated into one, as if falling into a prison cage, and the heavens and vitality within the cage dropped more than double.

"So it is." Chen Zong understood it in an instant.

This formation method can isolate to a certain degree. No, it should be weakened. The formation method is used to form a small world of prison cages, which is isolated from the outside world. As a result, the heavens and vitality in the small world of prison cages have been reduced. It will affect the strength of the people in the cage.

It is indeed a good method, but it is very rare in the outer universe.

"It's just a higher holy order, take it down." The head of the person said, and broke out directly, all ten great holy realms shot.


In one shot, ten palm prints were killed from all directions, and each palm print contained amazing power, which was like everything, but in the chaotic universe, these powers have been suppressed countlessly. Times, its destructive power also decreased significantly.

Although it feels a big drop, it has no effect on Chen Zong, because Chen Zong ’s cultivation method is different from the orthodox cultivator. The strength is not absolutely related to external factors.

Ten palm prints were killed instantly, and each one was very arrogant, faintly putting pressure on Chen Zong.

When it comes to the level of cultivation, in fact, Chen Zong is similar to these ten people, but the difference is that Chen Zong realizes that he has control of the Tongshen Sword Realm.

The miraculous sword realm, which is the highest kendo realm, is equivalent to understanding the first level of the true meaning of the universe, that is, the level beyond the sacred ancestor level.

Without drawing a sword, Chen Zong just pointed out that he passed by like a sword, with a restrained atmosphere, like an understatement like a firework.

The ten palm prints shattered in an instant.

"He is very strong, not a general holy order."


With a loud shout, a breath erupted instantly, as if the waves were pounding. Then, a huge palm appeared in the sky, five fingers spread out, each finger was the thickness of a person's waist, and shot down in the air.


This power increased directly, reaching the level of the ancestral ancestors.

With a single palm falling, the big hands are full of amazing power, lingering with a horrible wave of terrible breath, as if it were a chain of chains, Chen Zong was suppressed and captured directly.

Chen Zong smiled slightly, swiping his sword again and again, his fingertips undulating the ripples, without tearing the void.

In the case of not pulling the sword, it is played out by Chen Zong's current strength. It is also strong at the level of the ancestor, but it cannot tear the space of this chaotic universe. This shows how amazing the spatial strength of this chaotic universe is. .

Under a sword, the big palm seal was struck and cut open.



This array of law cages collapsed, all ten great holy realms were wounded, the sword gas raged in the body, and it was extremely painful.

"Ah, it hurts."

"How could this be."

"How could this person be so strong."

Chen Zong did not kill them immediately, but captured them all, and then began to force questions.

For example, who is their young master?

For example, more information about the Chaos universe.

Only in the void town, Chen Zong learned little information. After all, the void town is only the lowest level of the void city in the chaos universe. There are fewer powerful people and the information is more ordinary.

The more secret the information, the more powerful it is often known.

Weakness is the original sin.

If Chen Zong's strength is insufficient this time, they will be captured by the ten people directly. The so-called young master has invited, but just casually talked about it.

"So it is." Chen Zong asked all kinds of information from the mouths of the ten great holy realms. Together, they suddenly had a more intuitive and in-depth understanding of this chaotic universe.

The practice system of the chaotic universe, or the hierarchical division of the practice realm, is different from the past.

The lowest level is the so-called foundation, which is the foundation of cultivation and the foundation of cultivation, which is still at the level of mortals.

Later, it is called transcendent, it is already beyond the level of mortals, mastering a powerful and incredible power, is to enlighten the avenue, initially master the mystery and power of Tao, and can easily kill the practitioners who build the basic level.

Above the extraordinary, it is called sanctification, which is the so-called sacred class.

Build the foundation, be extraordinary, and be holy!

This was put in the past, but there are also many levels of division. For example, the extraordinary world was placed in the original outer universe, there is a difference from the first state to the seventh state, and in the inner universe, it is also a world. The differences are now summarized as extraordinary. Of course, there are also high and low strengths in the extraordinary territory, but they have not been divided in such detail.

After all, in the Chaos Universe, the heavens are clearer and the universe has more vitality. The babies born here also have higher talents, and it is easier to practice. To the sanctuary.

Entering the holy realm is the holy order. In the outer universe of the past, how difficult it is to break through the holy order, and there is great danger of death, but there is almost no physical death crisis in the chaotic universe. much easier.

Divine enlightenment is divided into three levels, the lower saint, the middle saint, and the upper saint. The lower saint should correspond to the initial small sanctuary, and the middle saint corresponds to the great sanctuary. Saint Ancestor.

Only sanctification can enter the void, but the flight speed is very slow, and if there is no protection in the transcendent realm, it will easily die if it enters the void.

The void of the chaotic universe is filled with countless rays that are invisible to the naked eye. These rays are not harmful to the sanctuary, but they are like poison to the transcendental realm.

Above the sanctified realm, there is another realm, called the true saint.

Really holy!

This is the practitioner who has realized the first true meaning of the universe. He is already a true strong level, and he is also a strong one who is sitting in the chaos universe.

The ten great holy realms, or the median holy ones, also have limited information, and can only know that the highest level is true holy.

"But comprehending the first cosmic truth is the true sacred, so upwards should be the demigod who comprehends the second cosmic truth and then transforms again." I wonder if there is a true **** in this chaotic universe? "


That is the supreme existence, it is a legend that yearns, and Chen Zong does not know whether there is a true **** in the current chaotic universe.

These ten median saints were useless and were directly killed by Chen Zong, his face was incredible before he died.

"You will die. The young master will not let you go." They roared.

The young master in their mouths is the young master of the Underworld in the cosmic city of Mingguang. This underworld is very strong, but there are true saints in the clan.

"True Saint." Chen Zong showed a smile, and he was also a true Saint-level strength. It is not clear who is strong and who is weak in a real battle.

not afraid!

"Today ’s Chaos Universe has many races, but it is dominated by human races, primitive races, ancient demon races, ancient demon races, and demon races. In addition, the ancient demon races and ancient demon races broke the outer universe. What's the relationship between the demon of will? In addition, there is the most mysterious deity, what kind of existence is it? "Chen Zong's figure flickered into the chaotic flying boat, and after some exploration, it started.

This is a low-level chaotic flying boat. It has basic protection measures, which can block the invasion of cosmic rays. It will not be harmed by staying in the sanctuary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The flying speed of the low-level chaotic flying boat is 100,000 breaths away. Meters, of course, were nothing in the past, but now they are not slow at least, at least faster than their full flight. After all, their full flight is only 50,000 meters, which is twice the difference.

The double gap is still amazing.

Basically, the true Holy Realm who understands the true meaning of the universe first, his full-force flight speed is between 50,000 meters and 100,000 meters, and now Chen Zong is only the lowest speed of the True Holy Realm.

After all, what Shentong Sword Realm excels at is not flying speed, but attacking, but as long as Chen Zong breaks through to the true Holy Realm and becomes a true true Holy Power, then his flying speed will be violent. It is not difficult to reach a hundred thousand meters.

As for now, Chen Zong uses this low-level chaotic flying boat to travel, which can be more comfortable, and he can also practice sword art while controlling the chaotic flying boat.

Tongjin Sword Realm, I just just stepped in, it is considered stable, but there is still a lot of room for improvement.

Chen Zong intends to go to the nearest cosmic city. More useful information can be found in the cosmic city, such as the identity of the ancient demon and the ancient demon. Is it related to the demon who broke the will of the outer universe at that time? If it is, it is one of the targets of hunting by oneself, and the second is naturally the demon tribe.

Killing the demon tribe and ingesting its divine devouring refining, when you can make your cultivation faster ascension, ascend to a complete level.

I really want to calculate that my current level of cultivation is only the median saint, not even the higher saints. Then, to achieve completeness, you should be able to reach the level of the higher saints. With your mastery of swordsmanship, you are one Strength will become stronger, and will be strengthened at the level of true sanctuary.

"The Chaos Universe, I'm here with Zong Zong, and I'm proven by my sword."

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