Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 101: No. 3 Mystery

The chaotic universe is endless and endless.

A chaotic flying boat keeps flying at a speed of 100,000 meters. This speed is actually not very slow. In this chaotic universe, it is not weak, but it is really nothing to the chaotic universe. .

In the flying boat, Chen Zong, while controlling the direction of the flying boat, was enlightened by swordsmanship.

The flight of Chaos Feizhou requires the consumption of Chaos God Crystal, but the consumption of the low-level Chaos God of Crystal Chaos is relatively better. Chen Zong himself obtained one hundred pieces. After killing the ten median saints, Chen Zong also took from their storage There are some chaos **** crystals in the artifact, and they add up to hundreds.

Two hundred chaos **** crystals are used to support this low-level chaos flying boat at full speed, which is enough to support more than a century.

Time seems to become even less valuable. In the chaotic universe, the life span of the foundation and the transcendental realm is very limited, that is, within a hundred years and within five hundred years. Only by breaking into the sanctuary, can it exceed the millennium. Life.

The higher the life is, the longer the life will be, but even if it is a higher sage, its lifetime will not exceed 3,000 years. This is a limitation of the chaotic universe.

However, the true sacred powerhouse after realizing the first true meaning of the universe is a qualitative change, not only mastering a more powerful force, but also its lifetime will directly increase to 100,000 years.

From 3,000 years to 100,000 years, that is a tremendous improvement.

The so-called understanding of the true meaning of the universe is actually a kind of breaking, a kind of breaking the limit.

After realizing the first true meaning of the universe, the true sacred realm not only has a longevity of 100,000 years that exceeds 3,000 years of life, but also its flight speed has soared from under 10,000 meters to at least 50,000 meters and even 100,000 meters. .

All in all, there is a big difference in understanding the true meaning of the universe, which is exactly two heavens and earth, such as the difference between the Holy Order and the Holy Order in the outer universe of the year.

Unconsciously, time flies, and in a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

The chaotic universe is too big. Although ten years later, although Chen Zong also encountered other practitioners, there were not many, and they were all separated by a distance. He ran into the void of the universe and no one knows whether his strength is strong or not. Weak and cannot be easily contacted.

The temperament of a practitioner is too much. Some people are exposed to humility and politeness at the beginning, but may soon reveal their true nature, like a wolf.

Ten years later, Chen Zong finally arrived at a cosmic city called Feng Po Cosmic City.

The big city of the universe is more vast than the small city of the void, standing immensely in the void, suppressing all directions, surrounded by strands of black wind, blowing endlessly.

The wind made Chen Zong feel the slightest threat.

In other words, if there is no such strength as the real wind, it is not easy to break through and die directly in it.

After getting out of the chaos flying boat and putting it away, Chen Zong began to line up, and only after entering a chaotic **** crystal, could he enter the windbreaking universe city.

It really is a way to make money. Chen Zong looked at the people who were still in line. There were hundreds of people. Hiding in secret, hundreds of people were equal to hundreds of chaos. Before himself, more people came.

It's hard to imagine how amazing the wealth of a cosmic city is.

Entering this cosmic city, Chen Zong first found a restaurant in accordance with the rules, ordered some signature wine and food and drank, while listening to the conversations of other people in the restaurant, to make a simple preliminary understanding.

After enjoying the food, Chen Zongkai

Let ’s start exploring the news. This wind-breaking universe city is much better than the previous void town. There is also an organization responsible for news sales. As long as the price is paid, such as the universe **** crystal and even the chaos **** crystal, you can explore what you want to know. Information.

Of course, the price is closely related to the degree of confidentiality of the information. The more secret it is, the greater the price it will pay.

Fortunately, Chen Zong asked for some more basic information, such as the information of each race in the Chaos universe, the basic information of the major forces, and so on.

The information of the cultivation realm is the same as the one I knew before. It is a transcendent and true sacred demigod, but this demigod has two levels, one is a demigod, and the other is called a demigod.

The demigod is more powerful than the demigod, and its strength is extremely extreme. It is called the closest to the existence of the true god. As for what kind of power the demigod has, it is impossible to say, even the chaos **** crystals cannot be purchased. The news is only because it has already involved the mystery of the Chaos universe.

"True saint, demigod, demigod dominate, it is the true **** from above." Chen Zong could not help secretly, his eyes shot extremely brilliant.

The true sacred realm is called the strong in this chaotic universe, but it can only be regarded as the beginning of the real strong.

The human race and the primitive race are similar in appearance and the essence of life is very close, so the two major races form an alliance.

The human race has three major dynasties and one ancient domain. The three major dynasties were developed by the ancient human demigods, while one ancient domain is the most central place of the human race.

Of course, the demigods in the human race are not only owned by the ancient realms and gods, but also some demigod forces, but the number is not large.

The strength of the original clan is similar to that of the human race, which is between the middle and the middle.

The outer universe was dominated by primitive races, but the inner universe was dominated by human races.

The ancient demon also has its ancient demon domain, the ancient demon exists in the ancient demon abyss, and the original demon tribe, now its power is called the **** demon nine heavy sky.

As for the most mysterious deities, they did not form similar forces, but were relatively scattered. They existed in the form of temples. Those gods accepted the worship of all beings and existed in silence.

Compared with other races, there are more levels of existence. Only a few races have demigods, and most of them are true holy realms.

Chen Zong wants to buy more information, know more secrets, but also know the location of Tai Hao Mountain, the sacred place of the outer universe Kendo, etc. Unfortunately, there is no way, because it is too expensive, and the remaining chaos **** Not enough to buy.

When it comes to information before the fusion of the universe, the price is often high.

"No way, I can only make chaos **** crystals." Chen Zong was a little helpless. A thousand years ago, his wealth was amazing, enough to be comparable to the ancestors. He did n’t need to think about money. Another day, I need to work for this.

It's really hard work.

So, how to earn a lot of chaos in a short time?

Take out a few of the remaining ten Chaos God Crystals and buy the news again.

"Void Fire Prison, Void Snowfield, Universe Thunder Prison Sea ..."

These are some dangerous places and even forbidden places in the chaotic universe. They are also divided into three levels, void level, universe level, and chaos level. Among them, the void level is the most, and it is also the safest of the three levels of dangerous forbidden areas.

Even if it is the safest void-level dangerous place to enter the sacred realm, there is a great risk of death. Even if the true sacred real strong stepped in, it may not be intact.

The highest chaos-level forbidden ground, and the demigod-level strong may enter and die.

Although this dangerous place has great danger, but there are treasures and opportunities in it.

The predecessor of the Chaos Universe is the four Great Universes, and the predecessor of the Big Four Chaos Universe is the previous Chaos Universe.

The last chaotic universe has produced countless strong people, and left countless treasures and opportunities. These have been destroyed and turned into nothingness with the collapse of the universe, but some of them have been left behind, forming a dangerous area for each side. The forbidden ground is hidden. Until now, the four incomplete universes have merged into the chaotic universe, and all kinds of dangerous forbidden grounds have also emerged.

It is only a thousand years now, and most of the dangerous forbidden areas have only been initially explored, among which there are many treasures.

"I'll go to this void fire prison." Chen Zong made a decision after browsing the information.

Void Fire Prison is a dangerous level of void. Although it is a lot of danger, in terms of your own strength, as long as you don't do it yourself, it should be fine.

In the windbreaking universe city, there are some practitioners who form fixed or temporary teams to enter dangerous or even forbidden areas to explore, find treasures and opportunities, etc., in order to gain wealth, and then exchange their own resources to strengthen their own cultivation.

Chen Zong intends to find a team that is more familiar with Void Fire Hell, which will be more convenient. Of course, the biggest reason is that if he wants to rush to Void Fire Hell alone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will undoubtedly cost a lot of time.

Suddenly, Chen Zongton stopped, and a smile hanged at the corner of his mouth, very happy.


The mystery of the third kind of sword of the magical sword realm finally mastered.

The first is the endless edge, which is the edge that pierces and cuts everything.

The second kind is domineering, unparalleled domineering, overbearing all overbearing.

The third mystery of the sword that appears today is rage, which is a mystery different from overbearing. The power of rage is also very amazing, and it will fall apart like a sky.

Immediately afterwards, the corner of Chen Zong's mouth once again smirked a smile, just because the mystery of the third sword was born, the mysterious sword realm was still gestating the mystery of the fourth sword.

This is simply incredible.

There are more than one mystery of swords in the sword world, but most of the sword repairs that have just broken through can only master one, and very few can directly master two. As for three, it is extremely rare, and the words of four are almost Is impossible.

Of course, if through long years of continuous practice and enlightenment, those sword masters who have mastered the magic sword realm can still learn more about the mystery of the sword.

But like Chen Zong, he has mastered the mystery of three swords in a short time. Now the fourth mystery is also emerging, which is unheard of, which means that its kendo potential is extremely amazing.

It takes more than ten times more time to grasp the mystery of a sword than to learn more, and it will be more than ten times more difficult.

"I don't know what the fourth mystery is?" Chen Zong secretly guessed.

This is the excavation of the potential of Tongjian Sword Realm, which belongs to automatic enlightenment, not to actively enlighten yourself, so I do n’t know what kind of mystery of the sword will be, but no matter which one, I ’m sure Help yourself.

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