Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 102: Fire saint

Void Hell is one of the void-level dangerous places in the Chaos universe. It is not particularly dangerous, but it is also not safe. At least the transcendental realm will directly die, and there will be more than 50% probability of death when entering the holy realm.

If you are lucky, you will not only be alive when you enter the holy realm, but you can also get some treasures such as Void Fire Hell Crystal, which can be sold for Chaos God Crystal. If you are lucky, you will not get Void Fire Hell Crystal. Don't say that you get treasures like Void Fire Prison, just die inside.

Chen Zong joined a temporary team with a total of five people, except Chen Zong, who had entered the Nether Fire Prison at least once.

The highest cultivation is called Lin Shuang, a human female, and the top holy saint. In addition, there are two twin brothers named Wu Yue and Wu Ming. They are also holy saints. They are good at joining forces and are very powerful. Will not be inferior to the peak holy one.

The fourth name is Han Qi, the median saint, and the last one is Chen Zong. The reported repair is the median saint.

Indeed, only the cultivation of Chen Zong is the median saint.

"Brother Chen, you are here for the first time, so be careful. The danger in the Netherfire Prison is mainly from the lava pool." Han Qi and Chen Zong walk side by side and said to Chen Zong.

The name Chen Zong was once famous for the ancient universe of the inner universe and once crowned the outer universe.

But now, the outer universe and the inner universe have become a thing of the past, even if only a thousand years apart, it has become history, and it has become some researched history.

Wuzhuang Sword Master Chen Zong, a once-popular title and name, is long gone. Perhaps only those who have studied the universe have known it, but there are not many of them.

Among the five, Shan Lunxiu is the weakest of Chen Zong and Han Qi, and who is the strongest ...

In the news purchased by Chen Zong, the dangerous source of Void Fire Prison is related to the magma. The magma is scattered throughout the Void Fire Prison, forming magma pools and even lava lakes. The temperature of this magma is very high, which is astonishing to extremely fiery. Incomparably, it can easily burn and incinerate everything.

The lower saint fell into the magma. If he did not break away immediately, he would not be able to resist it, and he would be burned to ashes within three breaths. The middle saint can carry it longer, but he can only resist the ten breaths. Can only resist up to 30 breaths.

If there are some treasures, they can resist for a longer time, as long as the ability to protect the treasures.

As for the true sacred realm, under normal circumstances, they can fall into this magma and they can be completely carried. However, the magma of Netherfire is only the most basic danger. The real terrible danger comes from a unique type within the magma. Life, that life is called magma beast.

"Here it is." Lin Shuang came to the Nether Fire Prison for the fifth time. Some of the first four times were fruitful and some were unharvest. Four times of coming, it was she who explored some mysteries. Dozens of magma lakes: "This magma lake contains a void of **** crystals, but there are also magma beasts inhabiting it. The most powerful one is probably a high-order magma beast."

The high-level magma beasts correspond to the higher saints. With their strength, as long as they do not encounter large groups of high-level magma beasts, only two or three heads can still resist.

However, the purpose of the people was not to hunt and kill magma beasts, but to collect the void **** crystals hidden under the magma lake.

"Everyone, this time I will first enter the lava lake to get the Nether Fire Prison, and I will come out as fast as possible. If there is a magma beast chasing, you need to take a shot to intercept it." Lin Shuang glanced away and said, Her cultivation is the highest among people, and it should be the fastest as well.

"Relax." The two brothers Wu Yue responded immediately, and Chen Zong and Han Qi nodded.

Lin Shuang inspires the fire ring worn on the hand, and a layer of light suddenly diffuses, covering the whole body. The function of this fire ring is to resist the fire attack and isolate the magma impact. Although it can not last, but it supports more than 100 breaths. no problem.

For a moment, Lin Shuang jumped directly into the magma lake that was dozens of miles away, and was swallowed in an instant. Everyone immediately stared, waiting for Lin Shuang to appear.

As time passed by, about 30 minutes passed, a figure rushed out of the magma lake, which was Lin Shuang.

"There are magma beasts, ready to start." Lin Shuang said as soon as she appeared, and as soon as her voice fell, a huge figure rushed out of the magma lake, bringing up layers of magma waves.

That figure resembles a python, with a thick bucket, but its body is very strange. It is not composed of flesh and blood, but seems to be made of numerous black charcoal after being crushed and mixed with magma. The crimson glow of magma radiates between broken and broken, as if flowing like blood, exhaling a terrible breath.

"The breath of the higher saints, high-order magma beasts."


The two brothers of Wu Yue shot for the first time. The long sword slashed through the sky and mercilessly cut to the high-level magma beast. The giant python magma beast's eyes were extremely red. It was extremely cold and blazing, and it seemed to be able to burn everything, and then opened a huge mouth and sprayed a stream of magma directly.

As soon as the lava flow erupted, it burned everything, and directly smashed the knife, killing the brothers Wu Yue.

"Hehe!" Brother Wu Yue immediately shot again. The sword was slashed, and the sword and light were combined into one, turning into a brighter sword light to split the magma fire and cut to the magma python.

At the same time, Lin Shuang also seized the opportunity to turn around with a sword, the sword was cut out, the sword gas was white and blue, and it filled with an astonishing coldness, as if to freeze all the surrounding magma pythons.

Strictly speaking, an environment like Void Fire Prison will be restrained for practitioners who practice and understand the way of water, the way of ice, and the way of wood. However, the same is true for practitioners of the way of water and the way of ice. Better threats to magma beasts, as long as they are strong enough.

Water and fire, ice and fire are opposites, but without saying which one is better than the other, all depends on which one is stronger. Water can extinguish fires and fire can turn water into water.

Neither Chen Zong nor Han Qi took the shot. The magma python was hit and fell into the magma lake, but immediately rushed up. More magma pythons also came to it, but they were all middle and low class. Times.


This time, Lin Shuang got three Void Fire Prisms, which are of great value. Each Void Fire Prism is worth ten Chaos God Crystals, and three Void Fire Prisms are thirty Chaos God Crystals, but because they are Lin Shuang ventured into the magma pool to obtain it, so according to the distribution principle, Lin Shuang could get half.

As for the remaining 50%, because Chen Zong and Han Qi have the lowest repairs, they are usually weaker, so one person gets 10%, and the two brothers Wu Yue get 30%.

Han Qi thought it was normal, and Chen Zong had no objection, just because Chen Zong's plan was very simple, first find a temporary team to enter the Nether Fire Prison. After all, he never came in. After all, it would be better for someone to lead the way.

After getting familiar with it, find an opportunity to move away from the team, which is why Chen Zong is looking for a temporary team.

The chaos **** crystals needed by Chen Zong are not ten or twenty, nor one hundred or two hundred, but they need more. Therefore, unless a large number of pieces can be obtained, such as a few hundred, Still not enough.

However, there are three levels of fire crystals in the Void Fire Prison. The Fire Crystal is the lowest level, and it is called the Void Fire Holy Crystal. It is a hundred chaos **** crystals. It is also the main goal of Chen Zong. The highest level of Void Fire Crystal is called Void Fire God Crystal, one worth one thousand Chaos God Crystal.

If you can get a few Void Fire God Crystals, it will cost thousands of Chaos God Crystals, which is enough for a long time.

Chen Zong is here to earn enough chaos gods directly, so as not to run away because of this.

Compared to other practitioners, he is less dependent on chaotic nerves, because other practitioners can also use chaos **** crystals to practice, and Chen Zong does not need them.

The second magma lake was entered by Wu Yue after activating the fire ring.

Whoever ventures into the magma lake to find the void fire crystals can get 50% of the value.

Generally, a magma lake is only suitable for entering once in a short time, only to escape after entering, and the magma beasts in it will become active and will be quiet again after a period of time.

The active magma beast is very scary ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Because there are many magma beasts lurking in each magma lake. It is difficult to kill and entangle in the magma lake.

One after another, they didn't go deep, but walked around to find the magma lake.

The two brothers Lin Shuang and Wu Yue dived into the magmatic lake in turn to find, sometimes they were unlucky and couldn't find a void crystal, sometimes they were lucky to find four.

Gradually, there were more than twenty accumulated nether fire crystals.

"Frost Sword Saint Lin Shuang, the brothers Wu Yue and Wu Ming who cut the dragons two swords, haha, it's really destined." Hong Liang's voice came, and laughter shook all directions. It was a great body with a body that was very tall, more than two meters, A crimson hair seemed to be burning, and the skin was dark red, with strange lines all over the body.

He carried a dark red baguette with the thickness of the arm in his hand, and it was also covered with peculiar patterns, just like the surface of a magma beast, and the breath was very amazing.

There were two other figures behind him, too, but one with dark red lava gloves and one with a lava warhammer.

"He is a fire saint. He is a fire gang."

"How did you meet him?"

Lin Shuang and Wu Yue brothers changed their faces one after another, eyes full of vigilance, and immediately greeted Chen Zong and Han Qi to step back and quickly distance themselves from the three.

"How luck is so bad." Han Qi also looked bitter.

It is the practice of countless practitioners to explore into dangerous places and forbidden places to obtain treasures and opportunities. The dangerous place is full of dangers. The source of danger is the unique life nurtured in the dangerous place, in addition to its special environment. For example, the magma beast of Void Fire Prison. In addition, the third danger comes from other practitioners who also enter the exploration.

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