Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 104: Vulcan Crystal

Hundreds of miles from the magma lake, a sword light suddenly burst out, but there was no magma with a starting point. Then, a huge figure rushed from the magma lake, carrying several tons of magma into the sky.

Within the tons of magma, a terrible magma beast of the size of ten meters also opened a large mouth full of jagged teeth and snapped at Chen Zong.

The breath of this magma beast is extremely tyrannical, far higher than the high-order magma beast, but the top-level magma beast.

High-level magma beasts are equal to the higher saints, and top-level magma beasts are also equal to the level of entering the holy realm, but they are among the most advanced levels of entering the holy realm. Be overbearing, but not as good as the real holy realm.

"If you let it go but refuse to, let's die." Chen Zong smiled slightly, a sword came out of the sheath, directly cut out a dense sword light hole through the void.


This sword in the Tongjian Sword Realm is extremely powerful, even if it is a top-level magma beast, its body is extremely powerful and it can't stop the sword light.

Killed with a sword, the magma beast fell directly, but Chen Zong leaped on the shore of the magma lake.

"This harvest is good." Chen Zong secretly said, a little joy on his face.

In these hundreds of miles of magma lake, I found more than a dozen fire **** crystals and three fire holy crystals, which is equal to more than four hundred chaos **** crystals.

Sure enough, the gain from acting alone is greater. This is also the strength. If the strength is not enough, you can only explore those magma lakes that are tens of miles away, but dare not enter hundreds of miles.

For example, Lin Shuang, although his strength is good, if he enters hundreds of miles of magma lake, it is very difficult to take away the fire crystals of the void, and he will even be killed by the top magma beast.

More than four hundred chaos **** crystals, but still insufficient.

After exploring magmatic lakes one after another, Chen Zong, who was dozens of miles away, was too lazy to enter, at least hundreds of miles away.

The deeper it gets, the larger the magma lake at the level of hundreds of miles.

"Oh, go deep into Netherfire, alone, don't come near."

When a group of people in the distance saw Chen Zong, they showed a look of fear.

Those who dare to go deep into the Nether Fire Prison alone, if they are not lunatics or fools, must be very strong or have some horrible hole cards that cannot be easily provoked.

However, there are also people who do not open their eyes or are blinded by their interests.

"Surround him." The eight men acted immediately, quickly spreading out to form a siege circle, encircling Chen Zong. All eight people were sensed from the breath. All eight were high-level saints, but some were human, some were primitive, and some were fire-san.

"It's the Molten Team."

"That man is going to be miserable. He was caught by the Molten Team."

Someone in the distance saw a lot of changes in his complexion and hesitated.

Some practitioners will organize them specifically to form a fixed team, why they will be named as a team, and once they join such a team, they must abide by the rules and so on. It is not easy to quit.

In this way, they will be more united, after all, their interests are closely related.

The Molten Clan is considered to be one of the more powerful ones. Its founder is said to be the true Holy Power.

"Give up your artifact." The man headed by this molten team is a bald man, carrying a red sword, and sneered at Chen Zong, not polite.

It ’s all about grabbing each other ’s treasures. Why be polite? Is n’t it too hypocritical?

"Give it up, or you will be dead." The other roared.

"Give all your Chaos God Crystal and Void Fire Crystal." Chen Zongwei smiled.

Then, it was a fight, and then, Chen Zong's harvest went away.

The people in the Molten Team were alive, but were injured one by one. As for their Chaos God Crystal and Void Fire Crystal, they all belonged to Chen Zong. The total number was more than 2,000.

"So strong!"

"It's terrible, at least the strength of the Invincible Saint."

"Can it be a true sanctuary?"

Chen Zong's shot was extremely fast, and his strength was restrained. In addition, it was mixed with Yuanyuan mentality, which made people more elusive. Other people who watched the war in the distance were all in the holy realm, and they could not see any mystery. It was impossible to know the strength of Chen Zong How exactly.

"Damn, you'll regret it." The people of the Molten Team were furious, but they didn't dare to chase after them, and left in a hurry.

Chen Zong continued to go deep into the fire in the void, deeper and deeper. In front of him, there was a huge magma lake of thousands of miles in size. Countless bubbles continued to emerge, then burst, and blasted out numerous magma liquids.

The grunting sounds rang continuously, mixed into one, and sounded in all directions.

The enthusiasm here is even more amazing. The upper saints will feel uncomfortable when approaching. If the middle saints are more difficult to reach, the lower saints will not be able to bear it.

However, such blazing is not much for Chen Zong, who is familiar with the sword world.

After half an hour of observation, Chen Zong jumped into the magma lake directly.

Thousands of miles of lava lakes are certainly much more dangerous than hundreds of miles of lava lakes, but again, they may have Vulcan crystals.

A Vulcan crystal worth a thousand chaos crystals, called Chen Zong very hearty.

Thousands of miles of magma lake magma is even more terrible. The upper saint will be incinerated if he does not insist on three breaths. The use of the fire ring can only persist for about ten breaths. This time is not enough to go deep into the bottom of the magma lake and return. Even if it is invincible into the sanctuary, it will not dare to enter thousands of miles of magma lake, at most it is to try hundreds of miles of magma lake.

As soon as Chen Zong entered thousands of miles of magma lake, immediately, located in the depth of these thousands of miles of magma lake, a huge magma beast more than 100 meters awoke suddenly, his eyes opened, and a ray of golden red light burst out. .

In the next breath, the 100-meter-long magma-like beast moved, and the winding body rushed upwards, like a lightning-like rapid.

Magma Lake is the world of magma beasts. In magma lakes, magma beasts tend to be more horizontal.

The terrible breath permeated and was immediately felt by Chen Zong, and his expression changed involuntarily: "The Magma Beastmaster of the True Holy Land."

Thousands of miles of magma lake inhabited the magma beast king. This is to be expected, the magma beast king is equal to the true sacred power, Chen Zong also knows, but also enters this magma lake, because there may be void in such a magma lake Vulcan crystal.

And the value of Void Fire God Crystal is amazing. One is worth 1,000 Chaos God Crystals. If you can find a few, it is thousands of Chaos God Crystals directly. That is a great wealth.

Thousands of miles of magma lakes are hundreds of miles deep. Chen Zong's speed is extremely fast. It is like a sword-light like a bamboo shoot that keeps going down, but the more it is squeezed, the more intense it will be. As for speed, it is also affected.

Fortunately, the exquisite sword sword is sharp and sharp. One of the mysteries of the sword is sharp and sharp. It is only that Chen Zong is not affected by the slightest. The speed is not much different from that outside the lava lake.

The Magma Beast King Lava Pterosaur rushed immediately, and the huge body brought the magma vortex, which was directly pressed, and the breath was extremely terrifying.

Chen Zong did not intend to fight with him, and the Magma Beast itself was of little value.


Avoiding the magma beast king's blow, Chen Zong continued to go down, and the magma beast king immediately roared and chased after him. Then, waves came from all directions, and it was as if other magma beasts came.

Top-ranked magma beasts, high-order magma beasts, middle-order magma beasts, and even low-order magma beasts are densely packed in groups.

Thousands of miles and hundreds of miles of magma lakes inhabit tens of thousands of magma beasts. Nowadays, more than half of them have come out, and other magma beasts have also awakened.

The Magma Beast itself has no wisdom. The Magma Beast King has simple wisdom and can lead all Magma Beasts in the same Magma Lake.

Tens of thousands of magma beasts came in from all directions, and the entire magma lake boiled, but Chen Zong was the incarnation of a sharp sword light that was incarnate directly. All the magma beasts coming from below were directly pierced and torn. Cracked, without resistance.

But hundreds of miles are indeed deep. It is not so easy to reach the depths at a speed of 40,000 meters for Chen Zong, not to mention that the more the speed is affected, the slower it becomes.

However, in the magma lake, the speed of the magma beast is not affected, especially the speed of the magma beast king is much faster than Chen Zong, and Chen Zong was eventually intercepted.

"It's no good not to shoot," Chen Zong secretly said.

The deeper the temperature, the more terrifying the magma lake, but Chen Zong has the real body to defend, and the inner universe can absorb attacks, and the magic sword realm can control and resist external invasion in order to protect himself ~ www. wuxiaspot.com ~ Xinyi Tianjian burst out of the sheath and exploded directly.


The silver sword light pierced the depths of the lava lake in an instant and relentlessly killed the magma beastmaster.

This sword is extremely fast, and the magma beast king has a huge body, and it is difficult to completely avoid being hit immediately and then penetrated.

But the sword did not cause much damage to the Magma Beastmaster.

Triple outburst ... Eternal Stars!

In a hurry, a ten-meter-sized star phantom appeared directly in the magma lake, repelling the surrounding magma directly, emitting a terrible atmosphere fluctuation, as if it could suppress everything.

Amazing power broke out. Under three times, the power of the sword of Eternal Star became more and more terrible. As Chen Zong Yijian was cut out, he blasted directly to the magma beast king, and was extremely domineering.

The Magma Beastmaster roared and rushed directly to the ancient stars to crush it.

With a bang, the bottom of the magma lake is trembling, and the magma beast king is indeed very strong, and it is even more overbearing in the magma lake. Sword realm, one of the mysteries of the sword is still domineering, making the sword of eternal stars even more amazing.

Under a sword, the Magma Beastmaster was immediately hit.

Triple God Xiao ... Erupt!

While you are dying and killing you, a sword that can't be escaped runs directly through the Magma Beastmaster and kills directly.

As soon as the Magma Beast King died, other magma beasts naturally could not stop Chen Zong, and they all retreated under the slaughter. Chen Zong did not pursue it, and quickly dived down. Then, he found a fire crystal that emits a strong breath and fluctuated. Vulcan crystal.

"Okay." Chen Zong couldn't help rejoicing, and immediately put away that void Fire God Crystal, which was worth a thousand Chaos God Crystals.

Moreover, not far from the Void Fire God Crystal, there are Void Fire Holy Crystals and a lot of Hell Crystals, which should count as thousands of Chaos God Crystals.

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