Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 105: Inner universe complete

The universe's true body is amazingly defensive. When all kinds of external forces impact it, it will be directly resisted, and part of it will be absorbed into the inner universe, and then it will diffuse and dilute in the inner universe.

Chen Zong's inner universe now has thousands of miles, and when external forces enter it, it will diffuse into the thousands of miles of the inner universe, constantly being diluted and diluted to the extreme. Think about it, a powerful force is diffused to the thousands of miles. Power is still those powers, but because of the scattered relationship, its power is greatly reduced.

Unless you can destroy the inner universe with one blow, otherwise it will be difficult to hurt Chen Zong.

In general, in terms of the powerful defense of Chen Zong's true body and the secret of the inner universe, it is difficult for the attack of the higher saint to hurt him, not to mention that Chen Zong also has the magic sword state, so in this void Inside Hell, it may not be called invincible, but very few can threaten Chen Zong.

Three years later, Chen Zong was fully harvested, and left Void Hell to go to the wind and break the universe city again.

A large number of Void Fire Prisms, Fire Holy Crystals, and even some Vulcan Crystals were sold by Chen Zong, and they did not need to use them at all.

These Void Fire Crystals were replaced with Chaos God Crystals.

"Guest, a total of 18,390 Chaos God Crystals, I'll give you an integer, 18,400 Chaos God Crystals." After the people at Qizhen Pavilion finished counting, they were all smiles. Chen Zong said.

Suddenly sold more than 10,000 and nearly 20,000 Chaos God Crystal, what an amazing fortune, Chen Zong also revealed a smile, so in the next period of time, he should not have to for Chaos God Crystal Worried.

"Guest, we have treasures from all over the Chaos Universe, you can see them." The deacon of Qizhen Pavilion laughed.

"What treasures are there?" Chen Zong asked casually.

"For example, the source of the ancient demon and the source of the ancient demon." The deacon laughed, and said more than a dozen kinds of treasures in a row, all of which were relatively special.

"Is there a deity of the gods and demons?" Chen Zong flashed in his mind and immediately asked.

"Yes, of course, there are lower, middle, and upper deities. If you need a super deity, you can book it." Deacon of Qizhenge laughed again and again.

Chen Zong couldn't help showing a hint of surprise, even the divinity could be bought, which was great.

Originally, I also planned to go to the gods and gods, and hunt down some gods, in order to absorb their divinity to refine and absorb, and quickly promote cultivation. Otherwise, it ’s too difficult to cultivate by myself and I want to cultivate To the end, it can take decades or even hundreds of years.

This time may not be too much, but Chen Zong still feels short.

Nowadays, Qizhen Pavilion has a divine sale, what a great thing.

The lower deity is the positive deity, the middle deity is the spirit deity, and the upper deity is naturally the master deity. As for the super deity, it is the **** deity, which is equivalent to cultivation. True sanctuary of the person.

The practice systems of different races are different, and their realm names will be different.

"What price is the upper divine?" Chen Zong asked immediately.

"The divine nature is only the demon. To obtain the divinity, the demon must be hunted, and the demon family is one of the few large races in the chaotic universe. The combat power in the same realm is extremely ruthless. Many races have to be strong, so hunting the demon is very dangerous. "The deacon did not answer directly, but explained:" In addition, hunting the demon to obtain the divinity will also be hostile and even chased by the demon and his family. Kill, more dangerous, so the price

Not low. "

"Speak directly." Chen Zong replied in three words, saying so much more than just emphasizing the hard-won divinity, or emphasizing the high value and so on.

"A super deity worth five thousand chaos **** crystals." The price stated by this deacon made Chen Zong's look slightly changed.

Five thousand Chaos God Crystals!

What an amazing value this is, equal to five Fire God Crystals or fifty Fire Saint Crystals or five hundred Hell Crystals.

The practitioners who enter the holy realm, even if they are invincible in the holy realm, in a place like Void Fire Hell, it is not so easy to get a Void Fire Crystal worth 5,000 Chaos God Crystals. If you are lucky, it will take a few minutes. For ten years, bad luck may not be obtained for hundreds of years, and there is even a risk of death.

For the true Holy Power, it is not difficult to obtain treasures worth 5,000 Chaos God Crystals in such a dangerous place as Netherfire Prison, but it will normally take several years and luck. It may take more than ten years.

But the higher divinity is useless to the true Holy Power.

Higher divinity is only useful for ascension into the holy realm. True divine realm must be transcendental.

Five thousand chaos **** crystals may not be a lot to the true Holy Power, but to the Holy Realm, it is definitely a lot of wealth, and the value of many treasures added to the Holy Realm may not be worth it. Three thousand Chaos God Crystals, let alone five thousand.

Therefore, although the people who enter the holy realm are dazzling and divine, they suffer from not having enough chaos gods to buy, so just think about it.

The situation of Chen Zong is a special case.

The strength of the true sacred realm, but the level of cultivation is equal to the median saint, belonging to the peak of the median saint, infinitely close to the level of the higher saint. Divinity has a great effect on Chen Zong, but only the higher divine effect It is obvious that the lower deity has no effect at all, and the effect of the middle deity is negligible.

"Let's start with a higher divinity first," Chen Zong said, taking out five thousand chaos **** crystals.

"Oh, wait a minute." The deacon immediately smiled and sold five thousand chaos **** crystals, and he could extract ten chaos **** crystals from it. For him who is just the median saint, it is a A good income, after all, there is no need to go out for adventure.

Now that Chen Zong's chaotic heart is a nebula with a radius of forty-eight miles, his own speculation is that when it reaches fifty miles, it is complete. At that time, his cultivation will also be upgraded to the level of the sacred ancestor, which is the so-called higher sage level.

Once repair is promoted, not only will the amount of mental strength of the hybrid Yuan be greater, but its explosive power will also be stronger, which is equivalent to improving its overall strength.

Soon, a higher deity was taken over to complete the transaction. Chen Zong directly absorbed the higher deity into the inner universe and quickly refined it.

Just a few breaths away, Chen Zong refined that upper divinity, and the Xunyuan Xinli Nebula vortex continued to expand, from forty-eight miles to forty-nine miles, and constantly approaching fifty miles.

However, when it reached forty-nine and ninety-nine, it stopped. It was only a short distance away, and it was able to reach fifty miles. However, this one stopped, as if it were a natural sound.

"It wasn't enough." Chen Zong was suddenly surprised, and was different from what he had speculated: "Forty-nine-nine-nine-nine nine, ninety-nine miles is enough, and surely fifty-nine is complete, so let's have a higher godliness, hoping to break it That shit. "

Without hesitation, Chen Zong took out five thousand chaos **** crystals to buy a higher god.

"Guy, this is the last **** in our Qizhen Pavilion.

Sex, if you still need it, you can only transfer goods from the main cabinet. The deacon said after taking this upper divinity, he was secretly confused, but didn't ask anything.

"Um." Chen Zong nodded, refining and refining the upper divine refining. After that refining and refining the upper divine refining, finally, the slightest shiver was broken.

Fifty miles!

The nebula vortex in the heart of the mixed universe in the inner universe has truly reached fifty miles. As expected, Chen Zong has reached a perfect level.

The inner universe is complete!

Xunyuan Xinli Nebula swirls for fifty miles!

After reaching fifty miles, the swirling heart of the mixed Yuan, unconsciously, has a perfect charm, filled with a wonderful rhythm, as if there is nothing missing, between each rotation, Chen Zong can feel the mixed Yuan heart Changing, becoming more pure and arrogant.

"Successful." Chen Zong could not help but smile.

It's finally done, it's really not easy.

Counting it out, before the fusion of the four universes, their own mixed psychic nebula vortex had a radius of more than forty miles, but after the fusion of the universe, the chaotic universe was born. It took more than a thousand years to pass. For a dozen miles, the promotion is subtle.

Up to now, refining and absorbing the two divine spirits was equal to the higher level of divinity at the time of the main level of God.


Continual condensing of the hybrid element ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ With the vortex continuously rotating, a trace of conveyance is quenched to the center, and then diffused out, circulating alternately, until all the hybrid element is fully tempered Once again, directly promote one level.

The internal universe changes, but the outside world does not see the slightest change, and the breath has not changed. After all, Chen Zong ’s realm of Kendo is a supernatural sword realm, which is equivalent to realizing the first level of the true meaning of the universe, which is better than his own cultivation. Take control of all your breath changes, even the true Holy Realm can not see Chen Zong's cultivation ascending.

The feeling of completeness is really wonderful.

After the transformation of the inner universe's mental strength was completed, Chen Zong immediately felt that although his inner universe had not expanded, his strength had more than doubled, which was enough to withstand the impact of stronger external forces.

This means that Chen Zong's life-saving ability has been improved again.

Strength has also been further enhanced.

"It's time to buy other information." Chen Zong secretly said that the 18,400 chaos **** crystals that have not been covered just now have used 10,000 directly, and now only 8,400 chaos **** crystals are left. .

But thinking about it should be enough.

Taihao Mountain!


The other is whether the identity of the ancient demon and the ancient demon has something to do with the demon who broke the heavenly will of the outer universe.

These are all Chen Zong desperately want to know.

In Fengfeng Universe City, there is an agency specializing in information sales, called Tianjilou, which has branches in each of the major void cities.

"The information before the Chaos Universe is relatively expensive. The total amount of these you want to buy is 8,000 Chaos God Crystals." The person in charge of the Tianji Tower said to Chen Zong.

"Okay." Chen Zong was very helpless. There were only four hundred Chaos **** crystals left. It seems that it is really not forbidden, but as long as he can buy those information, it is a good thing. Chaos **** crystals are gone, and he can continue to get them.

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