Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 106: Lava Martyr

Chen Zong is now facing an awkward situation, that is, there is no money, and Chaos God Crystal is not enough.

There were 18,400 chaos **** crystals. As a result, I bought two higher gods, and bought some information such as Taihao Mountain, and went directly to the 18,000 chaos **** crystals, leaving only four hundred.

In the eyes of Chen Zong, the four hundred chaos **** crystals are indeed not many, no, it should be said to be very few.

"Four hundred Chaos God Crystals should be enough for me to use a void teleport, as far as possible to the place closer to Taihao Mountain, and then hurry to pass by then." Chen Zong secretly said.

However, you may also get Chaos God Crystal along the way, teleport again, and arrive near Taihao Mountain in the shortest time.

Yes, according to the information from the Tianji Tower, Taihao Mountain is still there, but it is no longer the most powerful sacred place in the outer universe at that time, it is just a small force in the territory of the human race.

Today's chaotic universe is extremely vast. Its scope is more than ten times wider than the four incomplete universes of that year. In addition, the heavenly power of the chaotic universe is much more overwhelming and the restraint on practitioners is more obvious. As a result, the flight speed of the practitioner cannot be compared with before.

Invisibly, the distance of the chaotic universe seems to be further stretched.

The human race is one of the big races, and its territory is also very wide. Taihao Mountain is only an ordinary force in the whole territory of the human race.

In the powerful chaotic universe, the levels of forces have also been re-divided. There is no power in the true holy realm to sit in the town. All forces are normal forces. After all, in the chaotic universe environment, as long as you have the heart and effort to cultivate, you want to cultivate The holy realm is not difficult.

However, it is difficult to break through to the true sanctuary. It is necessary to understand the true meaning of the universe, even if it is only the primary truth of the universe.

There are two realms to comprehend the true meaning of the universe. Of course, in addition to comprehending the true meaning of the universe, it is also possible to improve the martial arts realm, but the promotion of the martial arts realm is much more difficult than comprehending the first cosmic true truth.

Generally speaking, practitioners first realize the first true truth of the universe, and become more advanced in their realms. They have a clearer understanding of the mysteries of the universe ’s heaven and earth, and they have become more thorough in their understanding. It is also easier to comprehend martial arts and kendo of the **** realm.

However, not all true sacred powers can understand and master the martial arts kendo of the Divine Realm, only the top few of them.

Only demigods have mastered the martial arts of God.

Chen Zongzheng was intercepted when he planned to travel to the Temple of Time and Space.

"it's him."

"That's right, he just stole all our belongings."

Chen Zong suddenly saw a group of people rushing towards himself, some of whom were still familiar.

"Friend, are you robbing the belongings of my lava team members?" The head is a tall human race, very strong, with muscles bulging like diamond carving, covered with crimson flames, diffused out Amazing direct hot breath.

This person's few feet was empty, and it seemed that he did not dare to approach, because the breath was too hot and strong, which made it difficult for ordinary people to bear.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, this is truly a true sacred power.

"The robbers were eventually robbed." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

"I don't care, you robbed my team members' property, that's your

Yes, double hand it over and it will be over, if not ... "The man's eyes narrowed suddenly. There seemed to be a blaze of flame burning deep in his eyes. It seemed that the monstrous flame was going to diffuse and it was terrible.

An astonishing glow followed, and the surrounding area was transformed into a hell.

"This is Cosmic City, do you have the courage to do it?" Chen Zong turned his mind and asked suddenly: "And I will use the teleportation of the Temple of Time and Space to leave, you have to follow?"

"Grab my Lava team property, even if you run to the ends of the earth, I will not let you go." The man suddenly angered.

"In this way, if I lose, I will give you all the Chaos God Crystals." Chen Zong laughed: "If you lose, give me all Chaos God Crystals, dare you?"

"How do I know how many Chaos God Crystals you have." Instead of being fooled, the man sneered.

"In this case, if I lose, this low-order chaos flying boat will give you, if you lose, give me the chaos **** of equal value." As soon as Chen Zong waved his hand, a chaotic flying boat appeared, just as before Snatched.

"Okay." The man smiled suddenly. "A low-order chaos flying boat is worth 10,000 Chaos God Crystal."

Fengfeng Universe City is not allowed to operate, or many cities in the universe are not allowed to fight directly. However, you can also fight, as long as you go to a special battle place.

Each city in the void has a martial arts arena. If you want to fight, go to the martial arts arena. Whether it ’s a matter of negotiation or grievance, you have to go to the martial arts arena.

In the martial arts arena, the captain of the lava team floated on both feet, and a ray of flames suddenly filled out. It turned into a tangible and qualitative and continuously rushed up from under the feet, burning, and his hair directly Rushing up, the fluctuations are endless.

A terrible breath suddenly spread away, directly impacting in all directions.


The air seemed to be ignited like wanton fire.

"Remember, my name is Lava Wusheng." The man said immediately, his voice was full of amazing power, as if it could shake the void, carrying an amazing power.

"Wushuang Sword Master," Chen Zong responded.

"Wushuang Sword Master, dare to name the word Wushuang, really confident enough." Lava Wusheng first glanced, and then laughed: "And I advise you, it is best to give up the word Wushuang and change to other, otherwise it will Cause a lot of trouble. "

"What a big trouble?" Chen Zong asked curiously.

"Huh, I will tell you after you lose." Lava Wusheng sneered, and immediately shot, with one palm raised, countless crimson textures intertwined on the palm, as if the flames were burning, and slap in the palm. Out.

With a bang, the whole battlefield was shaking.

The upper limit of the combat arena is the true sanctuary. If a demigod shoots, the combat arena will collapse and be destroyed.

With a single palm of bombardment, the scarlet palm print was extremely condensed, bringing with it an astonishing blazing heat and violent, destroying the deadly bombardment, and the overbearing as if to overwhelm everything and crush Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly. From the palm of the other side, he suddenly felt an extraordinary mysterious breath fluctuation. It was the breath of the Tao, a breath of the supreme Tao, which was different from the avenue, it seemed almost The breath of heaven is fluctuating.

Very strong!

Very domineering!

The power of that palm is higher than that of the top holy saint. I do n’t know how much to force. This is the strength of the true sacred realm who grasps the first true truth of the universe.

This is also the first time Chen Zong has faced the true Holy Power.

Pulling the sword, the sword light suddenly rises, and it turns into a peerless edge and is shot out, leaving a faint trace directly in the void.

Boom boom!

Lava Wusheng shot again and again, and the extremely crimson palm print was not only one. After the first, the second, third, fourth, and fifth, followed by successive bombardments, each A scarlet palm print contains horrible power, destroying the invincible, as if to break all the space in front.

In the outer universe, these attacks can easily break the stars and break the world, but in today's chaotic universe, its power has been greatly suppressed and its destructive power has been greatly reduced. Suppression, power will further decline, but that is an appearance, its power is still very terrible, the top of the sanctuary was hit, can not resist.

It is definitely uncomfortable to be hit in the same true sanctuary. It is normal to be directly injured. Of course, no one is willing to be hit.

Chen Zong wields his sword and slashes, and the sword light is endless. It is eighteen in a flash. It is truly a sword sword with one heart to one sword. The more the power of each sword is, the more powerful it is. With the blessing of the mystery of the sword, the power of swordsmanship has also multiplied many times.


This is the first time that Chen Zong fought against the practitioners of the true sacred realm. It feels different from that lava beast king in the lava lake thousands of miles in the void of **** at that time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ lava beast king Although it is equal to the true sanctuary, it is only a very general level of true sanctuary, and the wisdom is not high. It is more a combat instinct.

Lava Wu Sheng is different, much stronger than that Lava Beastmaster.

An excellent opponent.

"This man's strength is so terrible." The other members of the lava team were stunned and shocked.

There are more than one true sanctuary in the windbreak universe city, but each true sanctuary is a well-known strongman. The lava warrior of the lava team is among the strongest true sanctuary force in the windbreak universe city, but belongs to the middle level. Strong.

Now, a person who claims to be Wushuang Sword Master has such strength, which is really surprising.

Chen Zong enjoyed this battle very fiercely and briskly, especially after his cultivation reached the inner universe, he was directly elevated from the middle saint to the higher saint, and also directly reached the summit of the higher saint, the mixed Yuan The power of the mind is getting more powerful and magnificent.

Without using the kendo realm at the level of supernatural sword level, Chen Zong's strength is invincible into the level of the sacred state. Under the level of supernatural sword level, the strength is even more amazing.

"Lava Purgatory!" Lava Wusheng did not defeat Chen Zong, and immediately broke out, a big eruption, and a terrible power broke out directly. A lava rolling purgatory came down in an instant, and it was necessary to suppress Chen Zong.

The arrogance was extremely astounding. The coercion immediately made Chen Zong feel the pressure, the fiery heat seemed to burn his body.

"Have you tried your best, since that's the case ..." Chen Zong also broke out completely, the splendid splendor of his eyes burst out to the extreme, and a strong horizontal sword intention that penetrated the realm of the magic sword also broke out in an instant. The battlefield directly penetrated the lava purgatory.

Triple ... Eternal Stars!

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