Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 107: Return to Taihao

Fighting was fierce in the martial arts arena.

Chen Zong turned into sword light, flying at high speed, and constantly killing Lava Wusheng. His body speed is faster than before, reaching 60,000 meters. This flying speed is not as fast as Lava Wusheng. After all, he understands the essence of the universe. The true Holy Realm has a flight speed of at least 50,000 meters, and can even reach a speed of 100,000 meters.

The speed of Lava Wusheng is no less than 60,000 meters.

However, the real speed of Chen Zong is the speed of the sword. The speed of the sword in the magic sword world is astonishing, reaching a level of 100,000 meters. Each sword has an amazing sharpness, as if it can penetrate the world. Everything.

On the front of Lava Wusheng, countless sword lights are like torrents rolling and violent, and they are constantly impacting. The power of each strike is extremely terrible. The sword art is continually exerted, and it never stops, like a cycle.

Lava Wusheng is also good at frontal battles, but at this moment facing Chen Zong's high-speed Jianguang, he is suppressed and can only resist passively. The rhythm is completely mastered by Chen Zong.

Lava Wusheng is indeed strong, but Chen Zong is stronger.


With the outbreak of one-hearted swordsmanship, coupled with the power of unparalleled power, the power of the magical sword realm and the depth of the mystery of the sword, the sword directly broke through the defense of the lava warrior, and paused before the lava warrior's brows, gently resisting , The terrible Fengrui rushed into his mind through his brows.

Lava Wu Shengzhang, for a while it was hard to believe that he was so defeated.

"You won." After three breaths, Lava Wusheng just said, no matter how unhappy he was, he did lose.

Ten thousand Chaos **** crystals are in hand.

Originally, there were only four hundred, and now there are 10,400 chaos **** crystals. With these chaos **** crystals, it must be enough to use the space-time teleportation of the temple of time and space to go to Taihao Mountain.

"Thank you very much, I have the opportunity to invite you to drink again." Chen Zong was in a good mood when he got 10,000 Chaos God Crystal, and said to Lava Wusheng, he immediately asked Lava Wusheng to show a gloom, and immediately smiled: "This is you That said, you have to remember. "

The Temple of Time and Space was created by a lord of the demigods who is proficient in the way of time and space. There are many buildings built in the Chaos City and the Cosmic City, but there are no void-level cities.

The space-time teleportation of each space-time temple can lead to each other, but each teleportation consumes a lot of energy, and you need to pay the chaos **** crystal as a fee.

"Where to go?" The person in charge of space-time transmission charges asked Chen Zong.

"Yanji Chaos City." Chen Zong answered directly. To go to the territory where Mount Taihao is located, he must pass two Chaos cities and five universe cities. As for the void city, there are dozens of them.

"Teleport five thousand Chaos crystals alone, waiting for twelve people to transmit one five hundred Chaos crystals."

"How many people are there now?" Chen Zong asked.


Eight, that's four. Chen Zong's thoughts turned around, and he planned to wait for a while, and then set off after the full number of people, otherwise it would cost 5,000 Chaos God Crystal, which is too expensive.

Chen Zong received a token and was told he was not allowed to leave the Wind and Space Universe City, because when the personnel gathered together, the Space-Time Temple would issue a notification. With this token, he could receive a notification and quickly rush to the Space-Time Temple. In the case of the Cosmic City, the message cannot be received.

At that time, the Temple of Time and Space will not specifically wait for you to return, but will open the transmission of space and time within the prescribed time, even if there are fewer people, it does not matter, because the Chaos God Crystal has already got it.

The greatest purpose of bringing together the personnel is to gather enough chaos. It takes a lot of energy to start a space-time shuttle, and one of them is still transmitting twelve. Although the energy consumed is different, it will not be much.

Of course, from the universe city to the neighboring universe city, a single teleportation is once a thousand chaos **** crystals, and a twelve person teleport is a one hundred chaos **** crystals.

You know, the distance between two adjacent universe cities is very long. If you fly non-stop at a speed of one kilometer, it will take nearly a hundred years. Chen Zong cannot spend a hundred years to hurry, and many practitioners will not In doing so, the space-time penetration of the Temple of Time and Space becomes very important.

If you think about it, one space-time teleportation can span the distance of a universe city and directly save a century of time. How amazing and expensive it is normal.

Of course, for the demigods, the distance between the two cosmic cities is nothing, they can be easily crossed in just a few years, or even shorter.

For those who enter the sanctuary, it is too far away. Even countless people who have entered the sanctuary will never step out of the territory of a universe city. Their flying speed is very limited, only a few kilometers or even 10,000 meters. To leap over the two universe cities, it would take thousands of years, which means the most ideal state.

What is the best?

That is, no danger will be encountered on the way.

But the chaos universe is endlessly dangerous, and no one can predict that even a demigod might not say that he can resist any danger in the chaos universe.


Soon a year passed, and the number was still eleven, which was still one, but this one is hard to say.

Although Chen Zong was waiting, he didn't waste any time.

The potential of Tongjian Sword Realm is amazing, and you can continue to enlighten and improve, and the mysteries of the three swords also have great potential to be tapped.

The mysteries of the three types of swords are cutting sharp, violent outburst, and overbearing power.

The fourth mystery of the sword is also being bred, and it is estimated that it will really be born in a few decades.

Today is the perfect practice of the inner universe. It is difficult to improve the practice. Unless it is a breakthrough in the realm, Chen Zong is also difficult to break.

The potential of Tong Shen Jian Jing is great, and it can be tapped further.

"The mysteries of the three swords represent different directions of kendo." Chen Zong secretly realized: "One of my hearts, Kendo's peerless science now has four, representing the fierce and fierce Taihao, the extreme sharpness and speed of God The ancient stars, the overwhelming and overwhelming power, and the ultimate destruction and destruction destroy all the heavens and the earth. "

"The mysteries of the three types of swords bred from Tongjin Sword Realm have something to do with three of the four great skills of Kendo.

The sharp edge that cuts everything is related to the sword of Shen Xiao.

The outbreak of extreme fury is related to Taihao's sword.

Overbearing forces crush everything related to the sword of eternal stars.

So, the mystery of the fourth sword that is still being bred?

Will it have something to do with the sword that all things are in the world?

Whether it is right or not, it can be known decades later, but it is difficult to perceive it now, but Chen Zong continues to learn, and also finds that Nubuat is three of the four mastery skills that he has now mastered: Tai Hao, Shen Xiao And eternal stars, all can be further improved and improved.

The mystery of the sword of the mysterious sword realm represents a correct direction of kendo. Only by improving the peerlessness along the correct direction can the peerlessness' power be brought to the extreme.

Another year passed, and finally, the last person was together. Chen Zong also received the notification from the Temple of Time and Space, and immediately set off for the Temple of Time and Space to begin teleportation.

This feeling of teleportation is very wonderful, and it seems to be broken down into countless particles in an instant, and then re-condensed in another place.

In just ten short breaths, they directly across the distant territory to reach a chaotic city.

Without a pause, Chen Zong went to the time and space temple of Chaos City again to another Chaos City.

After waiting for three years this time, only twelve personnel were brought together, and transmission was started again.

Time and space teleportation through the Temple of Time and Space finally arrived at the territory where Mount Taihao was located, and it took a total of ten years before and after.

"If there is no transmission in space and time, at my own speed, it would not be possible to cross so many territories without thousands of years. Even a demigod might take decades." Chen Zong could not help but secretly said: "However, this Down and over, each time it took twelve people to get together, and it took nearly 5,000 Chaos God Crystals. If it was transmitted separately, it would cost at least 50,000 Chaos God Crystals. "

"Now that you have reached the territory of Taihao Mountain, you will no longer be able to teleport through the space-time temple. You can only rely on yourself to hurry."

With a secret signal, Chen Zong immediately flew out of this cosmic city named Yuanzhang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and flew outside, and then took out the low-order chaos flying boat to drive on the road, and the speed of the low-order chaos flying boat to drive on the road, after all Faster than yourself.

Ten years to realize the sword, deeper, the mystery of the sword has also been applied to the body, making Chen Zong's flight speed from 60,000 meters to 70,000 meters, but still not as fast as the chaos low-order flying boat Ten thousand meters.

Even if the speed can be compared, it is better to use a low-order chaotic flying boat to move, it will not consume its own power, and the low-order chaotic flying boat is very hard and its defense is amazing. Once it encounters any terrible danger, it will It is a layer of protection, so that you can have more time to respond.

In the chaotic flying boat, Chen Zong continued to participate in the sword art and kendo while driving, pondering the power of the magic sword, and tapping the potential of the mystery of the sword.

The Chaos Universe is extremely vast. Both the human race and the primitive race are big races, and they are mixed. There is no absolute distinction. There are only dozens of chaotic cities, less than a hundred, but there are thousands of universe-class cities. Each universe-level city represents a territory.

The territory of each side is very vast, with a universe-level city and more than ten void-level cities. In addition, various forces range from dozens to hundreds.

When Chen Zong knew this, he was shocked, because even the outer universe in which he was and the inner universe he had been to in those days could not be compared with it.

This territory is called the original cut territory, with the same name as the cosmic city where it is located.

Taihao Mountain is located in the territory of the original cut, but it is one of dozens of forces. Among these dozens of forces, it belongs to the middle level. All these information Chen Zong have been purchased in the Tianji Tower.

"It will take about three years to reach Taihao Mountain at my current speed." Chen Zong secretly said, for a while, he felt like an arrow, secretly excited and looking forward.

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