Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 108: Surrender or perish

In the low-order chaos flying boat, Chen Zong is constantly enlightening while driving and controlling the direction.

"The mystery of the sharp sword of the God Sword Realm is really amazing. I should use this to improve the Shenxiao sword to make it more compatible."

The sword of Shen Xiao was originally created to penetrate the giant's body, only because the giant's body was too aggressive, so the sword was born.

Fengrui is extreme, runs through everything, and has amazing speed.

But the most important thing in Shenxiao's sword is the sharp, all-encompassing sharp.

The mystery of Feng Rui Sword is the direction that Chen Zong now has to master in order to improve the Shen Xiao Yi Sword and make the Shen Xiao Yi Sword even more powerful.

After several years of enlightenment, a shock came, and a clear understanding came to my heart.

In the depths of Chen Zong's eyes, an amazing light burst out directly, as if the sword can penetrate and tear everything, and break everything.

"I've got it." Chen Zong could not help but smile: "So it's true, Shen Xiaoyi sword can still perform like this."

When you do n’t understand it, you just do n’t understand the mystery, but when you realize it, it ’s different. You can understand the mystery directly and understand how to exert it to be stronger.

By referring to the sword, an astonishing sword intention suddenly permeated. It was a sharp to extreme sword intention, as if there was nothing in the heavens and the earth, there was nothing to resist this sharp sword. Pierced and torn by it.

This is the meaning of the sword, and the meaning of the Shenxiao sword.

Originally, Chen Zong ’s sword intention was the sword intention of one-hearted swordsmanship, but now, Shen Xiaoyi sword realizes an extreme, and the sword intention is also born, which means reaching an amazing height.

Inspired by the sword of Shen Xiao, Chen Zong immediately felt that his fingers were like a magic sword, full of astonishing sharpness and invincible sharpness.


Gently push your fingers forward, an extreme sharpness pierces everything.


Chen Zong couldn't help but smile.

After the mystery of the sharp sword of the sacred sword realm was integrated into the sword of Shenxiao, the sword of Shenxiao became more and more complete, and the power became more and more powerful. The speed of the sword did not change, but its edge was much more powerful. Can directly double.

Originally, one's own strength was not bad at the level of true sanctuary, but now the power of Shenxiao's sword is doubled, and the strength is becoming more and more terrible.

Chen Zong did not continue to enlighten the sword of Shenxiao, only because of this sword, it is difficult to ascend, unless the mystery of the magic sword realm and the sharp sword can be further improved.

The power of Shen Xiao's sword is doubled, but the other three tricks are not unique. Chen Zong began to enlighten the eternal stars of the second trick and incorporated the mystery of the overbearing sword into it to improve and improve.

Shen Xiao's sword is the ultimate sharp edge, which is invincible and invincible, but the eternal stars are different. They are strength, overbearing strength, crushing all strength, terrible strength.

Under the sword of all ages, the ancient stars came down and overwhelmed everything.

If this sword is also fully integrated into the mystery of the overbearing sword, the power of eternal stars can also be multiplied.

Finally, after several years of flying, Chen Zong saw a mountain, a mountain suspended in the void of the chaotic universe.

It was a mountain several thousand meters high, almost ten thousand meters, which was huge, but it was nothing compared to the chaotic universe. The chaotic universe was too big.

In contrast, such mountains are actually like a dust.

"Tai Hao Mountain." Chen Zong immediately stood up, without interrupting the deduction of enlightenment, but did not interfere with his actions, his eyes burst into joy.

That is Taihao Mountain, the long-lost Taihao Mountain.

Although it is only in the early one thousand years, it has separated two cosmic epochs. It is the transition from the last cosmic epoch to the current cosmic epoch, with a gap of one thousand years and a gap between two cosmic epochs.

This makes Chen Zong feel like a vicissitudes of life.

My heart has been concerned, and today, finally arrived, and finally saw it again.

Immediately, Chen Zongfei flew out of the low-order chaos flying boat, waved it away, and quickly flew towards Taihao Mountain.

Compared with more than a thousand years ago, Taihao Mountain does not seem to have changed much, except that the cities outside and those cities have fallen apart under the disaster caused by the integration of the universe at that time, countless in the city The person died and died.

There is no way, the disaster caused by the fusion of the universe is really terrible.

Even if the sacred step strong is unprotected, it is difficult to bear, and 50% of the probability will be stunned.

I don't know what happened to Taihao Mountain today?

With a touch of eagerness, Chen Zong immediately turned into a touch of sword light and approached Taihao Mountain at a speed of 70,000 meters.

Chen Zong's strength is equal to the level of the true sacred realm, and the speed is very fast, and he is approaching in one breath, but whether the Taishan Mountain Guard Team is opened or fully opened, this makes Chen Zong wonder.

Fully opening the mountain defense team, although it will strengthen the defense to the extreme, it is difficult to attack, but it also means that it will consume a lot of energy.

Under normal circumstances, the mountain guards are half-open, so that they will not consume more power.

This mountain guarding team is really good. With its full strength, it is enough to withstand the attack of the holy saints. It is much more brilliant than the mountain guarding team at Taihao Mountain more than a thousand years ago. After all, the mountain guarding team at the time could only barely Resisting the great holy realm is equivalent to the current median saint.

From this point of view, in the past 1,000 years of Chaos Great Universe, Taihao Mountain has also developed well.

However, when Chen Zong's mixed mentality spread, it covered the entire Taihao Mountain, and no one could detect it.

"Nianxin was absent." Chen Zong's complexion changed suddenly, and the entire Taihao Mountain went up and down, but Yu Nianxin's figure was not found: "Did you go out?"

"Go and ask." Chen Zong immediately went into the Hushan formation. The power of the Hushan formation was really good, but there was nothing he could do. Even Chen Zong came in, and the Taishan Mountain Hushan formation did not have a warning because Chen Zong Youxin hides.

Of course, if you change to a real sanctuary, you may not be able to do it.

Tai Haoshan's first strongman is exactly a high-level sword sage, which Chen Zong knew.

No Swordmaster!

"Elder, that star gate is too domineering, and even asked us to choose one of surrender and perish." A middle swordsman angered immediately.

"It is impossible to surrender, and I ca n’t surrender too much to Haoshan." The non-killing swordsman tone was very firm and decisive and stern: "My Tai Haoshan inherited from the last universe era, it was one of the holy places in the outer universe at that time Is also the strongest sacred place, because in the outer universe at that time, the median saint was the pinnacle, but Taihao Mountain had three median saints. "

This is the glory of that year.

Never forget.

"Elder, the power of the Star Gate is much stronger than ours." The three elders, who are also the middle swordsman, sighed slightly. "Now dozens of forces in the original cut territory have surrendered to half. The Star Gate was over, and ten forces were overthrown by the Star Gate because of their disobedience. "

"Even if it is destroyed, I am too Haoshan to surrender." The non-killing sword saint expressed very directly that he has lived from the last universe era to the present, and the second elder and the third elder are different, this is a chaotic universe. Born inside, he worshiped in Taihao Mountain and continued to cultivate. With a talent of extraordinary talents, he became a median swordsman in just one thousand years.

They belong to Tai Haoshan, but that ownership is different from that without swordsman.

"Unfortunately, the third generation of Taihao and the fourth generation of Taihao have disappeared. Otherwise, with their talents, they will definitely be more powerful than me now." Wu Swordmaster secretly said: "Even if Chen Zongzai said, I do n’t know to what level it will be strong, that star gate can never be too holy. ”


That was great confidence in Chen Zong, the confidence that had been erected in those battles of that year.

The outer universe at that time was much worse than today's chaotic big universe, but the Purgatory Demon Gate and the Infernal Demon brought great disasters, which directly affected the entire outer universe, one battle after another, life and death. There are countless deaths and injuries.

Today, Taihao Mountain has one senior swordsman, two median swordsmen, and five lower swordsmen, all of which are elders. At that time, there were not so many holy steps in Taihaoshan, and they were not so strong. The powerful Chen Zong is also equivalent to the current high-level sword master.

"The elder, don't go it alone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The three elders continue to say:" We are too Haoshan for a thousand years, and we must not be destroyed because of this. "

"Do you want to surrender?" The second elder asked immediately.

"It can only be that way," said the three elders. "Otherwise, many disciples up and down Taihao Mountain will be killed for this, and there will be countless deaths and injuries."

"The three elders, you passed." The swordless saint immediately became angry, and the terrible killings spread directly, covering the three elders.

The swordsman of the higher swordsman is stronger than the swordsman of the middle swordsman, and suddenly the three elders change their looks.

"Elder, what are you going to do? I'm thinking about it for Tai Haoshan." The three elders hurried.

"For the sake of Tai Haoshan, do you think that you have contacted the Elder Xingmen in private?" The swordless samurai became more furious and the murderous power became stronger.

"Now that you know, it should be clear that Tai Haoshan cannot be the opponent of Star Gate." The three elders calmed down and seemed sneered after being exposed. There is more than one true Holy Realm in the Star Gate. It is easy to kill the Holy Realm. Even the elder, you cannot stop the master. "

"The three elders, have you surrendered to the Star Gate?" The second elder was full of anger, and several other elder swordmasters also glared at the three elders.

"Hahahaha, the weak are surrendering to the strong, they are justified, the Star Gate is too much stronger than Taihao Mountain, and surrender is normal." The three elders laughed endlessly.

"Death!" Without killing the sword sage, he pulled out the long sword directly behind him, and the sword light was unfolded, condensing an unparalleled killing power and breaking open, killing the three elders relentlessly.

This sword directly took the life of the traitor, the three elders. The three elders' face suddenly changed, and his heart trembled, crushing a piece of precious jade at once, and a ray of light emerged immediately to cover his body, blocking the non-killing sword. The slash of the holy sword.

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