Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 109: It's him

The sword gas was violent and then shattered.

The three elders laughed, and immediately flew towards the outside.

"Although your strength is better than me, you can't kill me." The three elders rolled up and turned into a sword light, and rushed out of the hall. Their voices suddenly increased and they rang directly through Taihao Mountain: "Tahao Mountain's The disciples all listened, the Star Gate is extremely powerful. If you are now a subject, you can worship the Star Gate as a disciple of the Star Gate. Among them, the best are more likely to worship under the gate of the true Holy Power. "

For a time, all the disciples at Taihao Mountain heard it. One by one, they were mistaken and then startled.

"Damn!" Swordmaster without kill immediately chased out with his sword, and the second elder also chased out. The five lower swordmasters also chased out. Their single-to-single strength was indeed not as good as the median swordmaster. People are good at joining forces, enough to suppress the normal median swordsman.

"Do n’t be in vain, this is the treasure from the Star Gate Lord. You ca n’t break it at all." The three elders laughed, and deliberately flew over Taihao Mountain to make more Taihao Disciple Shan can see and hear.

This approach is to shake people's hearts and disintegrate Tai Hao's resistance from the inside.

"Jumping clown." A light sigh sounded, like a breeze passing by, and instantly passed into everyone's ears. The three elders who were flying wantonly felt a meal, and were directly confined in the air, moving. may not.

"What's going on?" The three elders' faces were full of shock and perplexity, and they were constantly struggling, but couldn't.

Without killing the sword saint and others are also full of sorrow.

what happened?

Who is the one talking?

"I faced the disaster of destroying the gates at the top of Mount Taihao. No one retreated. Even if the sword was broken, no one was afraid and stepped back." The sound of that emotion sounded, but a little more Xiao Xiao Coldly.

There is a sudden surprise and anticipation in the swordless Saint.


Will mention Taihao Mountain that year, who is Taihao Mountain?

This sound is still somewhat familiar, even if it is spaced a thousand years apart and spaced a cosmic era.

It's him!

It was he who returned, and the swordless saint immediately became excited.

A figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, as if it emerged from nothingness, appearing in the eyes of everyone above and below Taihao Mountain.

It's Chen Zong!

Chen Zong had already infiltrated Taihao Mountain and saw the farce of the three elders.

Yes, in Chen Zong's eyes, it was indeed a farce, but also angry.

Tai Haoshan, when is the time to go all out?

Even if the universe is changing, the current Taihao Mountain is no longer inferior to the status of that year, but the sword repairing spirit still exists, and the Taihao spirit is immortal.

There is no excitement and extreme excitement about killing the sword saint. He is looking forward to night and night, hoping that the strong man of Taihao Mountain can return again, but he has not waited for it. He can only resist, support, and continue to cultivate. Level, strength is many times more powerful than in those years.

However, it still doesn't work. The status of Taihao Mountain has long been incomparable with that of the past. It is only the original dozens of forces in the territory of the universe city. Taihao Mountain can only be regarded as a medium level.

Now that the Star Gate comes from other territories, it wants to dominate in the original cut territory and requires other forces to surrender. Now it has been subdued by most of the forces. Star Gate is very overbearing and intends to conquer all forces.

Tai Haoshan has already received Tongtong.

Surrender or destroy!

The three elders were secretly bought by Star Gate, or they had secretly joined Star Gate.

Chen Zongyi pointed out, only a ray of sword gas shot through the air and left.

"Sculpture of the worms." The three elders first stunned, and then revealed a disdainful smile. However, the protection on his body could resist the attack of the upper sword master without breaking. Only a few top masters in the sanctuary could break it .

But at the next breath, the three elders showed an extremely terrified look.


The protective cover was directly broken, just under that sword.

Immediately after the sword gas broke the protective cover, it did not kill the three elders, but instead turned into a sword gas rope and tied it directly into the hall.

This scene immediately fell into the eyes of everyone in Tai Haoshan, causing a lot of discussion.

You know, the elder's sword, but why can't the elder's protective cover be broken by a ray of sword gas from a strange sword repair, how powerful is that strange sword repair.

Among the disciples in Tai Haoshan, there were still a few people with shocking faces.

"It's him, he's back."

"It's him, it's him."

"He is back, and we too will rise again."

The few people were shaking with excitement.

"What's going on with you?"

"Why are you so excited?"

Others found it, very confused.

"Who is he?"

"Several brothers, is he like you, a disciple of Taihao Mountain in the last universe?"

At that time, the universe merged, disasters abounded, and countless souls perished. Although Taihao Mountain survived, most of the disciples died as a result.

Since then, the Chaos Universe era has begun, all aspects have changed, practice is easier, but it is also more dangerous.

Most of the disciples who have survived from Taihao Mountain in the last cosmic era are all embarrassed. Only a few have survived to this day. However, they have not yet broken through to the level of sacred realm, but only reached the peak of transcendental realm , Can break through at any time, but it is difficult to break through because of lack of opportunity.

Fortunately, they are disciples handed down from the last universe era. In the same era as the non-killer swordsman, they were fortunate to have obtained some secrets and elixir of life extension, and they have only survived to this day, or they have already died of their life.

Even so, if they don't break into the sanctuary, their lifespan will be few.

"Yes, he is the Taihaoshan from the last universe era. He was a disciple of Taihaoshan, and later became a veteran of Taihaoshan. He almost became our fourth-generation Taihaoshan."

"It's not that his strength is not enough to be the fourth generation Taihao, but that he gave it to his aides."

These disciples were a bit dead-hearted because Shou Yuan was approaching, but now they seem to be injected with vitality, and the whole person is filled with a kind of joy and excitement.

They were so excited to say everything they knew, in a tone of great pride from the heart.

"The fourth generation is too good!"

Tai Haoshan's disciples are very surprised, because today's Tai Haoshan does not have the so-called first generation Tai Haozhi, it seems to be a thing of the past.

Even the elders are gone.

After all, Taihao Mountain at that time was the top three sacred places in the outer universe. It is extremely powerful. It is normal to have the position of veteran and even Taihao, but now Taihao Mountain is only a small force in this chaotic universe. It's like a small fish in the ocean.

Elders are enough, not even the doorkeeper.


Inside the main hall, Chen Zong grabbed the three elders and entered without killing the sword master.

"No killing veteran, it's been a long time." Chen Zong looked at the sword killer without a smile and suddenly smiled.

"Wu Shuang Yuan, I haven't seen you in a long time, ha ha ha ha ha." Wu Sword Master laughed, laughing very happy.

For more than a thousand years, it is not really long, but because it is separated by a cosmic era, it has merged from the old broken universe into a new chaotic universe, just like another generation.

The second elder and the other five elder swordsman elders were astonished. They vaguely guessed that Chen Zong's identity should be the strongest of Taihao Mountain in the last universe, just like the elder.

"Let me introduce you to the current situation of our Taihao Mountain." Swordmaster without killing explained immediately, but the three elders were left aside and ignored.

Chen Zong listened carefully, listening to Tai Haoshan's changes from more than a thousand years ago to the present.

Today's Taihao Mountain is very different from the previous Taihao Mountain. At that time, the people who survived Taihao Mountain were only a very small part, not many, which made Chen Zong feel lost.

Chen Zong is most concerned about Yu Nianxin and Master.

The sword killer without killing took out the speech stone wall portrayed by Yu Nianxin and handed it to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong stared at the words above.

It turned out that I had already left, and when the universe was disintegrating and merging, I don't know where to go now?

As for Master Shi and others, they left Taihao Mountain after the birth of Chaos Universe, and found another opportunity.

Searching, it must be searching, but it cannot be searched blindly. After all, the changes over a thousand years have been too great, the chaotic universe is too vast and vast, and its own strength is still limited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ 要Looking for, then it takes means.

Let Tianjilou search, but it is very suitable, but it is estimated that a lot of chaos Shenjing.

In addition, the third generation Taihao did not return.

It was taken away by the protection of the last will of the outer universe's origins at that time, but all scattered, and now I don't know where to go.

There is too much territory in the chaotic universe, far beyond the outer universe of that year.

In an instant, Chen Zong straightened things out.

Looking for it, you must find it, but Tai Haoshan can't ignore it.

Looking for Yu Nianxin, it can't be found all at once. There is no clue where to find it. You can only pass through the Tianji Building, and one of the sub-buildings of the Tianji Building is in the original cut universe city.

Now, let's deal with the matter of Taihao Mountain before leaving.

This matter is naturally related to Xingmen. The three elders secretly rely on Xingmen, which is a traitor, to kill, but before that, they still need to force some information.

Under Chen Zong's methods, the three elders finally obediently revealed the intelligence information he knew.

The Star Gate is an external force that comes from other territories, and it is not clear which territory it came from.

Among the star gates, there are three true Holy Realm strong, very powerful.

The gap between the sanctuary and the true sanctuary is greater than the gap between the transcendental and the sanctified.

The three true sacred powers, even if they were Chen Zong, couldn't help but look calm.

Your current strength is indeed stronger, and it is also a stronger level in the real sacred realm, but the other party has three true sacred realms. If you join forces, you are afraid that you will be very tricky and you do n’t know if you are your opponent.

"However, Xingmen should not know the current situation of our Taihao Mountain, so we will not dispatch three true holy places." the power of."

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