Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 110: Star Gate Strikes

Forcing everything about the Star Gate, this traitor is of no value.

Chen Zong followed with one finger, and the sword anger surged directly through his brows.

To death, this traitor, with an unbelievable look, was so decisive and decisive that there was no room for it.

"Next, get ready to meet the Star Gate." Chen Zong said directly, taking over power.

"When you come back to sit on Taihao Mountain, I will be assured." Without killing Juggernaut, he laughed. For thousands of years, he has been under tremendous pressure. The whole person has been in a state of tension.

"Tai Haoshan has continued from the last universe to the present, and it will continue to be passed on." Chen Zongwei smiled, but his words contained an incomparable belief that directly infected other people, encouraging them one by one.


Tai Haoshan began to prepare for war, and Chen Zong's return seemed to inject a powerful force into it, so that Tai Haoshan was revitalized, from the elders to the disciples, all excited.

Time is also up, a chaotic flying boat flew from a distance, approached quickly, and eventually stopped outside Taihao Mountain. Then, a series of figures flew out of the chaotic flying boat, quickly dispersed, and circled around Taihao Mountain. side.

Each of these figures was wearing a star-dotted robe, flickering with a magnificent feeling.

There are hundreds of such figures, and the breath fluctuation of each one has reached the level of entering the holy realm.

"People in Taihao Mountain listened, quickly opened the Hushan Array and greeted my star gate." One of the higher saints uttered a voice, and the voice directly entered the Hushan Array and circulated in Taihao Mountain.

Although this large mountain guard can block the attack of the upper saint, but there is no ability to block the voice, after all, this voice does not have any power.

"Stargate is here."


In Taihao Mountain, there was a sudden fluctuation, and the disciples were alarmed.

"Finally here." Chen Zong opened his eyes in his meditation, his eyes shot a ray of cold light, sharp and extreme, piercing everything.

Since returning to Taihao Mountain, it has been almost three years before the Xingmen arrived. During this period, Chen Zong's strength was also stronger.

His body flickered and turned into a sword light. Chen Zong appeared on Mount Taihao, and others such as No Killing Sword Master also appeared, headed by Chen Zong.

"Go." Chen Zong said directly, flying towards Taihao Mountain.

"Who are you?" Xingmen already had all the information about Tai Haoshan, which was learned from the three elders, but the three elders were dead, and they did not know the arrival of Chen Zong.

"Tai Hao Shan people." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji responded: "Give you a chance, where to go back and forth."

"Joke, Tai Haoshan will not surrender to my Star Gate today, only to perish." The upper saint immediately angered: "Give you three choices to make a choice, surrender or perish."

"That being the case, then all are left." Chen Zong smiled coldly, and his mind Tianjian also emerged.


At the moment when the sword came out of the sheath, the sword body disappeared. Only a dazzling light flew across the sky in an instant, and chopped towards the gates of the Holy Land at an amazing speed.

"Dare to shoot." The upper sage of this star gate was incredulous, frightened, and yelled, "Go ahead, destroy Taihao Mountain."

Suddenly, the powerful men of Star Gate broke out one after another.

Each powerful person in the sanctuary blasts out starlight, starlight or subtle or stout, which is different from each other, and the breath fluctuations are different. Some breaths are extremely hot, and some breaths are extremely cold.

"Shoot." Wu Shousheng shouted instantly, pulled the sword out of the sheath in an instant, chopped out the amazing sword light, and carried the restraint to the extreme.

The war broke out directly.

Chen Zong showed no mercy in his sword, but he did not use his keen skills, but he only performed one-sword swordsmanship, and also suppressed his strength below the level of the true sacred realm, at the level of invincibility into the sacred realm.

The strength of the invincible to enter the holy realm level is quite rare and will not be more than the true holy real power.

Just because you want to have invincible strength in the sanctuary, you need a combination of various aspects. Your realm must be superb, your skills must be smart enough, and you must have powerful treasures, such as precious artifacts. of.

Jianguang breaks through the air, and there are as many as nineteen instantaneous. Each one is extremely fast and each one is very amazing. Each one directly locks a star gate into the sacred master.

Can't escape!

The sword was too fast to escape, and the sharp edge was so amazing that it penetrated one after another.

One face-to-face, but one face-to-face, all the starlights were shattered, the nineteen star gates were struck into the sacred realm, and the sword gas raged into the body. It was impossible to resist the slightest. The nineteen star gates Killed in the sanctuary.

"What!" The top saint, led by Xingmen, changed his face so much that 19 people were killed in person, how could this be.

Isn't Tai Hao Shan's most powerful one that is the top sword slayer without killing the sword sacred?

He doesn't have such strength at all.

"Retreat!" The top sage of Xingmen shouted immediately, and at the same time blasted out two huge starlights, which turned like vortices and madly hit Chen Zong.

At the same time, the entrance to the sanctuary of a dry star gate immediately awaited orders to retreat.


Jianguang crossed, imprinted on the sky like a cross mark, and directly slashed the two stars, smashing them.

"Please shoot too high." The star master who flew back roared immediately, and the voice spread quickly in the vast void.

"I didn't expect Taihao Mountain, but there are still such masters." A soft sigh sounded suddenly, and it increased slightly at the beginning. At the end, it was like a wave of madness like a wave of emptiness. Similarly, a starlight suddenly flew out of the chaotic flying boat.

The starlight was dazzling, as if a group of starlight flames were burning, wrapping up a figure, the breath exuded was profound and mysterious, and it directly swept the audience.

Whether you cultivate as a lower saint, a middle saint or a higher saint, you can feel a kind of gap, a kind of repression, from the breath of the star figure, that seems to be a gap after the transition of the level of life. It's like the gap between a snake and a dragon.

"True sacred realm!" The non-killing sword master and others suddenly changed their looks.

There is no need, as long as you can see that you have this kind of breath, you are the true sacred realm. Unless the other party deliberately converges on its own breath, it will be difficult for people to see.

Xingmen has the true sacred realm. They all know it. The three elders of the traitor had said it before. Xingmen has three true sacred realms, but Taihao Mountain did not.

Not to mention Tai Hao Mountain, even if it was the three strongest forces within the territory of the original cut universe universe, there is only one true Holy Power.

Now, one of the three most powerful forces is destroyed by the star gate with thunder. The remaining two are not surrendered, but the reaction quickly shrinks into the original cut universe city, and the original cut universe city is used to resist the invasion of the star gate. .

For a time, it was not so easy for Xingmen to win the original cut of the universe, so they planned to sweep this territory first, and let all forces either surrender or perish, and then focus on all forces to deal with the two forces shrinking in the universe city.

"I didn't expect to encounter an invincible into the sanctuary here." The figure inside Starfire spoke again, and its voice contained a certain law and a special rhythm. An indescribable power passed along with it, and the starlight flickered. Endlessly: "Today ’s deity gives you a chance to surrender to my star gate to survive. The deity guarantees that you can get a good position in the gate and surpass other sanctifications."

"It turned out that invincible entered the sanctuary, it is no wonder so strong." The star gate side was surprised, invincible into the sanctuary is rare.

But Taihao Mountain is not happy at all. Invincible entering the sacred place is indeed rare. Usually, Taihao Mountain has one more invincible entering the sacred place. It is definitely something to be pleased and congratulated, but at this moment it is a little bit worthy of celebration. Can't be happy.

Because the star gate is a strong person in the real holy realm, and the invincible entering the holy realm is even more powerful. It is only the level of the invincible entering the holy realm. It is simply not comparable to the real holy realm. There is a great relationship between the two. gap.

The look of the non-killing sword master and other people changed dramatically.

What should I do?

"Well, you don't plan to retreat today ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong is not indifferent, but smiles a little, and there is a hint of coldness in his eyes:" Since so, then all stay. "

What about true sanctuary?

Today, my heart is under the sword, and I want to cut a true sanctuary.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong's body flickered as the voice fell, turning into a sword light that quickly broke through the air and flew out, directly approaching the true Holy Power of the Star Gate.

"Look for the dead end." Star Gate, the true sacred realm, snorted and slammed out with one hand. Countless starlights came together and turned into a large starlight handprint carrying an amazing restrained power and directly horizontal. Coming soon.


This is the realization of the power of the first true cosmic strong, has touched the true mystery of the cosmic avenue, completely transcended into the level of sacred realm.

If Chen Zong didn't understand the sacred sword realm, even if it was stunning again, there would be no resistance against the real holy realm.

But if not, facts are facts.


Chen Zong erupted a violent sword directly, and the Tongshen Sword Realm was urged out. The sword light became extremely sharp in an instant, as if ignoring everything between heaven and earth, and suddenly cut to the starlight handprint.

The sword qi should have been crushed by the starlight fingerprint, but this is not the case. The starlight fingerprint was a little meal, and then it was cut under the sword and cut like a bamboo.

"How could it be!" The true sacred power of the star gate was suddenly shocked, unbelievable, but it was also quick to respond, and immediately shot again. One-handed slash was a star blade cutting through the air.

However, Chen Zong made up his mind to kill the other party in the shortest time. One burst was full strength, or even triple.

Triple God Xiaoxiao!

The extreme sharp sword was killed, and there was nothing to stop between heaven and earth. The starlight blade was also split in an instant, and Jianguang killed fiercely.

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