Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 113: Goodbye

The sword art created and decomposed by Chen Zong is divided into three levels, from the highest secret to the highest secret, to the intermediate secret, in order from high to low. As for many swords originally owned by Taihao Mountain, Listed as a low-level secret.

Any disciple of Tai Haoshan can learn low-level secret swordsmanship free of charge. Better disciples can learn intermediate-level secret swordsmanship. Talented disciples can learn a high-level secret swordsmanship. Order secret, then you need merit to redeem.

The first-order first-order sword skill learning practice lays a more solid foundation, and it will be easier to get started when finally practicing to the high secret sword skill.

After learning about this news, Taihao Mountain was all excited.

"We were too holy. There were only a dozen swordsmen in the past. Now there are more than a hundred."

"Great, I always feel that those swordsmanships that were not suitable for me before, how can I not practice to the highest level, this intermediate-level secret swordsmanship practiced now is very suitable for me."

"The middle-level secret sword-making is already superb. I don't know how clever the high-level secret sword-making is? And to what extent is the supreme secret sword-making?

With the creation of various sword techniques by Chen Zong, the entire Taihao Mountain was caught in a surge of sword techniques.

Disciples, learn new swordsmanship that is more in line with one's own, and began to improve significantly in strength. In a short period of time, three disciples of the highest level have found opportunities to successfully break into the sanctuary. A strong swordsman.


Chen Zong is playing with a token, which looks like a thick sword blade, half the size of a palm, very heavy, and has a cold touch, like the ancient cold iron cast under the abyss.

Mr. Chen Zong always thought that the token was very strange. After researching for a lot of time, he got nothing.

"Forget it." Chen Zong could not help but said secretly, he set the token aside, pulled up his sword, and practiced his sword skill.

Sword skill lies in enlightenment as well as practice. Only when enlightenment and practice go hand in hand can we grasp the true meaning of sword art, and continue to comprehend and deepen in order to grasp deeper mysteries.

The Tongjin Sword Realm is really superb, but now I can only be regarded as a newcomer, and there is still a lot of potential to be tapped.

Practicing swords, over and over again, Chen Zong did not use the mixed power of the heart, the last sword stabbed, and suddenly felt a new force breeding, appeared in an instant, immediately stabbed a sword again.

One Heart Sword Art Twentieth Sword!

Yixin Swordsmanship was previously nineteen swords, and on this basis, it has made a further breakthrough and reached twenty swords.

Suddenly, a rush of swordsmanship permeated, spreading out, covering this dense room, reverberating endlessly. The tokens set aside seemed to be stimulated by this rush of swordsmanship, and even trembled, drawing Chen Zong's attention.

With a stun, Chen Zong reached out and grabbed the token. The token flew into his hand, and the sword was excited, rushing directly to the token.


Under the sword's intention, the token suddenly trembled, and Chen Zong immediately felt a traction force permeating from within the token.

If you replace it with a person who is inadequate, the consciousness will be directly drawn into the token, but Chen Zong will not, and resist directly.

In his heart, hesitated for a while, and it didn't last long. When he made a decision immediately, he separated a ray of consciousness into the token, even if there was something wrong, Chen Zong could cut off that consciousness. What damage occurred.

Consciousness does not resist the pulling force of the token, directly immersed in it, as if traveling through a space-time tunnel, from which Chen Zong felt an amazing breath, that is the meaning of sword.


This is indeed a wave of arrogant swordsmanship, and that swordsmanship has a very old feeling. It seems to come from ancient times, so that Chen Zong feels a little familiar.

"This sword meaning ..." Chen Zong could not help but hold back.

That strand of consciousness continued to penetrate, crossing the sword-like tunnel, and finally appeared on a circular platform. A magical force fell, centering on his own strand of consciousness, and instantly built a body just like himself. Body, but does not have all its own power.

"It's really interesting." Chen Zong became more interested.

Some familiar swords fluctuate, and a strand of consciousness condenses into a body. So why is that?

Suddenly, a ray of light permeated from nothingness, converging in front of him into a light of more than one meter in length, hovering steadily in front of Chen Zong.

"This is ..." Chen Zong slightly hesitated, trying to step on the Jianguang and stand steadily on it. The Jianguang suddenly shivered, and seemed to remind Chen Zong to stand up, and then moved forward. Fly away.

Royal sword flying!

Chen Zong couldn't help showing a smile, who actually did this token was so interesting.

Jianguang was flying at high speed, flying out of the darkness, leaping across the endless river, flying over the rolling hills, and looking at the boundless grassy field.

The sky is high!

However, there is no life, no. To be precise, there should be no birds or animals, so what is this place?

Chen Zong became increasingly confused.

Flying and flying, a very tall mountain appeared in front of the eyes. The mountain ran across the vast land like a giant sword to the extreme sword, pointing directly at the sky, as if it shattered a heavy sky, covering it. Among them, I don't know how high it is.

Jian Guang, taking Chen Zong, flew directly to that huge sword mountain, and finally stopped under this huge sword mountain.

"Welcome to the Ancient Sword Alliance, the new sword repair." A voice that sounded like an ancient sound suddenly sounded, but no one appeared, and the sound rang again: "I am the spirit of the ancient sword mountain."

Chen Zong was stunned.

"What is Gu Jianmeng?" Chen Zong asked.

"The ancient sword alliance is a human sword repair alliance." Gu Jianshan Ling responded.

"Who created the Gu Jianmeng?" Chen Zong became interested and continued to ask.

Terran Sword Repair Alliance!

It sounds interesting.

I have inquired about the news myself before, but it is mainly aimed at Taihao Mountain and the ancient demons and ancient demons. In addition, it is such a very powerful force, so this ancient sword alliance has never heard of it.

"Master of all ancient swords." The four words spoken by Gu Jianshan Ling suddenly made Chen Zong look startled.

Eternal Sword Master!

Was it the ancient sword master of the ancient universe in the ancient universe?

The cross sword hits the Lord, the strength is extremely powerful, so that one sword can suppress the Lord ’s super strong?

Is it true that Chen Zong does not know, it is impossible to determine now.

"Can I see the Lord of Ancient Swords?" Chen Zong asked.

"You drive Jianguang up and fly to the highest place, you can directly see the owner of the ancient sword. If you cannot fly to the highest place, you can only stay in the mountains and wait for the opportunity." Gu Jianshan Ling responded. .

"Thank you very much." Chen Zong immediately moved his mind and drove Jianguang under his feet, rushing up into the sky. He was previously driven by Jianguang. Now he is actively driving, with extremely high speed.


The more he rushed upward, Chen Zong began to feel a mystery.

This ancient Jianshan is quite interesting, it is like a treasure, able to distinguish the sword.

There is no power in the body here, but the sword intention can be inspired. How strong the sword intention is, it can be inspired here.

Chen Zong ’s realm of Kendo, however, is supernatural, and the sword in the supernatural state is naturally overbearing.

There was no obvious resistance, only a few felt, but Chen Zong eventually rushed to the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is like a huge sword blade, with a feeling that the mountains are small.

When Chen Zong set foot on the top of the mountain, the whole ancient Jianshan suddenly burst into a sudden burst of heavenly swords, rising into the sky, and a ray of sword light appeared in the sky. , Each sword light permeates an amazing eternal sword.

The familiar sword meaning makes Chen Zong more and more certain that the person who created this ancient sword alliance is the ancient sword master.

After a lapse of more than a thousand years, the alternation of the two cosmic epochs once again felt the familiar sword. Chen Zong smiled, looked up at the sword lights, and immediately released his sword completely.

This sword has a kind of lofty, magnificent, majestic, and contains indescribable arrogance, coldness, and sharpness.

It seems that this sword intention is not just a sword intention, but a collection of many sword intentions, which is very tolerant and very changeable.

In ancient Jianshan, in fact, there are many conscious bodies of sword cultivation here, you cannot practice here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but you can practice swords, feel the sword meaning, and understand kendo.

In general, Gu Jianshan is a good sword repair treasure, which helps Jian Xi to understand his own kendo.

"Who is that?"

"This kind of sword intention turns out to be the sword spirit of Tongjing Realm."

"We have an extra sword sword repair in the Ancient Sword Alliance."

"Third, finally, there is a third Thomson Soul Repair."

The Jianxiu consciousnesses who were enlightened among the ancient sword mountains were pleasantly surprised.

The state of mastery of the gods is more difficult than the realization of the first true meaning of the universe. Therefore, there are very few sword repairs that can understand the mastery of the sword.

If a practitioner realizes the true meaning of the universe and then comprehends the realm of martial arts, his strength will become very scary.

Just as Chen Zong ’s sword intention erupted into the sky, the founder of the Ancient Sword Alliance, Wan Gu Sword Master, also sensed, and immediately separated out a consciousness into the ancient sword mountain. When he saw Chen Zong ’s moment, he directly held it .

"Senior, I haven't seen you for a long time." Seeing the other party, Chen Zong suddenly showed a smile and performed sword ceremony.

This is the gift of Jian Xiu, and also the gift of younger Jian Xiu.

"I haven't seen you for a long time." The ancient sword master also smiled, and returned to the sword ceremony, smiling very cheerfully.

Unexpectedly, the interval between the two cosmic epochs was more than a thousand years apart. In this vast and extremely incomparable chaotic universe, we can still see the glorious descendants of the sword repair. When I saw this junior junior again, his kendo realm was already comparable to himself.



But it didn't seem obvious.

"Chen Zong, I haven't seen you for years. Come and discuss it." Wan Gu Jianzhu said directly, reached out and grabbed a hand, suddenly a sword light started, turned into a long sword, and came directly to the sword.

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