Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 114: The universe within the fusion

By chance, the ancient sword was ordered to enter the ancient sword alliance, and it was a great joy to meet the ancient sword masters. Under the meeting, the two were again engaged in swordsmanship to prove each other with the magic sword realm.

Sit on Kendo!

The ancient sword master is not the same as Chen Zong. Now Chen Zong is in the realm of Kendo and reaches the level of divine power, but the cultivation is equal to the level of the peak of the holy realm, while the ancient sword master has actually crossed the era of the universe and experienced the fragmentation of the universe. And fusion and evolution, so that you can see the deeper mysteries of the universe and realize the most important truth of the universe.

The original cultivation of the ancient sword master reached the peak of entering the sacred realm. The distance to the breakthrough is only a distant line. After the process of the universe's destruction and fusion, and the alternation of the universe's era, it became clear instantly, and then broke through and became the true saint. Realm strong.

In the hundreds of years since then, Kendo realm has also made a breakthrough to understand the Tong Shen Jian realm.

The master of all ancient swords is talented, brilliant, and extremely wicked. He has extremely deep insights into the practice of cultivation. Today, he has become the strongest in the real holy realm. Although the ancient sword alliance he created is not strong enough, he also has Amazing potential.

Chen Zong's consciousness is still in the ancient sword alliance, and you can continue to feel the breath of kendo in the ancient sword mountain. That is the breath left by other sword practitioners. It has its own mystery and will be related to its own kendo. Confirm each other so that you can better understand the mystery of Kendo.

And that trace of separation of consciousness had little effect on Chen Zong.

Taihao Mountain.

"A thousand years of trapping in the chaos of the small world, and the argument of the ancient sword master finally made me realize." Chen Zong involuntarily revealed a smile.

Your own cultivation path is different from the cultivation path of the universe. It belongs to you. It is unique. There is naturally no clear path. Every walk requires you to explore and enlighten yourself.

However, you can also find some experience from other cultivation methods to inspire yourself.

"Now my cultivation of the inner universe has reached the level of perfection, which is equivalent to the peak level of the sanctuary of the practice of the universe." Chen Zong's thinking keeps turning, all mysteries flow in his mind like a stream of water, Endlessly: "So what is the next step in my cultivation path?"

With one heart, the meta-realm opens and runs to the extreme. Chen Zong seems to be incarnate with tens of thousands of consciousnesses. Each consciousness is thinking independently and deducing with all his strength.

In the end, a flash of aura, a little light suddenly appeared, Chen Zongwu realized.

"The cultivation of the inner universe has been completed, and completion means no promotion." Chen Zong said secretly, "but there is no absolute thing in the world."

In the deduction, the cultivation of the inner universe is complete and can no longer be promoted normally. How can it be promoted to a level comparable to the true sacred state, Chen Zong has no clue, or has a faint clue, a vague clue.

As he straightened out his clues, his eyes became brighter and clearer.


"The inner universe is truly integrated into itself, and the body and the inner universe are integrated into one, regardless of each other."

Chen Zong's eyes grew brighter.

The inner universe exists within itself, but it can only be felt but not seen with the eyes. If the inner universe is truly fused with itself, it is a qualitative change and a leap.

Thinking of this, Chen Zong immediately deduced.

The fusion of the inner universe itself is equivalent to breaking through from the sanctuary to the real sanctuary. It is not so simple. Once it fails, it is very likely to damage the foundation, no matter how cautious it is.

Chen Zong began to retreat, and everything in Taihao Mountain remained the same, but there were

With all the swordsmanship taught by the Supreme Master and Chen Zong, the people of Taihao Mountain all glowed with energy.


Within the Star Gate.

"Is the investigation clear?" The Xingmen Master asked coldly.

"The investigation is clear, the master." A master who entered the sacred realm immediately respectfully responded: "Tai Haoshan has another strong man, Wushuang Sword Master Chen Zong, who killed the elder."

The Elder Star Gate is the true Holy Realm who was beheaded by Chen Zong before.

"Wushuang Sword Master Chen Zong?" Xingmen's master frowned. "What is it?"

Whenever the true Holy Realm is strong enough to be able to slay other true Holy Realms, he should be quite famous. Why hasn't he heard of it.

"Master, you can't investigate the origin of this person, as if it appeared out of thin air."

The star gate master frowned suddenly.

Kendo strongman of unknown origin!

It is very daunting, after all, Jian Xiu is recognized as a very strong combat force.

"Master, in order to ensure that we can win the original cut territory, ask for help," said the second elder Shen Sheng, who was also sitting on the side.

"Call for help ..." The star gate master groaned suddenly.

A sword repair capable of beheading the True Sacred Realm is undoubtedly terrible. Even if he and the two elders join forces, they are not sure to defeat each other. Besides, there are still two True Sacred Powers in the original Beheading Cosmic City.

Once he and the two elders are dispatched, the two true Holy Realms who originally cut the universe city will also get the news in a short time, and then they will join forces to join forces with Tai Haoshan's True Holy Realm Sword Repair to defeat them, even It is possible to kill.

After thinking about it, they can only ask for help. Although this will affect their evaluation at the headquarters, it is better than failing or even being killed.

"Please ask for help." The star gate owner made a decision after thinking.

The second elder immediately called for help, and after receiving the response, he resumed the gate of the Star Gate.

"Master, the person here is ... the snowman ..." The elder's face was full of unspeakable fear and excitement.

"Snowman!" The star gate master took a sip of air-conditioning and looked very jealous, but then there was a rush of encouragement: "Okay, with the snowman reinforcements, Taihao Mountain is dead, destroy Taihao Mountain, and then Directly broke the original cut universe city, completely occupy the original cut territory. "

"How long will it take for the snowman to arrive?" While the main gatekeeper of Xingmen was exhilarating, his fists clenched unconsciously.

"It is expected to be as short as three years and as long as ten years." The second elder responded.

"Three to ten years ..." The main fist of Star Gate was released. This time is actually nothing, for the true Holy Power who has lived 10,000 years.

Then wait, after all, the Chaos universe is vast, and reinforcements come from other places and cannot be reached in an instant. Even the space-time teleportation of the space-time temple requires time to turn.

In the temple of time and space far away in a chaotic city, a snow-white person walked in, white robes like snow, white hair like snow, eyebrows like snow, and even their skin was as white as snow, just a glance It will make people feel coldness coming.

It was all white, but the eyes in those eyes were pale red, like two rubies, so magnificent and charming.

This snow-white person directly chose to open the space-time teleportation array by himself, and paid a high price, and quickly went to the next chaotic city.

"Snow-white, with pupils like blood ..."

"snow Road

Man ... he's a snowman ... "

"Snow Road Man, is the Snow Road Man who once slaughtered three true holy realms?"

When a snow-white person teleported away, a burst of exclamations suddenly sounded, and the exclamation was full of fear and throbbing.

Kill the three true holy strongmen at once, what a terrible method is still a stab.

"It's him, the Snow Road man, in fact, he should be a bloodsword man, and the absolute best of the eighty-ninth on the Chaos True List."

The people on the snow road were so famous that when they appeared, they caused a burst of exclamation and shock, and many people inquired where the snow road people were going.

No one knows that Snowmen are the reinforcements of Xingmen, and they are coming at a very fast speed, instead of the three to ten years predicted by the elders of Xingmen, at such a speed, they can be reached in three years.

In the original cut of the universe city, the two true strong men of different sacred powers also received the news. After all, the snow road man is a strong man on the chaotic true list. There are only one hundred places in the chaotic true list. The list is in the chaotic universe. Super strong in the real holy realm.

There are not many strong men in the true sacred realm, but there are still some in the entire chaotic universe. They add up to more than 100,000. They only count as human races and primitive races, and they add up a lot. The chaotic true list has only one hundred places. That means that among the human race and the original race, only the strongest one hundred true sacred powers are eligible to be listed among them.

How strong!

Any one on the chaos list is a tyrannical existence that is hard to find in the chaos universe.

Now, such a strong man seems to be coming in the direction of the original cut of the universe city, and is still killing countless notorious snow road people, it is even more daunting ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ All this, Chen Zongdu I don't know. I'm still in retreat. After countless deductions and simulations, I finally found a way to fuse the inner universe and began to truly fuse the inner universe.

Under the control of Chen Zong, the Xunyuan Xinli vortex suddenly changed, and the speed of rotation became faster and faster to reach the extreme, and then surpassed the extreme, and began to shrink inside.

The smaller the shrinkage, the smaller the more difficult it is to shrink. You must have strong control.

It shrank to the extreme, turned into a ball, and kept shrinking, as if it was about to burst and couldn't burst.

With a bang, it shrank to the extreme level of ambivalence and exploded directly. In an instant, an unparalleled terrorist power broke out, and the power seemed to be able to destroy everything.

The inner universe seemed to be destroyed under this explosion. The terrible explosion turned into a heavy wave of tidal waves. The crazy impact was in all directions, and it continued to oscillate. Wherever it passed, it was destroyed.

The stars that symbolize the swordsmanship technique and peerlessness of the heart are also shattered into nothingness under this explosive current of mixed hearts.

Tattered Tattered!

All the visions in the inner universe were destroyed and swept into the tide, making the tide more fierce and mighty, and eventually swept the entire inner universe.

Within that endless tide, a figure slowly condensed, and finally condensed into Chen Zong's appearance.

As soon as that figure appeared, he immediately absorbed the surrounding tide, even directly swallowing the general, and quickly grew stronger, more full and more condensed, and the body became taller.

In the end, the figure swallowed all the frenzy into the body, and the entire body became extremely huge, as if a giant came across time and space from the age of eternity, and filled the inner universe completely.

Between hands and feet, the inner universe trembled endlessly.

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