Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 115: Snowman strikes

In Taihao Mountain, where Chen Zong was closed, people disappeared, replaced by an ultra-miniature universe, suspended like a giant cocoon in a closet, slightly fluctuating, exuding layers of mysterious and mighty power. can.

The ultra-miniature universe, which is the inner universe that is released, is constantly shrinking and shrinking to the extreme.

The inner universe is gradually merging with Chen Zong's body and becoming one.

When it is completely integrated, it is time for cultivation to truly break through. At that time, single discussion of cultivation as a level, Chen Zong is equal to the true sanctuary, which is not inferior, and can even surpass it. With the help of the Tongjing Sword Realm, one body Strength has skyrocketed.


The original cut of the cosmic city, the space-time temple teleportation array opened immediately, and turned into a circle of light, and a figure also appeared.

When the large group went silent, the figure also stepped out, and the white was very noticeable.


"A snowman, he came to our universe city."

"We originally cut the universe city is just a very ordinary universe city, what do snow road people do?"

Among the many shocking eyes, the whole white figure stepped out of the Temple of Time and Space and went outside.

Soon, the two true sacred powers in the original cut universe city also received the news, and they met immediately, looking extremely dignified.


What did the Snow Road People really come to cut the universe city and did not leave immediately? What does this mean?

Such a peerless murderer has attracted much attention in every move.

"Did the Snowman come for the Star Gate?"

"Is it a reinforcement of Stargate?"

The two were in shock.

If the Snow Road People are the reinforcements of the Star Gate, then it is finished and completely finished. Even if they hide in the Cosmic City, it is useless, because the strength of the Snow Road People is enough to break the universe.

The Terran and Primitive Alliance have regulations, but in fighting, they cannot spread to ordinary people or slaughter the city.

However, to break through the defense of Cosmic City and kill certain people, as long as it does not cause a wide range of innocent casualties.

The snowman is indeed strong and well-known, but he must also abide by these rules, or he will be punished.

The snowman did not stay in the original cut universe city, left quickly, and flew towards the outside.


Star gate.

"What, the snowman is here?" The star gate master was suddenly shocked.

How long has it been, less than three years, and just over two years, Xuedao people have arrived at the original cut universe city and left.

Seems to be coming at full speed.


The star gate master and the second elder immediately became excited.

"Hurry up, get ready to meet the snowman." The gatekeeper immediately ordered to go down.

"Master, I don't think it's necessary for the time being." The second elder said with a strange look. "The Xuedao people should go to Taihao Mountain directly, and it should be the same with his behavior style."

"Go straight to Taihao Mountain!" The Xingmen Gate Master said suddenly: "Let's leave immediately, the soldiers will send Taihao Mountain."

The main gate of Xingmen Gate was immediately decided, and the two elders immediately mobilized the master of Xingmen and set off in a chaotic flying boat, hurried to Taihao Mountain.

Based on the strength of the snow road people, they do not worry that the snow road people can't help Tai Hao Shan. The reason why they immediately set off was to receive everything from Tai Hao Shan.

The two true sacred realms in the original cut universe city are extremely solemn.

"The target of the snowman is most likely Taihao Mountain."

"If Taihao Mountain is destroyed, it will be left

Down us. "

"Reinforcement Taihaoshan!"

"But the Xuedao people once killed the three true holy realms, even if we joined forces with the real holy real sword repair of Taihao Mountain, I'm afraid they are not their opponents."

"Let's figure it out, the messenger we sent out is about to arrive at Taihao Mountain, and we will send a message to them immediately, so that they can tell Taihao Mountain about this matter and get ready as soon as possible. This is what we can do."


In Taihao Mountain, Chen Zong is still in retreat, and naturally everything is entrusted to the presiding elder without killing the sword master.

"The two messengers are here, I am very welcome to Haoshan." Wusha Sword Master personally received the two messengers from the original cut of the universe city, they came with the goodwill of two true Holy Realm strongmen , And is itself a master of peaking into the holy realm, even stronger than the non-killing sword master.

"Originally, we were very happy to visit Taihao Mountain." One of the fat men said with a smile, but a look of sadness appeared on his face: "But before I arrived in Taihao Mountain, I received a message."

"What's the news?" Seeing the sadness on the other side's face, there was no clutter in the heart of Killing the Sword Master, and an ominous premonition suddenly appeared.

"Is the elder heard of Snow Road people?" Asked another emissary.

The non-killing sword Saint immediately shook his head.

The original cut territory where Taihao Mountain is located is only a small territory, and it is located in a remote area. It does not understand the information of many powerful people.

"Xuedaoren, the 89th peerless powerhouse on the Chaoyuan Reality Chaos List."

"Chaos is really on the list!" Swordless Saint exclaimed suddenly.

Chaos really is famous, he has heard of it, there are only a hundred places.

It's terrible for the snowman to be eighty-ninth on the Chaos True List.

"The snowman has now reached the original cut territory and is heading towards Taihao Mountain."

"What is the purpose of the Snow Road Man, we don't know, but the Snow Road Man is so fierce that if he comes to Taihao Mountain, it is definitely not a good thing."

Indeed, a peerless powerhouse ranked eighty-ninth in the Chaos True List will come to such small forces as Tai Haoshan for no reason?

There must be a purpose.

There is no dispute between the two parties, but they are coming again. Why?

Have to be thought-provoking.

"According to two adults' speculation, the Snow Road may be the reinforcement of Star Gate." The fat messenger said immediately.

Immortal Sword Master suddenly changed his face.

Stargate reinforcements!

A peerless powerhouse on the chaos list!

Is Tianhao too dead?

"The two grown-ups mean that you, Taihao Mountain, should evacuate as soon as possible, the sooner the better, the farther the better."

"Thank you both for your information." Swordmaster without killing looked up and thanked him.

"You're welcome, we leave first." The two also immediately asked to leave. They had originally visited as ambassadors. As a result, no one had expected such things to happen. Of course, they did not dare to stay more. Was it affected that he died too badly?

Thanks for not killing the sword master, but it did not mean to keep the other side.


Without killing the sword master kept thinking.

Xuedaoren, such a peerless murderer may go to Taihao Mountain, his heart is a depression.

What should I do?

For a time, no clue about killing the sword master.

Is it really necessary to prepare and evacuate with the people of Taihao Mountain?

This is tantamount to giving up Tai Haoshan's foundation.

Moreover, to evacuate everyone with Taihao Mountain, it is equivalent to a long period of time in

In the chaotic universe, it is very dangerous, and it is not known how many people will die.

Unfortunately, the owner is still retreating.

"Elder, why are you troubled?" A gentle voice sounded suddenly, waking up without thinking about the swordless technique in meditation.

"The Lord of the Mountain!" The Lord of the Swords did not kill the sword immediately, and the Lord of the Mountain was out of customs. The matter should be notified to him, and he would take it.

"Chaos true list ... Snowman ..." Chen Zong groaned suddenly.

No killing sword master waited, waiting for Chen Zong's decision. Whether it was to evacuate or stay behind, Chen Zong was the main thing, because now Chen Zong is the master of Taihao Mountain and the teaching master of Taihao Mountain.

"No need to worry, everything is the same, I will take care of the snow road people." Chen Zong laughed after a few breaths.

"Okay." The non-killing sword master responded immediately, his eyes glowing.

He knew that Chen Zong was not a frivolous person or an arrogant person. He should have a certain degree of confidence before he said such a word. Since he is sure, he would be safe.

"Snowman ... the 89-strong peers in the Chaos True List, just use you to try my current strength." Chen Zong hanged a smile.

The inner universe fuses itself into one body without distinguishing one another. Its own cultivation has also truly broken through, breaking to a higher level, equal to the level of the true sacred realm.

Xunyuan's mental strength is full of body, completely integrated with itself, as if it is inexhaustible, it can be easily restored after consumption.

Now, Chen Zong can be sure that his strength must be increased many times, at least ten times, but what level he has reached is not clear to Chen Zong himself.


Only by fighting and fighting against powerful opponents can you confirm your current strength level.

Snow Road Man will undoubtedly be an excellent opponent ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The Snow Road Man has an amazing record. He can directly kill the three true Holy Realms. This kind of strength is really terrible, but the three Real Holy Realms The strong are just the more ordinary true sanctuary.

But Snow Road people can directly kill the three deities, and this strength is really amazing.

"However, the ordinary true sacred realm can't stop one of my swords now." Chen Zong secretly said.

The strength of the true sacred realm of Star Gate before was really not weak, and he was under full force, and it took a lot of hands and feet to kill it, so now?

One sword!

You don't even need to explode, you just need a sword.

Such a strength, even against the peerless powerhouse on the Chaos True List, Chen Zong is completely fearless.


While meditating, understanding the mysteries of swordsmanship and kendo, I was also thinking about the follow-up cultivation.

Only after the inner universe merged with himself, Chen Zong felt that the way forward was broken. After all, this is his own cultivation path, which is original. He has no experience to follow, and can only continue to think, explore, and enlighten himself.

Time slowly passed, and after the inner universe merged with itself, the state of cultivation broke out directly, making Chen Zong seem to be standing higher and can enjoy more beautiful scenery. It is easier to naturally understand the mystery of swordsmanship and kendo. Already.

ten times!

The speed of enlightenment has been increased ten times directly. Therefore, the mystery of the fourth kind of sword of Tong Shen Jian Jing has also been born. Now, the mystery of the fifth epee is beginning to be born.

In the vast void, a chaotic flying boat with a snow-white shape like an arrow flew away at an astonishing speed. Its speed was extremely fast, completely surpassing the speed of the low-order chaotic flying boat, and many times.

In that white chaotic flying boat, a whole body of white figure was standing, a pair of red eyes like gems stared at, locking Taihao Mountain.

Snowman ... Here ...

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