Sword God

Vol 45 Chapter 116: The universe is not dead

Snowman ... coming.

The snow-white chaotic flying boat stopped like an arrow, and as if Bai Xuejia's figure calmly stepped out, the robe sleeve seemed to wave inadvertently, and the chaotic flying boat disappeared.

A pair of snow road people's eyes, like a ruby, have no fluctuations, staring at Taihao Mountain, and immediately a smile hangs at the corner of the mouth. When that smile emerges, an unspeakable coldness permeates, as if to freeze everything. .

Snow flakes condensed out of thin air, spreading in every direction and covering as much as possible, and the terrible atmosphere also spread, invading Taihao Mountain.

"It's so cold!"

"what happened?"

"Why did it suddenly get so cold?"

The disciples who were practicing swordsmanship in Taihao Mountain suddenly felt an indescribable coldness coming in, straight through the bone marrow, and couldn't help shivering. The whole person seemed to be frozen.


It's cold!

very cold!

The coldness seems to come from the bottom of the bone, and it seems to be transmitted from the depths of the body. One by one, they quickly work to mobilize their own power to resist this coldness, but it can only be relieved slightly.

Suddenly, an astonishing sword sentiment rushed across the air, directly crushing that coldness.

The snowman outside Taihao Mountain was slightly surprised that someone blocked his own breath.

It's the true holy realm of Tai Haoshan, it has some strength.

Chen Zong stepped out, and from the main hall of Taihao Mountain appeared outside Taihao Mountain, he saw a whole body of white but pink eyes, the figure continued to emit a terrible cold, like a vanguard glacier The land leaked out, freezing everything between heaven and earth.


The peerless powerhouse ranked eighty-ninth on the Chaos True List. Now, at a glance, Chen Zong felt the slightest threat. The chill seemed to be everywhere to invade and freeze Chen Zong.

"If it was before the fusion of the inner universe, I was afraid that it would be difficult for me to support it, not this Snow Road man's opponent." Fortunately, Chen Zong secretly broke through, and the Snow Road man also reached Tai Haoshan after his breakthrough, otherwise the problem will be trouble .

But now it is not the same. Integrating the inner universe, self-cultivation is a breakthrough in the realm, reaching the level equivalent to the real sacred realm, and in conjunction with the Tongjian Divine Realm, the strength has increased by more than ten times.

The Xuedaoer stared at Chen Zong in amazement, and his keen intuition made him sense the extraordinaryness of the person in front of him, and it seemed that it was not comparable to the true realm.


That would be more interesting, wouldn't it?

If it is the true sanctuary that can be slaughtered with a single knife, then it is really boring, at least it looks extraordinary, maybe it can block yourself a few knifes, and you do n’t have to walk yourself.

As soon as I thought about it, the smile on the corner of Snow Road's mouth became clearer, and the coldness became more intense.

Seeing nothing, the Xuedao people took a shot with their hands slashing like a knife, but at that moment, the white and clear sword light slashed for thousands of meters to Chen Zong, and the void where they passed was frozen.

This blow immediately changed the look of Chen Zong.


The bone coldness struck in an instant, and the mighty power contained in that cut was even more terrifying, the ordinary true sacred realm could not resist.

But Chen Zong is not an ordinary real sanctuary, and refers to a volley of swords, a clapping sound, like a thunderbolt, there is a dazzling sword light burst, directly colliding with the snow-white sword light, the volley impact issued a harsh noise Sound, as if the swords screamed.

"You have the right to let me pull the knife." Seeing that Chen Zong actually blocked his knife, he suddenly appeared.

There was a smile, and then, a sudden outbreak of sky-shaking sword spread across the sky, sweeping in all directions, and the countless snowflakes filled with the astonishing sharpness, tearing everything apart.

The void in all directions directly bursts out tiny cracks, which are the traces of the torn void of the chaotic universe.

You know, the strength of the chaos in the void is amazing, and it is generally difficult to break it in the real sanctuary. But now, snowmen can only leave snowflakes in the void by just giving the snowflakes with a peerless sword. Crack, showing its terrible.

Such a mighty snowflake power can kill countless sacred places, and even invincible sacred places will be killed.

The gap in strength is too big.

I do n’t know when a snow-cuttered sword appeared in the hands of the snowman. The scabbard is simple in style, white, and intertwined with a pattern of red lines. His hands are white and crystal-clear, as if he can see a strip Pale red blood vessels.

The snow-white crystal palm rested on the handle of the knife, with five fingers clasping lightly.

Pull the knife!

A ray of red light radiated out of the scabbard, and in an instant, it swept in all directions, and the void wherever it passed seemed to be covered with a layer of light red, and the endless ocean-spraying snowflakes were also rendered and reddish, turning towards crimson , Red as blood.


Blood flower!

The astonishing killing sword intentions also erupted in an instant, more terrible than just, more than twice as terrible.

This is the real strength of the Snow Road Man, and it is the arrogant strength that he believes to be in the 89th place in the Chaos True List.

"The name of this knife is Hongxue, I hope you can catch it." The sound of Xuedao people sounded a little tender, it was the gentleness of the opponent's knife, and a little coldness, a coldness to all things.

At the moment when the red snow knife came out of the sheath, it also swept across the void with a knife, soft and watery, but it called Chen Zonghan's hair upright in an instant.

Can't escape!

There was no way to avoid the slashing of this knife, and even at the moment when Chen Zong's consciousness was alert, that knife had been killed in isolation.

Draw a sword!

The sword of mind and mind came out of the sheath in an instant, and one sword bloomed with unparalleled dazzling light, striding across the sky.

The sword fought once again, and a terrible mighty smashed Jianguang bombarded and killed. Chen Zong was repelled hundreds of meters.

"Holy Art of Chaos!" Chen Zong's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the red sword in the hands of the Snowman.

The Tianjian of his own mind is only a semi-chaotic holy weapon, while the counterpart's red snow sword is a chaotic holy weapon, and the gap between the power and the power it contains is not small.

"Second Knife!" Xuedaoren's voice sounded, with a little joy, because Chen Zong not only let him pull the knife, but also blocked his first knife after pulling it.

There are too few such opponents.


This knife, however, is not half as gentle as before, but is violent and extremely overbearing, as if the snow mountain collapsed.

Cut off with a single blade, endless crimson snowflakes seemed to be blown in as if they were swept by the wind, sweeping the universe across the sky with an overwhelming horrific killing sword, as if everything in life was wiped out under this sword Vitality, complete slaughter.

The sound of rumbling sounded in all directions, the mighty power was extremely strong, and the big mountain guards of Taihao Mountain all shook with it.

Chen Zong's expression was dignified, but he was a little bit excited. One sword was cut out, and the unparalleled mighty power suddenly condensed and erupted, as if pulling a round of star phantom from eternal time and space.

Eternal stars!

When Chen Zong merged with the inner universe, he became more powerful and stronger with a surge of strength.

With the display of skills and skills, the power has also multiplied many times, becoming increasingly scary.

One sword turned into an ancient star, crushing everything, directly impacting, colliding, and exploding.

The storm rolled wildly, as if smashing everything. Chen Zong was immediately repelled under this terrible big bang, and his strength trembled endlessly.

Snowman did not retreat in half a step.

Chen Zong could not help but shrink his eyes.

So strong!

The strength of this snowman is really terrible.

The true sanctuary is a big realm. There is a clear gap between the real sanctuary that has just broken through and the real sanctuary that has broken through hundreds of years and thousands of years, that is, the gap between the initial entry into the real sanctuary and the old real sanctuary.

The snow road man is the strongest true sacred realm, and Chen Zong has just completed the fusion of the inner universe. Although he is much stronger than a practitioner who first entered the real holy realm, he is the same as the snow road people. Compared with the environment, there is still some gap.

In addition, the opponent's Red Snow Sword is a chaotic holy weapon, while his own mind Tianjian is a semi-chaotic holy weapon. There is also a gap.

The only thing that has no gap is peerlessness.


Chen Zong fell into the downwind, but still blocked the snowman's sword.

The snowman became more and more excited, and the knife became faster and faster, more and more violent. Each knife was like the collapse of a large snow mountain. The power was terrifying. The endless crimson snowflakes turned into a fierce and intense storm. Every snowflake looks like a blade, hard and extremely sharp.

Chen Zong keeps waving his sword to the fullest extent, and his sword and sword keep blocking the attack of the red snowflake ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Suddenly, the snowman swings the sword again, but this knife is abnormal and will not be violent at all. , The understatement of softness is extreme, silent, only a ray of blood red silk condenses, submerged into the void.

Chen Zong's expression changed suddenly, he just felt his hairs upside down, his intense sense of crisis erupted instantly, his body was trembling, and the cold current was pouring down.

Can't escape!

Even the keen perception becomes very blurred.

A splat of blood-colored silk thread appeared in front of the eyes and cut directly on the body.

The thin layer of force covering the surface of the body trembled, and immediately blocked the blood-colored silk thread cut, but just blocked the brake and was torn.

The tyrannical body was also torn under that thread.

Cut off!

Chen Zong's body was cut and cut directly by that blood-colored silk thread, but the broken body also reunited in an instant. The wound healed as if it had never been injured.

The people on the snow road are somewhat surprised. The true sacred realm understands the true meaning of the cosmic avenue, and has been able to condense the corresponding avenue body, to a certain extent, immortal.

Of course, immortality is relative. Once your own power is exhausted, you will be killed.

His own sword is a lore, and his power is extremely arrogant, which can consume the opponent's power to the greatest extent.

Since it's not ok for one knife, then another knife.


Suddenly, a ray of blood-colored knives crisscrossed into a scarlet net that directly entangled Chen Zong, cut it crazy, and cut Chen Zong's body to pieces.

The next breath, Red Snow Sword returned to the sheath, and a smile appeared on the corner of the snowman's mouth.

He knew how terrible his knives were, and he was chopped up so late that there was no way out.

But the next breath, the smile on Xuedao's face was solidified, his eyes suddenly widened, and he watched the shredded body reuniting in front.

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