Sword God

Vol 11 Chapter 52: Kaishu sect

"The dark-scented sword really tastes full. Today's gift of sword, I will report to Shan Shanning in the future." With the sound of the sound, the figure fluttered across the sky like Feihong and quickly went away.

Chen Zong didn't chase, it was too fast to catch up, Zuo Shanmei didn't chase, and that sword ran out of real power.

Zuo Shanmei's complexion was pale, his eyes were exhausted, and his sword-shaking hands were trembling slightly, showing just how intense the load brought by that sword.

Quickly took the elixir to restore physical strength and true strength, while Chen Zong stood by and defended the law.

With the elixir of absorption, Zuo Shanmei's complexion gradually became ruddy, and his breath gradually strengthened and recovered.

"Master, I'm fine." Zuo Shanmei said.

Neither of them mentioned the same person.

"Brother, I have been out for some time, and now I will return to Zongmen to do some repairs." Zuo Shanmei said.

"I also plan to return to Zongmen for a period of repair," Chen Zong said.

What happened recently made Chen Zong realize that his cultivation and strength are not enough. After going through these things, it takes some time to meditate on the enlightenment and turn it into cultivation and strength.

The two continued to go together, and went towards the gate of Jianzong.


The Zongjian Sect has the Zongjian Sword, which is the Sword Sect. In addition, there are two major swords.

The so-called mystic sword is the mystery of swordsmanship, which can be regarded as a mystery in essence, and can also be called the mystery of kendo.

Chen Zong knows this, but now that he is not qualified to practice, it does not mean that his status is not enough. As his crossword swordsman, Crossword swordsman is a key training, and naturally he will not encounter two secret swords.

The reason for not being able to cultivate is because of cultivation.

The two mysterious swords have gone beyond the scope of martial arts in the sky, and theoretically they are pseudo-spiritual martial arts, which naturally correspond to the level of martial arts of the pseudo-transcendent realm.

However, it is said that the two mysterious swords are relatively low-level in the pseudo-spiritual martial arts, and the threshold for cultivation is also low, but at least there must be a seven-fold cultivation of the real martial arts and the corresponding sword art realm.

Take the vertical and horizontal sword code as an example, that is to practice the vertical and horizontal skills to the 25th floor and the vertical and horizontal sword to the 25th style, which is the minimum standard.

But looking at Zuo Shanmei, the twenty-eighth layer of vertical and horizontal power, the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship has also been practiced to the twenty-eighth style, and the point star of one of the two mysterious swords was exhibited, but it also exhausted all its strength and became tired. , It is enough to explain the difficulty and practice of this secret sword, but at the same time we can see the terrible power of this secret sword.

This alone broke the opponent's defense, defeated the opponent, and nearly died.

Zuo Shanmei's strength, not to mention running across Tianjiang Mansion, but also difficult to find opponents, the two teamed up, and returned to the gate of Jianzong in half a month later.

"I've seen Sister Zuo and Brother Chen." Disciples of the inner gate guarding the four gates of Zhenwu Realm, who saw Chen Zong and Zuo Shanmei, quickly bowed and saluted.

Zuo Shanmei nodded inexplicably.

"It's hard for two younger brothers and sisters." Chen Zong smiled slightly, and excited the two.

Go up the stairs quickly, and soon see Gu Jianding, continue to go up to the mid-mountain side of Tianhong Mountain.

"Brother, I'm going back," Zuo Shanmei said, turning around and leaving, leaving a faint fragrance in place.

Watching Zuo Shanmei leave, Chen Zong also went to the Sword and Sword Hall to inform himself of his return, and then returned to Mozhuju.

It didn't take long for Master Lin Yuxie to come to the door.

"Master, I heard that you and Shi Zuo are very close." Lin Yuxie laughed with a sullen mouth, frowning, quite curious: "I don't know how many masters will be heartbroken."

"Is the brother also heartbroken?" Chen Zong did not feel embarrassed, but laughed back.

"Guess." Lin Yuxie didn't care about Chen Zong's ridicule.

After the first contact, the two had more contacts in the back, gradually got to know each other, and became familiar with each other. Some jokes were smooth.

"Master, you are really amazing. It was the first time that you went out to practice and defeated Gu Yaoyang, ranking directly among the top ten stars." Lin Yuxie changed the topic.

"The older brother was not bad at all." Chen Zong laughed, and knew quite a few things about Lin Yuxie.

"That is, who made me my brother?" Lin Yuxie laughed, and a little proud.

The two chatted casually, chatting and talking, Lin Yuxie also asked about the experience of Chen Zong. Chen Zong did not hide it, but he said something.

"Long Shaojun." Lin Yuxie had a hint of coldness in his eyes: "If he dares to use any means to deal with you, you have to see if my sword does not agree."

It's full of maintenance.

To this day, Chen Zong has shown an amazing talent. This talent is enough to make Lin Yuxie willing to worship the wind. Lin Yuxie is not half jealous, but rather happy, and therefore attaches more importance to Chen Zong. Furthermore, after many contacts, Chen Zong's personality and personality are appreciated by Lin Zongxie. In addition to being brothers, they are also close friends.

Immediately, Chen Zong also mentioned the battle between Zuo Shanmei and the young man with a double knife who came to a foreign government not long ago.

"Shan Shangning, I know this person. Some time ago, he stirred up the wind and rain in our Tianjiang Mansion and defeated a lot of second-line camp geniuses." Neighbouring Wanluo is the only disciple of Wanluzong, the only middle-class monk in Wanluo. "

"Zhongmen Zongmen!" Chen Zong secretly surprised.

There were four major Zhongzong gates in the Dragon Figure dynasty: Jinghong Jianzong, Xuanzhen Temple, Qiangushan and Wanluozong.

The Jinghong Sect and the Sword Sect are generally kendo cultivation gates. They are pure. Xuanzhen Hall is known as the bright and upright. The disciples in Qiangushan are relatively small, but they are all geniuses. Wanluozong is one of the four major Zhongzong gates. The number of disciples is the largest, and the martial arts category is also the largest, and they act in a wrong way.

The four major middle-class pedigrees have deep and powerful foundations. Although they are not opponents of the Longtu Royal Family, the Longtu Royal Family is not willing to destroy them and instead gives them some respect. Named after Pinzongmen.

Jinghong Mansion, Xuanzhen Mansion, Elder Mansion and Wanluo Mansion.

The vertical and horizontal Jianzong was also a Zhongpinzong gate, but unfortunately it has fallen. Naturally, it cannot be compared with the past. Naturally, it is not comparable to Wanluozong, which has been developed to this day and has a longer history.

After the two chat for a while, Lin Yuxie left.

After Chen Zong converged his thoughts, he began to meditate.

The realization and practice of the vertical and horizontal exercises, and the practice and practice of the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship.

As time flies, Chen Zong has transformed all the gains from this outing, and was chased and killed by Long Shaojun. He walked on the edge of life and death, and Ling Yao Gu scrambled for the pseudo-elixir.

The whole body's breath fluctuated, and it suddenly swelled like a tide, and then quickly converged.

Chen Zong's eyes opened, and Jingman burst out with a smile.

Sure enough, going out to practice is indeed a good way to tap into one's own potential. After fighting again and again, especially between life and death, the potential of silence will become alive again and it will be easier to cultivate breakthroughs.

Four peaks of Zhenwu Realm!

With some enlightenment, the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship also became mastery to the twentieth style.

As for the four-fold limit of Zhenwu Realm, that's just accumulation. You only need to spend some time after that to slowly polish your true strength, and slowly accumulate to reach it.

"Continue to practice, and strive to promote cultivation to the fifth level of Zhenwu Realm, and then consider going out to practice." Chen Zong secretly said.

Once Xiuyu was promoted to the fifth level of Zhenwu Realm, even if it was just the beginning, Chen Zong had a 100% certainty to fight against and even kill the ordinary Seventh Real Wu Realm, and even the eight-level martial arts facing the real Wu Realm had the power to protect himself. , There are more places to go.

Time passed and half a month later, Chen Zong's Xiuwei also reached the fourfold limit of Zhenwu Realm as he wished, but it was not so easy to break through to the fifth limit of Zhenwu Realm.

The practice of Zhenwu Realm becomes more and more difficult in the future. Without any special opportunity, the time spent will often increase.

It takes at least half a year, or even a year, for the ordinary martial arts to break from the fourfold limit of Zhenwu Realm to the fifth limit of Zhenwu Realm.

For the purpose of ascension, each of the octagonal body movements and the floating Hong body movements have their own improvements.

"Brother Chen, please enlighten me." Wang Xuanyang stood with his sword in his eyes, showing his brilliance.

Wang Xuanyang is listed as one of the top ten stars, but he is still an inside disciple, and Chen Zong is a core disciple. Therefore, although Wang Xuanyang started earlier, he must also call Chen Zong as a brother.

Wang Xuanyang's purpose naturally came to challenge Chen Zong.

When Chen Zong defeated Gu Yaoyang, Wang Xuanyang felt a great deal of pressure. After a lot of hard work, he went out of the customs. When he learned the news of Chen Zong's return, he immediately found it.

As one of the Top Ten Rising Stars, Zong Jianzong naturally paid enough attention to it. Therefore, although the skills and swords practiced by Wang Xuanyang are not the Zong Jian Swords, they are also the best in heaven.

"Brother Chen, I know that you are practicing vertical and horizontal exercises and vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, and my practice is ancient Yuangong and Mingguang swordsmanship." Wang Xuanyang said.

"Brother Wang, please." Chen Zong said lightly, his sword out of his sheath, and obliquely pointing at the ground.

"Brother Chen, take me a sword." As soon as Wang Xuanyang's words fell, the sword broke and turned into a bright sword light ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sweeping across the sky to kill, when that sharp and bright sword light passed by The sword light at the back became as soft as a ribbon, dazzling like water plants in the water.

The speed of the sword is extremely fast.

Chen Zong was not panic-stricken, with his two swords raised and his swordsmanship unfolded.

After a period of retreat, Wang Xuanyang's cultivation reached the middle of the fifth stage of Zhenwu Realm, and his sword skills also improved, and his strength became stronger.

At the beginning, Wang Xuanyang only took out 50% of his strength, but later found that the 50% of his strength was completely beyond Chen Zong, so he took out 70% of his strength, and then increased it to 90%.

Jiucheng strength, Jianguang diffused, Jianqi shot, still can not help Chen Zong, then, Wang Xuanyang took out 10% strength.

If before, to deal with Wang Xuanyang with a strength of 10%, Chen Zong must do his best, but after reaching the fourfold limit of Zhenwu Realm, Chen Zong's strength increased greatly, but with 80% of his strength, he fought fiercely with Wang Xuanyang. Difficult to distinguish Xuanyuan.

After a fierce battle, Chen Zong took ninety percent of his strength and smashed Wang Xuanyang's Jianguang with a sword, knocking him back.

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