Sword God

Vol 11 Chapter 53: Meet the enemy

(Starting tomorrow at 12 noon, double monthly pass, six scheduled monthly passes)

Thirteen meters wide wings, black and white feathers, a cluster of golden hair growing on the head, like a flame swaying in the wind.

This is a white crane.

The Jinyan disease shadow crane, a nine-level monster, is no less inferior to Tianshuizong's Bi-scale Sky-wave Eagle.

However, relatively speaking, the Bilin Skywave Eagle is better at attacking and more fierce, while the Golden Flame Shadow Crane is better at flying, and it is better than the Bilin Skywave Eagle in terms of speed and endurance.

There are two people sitting cross-legged on the back of Jin Yanji Shadow Crane, one left and one right, even if they are carrying two people, Jin Yanji Shadow Crane's body is stable, the speed of flying is still scary, and the speed of sound exceeds the speed of thousands. The high sky over the meter passed by, leaving a white mark.

The two were a veteran Yuanlingzi and a Chen Zong.

That's right, Jinyan Blast Shadow Crane is the flying monster that crosses the sword sect, and it is the only one in Tianjiang Prefecture.

The veteran Yuanlingzi took Chen Zong to ride the Golden Flame Sword Crane and left Jianzong Sect. This is not a trivial matter, but a very important thing, especially for Chen Zong.

There is a mountain in Tianjiang House, not tall or big, but it is famous all over the world.

This mountain is called earth spirit, and the spirit of taking earth is mountain.

"There is a natural pool on the Diling Mountain, and there is a ground vein under the Diling Mountain, and that vein is connected to the pool." Yuanlingzi said, not stubbornly, "The ground vein can gather the heaven and earth aura within a hundred miles, purified After that, it was poured into the pool and turned into a pond. "

"The spirit pool contains the aura of ingenuity and purity. When you practice in the spirit pool, you can absorb the aura contained in the spirit pool and make yourself a breakthrough."

Chen Zong heard that his heart moved.

Today, his cultivation is the fourfold limit of Zhenwu Realm, and there is still a gap between the fivefold. At least it takes more than a month to break through. According to the veteran, if he can enter the spiritual pool to practice, he can break through to the real Wuyuan Fivefold. .

"The spiritual water of this Lingchi is full every ten years. That is to say, the Lingchi of the Lingling Mountain is opened every ten years." Yuanlingzi said.

"Veteran, since this Lingchi has this magical effect, it should have been occupied by people." Chen Zong asked, and as soon as he said, Chen Zong saw a trace of indignation flashing in Yuan Lingzi's eyes.

"Hundreds of years ago, we were in the strong and strong sword ancestors. This Diling Mountain was owned by this sect, but the ancestral gate fell and the Dragon Royal family rose. After unifying the whole region, the Di Ling Mountain was owned by the royal family. They sent someone to guard the Lingling Mountain to prevent damage. "Yuanlingzi said.

Although Chen Zong has some sense of belonging to the vertical and horizontal sword sect, but after all, the time is still short. In addition, he has not experienced anything from hundreds of years ago. The feeling is not so deep, but he feels that he is weak and strong.

The vertical and horizontal sword ancestors fell, and the dragon royal family was strong, so the Lingchi of the Lingling Mountain was occupied by the dragon royal family. The reason is very simple.

As long as the vertical and horizontal sword sect can be stronger than the dragon figure royal family, no, as long as the vertical and horizontal sword sect can make the dragon figure royal family jealous, you can get back to Lingling Mountain's Lingchi.

However, it is very difficult for Jianzong Zongzong to make the Longtu royal family feel daunting. It can be said that there is almost no such opportunity.

It is difficult for even the four middle-class ancestral gates to make the Dragon Figure royal family jealous, not to mention the vertical and horizontal Jianzong.

It is too difficult and too difficult to cultivate at an extraordinary level.

"The Dilingshan Lingchi belongs to the Longtu Royal Family, but every time it is opened, there are some external places. Each of the four major gates of Tianjiang House is owned by the Longtu Royal Family, and the other places belong to the Longtu Royal Family. There are dozens of them." .

The Lingchi, which is opened once every ten years, can only be accessed by ten people for cultivation, and there are regulations that the cultivation should not exceed the middle period of Zhenwu Realm.

The gap between the middle and later stages of Zhenwu Realm is very obvious. If martial arts players in the late realm of Zhenwu enter the Lingchi for cultivation, they will only have a significant improvement if they have to drain all the aura in the Lingchi. That's why there is such a requirement.

Chen Zong was also touched. For ten years, Zong Jianzong had only one place, and he used it on his own body, which shows that Zong Jianzong attaches great importance to himself.

But I don't know who the quotas of the other three major gates are.

The flying speed of the Jinyan disease shadow crane is astonishing. Compared with Chen Zong's full speed, I don't know how many times faster. Even if it is going to fly out of Tianjiang House at this speed, it is only a few days.

However, within two days, Chen Zong saw Dilingshan.

The Diling Mountain is less than one thousand meters high and covers an area of ​​less than one hundred li. It stands alone on the ground and stands out.

At an altitude of about 800 meters, a platform created by some people has a radius of several kilometers.

"Golden Flame Shadow Crane!"

"It's the swordsman."

Someone had been on the platform for a long time, feeling a strong breath, and exclaimed when he saw the approaching figure.

Jin Yanji Shadow Crane landed, and Yuanlingzi confessed something. The Jin Yanji Shadow Crane nodded and flew up by itself.

Nine-level monsters have already possessed decent intelligence, which is enough to compare with ordinary humans.

"Yuanlingzi, I didn't expect you to be alive." The non-cold voice sounded with a weird tone, it sounded like cursing why Yuanlingzi was still dead.

"I won't die if you die." Yuan Lingzi responded with a smile, while looking back, Chen Zong found that smile was sneer.

Chen Zong also saw the speaker clearly. He was an old man wearing a dark blue robe. He could not see the specific age, but his cheeks were sunken and sunken.

Needless to say, this person is also a transcendental powerhouse, and dare to speak with Yuanlingzi this way, proving that his strength will not be inferior to Yuanlingzi.

"I haven't seen you for many years. You still have sharp teeth like Yuanlingzi." The old man laughed again, with a hint of irony.

"I haven't seen you for years, you still have the same nonsense." Yuan Lingzi counterattacked politely, with sharp words.

"Huh." The old man seemed to think that he could not speak Yuanlingzi, but still felt that such an argument was boring. His eyes turned and fell on Chen Zong's face. Suddenly, Chen Zong had a feeling of being pierced: "This junior is you Let's look at Jianzong's contemporary swords. It seems a bit capable. "

"The average skill is more than the disciples of Tianshuizong's peers." Yuanlingzi laughed, fluctuating strength, isolated the other party's snooping on Chen Zong, and also avoided the other party secretly.

You must know that the elders of Tianshui Zong are not sloppy.

"Everyone can tell a big story." The old man sneered, but secretly regretted it. If Yuan Lingzi reacted slowly, he would steal his hands, unable to kill Chen Zong, but would also have an adverse effect on Chen Zong, leaving Inner shadow.

This old man is Lei Daozi, one of the two great patriarchs of Tianshui Sect, and Yuanlingzi is also a quadruple restoration of human extremes. He is a long-time rival to Yuanlingzi.

The young man next to Lei Daozi stared at Chen Zong, and his eyes contained a severe coldness, and he carried a heavy spirit of coercion on Chen Zong.

Chen Zong was not afraid to look at him. The eyes of the two collided in the air, emitting invisible sparks.

Although not explicitly stated, Chen Zong guessed the identity of the other party. One of the top ten stars was also hailed as the head of the top ten stars and the close disciple of Tianshui Sovereign Li Xiaoyun.

A white robe with water ripples on it. When the white robe was blown by the wind, the water rippled away and kept flowing.

The Five Peaks of Zhenwu Realm!

This revision is the highest among the top ten stars, and neither Gu Yaoyang nor Wang Xuanyang can compare with it.

A loud rumbling sounded through the clouds, and a fiery figure came from the sky. There seemed to be red clouds rolling behind, and it was faintly visible that it was a bird.

Flaming Cloud Bird!

This is the flying monster of Zhenyangzong.

"Elder Lao Gui, Lei Lao Gui, every time you two meet, you have to fight each other." Hong Liang's voice seemed to come with a bit of enthusiasm.

A figure grabbed another figure on the bird's back and leapt up. As the same fire flew over hundreds of meters and fell in front of Yuanlingzi and others, a fiery whistle came like a torrent of flames, suffocating Chen Zongyou. The feeling is more like being engulfed by fire waves and burned to ashes.

Fortunately, Yuanlingzi waved his hand and blocked it with his own strength.

"Lie Lao Gui, some means are useless." Yuanlingzi frowned.

"Ha ha ha ha." Zhen Yangzong's elder Lie Yangzi laughed, only then he did have the intention of teasing Chen Zong.

"Chen Zong." The person next to Lie Yangzi watched with anger and anger, and the anger seemed to burn Chen Zong to ashes, and his words were fierce: "You and I have met again, and I will redouble my shame that day."

"You have no chance." Chen Zong replied politely.

On that day, Yao Yaoyang lost to his own hands, and now he has improved a lot more than before. Although this ancient Yao Yang's practice has also been upgraded to the middle of the fifth stage of Zhenwu Realm, the improvement is not as good as Chen Zong.

Another battle was defeated by Gu Yaoyang, even faster than before.

Chen Zong's words made Gu Yaoyang angry and fiery, and the strong and burning atmosphere fluctuated, almost bursting out.

"Don't be proud, after the Lingchi practice, I will let you know what is the gap." Gu Yaoyang angered.

A strong and cold atmosphere came from a distance, and everyone was attracted to seeing it. A snow-white bird flying across the body quickly came. Wherever it passed, the frost condensed and landed.

Three feathers!

This ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the transcendent flying monster of Aomi Villa.

The back of the three feathers is naturally a veteran and a disciple of Aomei Villa.

The veteran was dressed in a white and blue robe, with a long knife on his shoulder, and his face was cold. It felt like a long cold knife.

The moment they saw the old man, no matter whether it was Yuanlingzi, Lieyangzi or Lei Daozi, the three's faces changed, and they became more dignified.

This old man is the only veteran of Aomei Village-Han knife.

I haven't seen it in ten years, and this cold knife has a sharper blade, which shows that the improvement of the other party in this decade must be above others and others. This made the three hearts feel ashamed. They know that they have not spent nothing in the past ten years and have done their best. All to practice.

Standing next to Han Knife, a boy looks very ordinary, but his eyes are sharp, his body is straight, and he carries a long knife. The whole person emits a breath that blends with the long knife behind him. Every moment.

Yang Shiqi, one of the top ten stars.

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