Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 7: War

(Fourth more)

Anxious to plug in a pair of wings, soar the sky, and quickly rushed back to Xiaohu Town.

Anxious, can't wait, Chen Zong finally entered Xiaohu Town.

Compared with a few years ago, Xiaohu Town now seems to be quieter, with less vitality and more barrenness.

Chen Zong didn't think much about it. The speed passed quickly, like a ghost, and soon he came to a few wooden houses.

The wooden house is old and dusty. It looks like it has been deserted for a long time and no one has lived there.

This is my own home, where I was born, where I grew up, and I have more than a decade of memories.

With the palm trembling, he gently opened the door, squeaky, but straight into the heart, making Chen Zong's heart couldn't stop leaping and even breathing became difficult.

The light in the room was dim, but Chen Zong's eyes could not be blocked, and they were displayed in the eyes in a slender manner. The furniture was still familiar furniture, but it was a little scattered and seemed to be caused by a hurry when leaving.

Chen Zong inspected it very carefully and did not miss any clues.

No trace of fighting.

No blood.

Inevitably, the internal restlessness eased a bit.

"A father ... aunt ... where have you been?" Murmured to himself, Chen Zong remembered that when he left, he had entrusted a real person to take care of him, and did not know what was going on.

Quickly left for the old Chen home, which was also deserted and covered with weeds.

"Only today, I can only go to the mine." With a secret voice, Chen Zong re-launched himself and went to the mine at the fastest speed.

My heart is full of hope, not only looking forward to seeing the father at the mine, but also worried about seeing the father at the mine suffering, this contradiction is suffering Chen Zong, so that Chen Zong almost lost the peace of the past.

Anxious, in a hurry, finally arrived at the original Chenjia Iron Mine.

"Stop, who are you? What are you doing here?"

Immediately intercepted by a pair of martial artists, they were a group of martial arts practising soldiers, with a total of eight men, and looked poor.

"Are you Bai family?" Chen Zong asked.

"Yes, we are the Bai family." One of the eight responded with a sneer.

Chen Zong gave them the answer.

The body passed by, almost to the extreme, and they could see nothing, but the eight people only felt that the world was spinning. It was weird that it was daylight, so why did they fall into darkness quickly and see nothing?

I used to guard this iron mine, and I still have clear memories in my mind. Soon, Chen Zong rushed to the camp of the iron mine and directly caught the managers in this camp. Deacon, with cultivation in the late period of practice.

"Where is the Chen family?" Chen Zong's tone was low, like an undercurrent in the depths of the sea, and contained amazing anger and strength.

"What Chen's family?" Deacon of the Bai family stunned.

"Feng Wucheng's Chen Family." Chen Zong's eyes shot out terrifyingly, implying a hint of murderous power, which made the deacon of Bai Family tremble like a sieve.

"The Chen family ... The Chen family ... They are all in the mine ..." Deacon Bai felt that he would be drowned by the terrible murderous power, as if he fell on the sea and would be swallowed up by a huge wave at any time. Horrified, trembling again and again, his head was almost blank, and he answered instinctively.

"Please come out." The low voice, like a nightmare, passed into the deacon's ears, unable to resist.

"Yes ... Yes ..." Deacon Baijia was pale and sweaty, and did not dare to neglect. He immediately ordered his men to mine the Chen family in the mine.

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a little sad when his clothes were shabby and his bones were like firewood.

At a glance, there are a total of forty people. The older ones are almost seventy years old, and the younger ones are in their early tens. Most of them have a temperament practice, so that they can better mine. As for practicing strength, there is no one.

There are hundreds of people in the clan of Chen, and there are also hundreds of three separate families. At least more than 400 people, but now there are only forty people, and the rest are dead.

An unspeakable sorrow emerged from the depths of Chen Zong's heart and could not be suppressed.

After all, he is also the Chen family, born in the Chen family and growing up in the Chen family, an inseparable relationship in the bloodline.

They are all their own people.

Forty Chen family members stood side by side, one by one looking at the Bai family members with dreadful eyes, shrinking, as if afraid of being beaten.

Suddenly, among these forty people, Chen Zong saw a vaguely familiar face.

"Is it Uncle Wu Xiong?" Chen Zong asked softly, staring at the vaguely familiar face.

Chen Wuxiong glared at his usable right eye and landed on Chen Zong's face, faintly feeling that this young face was somewhat familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere, but the memory seemed to be a little old.

"I'm Chen Wuxiong, dare to ask my grown-up?" Chen Wuxiong asked carefully, lest the louder voice would disturb the other side and be beaten by the other side.

"Uncle Wu Xiong, I'm Chen Zong." Chen Zong's nose was sore, his eyes became red, and he almost cried. At the time, Chen Wuxiong was the owner of the Xiaohu Township, but he was so exhausted. Suffering tortured and trembled.

"Chen Zong ..." Chen Wuxiong thought the name was a bit familiar and seemed to be awakening a long memory.

The years are actually short-lived, but they are still beaten from time to time in the dark mines, and those days are just torture, making years as long as decades.

"Chen Zong ... you are Zhengtang's son ..." Chen Wuxiong finally remembered, staring with his right eye, he couldn't help exclaiming inwardly.

"That's me." Chen Zong nodded, forcibly holding back his sour heart.

"You ... you ... you ..." Chen Wuxiong shuddered and couldn't say anything.

Why did the Chen family fall into this?

And Chen Zong is not unrelated.

Collusion with the Black Demon Gate and offending the Bai family is all one of the reasons that led to the fall of the Chen family.

Of course, Chen Wuxiong wasn't sure if there was a collusion with the Black Demon Gate, but the offending Bai family could be investigated.

With the exception of a few people who escaped, all the others who were alive were arrested and reduced to mine slaves. They dig in the dark mines all day and are beaten from time to time.

There were more than a hundred people who were mining, but now there are only forty people left.

Who is to blame?

Blame Chen Zong?

But at this moment, Chen Wuxiong's heart did not produce any thoughts of blame on Chen Zong. It seemed to be troublesome and seemed to look away.

This is a world of weak meat and strong food. Without strength, it will be crowned with various crimes, and then be slaughtered by others.

"Uncle Wu Xiong, let you suffer." Chen Zong is also very clear that he is a fuse. If he did not have any conflict with the Bai family then, the current Chen family will not be the object of revenge by the Bai family. Nowhere.

Blame yourself?

will not.

Because the conflict with the Bai family was not my wish.

I just feel bad.

After all, it is strength.

If the Chen family is stronger than the Bai family, the Bai family would not even dare to put a fart.


It's chasing and it's resentful.


Suddenly, Chen Zong's heart burst into anger and murderous power.

"Call the Bai family," Chen Zong said, calmly scary.

"You ... what do you want to do ..." Deacon Bai asked.

"I want to announce something." Chen Zong's tone remained calm.

The Deacon Baijia spoke, convened all the Bai family members at the mine, and secretly made a gesture to allow one or two Bai family members to take advantage of this opportunity to leave here and return to Fengwu City to rescue the soldiers as quickly as possible.

Chen Zong also found it, but didn't stop it because it was good.

Soon, except for the two who left in secret, the other Bai families gathered here, one by one, fierce and fierce, making the 40 or so Chen family tremble like a flock surrounded by wolves.

"Everyone is here, what do you want to say ... You said." Deacon Bai's posture was low, because he knew he was not the opponent of the other party, so he took this low posture to confuse the other party, delay time as much as possible, wait With the arrival of the Bai family to rescue the soldiers, the situation will be reversed.

"You ..." Chen Zong's eyes swept away in an instant, as if bursting out a terrifying cold electricity, tearing the sky, making every Bai family unable to look at each other, and had to close their eyes: "All **** it ! "

The last three words fall, as if from the judgment of hell.

The Bai family was too late to react, and the two silver swords were so bright that they could not be square.

There are dozens of silver swords in the air, each of them is so clear and brilliant that it is beautiful, but it has a terrifying effect.

The silver sword spirit seemed to be spiritual. It passed over forty Chen family members without damaging them, but slaughtered all the Bai family members.

Cultivating the highest is just a seven-strength exercise, how to resist Chen Zong's sword energy.

Even the reaction was too late, the Bai family members were beheaded and killed by the silver sword gas, and they could not die any more.

But at the blink of an eye, Chen Wuxiong and others were shocked to see that those who were extremely vicious and always abused them Bai Jiawu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ now turned into a dead body with Yu Wen poured into a pool of blood.

Like dreaming, the Chen family members were all mentally stunned and could not react at all.

For a long time, a gust of wind blew through, making people uncontrollably excited.

"All ... all ... all dead ..." Chen Wuxiong's voice was obscure and he swallowed hard.

The strength of these Bai Jiawu soldiers is not weak, especially the deacons of the Bai Jiawu is very powerful. In their own eyes, that is the existence of the strong first-class, and now they have been killed.

The key is that it was Chen Zong who killed him. Moreover, he could not see how it was killed. I saw a silver light flickering in front of him, but he blinked and died.

"Uncle Wu Xiong, elder compatriots in your clan, you can rest in the house over there for the time being." Chen Zong said, while searching for things like energy pills from the Deacon Bai family and so on, and distributed it to forty Chen families Let them take it to replenish the weak body.

Try to adjust your body as much as possible to facilitate future actions.

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