Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 8: Kill without pardon

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After taking the energy pill, the atmosphere of the forty Chen family members is better, but it is still weak. To really recover, it will take longer to adjust.

"Uncle Wu Xiong, what about my father?" Chen Zong couldn't wait to ask his inner question.

"Your father ..." Chen Wuxiong was silent first, and continued speaking in Chen Zong's anxiety: "I don't know where he went."

"But ..." Chen Wuxiong spoke again, raising Chen Zong's heart, and he was most afraid of hearing bad news.

"It seems to have been taken away, and I don't know where to go." Chen Wuxiong finally said.

"Is taken away, is it true that Yunyun is the real person?" Chen Zong couldn't help guessing, this seemed to be a clue, but it still needed to be traced.

"Uncle Wu Xiong, tell me what has changed in the past few years." Chen Zongdao.

"Okay." After a moment of silence, Chen Wuxiong's right eye turned distant, and seemed to fall into the memory. He said in a erratic tone, and Chen Zong also seemed to be brought into it.

"I hated you." Chen Wuxiong said at last, leaving Chen Zong silent: "But now I don't hate it, I figured it out, without you, other juniors may offend other forces in the future. It will be destroyed after all. "

"Uncle Wu Xiong, you will see the Chen family rise again and stand on the top of the east land." Chen Zong took a deep breath and solemnly said.

Maybe, what should I do for these alive people, just to rescue them is not enough.

In this case, find the whereabouts of Adie and others first, and then show your strengths to revive the Chen family.

And now, it is to solve Baijia's troubles.

For a long time, the Chen family did not take a good rest, sitting and sitting, most of them fell asleep, and there were a lot of corpses outside, and the **** smell permeated them, and they could all fall asleep, which proves how tired they are.

Gradually, Chen Wuxiong and others also fell asleep, leaving only Chen Zong sober.

Standing up, Chen Zong walked out of the camp and walked outside the camp to wait for the rescue of the Bai family.

The Bai family moved quickly, and within a short time, six people arrived quickly, headed by a triple true martial arts realm, two double true martial realm realms and four real real martial realm realms.

This kind of power is nothing if placed in the Yunlong dynasty, and even less so in Longtu, but it is a terrible force in this land.

In the distance, the six true martial warriors of the Bai family locked Chen Zong, but they could not feel the slightest fluctuation in the breath of Chen Zong, so they could not feel Chen Zong's cultivation.

A silver-white sword robe, standing tall, with two swords on his waist, his eyes are deep and long, as if he can see through all obstacles and penetrate the invisible void.

The six Baijia Zhenwu realms felt each other's eyes, seeming to fall on their own body, a sense of seeing through spontaneously, let them feel a murmur, and be vigilant.

"Dare to ask your Excellency?" The triple warrior of Baijia Zhenwu Realm said with a low voice.

"Don't need to know too much," Chen Zong said indifferently.

"Crazy!" One of the two martial arts soldiers in Baijia Zhenwu was furious, and the other martial arts in Baijia was also full of anger.

This man is so arrogant.

"It looks like you are so hard-hearted that you are going to fight against my Bai family. In this case, you don't need to live." Another true martial arts double warrior sneered and leapt as if an ape He leaped high, opened his right hand, and when the air shot fell, it looked like a large grinding disc, covered with red true power, and the true power was still spinning in the palm.

The roar sounded, like a hurricane howling, when the air shot down, the merciless palm seemed to crush Chen Zong.

The puppet in the eyes of the Bai Jiawu was clearly visible.

Immediately, the silver light flashed, so bright, stunning, and sharp that one couldn't look straight at it, and had to close his eyes.

When they opened, Zhenwu Realm didn't know when it fell to the ground, and the blood stained the ground red.


What the **** happened, how could it suddenly die.

His body flashed, and Chen Zong appeared in front of five other Baijia Zhenwu soldiers in an instant. He waved his hands, the sword came out of the sheath, and turned into a ray of silver.

Like lightning, the sheath came out of the sheath, and four of the five Bai Jiawu warriors appeared a little red, and their strength quickly drained from the sword wound, and their consciousness fell into darkness.

In the early days of Zhenwu Realm, dozens more were not enough for Chen Zongsha.

"You ... you ... you are a ghost ..." The only remaining Baijia Zhenwu Realm was so terrified that he fell to the ground, crawling back and forth.

"How many true martial arts are there in the Bai family? What is the highest cultivation practice?" Chen Zong's voice remained indifferent, straight into Bai Jiawu's heart, and his astonishment doubled.

"You ... what do you want to do ..." Baijia Zhenwu's tone shivered, and there was no way to not be afraid. The four or five people who were stronger than themselves were killed, and it was unclear how they were killed.

"Answer ... or ... dead!"

The word death seemed to have a thrilling magic power, and the Bai Jiawu was trembling all over again. After all, under the threat of death, he still spoke.

Like the data of Dingtian Pavilion, the only difference is that the Bai family still has a sixth true military realm hidden.

Zhenwu Realm is sixfold, even if it is a genius, Chen Zong is not afraid.

With a wave of his hand, the silver light suddenly appeared, and the heavy martial artist of Baijia Zhenwu glared down and stared back, staring deadly. The empty eyes seemed to be questioning Chen Zong, he already said, why should he kill himself? .

In this regard, Chen Zong ignored it, but put away all the belongings of the six people and put them in the Xumi precepts, which may be useless to himself, but in the future, he must rebuild the Chen family to make the Chen family stronger. More is better.

Subsequently, the corpses were destroyed, and even the traces of fighting were removed.

The arrival and death of six Baijia Zhenwu Jingwu warriors, and what caused some movement, forty Chen families slept soundly.

Chen Zong thought about it. First of all, he had to settle these forty ethnic people, at least to give them a safer place. After thinking about it, Chen Zong thought of the original mountain wall stone room, but unfortunately the key to open was lost, and he could n’t. turn on.

Where can I go?

These forty-odd ethnic groups, the highest cultivation is only in the later period of Qi and blood, and there are still some that have not been cultivated, not to mention the damage, the body is much worse than before, it takes time to recuperate to recover, there is not much self-protection It's not appropriate to stay in this mountain, in case of encountering monsters, it's over.

Next, I have to deal with Bai family, so as not to cause more changes over time.

"Go to Dingtiange." Chen Zong suddenly thought.

Ding Tian Ge claims to be able to do anything as long as sufficient money is provided, so it should not be a problem to protect the Chen family for more than 40 people for a period of time.

However, this Dingtian Pavilion is in Fengwu City, and the Bai family is now in charge of Fengwu city. So entering the city will definitely lead to the Bai family. At that time, if there is a fight, it will be a little careless. Chen Zong is unacceptable.

"First send these people back to the old house in Xiaohu Town, and then I will go to Fengwu City as soon as possible to hire the people of Dingtiange to protect them." Chen Zong secretly said that for a while he felt very alone. Convenient, lack of surgery.

If there is one person to help, you can move separately and be more efficient.

Wait patiently, after Chen Wuxiong wakes up, Chen Zong will express his thoughts.

"That's not necessary. Over the years, we have been mining. We have already touched the mines and dug out some deeper channels. As long as there is enough food and water, we can hide in it for a while." Chen Wuxiong said .

"Uncle Wu Xiong took me to see." Chen Zong was still a little uneasy.

"Okay." Chen Wuxiong agreed, and after waking the clan people, he entered the mine again.

Chen Wuxiong and others led the way, while Chen Zong was the last.

The inside of the mine is dark and the air is not so circulated. It seems dull, but it has no effect on Chen Zong. It keeps moving forward and turns round and round enough to stun ordinary people who are not familiar with it. under.

It was very complicated. After walking for three hours, I just arrived at my destination. It was very secretive. If no one led the way, Chen Zong estimated that he would find it difficult to find this place.

"Uncle Wu Xiong, there is still some food and water outside the camp that can be brought in. It is estimated that everyone can eat for a while, and I will solve the trouble in the shortest time." Chen Zongdao glanced away: "This time I will be wronged for a while. "

"As long as you can live and rebuild your family, you will not be wronged." Chen Wuxiong laughed.

"Now a few people with better health follow me out and bring food and water outside." Chen Zong said, then left here and walked out of the mine.

"Uncle Wu Xiong, remember to clean up the traces so as not to be traced." Chen Zong finally confessed.

"Chen Zong, you can rest assured." Chen Wuxiong said: "Even if the Bai family came out of the nest and wanted to find us in this mine, it was not so easy, but the Bai family has great potential and many powerful ones. You must not act recklessly. "

"Relax uncle Wu Xiong." Chen Zongdao ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a firm tone gave Chen Wuxiong a confidence.

Watching Chen Wuxiong and others enter the mine again with food and water, Chen Zong will remove the traces of the outside world as much as possible, and finally set a fire to burn the body of Bai family and everything around them, completely. destroy.

After doing all this, Chen Zong left in peace, and hoped that the forty Chen family members would survive.

In the final analysis, he is only a man, not God, and cannot do everything. He can only do his best.

"Baijia ..." is full of murderous words, permeated in the wind, but Chen Zong's figure has disappeared, and he quickly moves towards Feng Wucheng.

The advantage of following this road is that you can see whether the Bai family has appeared. After all, it has been several hours, but until they enter the Fengwu City, there is still no Bai family. Maybe they think it is enough to send six true martial warriors Get rid of trouble.

"It's getting dark." Looking at the sky, Chen Zong secretly said.

Night is the best time to kill, and soon, night is coming.

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