Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 35: Master slave upside down

Two black glooms flashed across the sky with an instant of heart-warming, creepy darkness.

When the gloom passes, the sky behind them seems to spread quickly, engulfing the sky, engulfing the earth, and engulfing the world.

Too fast and too fast, like the advent of the demon, Chen Zong could not escape, as if time had slowed down, and even the space was frozen.

The two dark glooms resemble a thousand years, but in an instant they shot into Chen Zong's mind through Chen Zong's eyes.

Chen Zong trembled, and then became rigid, as if he were a sculptural figure. There were countless dim lights in his eyes that flickered, as if the world was shaking.

Two dark and deep rays of light shot into Chen Zong's mind, entered the spiritual space of the eyebrows, and suddenly exploded, turning into a black curtain and spreading rapidly, spreading out, covering the entire spiritual space.

The Three Secret Control Divine Techniques, said to be magical, are actually the weird secrets that the Lord of the Black Demon Gates accidentally obtained somewhere in Baishoushan in his early years. After years of practice, he finally practiced them. .

This is a spiritual mystery. Once you practice, you cannot practice other subtle mysteries. It is very overbearing. The spiritual power of the master of the black demon door has become that black, and most of it poured into Chen Zong's spiritual space quickly. Spreading away, once Chen Zong's spiritual space is covered, Chen Zong will be controlled by the Sanyou Control Divine Art and become a slave to the master of the black demon door.

The body can't move, but Chen Zong's spiritual will is still sober. He can clearly feel that the black and strange spiritual power exudes endless coldness, spreads quickly in his own spiritual space, and soon occupies half of the country.

This terrible black spiritual power is overbearing and cold, and it is stronger than the normal spiritual power several times. Rao is Chen Zong's strong spiritual power. It is difficult to resist completely for a time. He can only continually concentrate and fight against it. Still the next step in the other's spiritual strength.

It was so cold and cold that Chen Zong felt that his soul was almost frozen.

Defeat, gather your own spiritual strength, and defend the last position.

Wherever his thoughts reach, Chen Zong can only "see" a constant spread of darkness, in all directions, like thousands of soldiers and horses, and himself as a disabled soldier.

Rao is so, Chen Zong still has no intention of giving in half.

I mean like a sword!

I sword crosswise!

Under the invasion of the black demon gate's domineering cold and mysterious power, Chen Zong's spiritual will became more and more condensed. Vaguely, it seemed to emit a halo.

Never give up until the end, and even if it is at the end, you must try your best to inspire the hidden forces to fight against it. Maybe you can turn over and defeat.

Outside, the battle continued, too fierce. They did n’t know the change of Chen Zong, but they lost Chen Zong. The pressure on the martial arts side of Zhenwumen suddenly increased. Fortunately, Chen Zong had already killed many people of the Black Demon Gate. .

The decisive battle in the spiritual space is more weird and more dangerous than the real decisive battle. Although he will not see the blood, if Chen Zong is defeated, he will become the slave of the other party, and his life and death are under the control of the other party. Life is better than death.

Except for the Black Demon Gatekeeper, no one knows Chen Zong's situation at this time, even if they knew, they could not intervene.

"A strong spiritual will!" The Dark Lord doorkeeper was secretly surprised.

He has refined the Sanyou Controlling Divine Technique for many years, and knows deeply the power of the Sanyou Controlling Divine Technique. Although he has not performed it before, it is clear that the ordinary true martial arts Jiu Zhong cannot hold the three breathing times at all. Now, Chen Zong Having carried over a dozen breaths, this spiritual will is many times stronger than the ordinary Zhenwu Realm.

But the more so, the happier the black monster gatekeeper is.

The stronger Chen Zong's spiritual will is, the stronger his sense of achievement will be in surrendering him. In addition, it means that Chen Zong's potential is deeper.

In Chen Zong's spiritual space, endless darkness pervades, and it is densely surrounded from all sides, only at the most central point, a little light with a hazy silver halo is still flashing. According to the last small position, it is like the wind The residual candle is burning stubbornly.

The black demon lord itself is the strongest peak of the true martial arts. The mysterious power of the three sacred control gods is extremely overbearing. In this respect, the cultivation of Chen Zong, who is only the six limits of the true martial arts, is still a little worse other side.

But Chen Zong also possesses qualities that the other party does not have, tenacious, unparalleled tenacious.

A little bit closer, a little bit of engulfing, gradually, Chen Zong can more clearly feel the cold and pervasive, penetrate his soul, penetrate the whole body, pure Yang Qi blood seems to be frozen because of this.

The vitality of one's body also seems to be gradually consumed.

The overall situation is irreversible. Under the absolute power gap, Chen Zong's resistance was defeated a little bit.

When the last bit of aura was swallowed by darkness, Chen Zong's eyes were completely changed. He could not see the slightest white eyes, as if the pupils spread out, and filled the eyes completely, a darkness, pure darkness, absolute darkness.

At the moment when these eyes appeared, the temperature around them dropped a lot, quickly spread, leaving everyone feeling cold and trembling uncontrollably.

When someone's eyes came into contact with Chen Zong, he was trembling all over, feeling that his soul seemed to be absorbed and creepy.

"Come here." The dark and old face of the black demon doorman, like a wrinkled orange skin, revealed a secret smile, and suddenly said, giving orders to Chen Zong.

The black demon gate master can clearly feel that he has established a connection with Chen Zong, with himself as the dominant connection.

Hearing the words of the Black Demon Gatekeeper, Chen Zong immediately stepped forward and walked towards the Black Demon Gatekeeper. His expression was extremely cold, and his body was surrounded by an extremely breathtaking atmosphere. The extreme coldness was extremely different from the usual Chen Zong.

From the eyes of everyone, Chen Zong's body seemed to have a layer of darkness diffused from the soles of his feet to the head, and he seemed to be turning into a dark demon.

Stepping out step by step, the darkness invaded. When Chen Zong's head was covered, it would spread to the zenith moment, and the sudden changes would occur. Chen Zong's footsteps stopped in mid-air.

In the spiritual space, a little silver light suddenly flashed, extremely sharp, that is the light emitted by the mysterious sword tip.

The mysterious sword tip, which has been silent for a long time, once again releases its own power. The silver light diffuses away, and the darkness around it is repelled with an extreme domineering posture. It can be seen that silver dragons are flying, and between them, as if there is a shout that shatters the world. The roar rang, tearing the darkness around.

The overbearing and cold dark essence of mystery is not an opponent of the mysterious sword-point power.

A little bit of darkness receded from Chen Zong's head.

"What's going on?" The Lord of the Black Demon Gate's face changed greatly. This sudden change was completely outside his grasp, and he didn't know what had happened.

Is it possible that his secret method has not been practiced?

No, I have already practiced it and I have successfully performed it.

Why is there such a change?

Suddenly, the master of the Black Demon Gate changed greatly. He thought of a very serious problem, which would be more serious than his life relationship.

Without hesitation, the master of the black demon door fights, and once again casts the Three You Control Magic.

See also the two deep black light lasing from the eyes, through Chen Zong's eyes, into the spiritual space, spread again quickly, and integrate the previous mysterious power to form the second round of attack, just this kind of power But it can't compete with the power of the mysterious sword tip, just to hold on for a few more breaths.

The darkness on Chen Zong's body receded, and the master of the Black Demon finally panicked.

"Kill him ... kill him soon ..."

Hearing the words of the black demon door, the real martial arts of the black demon door quickly responded, one by one to kill Chen Zong.

At the same time, the darkness on Chen Zong's body completely disappeared, disappearing from both feet, and in the eyes opened by Chen Zong, the pure absolute darkness quickly disappeared and returned to normal.

At the moment when Chen Zong's eyes returned to normal, the main body of the Black Demon trembled, became rigid, motionless, and his eyes also changed rapidly, giving an absolute sheer darkness.

Watching the attack from all directions, Chen Zong trembled his hands, Jian Guang broke through, shattered the attacks, and killed several black demon gates.

"Kill them." Chen Zong opened his mouth and pointed to Zhenwu Realm of the Black Demon Gate.

At the moment when the crowd was inexplicable, the Black Demon Gate took the initiative and turned into a black light. At that moment, the claws passed through the chest of a warrior in the late stage of Zhenwu Realm of the Black Demon Gate, and he was holding a warm and beating heart.

What the **** happened?

Why did the black demon doorman obey Chen Zong's order and killed the people of the black demon door?

Even Wu Mo didn't know what was going on. They didn't know that the master of the black demon gate practiced the Three You Controlling Gods.

"Master!" Wu Mo couldn't help shouting at birth, and the Lord of the Black Demon turned his head as if he heard the shout. The depth of his eyes made Wu Mo stiff, and his soul was frozen.

In the next breath, Wu Mo only felt that the light in front of him became dark, and the world seemed to be upside down.

His heart did not know when it was penetrated through the heart and was dug up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ died terribly.

Even his own disciples killed, the other black demon gate martial arts were even more horrified, and the true martial arts martial arts were equally surprised and had no idea what happened.

Chen Zong was smiling.

In fact, Chen Zong was also very surprised and even shocked.

The Black Demon lord doesn't know what method is being used. If he wants to control himself, he will almost succeed. He will become a slave of the Black Demon lord and control the life and death for the other side. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he has been silent for a long time. The mysterious sword point once again exerted its strength, turning itself around in one fell swoop.

More unexpectedly, after the twist, it turned out to be the master of the black demon door.

The dominance of the Sanyou Control Divine Art is also reflected here. The consequences of not being able to control the opponent is to be controlled by the opponent in turn. Of course, if the opponent is killed before being controlled, it can be lifted. Unfortunately, it is a step slower.

Today, the master of the black demon gate has been controlled by Chen Zong, and has become a slave to Chen Zong. Everything is under the control of Chen Zong.

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