Sword God

Vol 12 Chapter 36: Parting again

A **** battle ended with Chen Zong being the master of the Black Demon Gate.

The losses were heavy.

One side of the Black Demon Gate with three soldiers attacked the main city of Wang Wu, and the whole army was almost wiped out. The rest were only two or three kittens, while the other two routes had more left, but no one dared to disobey the black demon gate master command.

On the one side of Zhenwumen, Chen Zong's team lost more than half of the losses, while the other two sides suffered even worse losses, up to 80%.

It can be said that after this war, the number of warriors in the entire East Land has dropped sharply, and there are very few masters in the real martial arts. The overall level has gone backwards for more than 50 years.

However, the peace in Donglu was exchanged for it. After that, it will be in a relatively peaceful development environment. For the newly reorganized Chen family, it is undoubtedly the best opportunity for development.

After the war, Chen Zong asked the Lord of the Black Demon Gates to transport all the properties of the Black Demon Gates to the Chen family in Feiwu City. This is the accumulation of the Black Demon Gates for many years. A small part was given to Zhenwumen, after all, the losses of Zhenwumen in this battle were also heavy.

For Chen Zong, it is a small part, but for Zhenwumen, it is a lot of wealth, which is enough for Zhenwumen to recover itself after the war, but it takes a long time, at least more than ten years. hope.

But this is also a good thing for Zhenwumen's high-level, it is easier to manage the rule, hold everything under control, and after it develops, it will completely belong to Zhenwumen.

Zhenwu Gate master Shangguan Zhenlong initiated an important meeting. As the deputy gatekeeper, Chen Zong naturally also participated.

The content of the meeting was naturally about the future development of Zhenwumen. Everyone expressed their opinions. Chen Zong always listened and said nothing, but in the end, Shangguan Zhenlong took the initiative to ask Chen Zong.

"My suggestion is to inherit Zhenwumen as a martial art, instead of what Zhenwu Alliance was like before." Chen Zong said, thinking of the various schools in Longtuyu.

If martial arts level is to be developed and improved, it must be competitive and full of flowers.

As the first sect of Donglu, Zhenwumen is the most powerful and high above it. Below it, other sects of the sect can be formed to compete with each other. Only under pressure can there be motivation.

Many people actually disagree with Chen Zong's opinion, because doing so will undoubtedly divide the power in his hands.

But no one dares to directly raise objections.

Shangguan Zhenlong thought.

Finally, Shangguan Zhenlong agreed with Chen Zong's suggestion.

Maybe there is less power in their respective hands for a while, but in return it is the restoration and improvement of Donglu Budo level, why not do it.

And as Chen Zong said, wouldn't it be better to make Zhen Wu Men into Dong Lu's first martial arts sect?

With such a contemplation, those who originally opposed it have also turned their backs.

The second thing is about the Black Demon Gate.

Today's Black Demon Gate no longer exists, but there are still many Demon Warriors alive. What should I do?

All killed?

After some suggestions, I finally asked Chen Zong's opinions.

"Since Zhenwumen is to be built as a martial arts sacred place, then those demon martial artists can choose to have some potential to become disciples of Zhenwumen, and the other part will allow them to develop on their own without breaking the laws of true martial arts." After thinking about it, "Maybe you don't need to ban it in the future, you can choose whether to become a demon martial artist."

In the past, it was basically the Black Demon Gate that forced people to become demon warriors, and the integration of the blood of the demon beast is extremely dangerous. No one wants to be a demon warrior. After all, the possibility of failure to merge is very high, and failure means death.

A meeting repositioned Donglu's development.

Returning to the Chen family, Chen Zong was not in a hurry to leave Donglu. He still had to do something for the Chen family, leaving behind a secret, so that he could leave without concern, and pursue better martial arts, chasing martial arts, and the path of kendo.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Chen family recruited a group of warriors.

Today's Chen family is well-known, because Chen Zong, in addition to Chen Zong, the real man from Yunyun and Meng Xinping, and the Rakshasa sword girl are also quite famous.

Among the new martial arts entrants to the Chen family, there are four Zhenwu realms, all of which have become the elders of the Chen family. Of these four true martial realms, two of them are demon martial arts.

In addition, there are 69 martial arts warriors and as many as 135 martial arts warriors.

Among these martial arts fighters and qi and blood fighters, after a triple selection, Chen Zong selected five qi and qi and blood cultivators for key training.

Being able to get Chen Zong's training, these eight people were so excited that they couldn't sleep for a few days, which made others extremely envious.

The purpose of Chen Zong's focus on training these people is naturally to leave enough strength for the Chen family. Although other people were not selected, they could still get some advice from Chen Zong.

As long as these people become stronger, they can better protect the Chen family and allow time for the direct blood of the Chen family to grow.

Then, Chen Zong took the black demon gatekeeper under his control to the Beast Mountain Range, and let the black demon gatekeeper use his means to take two eighth-level middle-class demon monsters back to the Chen family as Chen. Guardian of the house.

The eighth-level Zhongpin is equivalent to the Zhenwu Realm Yaebu, and the blood of these two eighth-level Zhongbei monsters is not ordinary, and its strength is comparable to the ordinary Zhenwu Realm Jiuzhong, further strengthening the strength of the Chen family.

Those who were trained were just one guarantee, and the final guarantee was the master of the black demon.

Chen Zong, already aware of the dominance of the Three You Control Divine Magic, knew that if he did not take the initiative to dismiss, the master of the black demon would be completely under his control, but at the same time he would have an independent mind and be able to practice independently.

However, the potential of the Black Demon Gatekeeper has also been tapped to the extreme, and its strength can no longer be improved, but it is already very strong. Shangguan Zhenlong is not an opponent at all. It can be said that in the current Donglu, no one is Chen except Zong. Opponent.

After the demonization, the power of the black demon door will skyrocket a lot, because the blood of the monster beast he fuses is actually a kind of dragon blood, which is very powerful.

Similarly, the seemingly old black demon gatekeeper, because of the integration of the blood of the monster beast, has a longer life span, at least a hundred years.

After hundreds of years, the Chen family either became strong or did not fall, but Chen Zong couldn't control that much.

There is no eternal existence, everything, do your best, and obey nature.

In addition to trying to develop the strength of the Chen family, Chen Zong will also spend a lot of time to accompany his father and his family, instruct Chen Lie to practice martial arts, and play with his younger sister Chen Lan.

Chen Lan's flamboyant baby doll is sticky to Chen Zong.

Everything is moving in a good direction.

Although this period of time has greatly reduced his cultivation time, Chen Zong has not been half anxious and complaining, as if he let go of everything and relax.

Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected surprise in this relaxation.

Chen Zong, who was playing with Chen Lan, suddenly felt that his true strength was flowing quickly, rushing among the six true pulses that had been widened to the extreme, and then struck the seventh closed true pulse to get through.

"It's about to break through." Chen Zong showed a touch of joy, and quickly controlled his true power, lest he hurt his younger sister Chen Lan. After handing over Chen Lan to his aunt, she turned into a streamer and quickly left. The rush and rush appearance made people feel. Not mindful.

When no one was there, Chen Zong immediately let go of the restraint of true power, and ran the vertical and horizontal powers, so that a pure and mighty true power rushed up, and then hit the seventh closed true vein.

Within the human body, there are nine true veins that appear, and true martial arts warriors can feel that the so-called tenth is the hidden true veins.

Each true vein is closed, and you must use your true power to get through it a little bit.

Chen Zong's true power is extremely pure and powerful, and under the impact, the blockage in the seventh true vein is quickly penetrated.

At the moment when the seventh true vein was cleared, Zongheng Zhenli rushed in it, and Chen Zong felt as if he wanted to fly in the air.

True power is flowing like a tide, endlessly pulsating, powerful power fills the body, and then spreads quickly, drilling out from the pores around the body, forming a layer of protective power on the surface of the skin.

Chen Zong tried to test the strength of the body's true strength, and then smiled.

The protective power of the normal Zhenwu Realm in the early seventh stage is limited. At best, it is to resist the attack of the early and mid-term martial arts of ordinary Zhenwu realm. If it is a full-strength attack of the six heavy peak warriors in Zhenwu realm, it can also be broken and the body is injured.

However, Chen Zong's true strength of the body should be strengthened even if he stood still and let the sixfold attack of Zhenwu Realm not be damaged halfway.

The strength of the body's true power is closely related to the strength of its own true power.

Chen Zong's original true power is much more refined than ordinary Zhen Wu realm, at least a large level, plus the extraordinary vertical and horizontal power, the true power is more refined, and Chen Zong is a cross-level cultivation of vertical and horizontal power , That Zenith fine purity has increased again.

On the purity and power of the true power alone, Chen Zong is comparable to, or even slightly better than, the ordinary Zhen Wu Jing Nine Peak Warriors.

The true strength of the body formed by this strength of vertical and horizontal strength is naturally not trivial.

"Even if it is the eighth peak of the normal Zhenwu Realm, it is estimated that I can't break the true strength of my body." Chen Zong secretly said, no doubt, this has significantly improved his life-saving ability.

"Since Xiu's breakthrough has been achieved, I should also leave." Chen Zong got up and looked into the distance ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ his eyes became deep and long.

Although the family is good, but it is suitable for fostering, and I am still very young, and I have high ideals and goals, and I still need to go out.

Now the development of the Chen family is on the right track, has stabilized, and has enough strength to guard it. His own cultivation has also broken through to the seventh level of Zhenwu Realm, and descendants of the Xu family have also been found. I gave it to the other party and completed my last wish.

It's time to leave.

Back in the family, Chen Zong met with his father, Chen Zhengtang, Chen Chuyun and Yunyun, and so on. After a conversation, Chen Zong also explained his intention to leave.

Some silence.

"Come on and pay attention to your own safety." Chen Zhengtang patted Chen Zong's shoulder and said, I knew it would be this day, but when this day came, it was still sad.

"I will have time in the future, remember to come back and look at it." The real person from Yunyun also laughed.

Chen Chuyun didn't speak, just looking at Chen Zong, with a bit of perseverance in his eyes.

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