Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 1: Religion

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In a blink of an eye, Chen Zong flew five kilometers, almost flying in the air.

After Xiu Zhen reached the seventh level of Zhenwu Realm, Chen Zong's speed became faster, and the distance of every swagger in every direction was farther, which was not possible for other Seventh Level martial arts of Zhenwu Realm.

Farewell to the relatives of the Chen family, farewell to the doorkeepers of Zhenwumen and others, Chen Zong went straight to the Beast Mountain.

At that time, the head of Zhenwu Gate, Shangguan Zhenlong, also asked Chen Zong if he could take Shangguan Ziyue to leave for the martial arts world. Chen Zong directly refused.

The beast mountain range is full of dangers. With your current strength, even if you encounter a level eight monster beast, you can resist, but you may not be able to kill each other. If you encounter a level nine monster, unless you use the red thunder sword.

In the final analysis, at best, it is to protect yourself, and it is impossible to protect other people.

If it is true that he can bring a person, Chen Zong will not be able to bring that Shangguan Ziyue, but Chen Chenyun.

Stepping into the Beast Mountain again, Chen Zong did not cultivate himself for the sake of enhancing his strength, but was more vigilant. He only hoped that his luck this time was as good as before, and that he would not encounter dangers that he could not cope with.

After spending some time, Chen Zong finally successfully broke through the Beast Mountains and re-entered the boundary of the Yunlong Dynasty.

Luck is good, but not good. During this period, I encountered three eight monster monster overlords. One-on-one was okay. One-on-three pair of Chen Zong was under too much pressure unless he used a small thunder sword air bomb, but Chen Zong insisted on getting rid of the pursuit of the three-level and eight-level monster beast by virtue of his superior stature and methods.

Although Chen Zong can use his hole cards to kill the three eight-level monster beast hegemons, but apart from getting a flesh and three inner dans, there is no other gain. Maybe it is good, but it can not be compared with the value of the small thunderbolt sword bomb. .

In addition, I did not get the treasure like the dragon grass last time.

Over the Beast Mountain, Chen Zong went straight to Linshan Courtyard.

When I saw Chen Zong again, Lin Shanhou and his sister Guan Yunxi were naturally very happy, but Chen Zong did not stay too long. Two days later, he said goodbye to Master Lin Shanhou and his sister and Yan Wei, and set off quickly. Shen Yu River.

It also left for a few months for almost half a year, and Chen Zong's revision also increased from the early sixth stage of Zhenwu Realm to the early seventh stage of Zhenwu Realm. Such a speed of improvement can be considered fast, and the improvement of combat power is even more obvious.

As for the improvement of physical training, there is little support for lack of proper treasures. By itself, you can practice the Xuanyu Golden Bone Exercise daily.

Arriving at the Three Fiend City, Chen Zong visited Xia Tiechao, and his arrival also brought a storm to the Three Fiend City. Fortunately, Chen Zong stayed for a short time, but he left in a few hours, making people loose. Breath.

However, the big ship of Dayu Commercial Bank has not yet come, and Chen Zong can only wait by the river.

Five days later, the big ship of the Dayu firm finally arrived, and Chen Zong possessed the iron feather order of the Dayu firm. He naturally existed as a VIP. He lived in the best room in the merchant ship and began to cross the river.

"I don't know if there will be a day when I can fly across the river in the air." Standing on the deck, Chen Zong looked to the distance and then to the sky, said secretly.

Although he can now swipe five kilometers in an instant while performing the swept octagonal body method, it can be swept tens of thousands of meters away for many consecutive times. It seems amazing, but it is not a real air defense flight, and it cannot be with birds. Soaring freely.

But even the strongest person in the extremes of the world can't really fly in the air.

I don't know if the strong in the realm of the earth and the heavens can do it.

With doubt, Chen Zong spent a period of time on the Shen Yu River during his practice and rest. After arriving at the pier, in the polite voice of the crew of Dayu Commercial Bank, Chen Zong Pian left and quickly headed for Tianhong Mountain.

After leaving for a few months, Chen Zong even missed his brother and sister of Jianzong.

"Brother Chen."

When the two disciples guarding the mountain gate saw Chen Zong, they first met him, then recognized Chen Zong, and quickly bowed to salute.

"Tough work for two younger brothers." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

Chen Zong was the object of admiration of many disciples in Jianzong Zong, as happened to these two people. Hearing Chen Zong's words, he was quite excited.

Rushing up the steps, Chen Zong met with the suzerain and the veteran before returning to Mozhuju.

Not long after, Wang Xuanyang came to the door.

Chen Zong found that Wang Xuanyang ’s cultivation has also improved, reaching the top five levels of Zhen Wu Jing, and the speed is quite fast. Of course, it is still not comparable to Chen Zong. After all, Chen Zong ’s cultivation has been upgraded from Zhen Wu Jing Sixth to Zhen Wu Jing Seventh. Early.

"Brother Chen, please advise." Wang Xuanyang opened the door to see the mountain and directly pointed his sword at Chen Zong.

It is a pity that Chen Zong's breath fluctuations were completely restrained and he could not feel it at all. Otherwise, Wang Xuanyang would probably not say that he would be challenged.

Last time, Wang Xuanyang was defeated by Chen Zongjian. At that time, the revision was higher than that of Wang Xuanyang. This time, Chen Zong's revision was obviously better than Wang Xuanyang, let alone naturally.

However, Chen Zong did not directly release his breath to deter Wang Xuanyang. Although this approach will make Wang Xuanyang retreat, it is not polite.

Treating the enemy naturally does not need to talk about etiquette, but Wang Xuanyang is a brother of the teacher.

"Brother Wang, please." Chen Zong pulled out a sword and said positively.

Wang Xuanyang was also not polite, and he really rushed to expand his swordsmanship. One sword turned into a bright light. Numerous bands of light also surrounded himself in an instant. Compared with the last time, Wang Xuanyang's swordsmanship was more powerful and powerful.

Chen Zong did not use all his strength to shoot out with one sword.

Jianguang collided continuously in the air, spewing out countless Mars.

After a few moves, Chen Zong defeated Wang Xuanyang.

In this regard, Wang Xuanyang was very lost.

I challenged Chen Zong himself before, although he lost in the end, but it was not so fast. This time he came full of confidence, but he lost in just a few strokes. The blow was not great, but Wang Xuanyang also admired Chen Zong even more. .

"Brother Chen, I am willing to worship the wind." Wang Xuanyang smiled bitterly and saluted Chen Zong with his fists.

This time, I was really convinced.

It is a great blessing that the Zongjian Zong has such super geniuses as swords.

"Master Wang, I don't know if there has been any major incident in this period of time?" Chen Zong asked.

After leaving for a few months, I still went to Donglu. I do n’t know if there is any major incident in Tianjiang Prefecture. I have just returned and have n’t learned about it yet.

For a few months, a lot of things happened naturally in Tianjiang Prefecture, Wang Xuanyang said one by one.

For example, some people challenged the top five Tianjiao but failed. Sister Zuo Shanmei was included in the first camp genius. Three camp geniuses and so on.

To put it plainly, it is basically a matter of genius.

Chen Zong was sighing while listening, and sure enough, the world of genius changed suddenly.

Perhaps the day before led others, but the day after may be overtaken.

However, this world is more interesting and more motivating.

The true warrior never fears the challenge and rises to the challenge.

"The other thing is that," Wang Xuanyang said again, "a cave house was found on the bank of the Shen Yu River, and it is rumored to be a cave house left under the name of the strong king of the mixed sky."

"Zongtianwuwang!" Chen Zong was suddenly surprised, these four words are like thunder, and he and Zhuangtianwuwang are also some kind of fate. It can be said that after entering the Yunlong dynasty, he didn't get the zongtianwuwang's zhengtian breaking strength. It is estimated that Chen Zong cannot reach this level now.

Chen Zong is also very interested in the Dongfu King left by Shen Tianwu in Shen Yujiang, but unfortunately, he doesn't know where it is and can't find it.

I did not expect that when I left, I heard the news that the King of Heaven was left by Dongfu.

"The things in Dongfu have been taken away?" Chen Zong asked.

"Yes." Wang Xuanyang nodded: "There are many people participating in the contest. Our five Tianjiao arrogance and the talents of the various front-line camps. In addition, some old-fashioned true martial arts ninefold peak warriors are also competing, very intense, it is said that day Hundreds have been killed or injured. "

Hearing that, Chen Zong can imagine that kind of intense.


Only those who can reach the peak of the extreme and can be called the male extreme can be called the king.

In Tianjiang Prefecture, the person who cultivates the highest is only the fivefold of human extremes, which is far from being the king of human extremes.

A cave house left by a strong king of martial arts, even if it is only useful to Zhenwu realm, is enough to attract many people to compete.

"But in the end, it was said that it was taken away by the people of Wanluozong, Wanluo." Wang Xuanyang said, very unwilling.

The mixed Dongfu King's cave house was left in Tianjiang House, but was taken away by people in other provinces, and it felt as if the things in his own house had been taken away, but it was helpless.

"Do you know what it is?" Chen Zong asked.

"It is said to be a sublime artifact and a jade book." Wang Xuanyang said: "According to speculation, what is recorded in that jade book is likely to be the heaven-level exercises practiced by the King of Heaven, and it may reach the heaven-level gem. "

"Heavenly grade!" Chen Zong took a sip of air-conditioning ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, shocked inside.

Chen Zong, who has cultivated prefecture-level gems, knows the gap between gems and superstitions deeply. If he can get the practice of heaven-level gems, his true strength will become stronger and stronger.

Immediately after that, Chen Zong was curious about the identity of the King of Heavenly Martial Arts. What is the origin of it? There are even unparalleled exercises, which is really amazing.

I know that the Dongfu King ’s Dongfu was found, but the contents inside have been taken away. In fact, even if it is not taken away, depending on Chen Zong's current strength, the probability of competition is very low, and there will still be some Danger to life.

"Brother Chen, with your current strength, when it is enough to compete for the genius of the third-line camp." Wang Xuanyang said at the end, when Chen Zong took the shot, he restricted his breath fluctuation, but it was only the sixth level of Zhenwu Realm.

If Wang Xuanyang knew that Chen Zong's true cultivation had reached the seventh stage of Zhenwu Realm, he would not say such a thing.

When Chen Zong heard Wang Xuanyang's words, he also came up with some ideas. Indeed, he might have to move and challenge.

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