Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 2: Genius with a sword (Part 1)

(Liu Dao is going to save some drafts again)

"Challenge me, hum, it's too arrogant, do you think I'm me a few months ago?" Gu Yaoyang looked at the challenge book in his hand, snorted suddenly, and slammed his palm on the hard as one refinement The purple pine diamond table on the steel leaves a deep palm print.

As the hand was raised, the palm print recovered slightly.

The content of this challenge book is very simple, but sharp as a sword, seemingly ordinary, but it contains a kind of indescribable pride.

That's right, this is the challenge book issued by Chen Zong.

Before, it was not enough. Now it is enough. Chen Zong naturally has to act.

Among the camp's geniuses, this will bring a lot of boost to the reputation of Zongzong Zong.

Chen Zong began to challenge from the genius of the third line camp, so who is to challenge?

Gu Yaoyang, who has had conflicts, is undoubtedly a good candidate.

These challenges are not particularly big, but they are not trivial.

At an unknown hill, a fiery red robe of ancient Yaoyang became more and more eye-catching, and it seemed to echo the distant sun in the sky. The whole body was filled with enthusiasm, such as waves.

Xiu Yaoyang, who had reached the middle of the sixth stage of Zhenwu Realm, was more powerful and could fight against the ordinary nine-armed martial arts of Zhenwu Realm.

Zhenwu Realm Sixth Rehabilitation possesses the strength of Zhenwu Realm Nine Heavy Warriors, spanning three levels, and it is undoubtedly amazing. The whole younger generation in Tianjiang Prefecture can do this, and it is less than one hundred.

It is a great honor to be included in the camp's genius.

As soon as Gu Yaoyang succeeded in the challenge, he was included in the genius of the third line camp, and the momentum of Zhenyang Sect immediately improved a little.

The level of a sect's momentum is very important, which is related to whether it is advantageous to recruit disciples in the future. Generally speaking, most people choose the sect of ancestry, often they choose the stronger sect of sect. Under normal circumstances, strong stance means sect of sect. The strength is also strong.

However, Zong Menqiang has a greater chance to recruit talented disciples, further strengthen Zong Men's momentum, form a virtuous circle, and make Zong Men alive and constantly strong.

A silver-white sword robe Chen Zong stood directly opposite Gu Yaoyang. There was no strong breath around him. The wind was light and cloudy, as if not to come to fight, but to go sightseeing and enjoy the scenery, and a strong ancient face with a cold face. Yaoyang formed a sharp contrast.

An inner door elder of Zhenyang Zong frowned, and he could not see the level of Chen Zong's cultivation.

The three elders who crossed the sword sect with a smile on his face, he knew roughly how Chen Zong's strength would be better than Gu Yaoyang.

There are other people around, most of them are Zhenyang Sect and Zongjian Sect, a small part are from Tianshui Zong and Aomei Mountain Villa, and some are from other forces or casual practitioners.

One after another, there is speculation that Chen Zong can defeat Gu Yaoyang and express his own opinions.

Some believe that Chen Zong can defeat Gu Yaoyang, and took out the last time Chen Zong defeated Gu Yaoyang as evidence, but others believe that Chen Zong could not defeat Gu Yaoyang. After all, Chen Zong disappeared for a few months without any trace. News, and Gu Yaoyang has been very active this time, defeating many powerful opponents.

"Chen Zong, today, I will defeat you in the eyes of everyone." Gu Yaoyang said to Chen Zong with a cold face. The appearance of gnashing his teeth is like the angry beast with his teeth dancing, and he added another sentence in his heart: after defeating Fierce shame.

This kind of challenge doesn't allow killing. It doesn't matter that the injury is serious, but it can't be an incurable serious injury. After all, someone looks at it. It doesn't matter if there is no one.

Chen Yaozong only smiled slightly and did not answer Gu Yaoyang's words, but this attitude made Gu Yaoyang feel a strong contempt and suddenly became furious.

Angered, Gu Yaoyang's Gongfa was urged with all his strength, as if it turned into a scorching sun, sending out amazing light and enthusiasm, and the heat wave swept all around.

The air around him is twisted, and the light reflects a weird light.

The big hand slammed into a claw, grabbed it with one claw, and pulled himself together with one arm, tearing the sky and grabbing Chen Zong, just like the claws of a flamingo, with amazing blazing heat, even the refined steel Will be caught melting in an instant.

Before reaching his claws, Chen Zong had felt the amazing enthusiasm rushing towards himself, covering his whole body, as if he was constantly being burned in the furnace.

Very strong!

After the improvement of this ancient Yaoyang, he has indeed become more powerful, and the power of this claw is also amazing. At least it is the top-grade martial arts.

However, nowadays, compared with the past, Chen Zong's cultivation is totally better than Gu Yaoyang.

It is not as good as Gu Yaoyang when he can defeat Gu Yaoyang, not to mention now.

Chen Zong's figure flickered, avoiding Gu Yaoyang's arrogant claw, which clawed Chen Zong's figure directly.

Gu Yaoyang's look remained unchanged, and he didn't expect to be able to defeat Chen Zong with one claw. The reaction was quick. When he grabbed the figure of Chen Zong, the claws turned into a palm. In the middle, the astonishing blazing heat burned through the earth, slamming Chen Zong fiercely.

The crimson palm print broke, and immediately, Gu Yaoyang's palm changed again and turned into a punch. The crimson fist seal smashed the void and blasted to Chen Zong with amazing strength.

In an instant, Gu Yaoyang changed his moves three times. Different attack methods and different forces are contained in it. The adsorption and pulling reversed the fiery heat, and the constant impact on Chen Zong's body gave Chen Zong a kind of unavoidable. The sensation of Yaoyang's attack, and the explosive power of that attack is amazing, and it also contains a fiery atmosphere, like the fire, with the power of ancient Yaoyang's powerful cultivation.

Three successive moves made everyone see Gu Yaoyang's contingency skills and Chen Zong saw Gu Yaoyang's strength at this time.

Chen Zong stood still and didn't dodge again. He shook his right hand, and the dazzling silver sword light pierced through the air.

This sword seems to penetrate the sky, and the silver light extends to the sky.

Gu Yaoyang only felt that the silver in front of him was dazzling, and he couldn't see the others clearly. The sharp and unpretentious assassination came to him, and he felt creepy, as if the whole person was penetrated.

With two palms in a row, a huge fiery red grinding disc condensed out of thin air to defend Chen Zong's sword.

However, the sharp and overbearing arrogance of the silver sword light was unexpected, and the fiery red disc was as fragile as tofu, and was instantly penetrated.

This sword, too fast, Gu Yaoyang had no time to respond.

For a moment, Gu Yaoyang thought he was going to be killed, and a great panic emerged from the bottom of his heart. He didn't want to die yet.

Jian Guang paused in front of Gu Yaoyang's eyebrows, cold and sharp straight into the eyebrows, making Gu Yaoyang's scalp numb, his mind was constantly stimulated by a cold, his thinking was almost solidified.

"Stop!" Zhenyangzong's elder elder complexion changed his face and shouted loudly. He also wanted to take a shot, but was intercepted by the three elders of Jianzong.

Chen Zong did not kill, but the point of the sword was gently at the center of Gu Yaoyang's eyebrow, leaving a trace of redness, and closed the sword into the sheath.

It's clear at a glance who wins.

If it was changed to a place where no one else was, perhaps Chen Zong would stab it without hesitation, killing Gu Yaoyang with one sword.

Gu Yaoyang was stunned, and the whole person was chaotic and chaotic, with an unlovable appearance.

To improve and strengthen, and to defeat one strong enemy, he is included in the genius of the third-line camp. He is working hard to prepare for the genius of the second-line camp. , Ready to defeat Chen Zong, Yixue shame.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is extremely cruel.

This time, they lost faster than the last time, clean and neat, there is no chance of resistance.

One sword!

That's it.


Completely defeated.

Gu Yaoyang felt a gloom in his eyes.

Chen Zong did not kill him, but left a shadow in his heart, making Gu Yaoyang feel weak. If he could not get rid of this shadow, his future life would be basically ruined, which is more serious than killing him directly.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't mean that. It can only be said that it was a coincidence. This ancient Yaoyang was very strong. He was defeated when he lost to Chen Zong for the first time, and then he regained his strength. However, the Lingchi battle realized that he and Chen Zongzhi The gap between them was once again strenuous, and after months of hard work, it was improved, and its strength became stronger. It also defeated one strong enemy that could not be confronted in the past, and ranked among the third-line camp geniuses.

It can be said that the future of Gu Yaoyang is infinite, and it is not without hope that the talents from the second-line camp and even the first-line camp are talented.

As for Tianjiao, that's too difficult.

Now it's not that Xiuwei can reach the rank of Tianjiao when he reaches the level of true martial arts within a certain age. At least he must be able to demonstrate his ability to fight against any of the five Tianjiao to be recognized.

However, Gu Yaoyang customized a very good plan for himself, and as long as he keeps working hard, he will realize it sooner or later.

But everything ended under Chen Zong's sword.

The gap is too big.

In just a few months, Chen Zong has reached a point where he can't be seen ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The elders of Zhenyang Zong quickly left with a dark-faced ancient Yaoyang, very shameful, and dare not dare Stay here.

The three elders of Jianzong are smiling.

Today ’s battle will soon be spread by other warriors, sweeping the entire Tianjiang Mansion in the shortest time, and everyone in Tianjiang Mansion will know that Chen Zong defeated Gu Yaoyang with an absolute advantage and showed Outstanding strength, ranked third-line camp genius.

The momentum of the vertical and horizontal sword sect will also be slightly improved as a result.

The warriors who watched the war left with a lot of excitement and complicated minds, especially those in Tianshui Zong and Aomei Villa. For them, the more outstanding Chen Zong's performance, the greater the profile of Jian Zong. The impact of both cases is also greater.

The entire Tianjiang Mansion is so big and there are so many resources. You are fighting for the four major gates for your own better development.

Now, Chen Zong has made the warriors of these two cases feel threatened, rises too fast, and has too much advantage, so he must come up with some countermeasures to curb this momentum, or else it will be unpredictable.

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