Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 3: Genius with sword

"The vertical and horizontal swords disappeared for several months, reappeared, and have been repaired in the sixth stage of Zhenwu Realm."

"Cross-sword Chen Zongyi defeated Gu Yaoyang."

"The vertical and horizontal sword Chen Zong's swordsmanship is superb and amazing."

For a time, all kinds of news with the same content, like a storm raging, instantly swept Tianjiang Mansion, all kinds of teahouses, pubs and restaurants, everywhere you can hear the discussion about Chen Zong.

It seemed as if Zhang Kou did not mention the words "Chen Zong", "Cross Sword", and "Sword" behind others for a while.

Contrary to the huge momentum, Gu Yaoyang's reputation plummeted, and even the momentum with Zhenyang Sect was affected a little, but these were all expected.

For today's plan is how Zhenyang Zong should recover the loss this time.

"Arrange the disciples in the door and challenge Chen Zong." An elder of Zhenyang Zong said.

It is a very common and intuitive way to arrange talented disciples who are also in the third-line camp to challenge each other and defeat them.

After all, Gu Yaoyang only recently ranked among the third-line camp geniuses, and is considered a newcomer among them.

"Chen Zong's cultivation is the sixth stage of Zhenwu Realm, but I feel that his strength doesn't stop there." The elder who saw Chen Zong's shot that day said with his own eyes.

At that time, Chen Zong did not show his full strength and deliberately controlled his own breath fluctuations.

When Xiuwei broke through to the seventh stage of Zhenwu Realm, Chen Zong's control of his own power became more subtle. Under the intentional control, people in the extreme state were not too powerful, and it was difficult to distinguish Chen Zong's true cultivation.

This is also Chen Zong's idea. Don't fully reveal his own cultivation, but show it step by step. In this way, you can continue to promote the momentum of Jianzong.

If all the repairs are revealed at once, of course, they will push themselves and the aspect of Jianzong to a high level, but they will be weak afterwards, and will soon be covered by other things.

"Arrange Li Shilong to challenge Chen Zong." The lord of Zhenyang said finally.

Li Shilong is the top one among the geniuses in the third line of Zhenyangzong. The cultivation of the Sixth Peak of Zhenwu Realm is very powerful. He has defeated the 9th peak of Zhenwu Realm. It is undoubtedly the best person to defeat Chen Zong to suppress his momentum .

However, Zhenyangzong's action was slowed down because Tianshuizong was one step ahead.

Tian Shui Zong's talented disciple Li Xiaoyun challenged Chen Zong, a vertical and horizontal sword!

This battle is located on a small lake.

The last time I saw Li Xiaoyun was in the battle of the Lingchi. At that time, Li Xiaoyun already had the cultivation of the fifth peak of Zhenwu Realm, and broke through to the sixth division of Zhenwu Realm through the cultivation of Lingchi. Focusing on the cultivation and some strange encounters, Li Xiaoyun's cultivation has reached the top six of Zhenwu Realm, and his strength can be included in the ranks of the third-line genius.

Li Xiaoyun, in a white robe, stood by the lake, standing upright, with a smile on his handsome face, as if invisible ripples permeated from his body, echoing the surrounding lake.

Tianshui Zong's exercises are inextricably linked to water.

"Hope you let me go all out." Li Xiaoyun started, sounding like a stream of water, and it seemed to contain rough waves.

"My suggestion is that you give your best effort at the beginning." Chen Zongwei smiled.

Li Xiaoyun did not appreciate it, because he did not know what Chen Zong said was the truth.

With a slight smile, Li Xiaoyun spread a lot of ripples all over his body, and washed away, and the lake surface was also affected, and the ripples were layered.

Immediately, the right hand was lifted, and numerous ripples converged into the hand and pushed forward. The water waves rippled, layer by layer, continuous, seemingly slow, but extremely fast.

Chen Zong immediately felt that the air seemed to turn into water, and became as thick as water. The ubiquitous force affected himself from all directions, constantly pulling his limbs and interfering with his actions.

It's as if the whole person fell into the water.

What Li Xiaoyun cultivates is Tianshui's Zhenzong martial arts Tianshui. Among the Tianshui sect's disciples who are qualified to practice this technique, there are very few. Tianshui son is the biggest representative.

With outstanding talents, Li Xiaoyun has cultivated Tianshui Ninth to seventh, and he is astounded. It is expected to be comparable to Tianshui's son. He is very optimistic that he has great potential to be ranked Tianjiao.

When the water practiced to the seventh day that day, it could cooperate with its own true power to create a very unique force field around it. Being in the force field, everything other than itself would be affected, like falling into the water. .

As we all know, when you are in the water, you will be under water pressure. You must use more power to achieve the usual speed, which will in fact increase consumption.

The force field created by the seventh heavy Tianshui is not very strong, but it can already have a significant impact on the ordinary seven-armed martial arts of Zhenwu Realm and interfere with the eight-armed martial arts of Zhenwu Realm to a certain extent.

Chen Zong was not an ordinary martial artist. He twisted his body slightly, and immediately adapted to the influence of the Tianshui force field according to the mysterious realm.

Li Xiaoyun didn't know. His hands were shaking, his sleeves were shaking, like two waterfalls falling, and he came with a mighty impact and a mighty rush.

This trick has the softness of water, but with violentness and tenacity in the softness. A heavy force is contained in it. Continuous impacts. If it is hit, it will be immediately subjected to continuous multiple attacks. The true strength of the protector will be disintegrated by rapid shocks, and the muscles and even the viscera will be damaged by strong shocks.

This hand is indeed more brilliant than Gu Yaoyang, showing Li Xiaoyun's more extraordinary talent.

Although Li Xiaoyun did not show his full strength, he had already performed 80% of his performances, which was enough to defeat the ordinary nine-level peak martial arts of Zhenwu Realm.

With both hands clasping the hilt, the long sword came out of the sheath, and the sharp and dazzling silver sword light cut the sky and the ground in general. The silver flashed, and the Tianshui force field that bound Chen Zong was also cut.

There is no restraint relationship between Tianshui and Zonggong. Both of them belong to the top-class Tiangong superb exercises, each with its own advantages.

The true power cultivated by Tianshui has flexible characteristics. Like water, it also carries violent power in the dark. It can continue to cultivate the Tianshui force field, and the true power cultivated by vertical and horizontal power is sharp and overbearing. The sky sword generally stretches the sky and the sky in all directions.

To be strong or weak, it depends on the level of the exercises and the purity of the true power itself.

Tianshui has nine layers and 36 layers of vertical and horizontal power. Every four layers correspond to one layer of Tianshui. Chen Zong practiced to the 29th layer, which is equivalent to the eighth heavy layer of Tianshui.

The two swords carry a strong horizontal and vertical power, and under the superb swordsmanship, they directly cut the Tianshui force field and divided it into four.

The dazzling Jianguang killed Li Xiaoyun straight.

Chen Zong did not use all the repairs and controlled in the late sixth stage of Zhenwu Realm.

Jian Guang was dazzling, Li Xiaoyun's eyes couldn't help narrowing up, his body flickered, and a figure differentiated and went out to the left, and then split into a figure and went to the right.

The three figures are exactly the same, as if they are avatars.

The three shot in unison and shot with both palms, as if the waves were turbulent. They shattered the two swords and turned them into turbulent waves. They attacked Chen Zong from three directions, and Chen Zong seemed to become a wave Reef, standing tall and standing, relying only on two swords.

In a blink of an eye, the two swords chopped out hundreds of roads, and the mighty sword light seemed to fall from the sky.

Around, many people stared with wide eyes.

Both Li Xiaoyun and Chen Zong have been hailed as Tianjiao candidates, indicating that they are expected to be listed in Tianjiao in the future, so this battle has received more attention than the battle between Chen Zong and Gu Yaoyang.

Realizing that Chen Zong's strength was very strong, Li Xiaoyun decisively took out ten percent of his strength.

The three figures launched different attacks, killing Chen Zong from three directions.

The palm shadow flipped, bringing the sparkling light in all directions, so that people can feel dazzling and dizzy.

The silver sword light is extremely sharp.

But Chen Zong also has to admit that Li Xiaoyun's strength is indeed very strong. Among the same level, at least he should be more than a small level above Gu Yaoyang.

What Chen Zong performed was not the twenty-ninth style of the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, but the twenty-fifth style. With this style of swordsmanship, it was enough to compete with Li Xiaoyun.

The two swords waved, and each one came to its peak. Every sword was as good as it could be found, but it was sharp and domineering, tearing everything and arrogant.

Let Li Xiaoyun master the exquisite Tianshui, all the attacks of the three figures encircle Chen Zong's body, and continue to bombard, but he cannot approach Chen Zong.

Li Xiaoyun's look became more and more dignified, inspiring every strength of himself, exerting the ultimate martial arts to the extreme, and the surroundings seemed like a lake, connected with that small lake, and the water in the small lake was rippling, setting off The heavy waves made Li Xiaoyun's shot more powerful.

Tianshui Zong ’s exercises are inextricably related to water, and their martial arts are the same. Therefore, where there is water, they will be able to exert more powerful power.

Choosing this place as the battle site ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is virtually beneficial to Li Xiaoyun.

After a fierce battle, Chen Zong raised Xiu to the Sixth Peak of True Martial Realm, which was on par with Li Xiaoyun, and the vertical and horizontal power also moved to the twenty-sixth floor. Then the twenty-sixth style of vertical and horizontal sword skills was exhibited, and the power increased dramatically.

Dazzling to the extreme, like a falling meteor across the sky, unmatched.

Suddenly, Chen Zong killed thousands of swords, directly tearing all the water waves around him, bursting Li Xiaoyun's two figures and exploding like smoke.

The two swords merged, and the cross sword light swept across the world, killing Li Xiaoyun with unparalleled hegemony.

Li Xiaoyun's face changed greatly, his body fluttered, his feet stepped out, as if stepping on water waves, breaking up layers of shock waves, covering the whole body quickly from under the feet, forming a layer of protection. This is the Tianshui force field. Another application can better protect itself.

Even if the water wave sweeps through, it can't resist the sharp cross sword light, such as tearing the tissue paper, and beheaded on Li Xiaoyun's body, the robe is broken, revealing the inner armour of the pseudo-spirit, the mighty power, Li Xiaoyun fell directly into the lake.

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