Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 4: Genius with a sword (Part 2)

The battle between Chen Zong and Li Xiaoyun shocked the world again.

Li Xiaoyun, who was at the top of Zhenwu Realm, was also defeated, and Chen Zong's cultivation was not the sixth stage of Zhenwu Realm, but the sixth peak of Zhenwu Realm.

"So well hidden."

"You can't even see me."

"I don't know if it's hidden?"

"It's impossible. Chen Zong's talents are indeed extraordinary, but it has been amazing that he has cultivated to the sixth peak of Zhenwu Realm within a few months. It can no longer be hidden."

"The world of genius is full of infinite possibilities, who knows."

Several rejoiced and some rejoiced.

The vertical and horizontal Jianzong was naturally unhappy, and his momentum was promoted, and he was promoted to a small level. For a time, the entire Tianjiang Prefecture was discussing Chen Zong and the vertical and horizontal Jianzong.

On the contrary, Tianshuizong's momentum suffered a certain degree of loss.

Originally, they asked Li Xiaoyun to challenge Chen Zong in order to take advantage of Chen Zong's momentum to make Li Xiaoyun and Tianshui Zong's momentum go further. The premise must be Li Xiaoyun's defeat of Chen Zong, preferably the overwhelming defeat. I did not expect the final The ending was that Li Xiaoyun was defeated, making Chen Zong and Jian Zongzong more powerful.

So far, the only one that has not suffered direct losses is Aomi Villa, but it has also been affected a little.

After all, the limelight was seized by Zong Jianzong and Chen Zong, and countless eyes were focused on Chen Zong. Many people were wondering what Chen Zong would do next.

Is it a retreat that hits Seventh Level of Zhenwu Realm?

Or continue to challenge and defeat more opponents?

"It disappeared for a few months, and it was indeed a hidden danger that the ascension was so rapid." Long Shaojun had a faint smile on his face, but his eyes were like a thousand years of cold, restrained and extremely cold.

Chen Zong was not successfully killed that day, and now slowly grows up and starts jumping.

Although Long Shaojun is now ranked in the front line camp, he still feels the threat, which comes from the threats deep in his bones. This feeling tells him that Chen Zong will become a confidant, and now it is gradually becoming a climate.

Under the rule of genius protection, he could not use some unscrupulous means to deal with Chen Zong, otherwise, even the owner of Tianjiang House could not protect him.

Of course, he can choose to do it himself, but now, Chen Zong is more valued by Jian Zong, and it is difficult to find a chance to start.

Long Shaojun now regrets how he was scared by Zuo Shanmei at that time. If he tried to fight it, Chen Zong had already been beheaded and killed, and he had no future trouble. He did n’t know if he was determined to kill Chen Zong at that time. Then, the consequence is his own death.

Before long, another news came out, and Chen Zong once again challenged.

Moreover, it caused a big wave, because the person Chen Zong challenged was not the genius of the third line camp, but the genius of the second line camp.

"Xu Yangli, originally we didn't intend to let you shoot. After all, there is a suspicion of bullying, but since the other party challenges you so overwhelmingly, you don't have to worry about it, you should try your best, if you have a chance, you will destroy it One of the elders of Zhenyangzong's eyes shone with a stern light, and said to the youth who looked humble like a gentleman in front of him.

"The disciples remembered." Xu Yang answered with a smile, as if he were a gentleman, but there was a deep embarrassment buried deep in his eyes.

Xu Yangli ranks in the second-line camp of Tianjiang House. It is not among the top, but it is not the lowest. It is the middle layer, and its strength is quite strong.

"I think Chen Zong wants to be famous and crazy."

"It wasn't the first time to retreat, but to challenge the genius of the second-line camp. Isn't the praise of this period made him arrogant."


The newsed Long Shaojun also smiled.

This Chen Zong turned out to be so incapable of challenging the talents of the second-line camp.

You know, the genius of the third-line camp is one-star, while the genius of the second-line camp is two-star. The difference is obvious. The gap between them is almost repressive.

Even in the days of the Five Great Tianjiao, there was no record of defeating the talents of the second-line camp with the sixth peak of Zhenwu Realm.

Although Chen Zong is hailed as Tianjiao's potential and is also touted as Tianjiao's candidate, he is not Tianjiao after all. How can his talent be better than the five Tianjiao.

For Chen Zong's idea of ​​challenging the genius of the second-line camp, the lords and elders of Jianzong were opposed at first, but when Chen Zong really revealed all his practices, they all agreed.

The duel between Chen Zong and Xu Yangli is at the unknown hill, which is where Chen Zong defeated Gu Yaoyang. If you choose here, you can see that Zhenyang Zong's thought is to find a place.

"Need I let you do three tricks?" Xu Yangli looked humble and smiled, his voice was not Xu, not sick, not high, like a breeze.

"At will." Chen Zong's answer made Xu Yangli frown slightly. He was testing Chen Zong and using his own methods to explore the details of Chen Zong, but Chen Zong's answer made him feel unpredictable.

"Go straight." The elder Zhenyang Zong said to Xu Yang, some can't wait to see Chen Zong lose.

Xu Yangli's look was complete, and a faint radiance from his eyes appeared like cold electricity, and immediately, an extremely hot breath from his body swept through like a wave, impacting in all directions.

The mid-seventh breath of Zhenwu Realm was as hot as burning fire, burning everything, the air around it was distorted, the light refracted a touch of red halo, the ground seemed to be roasted by high temperature and gradually softened. sound.

To defeat Chen Zong, to defeat Chen Zong with an overwhelming stance, and to abandon Chen Zong with a black hand in an instant, Xu Yangli suddenly burst into full force.

With a boom, Xu Yangli, who was gentle and gentleman-like, suddenly turned into a fierce beast at this moment, and the ground was trampled out of deep pits with traces of scorching fire.

The rapids were fierce like a storm, and Xu Yangli's legs seemed to be entangled with flames. The fiery flames coiled around them like two flames, sending out a burst of dizzy roars, swinging the layers of hot sound waves.

Heaven-class Need Martial Arts Dragon Stolen!

Body and arms are united, and his legs are entwined into two dragons. With extreme force, he destroys the mountains and destroys Yue like a ruthless bomber.

The blazing high-temperature burning caused white smoke around the fiery dragon.

Very strong!

Much stronger than Li Xiaoyun's strength.

Before the legs arrived, the violent impact caused the ground of Chen Zong's body to collapse, and cracks opened like lightning.

"Is this the strength of the second-line genius?"

"Good, Chen Zong can't handle it."

"You haven't given up."

Chen Zong's expression remained unchanged, his hands fell on the hilt of his sword, his wrist trembled, the sword light broke, and he struck out from the front.

Vertical and horizontal work on the 27th floor!

Vertical and horizontal sword twenty-seventh style!

Zhenwu Realm Seventh Stage Repair!

When Chen Zongzhan revealed his true cultivation, everyone was stunned except for the elders of Jianzong.

"Zhenwu Realm Seventh Stage!"

"Is this what he really cultivates?"

"Hiding too deep."

The exclamation continued, and Xu Yangli felt a bit of a bad feeling in his heart, but the arrow had to be fired on the string, and he could only further urge a true force, his legs blasted to Chen Zong fiercely in a faster and fiercer posture.

The vertical and horizontal swordsmanship is extremely powerful. Under the two swords, the sky is torn, and the silver light spreads to endless places.


The fiery fire dragon was directly cut and torn under the sword light, and it was as invincible as the broken bamboo. The two swords were directly cut and killed on Xu Yangli's body. The terrible power continued to impact the cutting, breaking the physical body of Xu Yangli's body and tearing the robe. Cut the inner nails.

Xu Yangli even flew backwards.

With a roar, under the terrible power of the two swords, the whole person directly split Xu Yangli into the mountain and smashed a huge pothole.

"Xu Yangli." The elder Zhenyang Zong was suddenly shocked. He appeared in front of the pothole, grabbed with both hands, grabbed Xu Yangli directly, and quickly checked it.

Fortunately, I just suffered some internal injuries, which were not heavy. He could be cured by taking the medicine for a few days.

But the point is not that injury, but the blow.

Decided to defeat Chen Zong with an overwhelming advantage, and secretly defeated Chen Zong with a black hand, but was defeated by Chen Zong with one stroke. The huge gap made Xu Yangli's face dark and his eyes lost. It seemed that the future was bleak, and suffered a great blow like Gu Yaoyang.

The warriors who watched the battle were stunned, completely frightened.

How could Chen Zong's strength be so strong?

Why Chen Zong's cultivation is not the sixth peak of Zhenwu Realm, but the seventh period of Zhenwu Realm, this speed of cultivation is too horrifying.

"Ha ha ha ha." The three elders smiled so proudly that they directly called Jin Yanji Yinghe to bring Chen Zong, and quickly left, leaving only the unseen back.

"Damn." The elder Zhenyang Zong was angrily, this time the damage of Zhenyang Zong was worse.

As a result, Jianzong ’s momentum will rise again.

"Chen Zong ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Next, you should stay in the Zongmen and practice well." On the back of Jin Yan's diseased crane, the three elders said with a smile, the more satisfied they were, the more Chen Zong looked at.

"Okay." Chen Zong nodded, originally thinking about whether to continue the challenge. If he continues to challenge, of course, he must choose the top second-line camp genius, and then he will challenge the first-line camp genius.

This step by step will definitely push the momentum of the vertical and horizontal Jianzong to an amazing height.

But again, it may cause some trouble.

Mu Xiu will be destroyed by Lin Feng. If he performs too well, he will cause some trouble at that time. Depending on the strength of the sword sect, he may not be able to keep himself.

"Also, it's enough." Chen Zong said secretly, only to fight with Xu Yangli before, but he has not yet exerted his full strength, at least if he exercises the twenty-ninth layer of vertical and horizontal power and the twenty-ninth style of vertical and horizontal swords, easily He will tear the internal armor of Xu Yangli, and then beheaded.

However, even the lords and elders of the Jianzong Sect thought that it was Chen Zong's full strength, and Chen Zong was also happy to keep some.

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