Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 13: Strange power

There are opportunities in Tianyun's secret territory.

Within a few days, Chen Zong had harvested a lot of precious medicines, and also got a third-order pseudo-spiral dagger and a rare millennium tree heart. He also got a precious set of third-order pseudo-spiral star-sword double swords.

Chen Zong's gains are not small, and other people naturally will not get nothing.

Passing through a cave, Chen Zong paused for a moment, surrounded by a cloud of mist in front of him, and a cliff under his foot. Looking at it, it is estimated to be several hundred meters high.

Chen Zong didn't want to return to the same place. He leapt forward, swooped out like a flying swallow, and then fell down like a meteor, his broken robe grinning.

When he was ten meters above the ground, his body fell suddenly, and then it fell like a feather.

As soon as he landed, there was a ray of light radiating next to him. Chen Zongxin pointed out his hand and exploded the light and shadow into a mist of blood, which was a poisonous snake.

Looking around, this is a basin with strange-shaped vegetation growing everywhere, which is hard to see from the outside.

Chen Zong randomly chooses a direction to expand his body style.


Yin Wuya sat cross-legged on an open field, and there were several huge monsters around him. The blood flowed into the river.

After a while, Yin Wuya's body shook, and a tyrannical and overbearing breath permeated from the body, like a storm shocking in all directions, and Feisha rushed away with stones.

The real force is violent, and the force is endless. There is a feeling of soaring darkness and breaking the chaos.

Yin Wuya couldn't help but a long howling, the howling was shocking, and a heavy wave of waves rushed into the sky, shaking away and the wind rising.

"Hahahaha ..." Yin Wuya, who fell to the ground, couldn't help laughing and laughing, his hands spread out with his fingers stretched out, and the gray-white true power shot through the air.

The stone was hit, and it instantly turned into a rice centipede. The ground was hit, and it exploded directly. In a blink of an eye, everything was broken into meters within a few hundred meters, as if it had been brutalized by dozens of meters of ancient monsters.

"It's worthy of being a top-notch skill, and the seventh-largest hybrid power is really powerful." Yin Wuya said to himself after closing.

On the same day, the Dongfu Palace left by the King of Mixed Sky was discovered. After some scramble, it was eventually captured by Wan Luozong's core disciple Yin Ruinlessly and brought back to Wan Luozong.

What is recorded in that jade book is exactly the practice method that the King of Wutian has practiced—Zhantian Dazhenli!

Wanluozong naturally also has prefecture-level gems, but unfortunately, the last one is missing, and the great power of the sky has directly become another town zongfu in Wanluozong.

Yin Wuqing, who has directly received the great power of the sky, can practice at will, and can also allow other people to enjoy this treatment. As for other disciples, if they want to cultivate, they must have enough contributions to redeem them as an incentive. .

Yin Wuya is Yin's ruthless younger brother. Yin Wuya naturally used that place on Yin Wuya, so that Yin Wuya can also practice the mixed true power.

Although Yin Wuya can't be compared with Yin Wurui, he is also a first-class genius and is well-known on the Wan Luo list.

Obtaining the great power of the world, Yin Wuya worked very hard to repair, and his master, an elder elder from Wan Luozong, also expended a lot of resources and his own power to help him convert the exercises and let him Completed the repair in a short period of time, and raised the mixed power to the sixth peak.

After entering Tianyun's secret realm, after fighting again and again, Yin Wuya finally ushered in a breakthrough in Gongfa. From the sixth peak to the seventh, Zhenli ’s power soared.

"Break through the sky and break through, my combat power, I should get a three-star late." Yin Wuya secretly said.

His cultivation is in the late stage of the eighth stage of Zhenwu Realm, and the original combat power was the middle of three stars.

"Look at this trip, if you can increase your combat power to four stars, and to the peak of three stars if you are in need," Yin Wuya said, and then he started to move forward, rushing forward like a torrent.

Then, he met Chen Zong.

"Exactly, take you to try the real power of the seventh remixing Tianzhengli." Yin Wuya's eyes flashed sharply before he shot to destroy the surroundings. It was just the simplest attempt and not accurate enough.

Hundreds of meters apart, Yin Wuya shot directly and raised it with one palm. Immediately, the backhand shot down, the sky was really turbulent, and the wind surged, and a big hand of ten meters was condensed out of thin air.

Chen Zong looked dignified.

A dozen-meter-long hand is open, the palm print is clear, and the true force flows together, like blood, giving people a vivid feeling, just like a giant palm.

The air under the palm was compressed. When the air was suppressed, the pressure was extremely heavy, which made Chen Zong feel suffocated. His body was bound by the terrible pressure shock and it was difficult to move.

Wan Luozong's Heavenly Need Martial Arts-Gui Yuan Wanluo!

With a palm shot, the world seemed to be closed, so that Zong Zong gave birth to the feeling of being unavoidable and hard to resist, but this power was too strong and too strong.

The double swords came out of the sheath, the silver sword light broke through, and in a blink of a thousand thousands of sword lights converged into a majestic torrent of sword light, rising into the sky.

As soon as he touched, the majestic Jianguang flooded under the giant palm, and it was unrivalled. The giant palm was domineering and unobstructed. The closer he got, the greater the pressure on Chen Zong.

The pressure brought by this palm was not less than the blow that erupted after the disciples of the Zhenyang sect had cast their secrets.

Strong, very tyrannical, and the breath fluctuations emitted by the power contained above, gave Chen Zong a feeling of being crushed to chaos.

This is where the arrogance of Zenith is.

"Secret sword ... point star!"

As a last resort, Chen Zong can only cast a secret sword.

Aggregate 90% of the vertical and horizontal power together, pushing the secret sword to point the star, one sword breaks into the sky, as if it can penetrate the sky like the star-like sword light to tear up the sky, and hit the giant palm instantly.

The broken star-shaped sword light broke in an instant, and the giant palm was slightly penetrated, directly penetrated, and violently waved, showing signs of disintegration.

The pressure suddenly dropped, Chen Zong didn't hesitate, and immediately used the remaining true power to perform the swept octagonal body method, and quickly rushed in other directions.

"It's too weak." Yin Wuya smiled suddenly, without meaning to catch up.

His purpose is only to test the power of the seventh remixing blaze, to see how much his strength can be improved. If the opponent's strength is similar to or better than himself, Yin Wuya will be more happy. War, unfortunately, weaker than yourself.

From Chen Zong's two shots, Yin Wuya judged that the opponent was not his opponent. In addition, Chen Zong did not hesitate to show off his physical skills to leave, and the speed was not slow, so Yin Wuya had no interest in chasing.

Everything, just because he felt that Chen Zong was too weak.


"Too strong." Chen Zong secretly said: "Even if you take out the star-sword double sword, it is difficult to beat him."

The same three-star late-stage combat power is also strong and weak, not to mention that the other party has not exerted their full strength. Chen Zong has a self-knowledge. Moreover, the biggest purpose of entering the secret cloud of Tianyun is to find various opportunities. Fighting with others is only incidental. .

"My practice is short board." Chen Zong secretly said.

The level of cultivation is directly related to strength.

Each of the seventy people who entered Tianyun's secret realm was above Chen Zong. Sister Zuoshan Mei also reached the middle of the eighth stage of Zhenwu Realm, and many of them reached the late stage of the eighth stage of Zhenwu realm.

Chen Zong's cultivation is the seventh stage of Zhenwu Realm. Compared with other people, it is at least a big difference.

"If Xiuwei cannot rise in time, I am afraid it will be difficult to compete with others." Chen Zong frowned slightly.

In the face of the gap in cultivation, there is a feeling of incompetence. After all, everyone else who has entered the secret place of Tianyun is a real genius, all of whom can cross level challenges.

Rushing out of a wood, Chen Zong heard a rumbling voice, like a horse galloping.

At first glance, there was a huge waterfall in front, thousands of meters high, and thousands of hectares of water fell from above, like an onslaught of millions of horses, with a terrifying momentum.

Below the kilometer waterfall is a huge pool of water, with white waves raging and setting off waves.

Approaching the waterfall, except for the huge roar, no other sound could be heard at all.

Magnificent, mighty, fierce ...

Chen Zong stood beside the pond, his eyes swept across the rugged water surface, and landed on the huge and massive waterfall.

The force of 10,000 tons seems to sink the earth.

After his true power was restored, Chen Zong waved his right hand, and the sword light broke, like a stunned moon.

The ten-meter-long remnant moon swept across the turbulent water surface, floating upwards, and chopped towards the middle of the waterfall. This tyrannical blow that was enough to kill the two-star combat power was broken by the flash of a 10,000-ton waterfall .

"So strong!" Chen Zong was surprised.

The power of nature is unimaginable.

However, Chen Zong had the idea to compete with it. The two swords came out and killed thousands of swords in an instant. The strength of these thousands of swords came together but did not emanate, condensing into a magnificent sword light, the silver light was bright. Can't look straight.


Holding the faith of chopping off the waterfall, Chen Zongshuang's sword inspired the power of the pseudo-spiritual and waved it out.


If the sky falls apart.

The tens of meters of substantive silver swordman tear the air, and the terrible sword pressure calmed the turbulent water surface instantly.

Passing by, with amazing power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Killing the waterfall.

Chen Zong stared at the ten-meter sword light, the power of this sword has faintly surpassed the initial three-star, approaching the middle three-star.

Without him, Chen Zong just had a whimsy and wanted to cut off the waterfall, that's all.

This is a kind of conviction. Blessing is so heartfelt. If it can be done, it may bring a sublimation in the realm.

This sword is stronger than the previous one. It can withstand the direct impact of 10,000 tons of water pressure. It just chopped off a waterfall of more than ten meters, so that the torrent of that waterfall was interrupted momentarily, but only for a blink of an eye. Jianguang again Shattered by 10,000 tons of water pressure.

"What is that?" Chen Zong faintly captured the moment when the torrent of the waterfall was interrupted, and there seemed to be something.

Take a deep breath and launch the sword again. This time, nearly two thousand sword lights have been condensed and killed. The majestic sword lights are magnificent, two points more than the previous sword.

When passing over the water surface, the turbulent water surface was suppressed like a mirror surface, swept up, and killed at the same place of the waterfall torrent, and instantly cut off the waterfall torrent at that place, Chen Zong's eyes narrowed, and he shot fiercely.

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