Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 17: Moving labyrinth (top)

Zuo Shanmei's mustard bag carries changing clothes with him.

Chen Zong turned his back to Zuo Shanmei and was covered by huge stones around him. No one else passed by. Zuo Shanmei changed his robes as quickly as possible.

Taking Xiao Huanyang Dan, the method of exercise resolving the power of the elixir, so that her injuries recovered quickly, while Chen Zong protected the law for Zuo Shanmei on one side, so that she could restore her strength with peace of mind.

After the injury was healed and his strength was completely restored, Zuo Shanmei and Chen Zong went together very closely.

Zuo Shanmei didn't express any sincere gratitude to Chen Zong. This gratitude is deeply buried in his heart, and it is deeper than any words.

Zuo Shanmei also didn't ask in a short time, Chen Zong's Xiu so much to improve so much strength, so much, everyone has their own opportunities.

However, the disciples who belong to the vertical and horizontal sword sect should support each other, plus the relationship between the two is good, they act together.

"Sister, there is an entrance ahead." Chen Zong's eyesight was still on Zuo Shanmei.

"Go and see." Zuo Shanmei didn't hesitate.

In Tianyun's secret territory, there are many opportunities, but whether you can seize it depends on your own ability.

The two started to speed up and rushed towards the so-called entrance.

The entrance was a large stone gate, five meters high and three meters wide, with a turquoise-grey base, which looked very thick and simple.

The stone door was open, and there was a vague scene in it, but it was not clear what it was, as if waiting for the beast to eat everything.

There was also a person passing by like a gallop, rushing directly into the open stone door, disappearing, and only ripples swept away like water, and then returned to peace.

Chen Zong and Zuo Shanmei didn't hesitate, then rushed into the stone gate.

The moment when he rushed into Shimen, heavy ripples stirred up at the gate, so that both Chen Zong and Zuo Shanmei felt a resistance, as if it penetrated the water.

After passing the invisible ripple, Chen Zong and Zuo Shanmei appeared in Shimen, and in front of them were five forks, each of which was made of thick and hard rock.

At first glance, the five forks are not straight forward, but they are winding and looking, very complicated.

"Brother, where are we going from?" Zuo Shanmei looked away and asked.

"Here." Chen Zong directly chose the middle path without hesitation.

In fact, there is nothing to hesitate about, because this is where Chen Zong does not know, where the five forks will eventually lead, and Chen Zong does not know, so he chooses at will.

When Chen Zong was in front and Zuo Shanmei was behind, he just stepped into the ground, and suddenly, there was a strong sound of stone friction, accompanied by the rolling sound of rolling institutions, the stone wall next to him moved quickly. With unparalleled momentum.

Although Zuo Shanmei's response was quick, she was slightly slower.

A boom, a wall separated Chen Zong from Zuo Shanmei.

The long sword came out of the sheath, with an astonishingly powerful force, and exhibited the thirty-second style of cross-border swordsmanship. It was directly slashed on the wall, shaking, leaving a slight sword mark, but it was about an inch deep.

"It's hard!" Chen Zong could not help but take a breath.

With his at least three-star peak combat power, a sword that was launched with all his strength turned out to leave only a trace. This wall was too terrible.

"Brother, see you outside." Zuo Shanmei also tried a sword, but could not help but give up the wall, and said that the sound became subtle through the wall, but was still captured by Chen Zong.

"Sister Shi must be careful." Chen Zong responded, condensing her voice into a line as much as possible, and passed it into Zuo Shanmei's ear.

In desperation, the two have not yet joined forces and have to act alone, just do not know if they will meet again.

Exhaling a stale breath, Chen Zong turned and looked forward. It was a straight passage. There was no end, as if there was no end, but Chen Zong did not believe what he was seeing.

I stepped forward and kept an eye on the movements around me. When I stepped out of the tens of meters, I suddenly burst out of a hard and thick wall next to it, ramming it with amazing power.

"There are no signs, and I don't feel any fluctuations. It appears too abrupt." Chen Zong responded quickly, avoiding quickly with his flexible pace and dexterous body like flying swallows, while secretly panicking. .

Without signs and feeling no fluctuations, it means that you can only be passive.

A thick wall passed like a dragon in front of him, and then a thick wall appeared behind him. The left and right sides also followed, and the surroundings changed one after another. Chen Zong couldn't break it but waited.

Fortunately, the waiting time was not long, the walls stopped moving, and the road in front of Chen Zong had a new change and had to go around the curve.

Gradually, Chen Zong determined whether he had entered a maze or a moving maze that could change at any time.

So what is it for entering this moving maze?

In addition to the changing walls, the sight is the thick blue-grey walls, which can be boring after a long look.

No treasures, no enemies, just endless progress. To be honest, Chen Zong has a little regret to enter here. After all, he came to Tianyun for a variety of opportunities, but now he is in this maze. waste time.

Chen Zong is looking for a way out, but, as far as his eyes are concerned, except the wall or the wall, it can change at any time. There is no other good way. He can only find it for no purpose and try his luck.

Time passed slowly, and Chen Zong did not know how much time he had spent in the moving maze.

In addition to the endless walls and roads, Chen Zong finally saw the third, which was a stone house.

It's just outside the stone house. From time to time, there are wall impacts passing by, like a kind of protection.

Chen Zong gave his sword, and Jianguang beheaded and killed on the moving wall, and it was broken directly, which could not cause the slightest damage, and the power carried by that wall was very terrible. If he was hit, he would be seriously injured.

Chen Zong carefully observed, looking for the laws of the surrounding wall movement. Then, he swept across the octagonal body, spreading like a light movie, but it was completely unexpected that the speed of the wall's movement suddenly increased. , Rushed to Chen Zong's body like a mountain.

In danger, the two swords emerged from the sheath and beheaded and killed. The terrible and mighty power was extremely fierce, such as shooting down a meteorite and crushing the two swords. The power made Chen Zong's chest tight, and he felt his arms were about to break.

Behind him, another wall didn't know when it would appear. The impact came and formed a pinch. If it was hit, Chen Zong would become a piece of meatloaf.

When in danger, Chen Zong agitated his blood, moved his body horizontally, and rushed to the stone house.

Dangerous and dangerous, the two walls collided with each other, as if two mountains collided with each other. Strong and powerful force shocked with earth-shattering momentum, leaving Chen Zong's ears deaf. Only the buzzing sound was continuous and terrible. The sound wave even bombarded Chen Zong forward, and his bones made a series of channeling sounds.

Fortunately, the practice of refining the body has improved a lot, otherwise it is estimated that it will suffer internal injuries.

Anyway, Chen Zong finally arrived outside the stone house as he wished.

With a bit of enthusiasm and anticipation, Chen Zong pushed hard to open the heavy door of the stone house. In the obscure sound, a unique fragrance permeated. It was the residual scent of the elixir, and there seemed to be more than one.

Chen Zong could not help showing a touch of joy, which may represent that there may be some elixir in the stone house.

Keeping a high degree of vigilance, Chen Zong glanced away as he walked into the stone house without encountering any attacks.

The stone house is not very wide. At a glance, Chen Zong also saw three sapphire-sized gourds.

The color of jade is pure and deep. It is the finest jade, but Chen Zong cares more about what is inside the gourd.

Not aware of any danger, Chen Zong reached out and grabbed, a jade gourd flew into his hand, opened the stopper, and a strong scent of elixir diffused immediately, leaving Chen Zong with a refreshing and clear-headed feeling.

Inside, it is the elixir of a gourd.

Pour out a capsule and take a closer look. It is about the size of a longan nucleus, with a black body, and there are silver lines around it. The aroma is very unique.

After careful identification, combined with the classics he saw, Chen Zong finally determined that this is a very valuable elixir, and its name is Huan Shen Dan.

Also, panacea is an elixir that can replenish mental strength in a very short period of time.

"Okay." Chen Zongxi smiled, and immediately returned the gourd of the gourd to the virtual ring, picked up a second jade gourd and opened it.

This is an elixir of red with golden lines throughout the body. After identification, Chen Zong determined that it was Buyuan Dan, an elixir that could replenish qi and blood and vitality in an instant.

Take the third sapphire gourd to open it, pour out the elixir and check.

The cyan elixir with purple texture is Guizhen Dan, which is a kind of elixir that can restore the true power in a very short time, and it produces very few impurities.

"Returning God Dan, Bu Yuan Dan, Gui Zhendan ..." Chen Zongyin was a little excited ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Three kinds of elixir, whether they are taken to Tianjiang House, can sell a lot price.

Because the refining of these three kinds of elixir is very difficult, first of all, there must be suitable medicinal materials, and secondly, there must be enough alchemy to make alchemy. It happens that there is no such capital in Tianjiang Prefecture, and it is rare even in the entire Longtu Dynasty .

"In each gourd, there are sixty-six tablets of elixir, and each one can restore 30% of its strength in three breaths." For the sake of insurance, Chen Zong took out six pills to return the **** Dan, Bu Yuan Dan and Guizhen. Dan is placed in other jade bottles and stored in mustard bags for occasional needs. Other elixir is stored in sapphire gourds, which can be better preserved to prevent the loss of medicine, and the income is lost.

Each of these pills has a very high value, at least thousands of Lingbei, and the three-cucurbita medicine can be worth more than a hundred inferior spirits, which is enough to cause many people to be jealous of the extreme powers.

Undoubtedly, getting these elixir can improve Chen Zong's combat ability a lot. Think about it, fight with strong enemies, fight for life and death, and consume a lot of power, but you can take these elixir to recover 30% in a few breaths. , Undoubtedly more dominant.

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