Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 18: Move the maze (below)

The harvest of the three sapphire gourds' precious elixir suddenly dilutes Chen Zong's inner gloom, allowing him to enter the maze this time without any regrets.

Even if there were no gains in the future, Chen Zong felt very valuable.

"What the **** is this place?" An apprentice of Gu Shanzong frowned and looked angry.

After entering the moving maze for a long time, I thought it was an opportunity. As a result, I wasted nothing but wasted time. I couldn't find an exit.

At this time, someone was approaching outside the stone gate of the moving maze, looked closely, and thought that this might be an opportunity, then he broke in directly.

This is indeed an opportunity, but whether it can be found is not the same.

Zuo Shanmei also had good luck. After a long time, she also found a stone house, rushed into the stone house with injuries, and then found a pill of elixir.

In addition to the elixir, there is a jade book, which accepts the content of the jade book, which is not a practice, but a record of that elixir.

Refining Zhendan!

Valuing elixir more than ten times more valuable than Guizhen.

Unlike the elixir that belongs to Zhendan, Dalian Zhendan is not used to restore Zhenli, but to enhance Zhenli to repair the used elixir.

"My cultivation is not high enough, nor is my strength strong." Zuo Shanmei's eyes flickered with burning light, and she sat down cross-legged immediately and took other elixir to treat the injury.

When the wound is healed, and the spirit and spirit are all adjusted to the peak, then the one that is very precious and worthy of several inferior stones can be put into the mouth gently.

The chewed Dalian Zhendan melts, flows into the belly of the body along the esophagus, and then melts away, a burst of coolness spreads, accompanied by a burst of hot breath.

The overlap of cold and heat impacted the limbs and spread to every part of the body.

Zuo Shanmei immediately operated the thirtieth layer of vertical and horizontal power, and the strong and powerful vertical and horizontal real power quickly moved, quickly refining and absorbing the medicine power of Dalian Zhendan, and increasing it a little bit to enhance the true power.

The refining of Dazheng Zhendan is very difficult. Not only does it require superb alchemy cultivation, but also many precious treasures. For the time being, there is no Danfang in Dalongtu Kingdom that naturally cannot be refined.


"Heaven-level superb exercises and heaven-grade top-class martial arts, unfortunately, they are not comparable to the vertical and horizontal sword code."

Chen Zong turned it over, and collected the two cheats for the exercises recorded in unknown animal skins into the Xu Mi Ring.

I ca n’t use it myself, but I can take it back and enrich the sword and martial arts.

Not all Tiangong exercises will be recorded in the jade book, which is a means of confidentiality. Recording in books is more suitable for dissemination.

Keep moving forward, as the moving maze changes, and occasionally there will be some gains, but they are not as good as none of the previous three cucurbits.

The walls of the moving maze changed again, and Chen Zong stared at the straight passage ahead.

A figure appeared, and his eyes swept over. Suddenly, the icy killings came like a torrent of abyss torrents, which made Chen Zong stunned, and even the figure was difficult to see clearly, as if the dead body was sinking in blood.

Creepy, cold all over the body, making Chen Zong feel like even a pure yang and blood would freeze.

"Meng Crow ..." This familiar figure and extremely horrifying killer let Chen Zong know who he encountered.

Without half a moment's hesitation, Chen Zong immediately pulled himself back, from standing still to speeding back, leaving an afterimage of air in the air.

At the same time, a dense black and red knife light also tore the air, and the hair came first, dexterously like a blood-colored bird, and quickly tore through the sky like lightning.

Before the blade of light arrived, Chen Zong was terrified by his breath, and his back seemed to be tortured mercilessly.

I dare not look back, because there is no time, according to the mysterious realm, the floating of the dust makes Chen Zong feel the approach of death, quickly moves his body, and exerts his floating body to the extreme.

Moving horizontally, the black and red palm-sized knife light passed by. Although there was no direct contact with Chen Zong's body, the terrible edge spread across it. Chen Zong's powerful armor was really weak as thin The paper was cut open, and the pain hurt Chen Zong's body, and it felt like the whole person was also cut open.

Just a bit of a sweeping influence brought this feeling, and Chen Zong was terrified inside.

The power of this crow is really terrifying.

Before entering Tianyun's secret realm before, Lin Yuxie emphasized to Chen Zong and others. Whenever encountering the ghost crow, no matter how far, he must run as far as the ghost crow is not only extremely powerful, but also The cruel and ruthless generation, there is never any reason to kill, just kill if you want.

Therefore, after seeing each other, Chen Zong left without hesitation.

Hades did not hesitate to shoot.

As soon as the sword fell through, the shape of the Crow swept across the passage, leaving numerous afterimages and quickly approaching Chen Zong.

The terrible murderous power, like the water of the abyss, wrapped Chen Zong all over.

They rushed forward and turned, and the black and red blades broke into the air. They were directly killed on the wall. The mighty power did not destroy the wall, but it left a knife mark more than two inches deep.

"You can't escape." Under the cold stare of Hadesa Mori, a bloodthirsty smile hung from the corner of his mouth, and even that voice was as cold as the wind of hell.

The voice came into Chen Zong's ear like a knife, straight through his brain.

Cold sweat exuded from his forehead, terrible as a real killing intention, and brought too much threat to Chen Zong.

A single palm splits like a knife, and a black-red knife with a length of several meters breaks through the air again. This blow is enough to kill the weak four-star combat power, not to mention Chen Zong's combat power is less than four stars. level.

The mysterious realm allowed Chen Zong to perceive Daoguang in advance, the extreme sharpness and coldness, which stimulated the back pores to rise, and between the creeps, Chen Zong made another dodge, Daoguang split the afterimage.

Hades was a little surprised, this knife was actually avoided, it was quite incredible.

Immediately, a smile hangs from the corner of the Crow's mouth, as if a new toy is found. One hand is continuously drawn out like a knife. The three knives are arranged and rotated to kill, closing any dead ends, and severing all possible evasion of Chen Zong, Chen Zong can become a mote, otherwise he will not be able to avoid the killing of these three swords.

Cold sweat flowed, soaking the whole body, countless thoughts flashed in my mind, pure Yang Qi and blood rushed like waves of rivers and seas, and a strong true force also impacted the limbs and bones. According to the mysterious realm, Chen Zong felt that regardless of himself You can't escape wherever you go, you will be slashed by the sword.

And the power of Daoguang is extremely arrogant. With his current strength, he cannot resist at all.

How to do?

Do you want to use a small thunderbolt?

There are only two remaining Thunderbolt sword gas bombs. One is less, and the Red Thunder sword is still there. These are killers. If used, they can not only resist the slash of the Crow, but also more likely Instead of killing.

However, Xiaolili Jianqi is a ranged attack. The sword Qi can cover a range of two hundred meters, but it will not recognize the enemy and me, and will even be affected.

One accidentally, he may also die under the small Thunderbolt sword bomb.

Can we only use the Red Thunder Sword?

The thoughts flashed, and as a last resort, Chen Zong could only take out the red thunder sword, turn around, and meet the three black and red horrible sword lights, looking at the pursuit through the three knife lights until his face was killing The hare is preparing to excite the power of the Red Thunder Sword.

Chen Zong believes that even if the crow is more powerful, he cannot resist his sword.

It's abrupt, there are no half-signs, a heavy wall traverses like lightning from the side, and even in the blink of an eye, the wall blocks the passage, and the three knife lights are directly under the impact of the wall. Broken away.

Chen Zong could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Put away the Red Thunder Sword, and quickly move forward.

The ghost crow stopped in front of the wall that suddenly appeared, his eyes were extremely cold, as if to penetrate the wall, the murderous heart is like the tide of the abyss.

I tried to kill an ant, but it failed. The reason for the failure was because of the moving maze. I thought that I couldn't get through to it. I wish I could destroy the maze.

Only the crows know that the walls of the maze are very hard, and his full blow can only leave some traces. If he wants to break a wall, he must shoot at least ten times in a row.

With such a large maze, even if you exhaust all your strength, the damage that can be caused in the end is only a little bit.

"The ants, you count your life." Hao Cun's voice was extremely cold, and everyone knew that if Chen Zong was to excite the power of the Red Thunder Sword, it would only be him.

Rather than save the life of Chen Zong by moving the maze, it is better to save the life of Ming Crow in the invisible.

Such as the small thunder sword air bomb and the red thunder sword all kinds of hole cards, Chen Zong is only used as a killer, is a life-saving means used as a last resort, under normal circumstances, Chen Zong is more willing to use his own ability to face.

After all, the small thunderbolt air bomb and the red thunder sword are both foreign objects. Foreign objects can be regarded as a part of strength to some extent, but they are consumables. They belong to the type that decreases or even disappears when used, and cannot form a dependency. Otherwise, I ’m used to it, and I ’m used to it. What if I do n’t have it?

The real one depends on himself.

Exercise yourself, sharpen yourself, be able to cope with any badness and danger, and find a vitality in the mortal situation.

There is a saying in the old saying that it is not difficult to die ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ there will be blessings.

The hunting of the ravens brought Chen Zong a death crisis. Barely it can be regarded as a big disaster. As for whether it is now a blessing, Chen Zong is not sure.

In front of it is a passage, and at the end of the passage is a door.

A closed door.

Chen Zong maintained a high degree of vigilance and slowly approached the blue-grey stone gate, standing in front of it.

Don't know what's behind this closed door?

Is it an exit?

Or something else?

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong calmed down, Zhenli fell on the stone gate with his palms full of hands, and shoved it. This stone gate was extremely heavy and difficult to shake like a mountain.

Cooperating with Zhenli, Chen Zong mobilized a pure Yang qi and blood, physical strength erupted, the strength of one arm was 90,000 kilograms, and the sum of his arms was 180,000 kilograms. Counting the strength brought by the true and vertical forces, he was even more arrogant Even a small hill will be pushed.

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