Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 19: Slay Yin Wuya

The mountain wall, which is hundreds of meters high, is covered with natural gullies. Under the mountain wall, Yin Wuya lay half-free on a smooth stone, holding an animal skin book in his hands, and watching carefully.

Yin Wuya has a habit, that is, he likes to read with books, he feels more.

Therefore, every time you practice new exercises and martial arts, and after receiving the information from the Jade Book, Yin Wuya will write down the contents of it, and if you have time, you will take it out and read it again and again to deepen your understanding.

I do n’t know if it ’s a psychological effect or other reasons. Yin Wuya also did a comparison. Did you write down the content of Gongfa and martial arts and read it? It has a certain impact on the efficiency of practice. obvious.

Of course, every time the exercises and martial arts are practiced to the extreme, Yin Wuya will also destroy the content written down to prevent it from being revealed.

What Yin Wuya is watching right now is exactly the content of the Great Zenith.

The total strength of the mixed sky is nine, and Yin Wuya has cultivated to the seventh, and the seventh has just broken through. Therefore, what is recorded in this animal skin book is the first to seventh mixed Great power content.

Yin Wuya also knows that an accidental loss of Gongfa and martial arts is a loss, so he is very cautious, and every time he writes, he does not record all of them, but at what level of cultivation What level is recorded so that even if it is accidentally exposed, the loss will not be so great.

After all, there is a big gap between the value of complete martial arts and incomplete martial arts.

For example, if this mixed power is great, if it lacks the last two, it would be better to practice a complete heaven-level best practice.

While watching the content of Mixed Sky Power, carefully comprehending it, the Mixed Sky Power in the body is also rapidly rotating, recovering the power that was just consumed.

At this moment, the mountain wall behind him suddenly heard a thick and harsh sound, clicking and clicking continuously, shocked Yin Wuya.

Closing the book and putting it in the mustard bag, quickly turned to look at it, the whole process was flowing, but it was lightning fast.

The eyes seemed to have a chaotic vortex, looking straight ahead, the mountain wall that originally looked complete suddenly opened, and opened like a door, and then a figure rushed out.

"It's you." Yin Wuya froze slightly.

The person who appeared was the one who had previously encountered when his mixed-day great power broke through to the seventh, and he was scared away by his own return to Yuan Wanluo, but he did not expect to appear in front of himself again.

"This time, you can't escape." Yin Wuya grinned, and shot it with a single palm without hesitation.

As in the last time, it is still a hand of Yuan Wanluo. The palm of a dozen meters remakes it as if the sky collapsed.

Chen Zong looked up, the joints and lines on his palm were clearly visible, just like a giant palm, shot down with a terrible force that could knock down the earth.

The last time, Chen Zong felt great pressure. It felt as if the whole person ’s muscles and bones were broken by rice. It was irresistible, but this time it was different. The pressure was not great and it was difficult to affect Chen Zongmin. This is repair. For the calm after the improvement of strength.

A sword came out of the sheath, the dazzling silver sword light pierced the sky, and at the same time pierced the palm of that dozen meters.

According to the mysterious realm, the floating of the dust and the superb sword-making realm allowed Chen Zong to see the weakness in the palm of the hand. This sword punctured the weakness of Guiyuan Wanluo's hand. Guiyuan Wanluo's hand can no longer maintain its shape, spreading like smoke.

"It's impossible!" Yin Wuya, with a confident face, suddenly hesitated. How powerful his attack was, he knew very well that it was the level of the three-star late combat power, but was defeated by the opponent with a sword. The power of the opponent's sword is not under this palm at all.

The answer to him was Chen Zong's sword.

The dazzling silver sword light pierced through the sky and killed it quickly, making it difficult to respond.

Yin Wuya was horrified and had a feeling of being directly penetrated. He was so excited that he stirred up the whole body, spreading his body quickly, and directly transformed into three figures, making it difficult to distinguish between true and false.

One figure was penetrated by Jianguang, the other leaped quickly, and was shot from the middle of the air with one palm, striking Chen Zong. The third figure was surrounded from the side, with two palms in a row, and a series of channeling palms were shot. Shadow, forming a dense airtight wall rolled away.

Chen Zong stood still in place, his opponent who could bring death power to himself now has no qualifications, and everything comes from the change of cultivation and strength.

Two swords in hand, beheaded, one sword smashed the figure above, the other smashed the palm wall on the side, and penetrated the palm wall to break the figure.

Yin Wuya's true body suddenly appeared behind Chen Zong, his right palm was lifted, and the powerful force of the sky was turbulent like a tidal wave, reaching through the palm of his hand, sending a fatal blow with the strength of his whole body.

Such as turning over the mountains and turning upside down, this is the killing trick of Guiyuan Wanluo.

Such a sudden, unprepared, terrible shot with one palm, when the air was suppressed, the air around the four sides of the body was compressed and solidified, impacting and constraining Chen Zong's body from different angles, making Chen Zong difficult to move.

The killing game is extremely dangerous, and it is difficult to cope with a combat power that is similar to Yin Wuya.

Gui Yuan Wanluo shot down and murdered fiercely.

Chen Zong's body was hit in an instant, the whole meter was broken, but Yin Wuya was not half happy, instead he changed his face and quickly turned his body like a storm.

Chen Zong's figure does not know when it will disappear. A dazzling sword light runs through the sky from bottom to top. Yin Wuya looks, his eyes are completely filled, and the entire world disappears.

Creepy, the feeling of death flooded the whole body, and even the blood was frozen and frozen, although Yin Wuya has urged the mixed true power to the extreme, constantly strengthened the physical strength of the body, better protected himself, and also protected his body. The strength of the inner armor of the first-order pseudo-spirit is inspired to form protection, and the double palm cloth is printed to form the third layer of protection, but the triple protection does not bring any sense of security to Yin Wuya.

This sword is too strong.

The ultimate sword, its breath, definitely surpassed the peak of the three-star, approaching the limit of the three-star, irresistible.

When in danger, a ball appeared in Yin Wuya's hand, which was crushed directly.

With a bang, a layer of golden light spread quickly, covering Yin Wuya's entire body. At the same time, the dazzling silver sword light pierced the palm print and pierced the true power of the body. His protective power pierced, but was blocked by that layer of gold-like armor.

Yin Wuya breathed a sigh of relief, but a trace of panic in his eyes disappeared. Instead, he settled down and started to fight again. After taking two fierce palms towards Chen Zong, Yin Wuya opened his body and quickly fled back. Leave as fast as possible.

The bead is a one-time pseudo-spirit that can release a strong protective force, which is enough to withstand the attack of a pseudo-transcendent martial artist without breaking, but it cannot last for long.

These one-off pseudo-spirituals are extremely valuable and precious, and they have only one of them.

After all, Wan Luozong is very powerful and has a deep foundation. Yes, but there are many talented disciples. He can only be regarded as one of the better ones. If his own brother Yin Wurui is the core big disciple of Wan Luozong, it is difficult for him. Get such a million Luo Jinjia beads.

His strength is obviously inferior to the other party. In order to survive, he can only bear the pain of using Wan Luo Jin Jia Zhu, and he must get out as soon as possible while Wan Luo Jin Jia Zhu's strength exists.

Chen Zong did not let go of each other's plans.

At the beginning, there was no grudge, but Yin Wuya made two shots, especially this time, with a very strong intention to kill, obviously to cause himself to death.

Unless it is a last resort, Chen Zong will usually not let go of those who are murderous.

The gold armor on Yin Wuya did unexpectedly come from Chen Zong's surprise, but as the genius disciple of Wan Luozong, the other had some means of life-saving.

But this method cannot continue forever.


As soon as Chen Zong's body unfolded, his speed was a little faster than Yin Wuya, and he approached quickly. The two swords brought a brilliant silver sword light, and thousands of swords were instantaneously chopped on Yin Wuya's gold armor.

However, the overwhelming Jianguang was broken, and his strength was resisted, which could not hurt Yin Wuya.

"Why can't you?" Yin Wuya said, "It's best to stop now, I can't do anything that hasn't happened, and I won't commit river water if I get into the water, otherwise, I won't let you go, and my elder brother Yin is ruthless. Let you go. "

Chen Zong's answer, however, was a constant sword.

One sword cannot be broken, then two swords, two swords cannot, then three swords, until the opponent's gold armor is broken.

This person will kill!

Chen Zongke would not believe what the other party said, what well water does not violate the river water, and the other party will certainly start with himself whenever he has a chance.

"Damn!" Yin Wuya was incredibly angry, and his strength was worse than that of Chen Zong. He took out a black ball and threw it up after being excited. It was Wan Luozong's call for help. Yin Wuya asked for help ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Chen Zong's sword is faster, one sword is broken, and the ball is directly burst, as bright as fireworks.

It's just a pity that the sphere hasn't been lifted off, so people in the distance can't see, and there is no one near them except for the two of them.

The sword light is like a torrent, extremely violent, and the golden armor that can withstand the attack of the pseudo-transcendent power gradually weakens with the passage of time, and also weakens with the tens of thousands of slashes by Chen Zongshuang.

Later, in the infinite horror of Yin Wuya, the two swords were broken, one sword cut into the faint golden armor, and one sword cut across Yin Wuya's neck and died.

At the time of his death, Yin Wuya's face still remained scared.

Chen Zong was relieved and finally beheaded this guy. The protection of the golden armor was really too strong. If the tens of thousands of swords were cut continuously, it would be difficult to cut them. Not to mention killing Yin Wuya.

Chen Zong quickly took out a capsule for taking Zhendan. Suddenly, with the rapid dissolution of the elixir, Chen Zong felt that he had recovered 30% of his true strength quickly.

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