Sword God

Vol 13 Chapter 20: Discover the Tomb

Yin Wuya died, and his things naturally became the loot of Chen Zong.

There are a lot of Lingbei in the mustard bag, and some elixir, but what really interested Chen Zong was the hand-recorded exercises.

"Mixed power!" Chen Zong's eyes shot sharp and sharp, and he quickly opened it up. Chen Zong's reading speed was extremely fast, his understanding and memory skills were super strong. After a while, he mixed the seven contents. Tianda really finished reading.

"Disciples of Wan Luozong ... Huntian Dazhenli ... Huntian ... Huntian ... Huntian breaks his strength ..."

"Muffy, this great mixing power is exactly the superb skill left by the Great Mixture King?"

Thinking of this, Chen Zong was shocked.

Wang Tianwu left the cave at the bank of the Shenyu River in Tianjiang Prefecture, and was found scrambled by Wan Luozong's disciples for a sublime artifact and a jade book.

Want to come to the jade book, it is most likely to be mixed with great power, or is there such a coincident name?

Although it is only sevenfold, Chen Zong can also infer from the mystery in it that the arrogance of the great power of the sky is beyond the vertical and horizontal power, which is a heavenly gem, and there is only this explanation.

"I have a destiny with the King of Mixed Sky." Chen Zong couldn't help laughing.

But unfortunately, I only got the first seven heavy mixed powers, and finally two.

"Even if the seventh remixed meditation force is practiced, it is only equivalent to the twenty-ninth to thirty-second layers of vertical and horizontal power. Unless you can get the complete meditation power, you do n’t need to rebuild it. "Chen Zong shook his head and said to himself.

The combination of vertical and horizontal power and vertical and horizontal swordsmanship can exert more powerful power, so it is ranked at the top of the heavenly superb. Only by using vertical and horizontal power to promote the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship, can the vertical and horizontal swordsmanship be used to the fullest.

Therefore, if it ’s not a complete Heavenly-Class Masterpiece, Chen Zong will not consider reworking at all. Even if he gets a Heaven-Class Mastery Exercise, he wo n’t necessarily change it, which means that he must find another one to achieve at least Heaven-level best swordsmanship only works.

However, if you do n’t change it, it does n’t mean that it is useless. At least Chen Zong can learn the essence from it and enhance the background. If possible, he can even integrate its essence into the vertical and horizontal power to further improve the vertical and horizontal power.

After reading it again and again several times, Chen Zong will remember the contents of the top seven of Tiantian Dazhenli without fail, and then destroy it.



The earth-shattering sound spreads throughout the mystery, and the land that stretches hundreds of thousands of miles is shaking fiercely, as if it is going to be turned upside down.

"What happened?" Many people looked up at the sky with astonishment.

With the sharp shaking of the earth, and with the sound of rumblings, I saw the sky rising from the sky, and the sun that seemed to not fall would quickly become red, like blood.

Numerous dark clouds breed from all directions, spreading like a splash of ink.

When that round of intense sun completely became blood red, as if soaked with countless ancient blood, it seemed to drip down, and a blood red light fell when it was shining in the air.

With that blood-red light falling, the ground's vibration suddenly became several times stronger, the rocks changed sharply, and the red light spread like ripples, passing by, and within a short time, stretched the entire secret place.

There is no escape, as the red light passed over the body, one by one felt the coldness and horror, an introverted deep ancient coercion, which made people unable to move, as if the blood solidified and frozen.

After a while, the earth's shaking stopped, but the blood sun in the sky remained, and everyone slowly recovered their vitality, one after another with horror, and immediately set their sights on the same place, directly below the **** sun.


Leaving forward one by one.

Chen Zong is also listed here.

This sudden shock and radical change must have happened, perhaps, a great opportunity.

"What will it be?" The Crow who just rushed out of the moving maze, a chilling smile hung from the corner of his mouth, and fell into the **** sun with his frosty eyes all the time. The battle, like a crow from hell, rushed out and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Whatever it is, it belongs to my heart." The young man in the golden robe from the royal family stood on a small hill with his hands on his shoulders, looking down at the blood sun, talking to himself, not loud. The voice contained the will to dominate everything, as if what he said was what he was, and he was extremely domineering.

Then, the body leapt away, winding like a golden dragon, as fast as lightning.

The rumbling sound sounded again, a blast of dust and sand flying away, which was caused by the continuous running of the mountain elephant Luo Tianba, running all the way, not escaping when encountering stones, directly crashing and breaking, and not bypassing trees. Crush the rice into pieces.

No matter what's ahead, Luo Tianba, a rocking mountain elephant, will not avoid it, but crushes it with the strongest and overbearing attitude, and wherever he goes, it is destroyed as much as an ancient giant elephant. Rampage is nothing.

The direction of shaking the mountain like Luo Tianba is also under the blood sun.

The geniuses, who were not trapped one by one, rushed out to the Sun under the fastest speed, and they all believed that it was an opportunity, not an ordinary opportunity, a great opportunity, not to be missed.

A doomed battle is about to begin.


Right below the blood sun, there was originally an uneven land. There were piles of rocks and trees on it, but at this time, it changed greatly. The rocks were broken and the trees were broken. A boxy vertical and horizontal sword stretched in numbers. Ten miles of ancient tombs stand among them, constantly exuding the vicissitudes of ancient times, as if they have existed for countless years.

In front of this group of tombs, there is only one entrance, which is a tall and extremely heavy stone gate. A five-meter-high gray stone monument stands on the side of the stone gate, with four large characters on the stone monument.

Tianyun Tomb!

The four words in red, as if there is blood flowing in it, is almost dripping, shocking and creepy.

"Tianyun Tomb!"

"What is this place?"

"It is rumored that the biggest opportunity for Tianyun's secret realm is a huge ancient tomb group, which contains countless opportunities, is this Tianyun ancient tomb?"

"This should be the Tianyun Tomb."

"It is said that the ancient tree did not appear when the secret cloud of Tianyun appeared last time, and it was the same last time. I don't know why this time?

"Tianyun Ancient Tomb represents infinite opportunities. No matter why it appears, I have to go in."

After that, someone rushed to the black tomb door and disappeared directly.


"I want to go in too."

Without hesitation, one after another rushed into the tombs.

It didn't take long for Chen Zong to arrive here and stared at this ancient tomb group with amazement.

"Is Tianyun Tomb ..." With a slight groan, Chen Zong quickly unfolded his body and rushed to the stone gate like the mouth of a strange beast, as if he had been swallowed by darkness.

A icy cold pervaded the whole body, and it seemed to freeze the blood and everything and freeze the whole person.

Immediately, the icy feeling receded, and a trace of decay permeated the whole body, bringing with it the vicissitudes and ancient times.

This is a hall-like building. Four ancient thick gray pillars support the hall, and the walls are engraved with murals, birds and beasts, and people. In addition, there are strange looking things, like people and like Like a beast.

Many people dispersed and searched around.

Suddenly, a rattling noise sounded, and there was a cracked door on one side of the wall that could be passed by one person. The person who opened the door was stunned and then rushed in without hesitation.

Others also responded quickly, rushing to the door quickly, but the door closed quickly, and only five people rushed in.


"There must be other doors."

One by one is more motivated.

After a while, someone opened another door. This time, I was prepared to react faster.

Chen Zong searched carefully, and suddenly there was a very inconspicuous bump on the wall behind him. A click sounded, and a door appeared at a wall more than ten meters away from Chen Zong. Eyes glanced over, as if smelling a **** shark, rushing over.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong rushed directly to the door, and at the same time, a person closer to the door shot and slashed directly, and the terrible knife light cut to Chen Zong with the intention of killing.

If Chen Zong insists on rushing into the door, he will be chopped by the sword.

As a last resort, Chen Zong could only pull out his sword to break the sword light, and his body was also slightly stunned. The sword maker quickly approached, rolled up the sword light like a storm, and overwhelmed Chen Zong.

This knife is extremely powerful and suddenly reaches the three-star limit level, which brings a lot of pressure to Chen Zong.

The man quickly retracted the knife and rushed into the door. At the same time, the knife was completely broken by Chen Zong, and Chen Zong quickly rushed over, and the man pulled out a knife again and tried to stop Chen Zong.

Under the two swords, the knife was broken, Chen Zong rushed forward, but the door closed quickly, blocking Chen Zong's way.

Jianguang beheaded at the closed door ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and was broken directly, leaving no trace at all.

Chen Zong's face was cold, his eyes staring at the wall at the door full of murderous intention, as if he had seen it through.

Taking a deep breath and suppressing his inner anger, Chen Zong could only continue to look for it.

Once the opened door is closed, it cannot be opened again.

However, the door in this tomb is limited, but there are many people fighting for it, and they are very cunning one by one. Once they enter, they will release attacks and block other people as much as possible.

After all, everyone knows that no matter how many opportunities there are, there will be limited opportunities, and even fewer people will compete for them.

Another door opened, and the contention was even more fierce. One by one relentlessly shot, and most of them had made progress, and others didn't want to enter.

Chen Zongzhang approached the door quickly, and the sword was performed to the extreme. At the same time, he stimulated the power of the pseudo-spirit, surrounded himself, protected it as much as possible, and stimulated the power of the second-order pseudo-spiral inner armor. And as much as possible to enhance the true strength of the body.

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