Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 3: 77 Sword Tower

The young man named Qin Hao said goodbye to leave, and Chen Zong also learned from Qin Hao's mouth more information about Ming Jianzhou, as well as the so-called polar society and skyscraper.

Whether it is a polar club or a skyscraper, they are very mysterious organizations, especially the skyscraper, which was created more than a thousand years ago. It is mysterious and powerful. Few people know where the headquarters of the skyscraper is.

The skyscraper will act unscrupulously, with great strength and can not provoke it. In this Mingzhou Island, it is domineering, and it makes people talk.

As for who created the skyscraper, few people know it, and even those who know it will not say it.

If the people who called the Skyscraper knew that Chen Zong had killed their people, they would retaliate against Chen Zong and never die.

As for the Extreme Club, it was created hundreds of years ago. Qin Hao did not disclose much information about the Extreme Club. Although Chen Zong shot to save him, the Extreme Club was caught by the Skyrim and was the first to be eradicated. If the subject is not cautious enough, the Ferris wheel will already give it a shot.

Chen Zong returned to White Sword City.

The cities on the Ming Sword Island are crowned with sword characters.

Such as White Sword City, as well as Red Sword City, Blue Sword City, and so on.

There are seven large sword cities in total, and White Sword City is one of them.

Although Chen Zong also stepped into the White Sword City before, he just passed by and didn't understand it carefully. He didn't look at it carefully. Now he returns from the gate of the sword gate of Tongtian Sect, and stepped into the White Sword City again. .

The buildings in White Sword City are also closely related to swords.

There are many sword buildings, and it can be said that many buildings are built into the shape of sword buildings, such as some restaurants or commercial buildings.

The sword museum blooms everywhere, teaching people to practice swords.

But within the sword city, the most famous are not those sword towers and sword halls, but sword towers.

There are seventy-seven sword towers in each of the seven sword cities. Each sword tower has a story, which is closely related to their first master.

It is rumored that the first master of each sword tower is a strong one.

Similarly, in each sword tower, the experience of one of the first master swords was left for future generations to enlighten.

However, not everyone is eligible for enlightenment, nor is it just casual enlightenment.

Things that are easy to get will always make people careless. Only rare things are more precious.

If you want to learn about one of the swords in the sword tower, you can challenge it. As long as you defeat the current tower master, you can participate in it. There is no time limit until you are defeated by others.

"Sword Tower" Chen Zong stared at the seventy-seven towers towering above the earth, spreading all over the White Sword City. If you look at it from the sky, you will find that the arrangement of the seventy-seven sword towers has a certain pattern, like Silhouette of a big sword.

One of the swords left by the predecessors was that Chen Zong was naturally excited and wanted to learn about it.

One of the purposes of coming to Jianzhou is to practice swords here and to have a strong kendo flavor. I want to further improve my kendo. One of the swords in the sword tower is very suitable.

If you want to understand the experience in the sword tower, you must challenge the current tower owner. After defeating it, you can become a new tower owner. The challenge is not a trivial matter. Therefore, Chen Zong must make one of these seventy-seven sword towers. More in-depth understanding.

Fortunately, a lot of information about the seventy-seven sword towers is not a secret, and it is easy to find out.

Sitting in a restaurant near a sword tower, Chen Zong leaned against the window and turned his head a little to see the towering sword tower, such as a giant sword pointing directly at the sky.

"Yesterday, Baishan Sword defeated Blackwater Sword and became the master of the 73rd Sword Tower." "I know. I saw it with my own eyes in that battle. Baishan Sword defeated Blackwater Sword with a slight potential. It can be said that it won. It's very difficult. "

"When the Baishan sword penetrates one of the swords in the 73rd sword tower, it will become stronger."

"Can anyone challenge the sword tower today"

"Yes, I've got the news. In the afternoon, someone will challenge the 57th Sword Tower."

"The fifty-seventh sword tower, the current tower owner, is the Green Bamboo Sword King."

"Who is so daring is going to challenge Qingzhu Jianjun."

Sword King

This is a honorable title, which belongs to the sword king, and also represents a state of kendo.

Those who can obtain the title of the Sword Master are not only highly advanced, but also the accomplishments of one of the swords are amazing, so it is difficult to be defeated.

"I vaguely know that it is said to be a genius from one of several Kendo families."

Chen Zong was drinking, listening to the discussion in the restaurant, and sorting out the information he got.

Seventy-seven sword towers, the names are also very simple. They are the first sword tower, the second sword tower, and the third sword tower.

Among them, the first turret to the seventh turret are the highest, with 49 feet.

The eighth to seventeenth sword towers are forty-two feet tall.

The eighteenth to thirty-seven sword towers are thirty-five feet high.

The 38th to 57th sword towers are 28 feet tall.

The fifty-eighth sword tower to the seventy-seven sword tower are twenty-one feet tall.

It is rumored that the first sword tower to the first tower master of the seventh sword tower is the sword repair of Tianxuan Realm.

The eighth sword tower to the first tower master of the seventeenth sword tower, is the emperor level sword repair, that is, the sword emperor level strong.

The eighteenth sword tower to the thirty-seventh sword tower, the first tower owner, is a powerful sword repair in the spiritual realm.

The thirty-eighth sword tower to the fifty-seventh sword tower was the first tower owner, and was a king-level sword repair, sword king-level strong.

From the fifty-eighth sword tower to the seventy-seventh sword tower, the first tower master is the sword king.

Seventy-seven sword towers were not built overnight, but lasted more than one thousand and two thousand years.

The seventy-seven sword tower masters today are not as strong as the first tower master.

For example, in the first term, the masters of the fifty-eighth sword tower to the seventy-seven sword tower were swordsman-level strong, but now, from the sixtieth sword tower, the tower master is the swordsman The strongest, as for the sixty-first to seventy-seven sword towers, not to swordsman level.

If you want to challenge the current tower owner, you need to make arrangements with the palm sword department in the White Sword City, and challenge under the attention of all the people. The winner can become the new tower owner.

After having a meal, Chen Zong got up and left the restaurant and walked towards the palm sword department.

A member of the "Just Challenge" department looked at Chen Zong with suspicious eyes, because from the appearance, Chen Zong was very young, thanks to Chen Zong's breakthrough into the extraordinary world when he was relatively young.

"Yes." Chen Zong nodded.

"Which Sword Tower to Challenge"

"Seventy-seven." Chen Zongdao said.

The first tower owner of the 77th Sword Tower, but the swordsman-level strong, also has a high degree of accomplishment in one of the swords, whether it can be compared to the current one, but for himself, it should be inspired. The effect, to no avail, can also deepen his accumulation in one of the swords.

"The challenge fee is 1,000 yuan, and the challenge is successful. The cost is refunded." The staff member said very directly.

The challenge fee of a thousand products is actually a threshold. For ordinary people who are extremely powerful, a thousand products can be a lot, not everyone can get it.

However, if the strength is strong enough, it is not too difficult to get a thousand products.

Therefore, a thousand sources of good quality is like a watershed. If the strength is insufficient but it is a challenge, the consequence is the loss of a thousand sources of good quality. The price is very high and you must think twice.

For the current Chen Zong, a thousand products from Lingyuan is nothing. They can be easily taken out and paid.

"Your challenge is scheduled to take place in the afternoon. Remember, do n’t leave, otherwise the challenge is counted as failure." The staff of the palm sword department said: "In addition, during the challenge, spiritual power will be temporarily imprisoned. . "

Chen Zong nodded, picked up the challenge token and left the palm sword department.

The flash of time was noon. At the Thousand Swords Terrace not far from the Palm Sword Department, countless people were surging, and it was the people who came to watch the battle.

Chen Zong was not among the crowd, because he was a challenger and was arranged to rest in a sword tower. Through the open windows of the sword tower, he could clearly see everything on the Qianjian platform.

In the spotlight, a figure flew past like a blast, appearing on the seven-edged sword stand, as a scribe-like demure, in a blue robe with green bamboo patterns, carrying a sword, and clothes fluttering.

"It's the Green Bamboo Sword King."

"The Green Bamboo Sword King is here."

"I have never seen Green Bamboo Sword King shot."

"I watched it once. It was wonderful when the Green Bamboo Sword King challenged the 60th Sword Tower."

"I don't know who is the Green Bamboo Sword King's opponent"

Among the various opinions, Chen Zong's eyes also fell on that green bamboo sword king.

The breeze blew through, and the robe on Qingzhu Jianjun fluttered with the wind, like bamboo leaves swaying.

His eyes were dull, he could not feel the sharpness of the slightest sword, and there was only a kind of indifference. When people looked at him, he felt a calmness in his heart.

At this time, another figure flew out of another sword tower, and as fast as a stream of light, it appeared on the Qianjian platform and stood in front of the Green Bamboo Sword King.

The appearance of Qingzhu Jianjun is middle-aged, but this person looks quite young, as if he were a young man in his thirties.

The eyebrows flew obliquely like a sword, and the eyes were bright, and the eyes were full of sharpness and sharpness, such as the sword out of the sheath, and the sharp sword assassinated out.

There are countless sword patterns on a purple-gold robe. The sword pattern is like a dragon, luxurious and mysterious.

"he is"

"Tang Tianlong of the Dragon Sword Family."

"Tianlong Sword Tang Tianlong"

"It turned out that he ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ recognized the young man's identity.

Regardless of the Green Bamboo Sword King or the Tianlong Sword Tang Tianlong, Chen Zong did not know and had never heard of it, but from the enthusiastic tone and atmosphere of the public, it was felt that he was famous.

The world of warriors, fame, often means strength, and can't help but let Chen Zong be interested.

"Green Bamboo Sword King, since then, the 57th Sword Tower Master is me." As soon as Tang Tianlong opened his mouth, he showed amazing confidence.

"Then you have to defeat me first." Qingzhu Jianjun smiled slightly, but his tone was very calm.

"I will defeat you." Tang Tianlong's tone contained supreme confidence, as if defeating the Green Bamboo Sword King was not difficult.

In some people's eyes, this is arrogance, but Qingzhu Jianjun is not angry at all.

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