Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 4: Mind Sword (Part 1)

Volume V: Chapter Four of Budo Sanhe On Mind Sword

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Qianjiantai, attracting a lot of attention, the Qianjian Forbidden Elementary Array also opened instantly. Thousands of sword lights surround the Qianjiantai. The power of the large array spreads out, and the spiritual power of Tang Tianlong and Qingzhu Jianjun is temporarily restrained. .

The sharp sword came out of the sheath, and the sound of dragons rang out, as if the dragon was patrolling through the air, and the golden light was diffused in all directions.

The breath of breath suddenly emerged from Tang Tianlong's body, soaring into the sky, the sound of the sword melodious, unparalleled like a dragon roar.

There was a rustle, and there seemed to be wind howling past, blowing through the bamboo forest, the sound of thousands of bamboo leaves swaying, clear in the ear, that was the sword that the green bamboo sword king pulled out.

The sword is blue, like a long and narrow bamboo leaf, which is exactly the beloved green bamboo sword.

With his left hand bent slightly on the sword body, the sword body trembled slightly, shaking a layer of sword light, confusing, like a bamboo shadow swaying.

Immediately, there was a golden sword light like a dragon, coming from the sky, roaring and shaking.

Tang Tianlong has a sword.

The Dragon Sword Family is one of the several famous Kendo families in Mingjianzhou. On the power level, it belongs to the upper-class sects, and belongs to the top ones in the upper-class sects. Who sit in town.

There are also several sword kings and sword kings in several major Kendo families.

The Golden Dragon came to the sky, Zhang Ya's dancing claws came to life, making people exclaimed, but the green bamboo sword king looked indifferent, the waves were not shocked, the green bamboo spirit sword fluttered and waved.

The thin sword light cuts through the air, thin like bamboo leaves.

This challenge, in addition to spiritual powers such as spiritual powers, will be temporarily imprisoned, nor can they use any external forces, nor can they cast any secret forbidden arts, only by virtue of the sword's accomplishments alone, and by the sword's accomplishments alone. Being able to do this is really amazing.

The Golden Dragon descended from the sky, extremely domineering, the claws of the dragon waved fiercely, and when the air grabbed the Green Bamboo Sword King, bringing the violent wind, but when the wind blew, the figure of the Green Bamboo Sword King dissipated like smoke, let the dragon Claws fall out.

Immediately, a touch of cyan sword light, light and agile, swept across the gap of the dragon claws and killed the Tang Tianlong.

The cyan sword light seemed to be slow, but it was extremely fast, and it was killed in front of Tang Tianlong.

With just this sword, it shows the demeanor of the sword king, making Tang Tianlong's face suddenly change, screaming loudly, the sword trembled, and the golden light diffused into a golden swim dragon surrounding the whole body, protecting himself firmly. .

Immediately, the golden dragon sword rises from the bottom to the top, and one sword rises, as if the golden dragon soared into the sky, and wants to provoke the green bamboo sword king.

Qingzhu Jianjun has a sword rung. Under the mighty strength, it seems as if he is about to be blown away, but he only sees his body backwards, as if the bamboo is blown by the wind, and rebounds suddenly, a sword. More amazing speed and violent power cut to Tang Tianlong.

This sword suddenly made Chen Zong's eyes bright.

"Bamboo in the Wind" Chen Zong couldn't help talking to himself.

When the wind blows on the bamboo, after the bamboo is bent, if it is not broken, it will rebound. The rebound force is very strong, and it can easily hit people.

This sword of the Green Bamboo Sword King is clearly the essence of taking the bamboo in the wind.

The body's golden dragon was chopped in an instant, Tang Tianlong retreated like a dragon, the golden dragon sword was violent, and it turned into a dragon head.

The dragon head was broken and vigorous, and it just blocked the sword of Qingzhu Jianjun, but it was already falling into the wind.

The sword of the Green Bamboo Sword King, like bamboo leaves blown up by the wind, is dense and dense. It is assassinated from all sides in an irregular way. It is light and erratic, and its trajectory is difficult to find, making it difficult for Tang Tianlong to resist.

"The Green Bamboo Sword King is so strong."

"Tang Tianlong has little fighting back."

Although Tang Tianlong is a genius of the Dragon Sword family, compared with the Green Bamboo Sword King, after all, there is a gap. In the face of a powerful opponent who has accomplished oneself on the sword, he can persist until now.

Gritting his teeth, Tang Tianlong glared at the Green Bamboo Sword King, and the golden energy erupted from the sword. As the wind howled, the sword united and turned into a golden dragon.

The Jedi countered, the last move.

However, the figure of Qingzhu Sword King dissipated again, letting the sword fall to the ground. Immediately, there was a breeze blowing slowly behind him. When he hit his back, he became extremely violent and directly blasted Tang Tianlong out of Qianjiantai.


A moment of confrontation, Tang Tianlong was defeated under the sword of the Green Bamboo Sword King, once again showing the strength of the Sword King.

Under the Qianjian platform, Tang Tianlong's complexion changed, only that one sword, he was not seriously injured, but only minor injuries. It is also understood that the Qingzhu Sword King is merciless under the sword. Through this point, Qingzhu Sword King ’s The strength is indeed better than yourself.

"I will come to challenge you again." Tang Tianlong took a deep breath and said to Qingzhu Jianjun, then turned and strode away.

Originally, he practiced in retreat. In order to break through to the seventh stage of human extremes, one of the swords has also made progress. His strength has been greatly improved than before. Therefore, he is full of confidence. Once he comes, he will directly challenge the sword king. Strong.

I did not expect to start badly, and realized that Jianjun's strength is not comparable to himself.

Defeating the opponent, Qingzhu Jianjun showed no joy or excitement, which is very common.

"has it ended"


Many people are still thinking.

"Are there any challenges?"

"Yes, someone challenges the Seventy-seven Sword Tower."

Chen Zong got up, walked out of the sword tower, and then leapt forward, flying as light as a swallow, passing thousands of kilometers, and landing on the Qianjian platform.

Suddenly, countless eyes fell on Chen Zong.

"Who is he"

"never seen it."

"Looking at him, it doesn't look like people in our area."

Every area has its own uniqueness. People who grow up in that area often leave the mark of that area and cannot see it with their eyes. It is a feeling. Only people who are knowledgeable and keen enough can "see" it.

In more intuitive terms, like an accent.

There are different accents in different places, some are obvious and some are not, but those who understand can just hear them.

"Maybe from other continents."

The sword tower of Mingjianzhou is also notable for its reputation, especially for the neighboring continents, and there are not many people who come here.

Standing on the Thousand Swords Terrace, everyone was in the limelight, but Chen Zong was not half nervous, and his heart was peaceful, like the water of that ancient well.

At this time, in another sword building, there was another figure across the sky like Dapeng spreading its wings, and it instantly fell for several kilometers, landing on the Qianjian platform, a hundred meters away from Chen Zong.

This man's nose is like a hawk, his eyes are sunken, his eyes are sharp, his shoulders are wide, and his golden robe is particularly strange, and his armpits appear wider.

"Jin Peng Jian Yu Pengfei."

"His breath is stronger."

At a glance, Chen Zong could see the other side ’s cultivation, the mid-sixth stage of human extremes, and as for the accomplishment of one of the swords, it was not clear until after fighting.

At this time, the Qian Jian ban Yuan array was opened. Under the power of the large array, Chen Zong immediately felt that his spiritual strength was silent, and his powerful strength was also affected, but it was not as obvious as spiritual strength.

Even a forced outbreak cannot break through this imprisonment.

The challenge of the sword tower is to determine the height of the sword, which is not directly related to Xiu Wei.

Yu Pengfei's gloomy and sharp eyes stared at Chen Zong, as if to pierce Chen Zong, but found that he could not see the depth of Chen Zong.

However, Chen Zong looks very young, even if it is more powerful, it is estimated that it is limited.

As for myself, after learning about the many swords in the Seventy-seven Sword Tower, the accomplishment of one of the swords has been significantly improved, and his strength has become stronger.

"I'm not interested in knowing who you are. I just hope you can pick up a few more swords and make me happy." Yu Pengfei laughed, his voice was slightly hoarse, with a bit of metallic friction, especially harsh.

"I'm afraid not," Chen Zong smiled slightly.

"Oh, in this case, you concede yourself, otherwise, as soon as my sword comes out of the sheath, I won't return without seeing the blood."

"Let's go." Chen Zongqi was at ease, extremely calm, and had his own style of master.

The reason why he called the other shot was because Chen Zong wanted to take a look at the other person's ability, especially his accomplishments in one of the swords. After all, to be the tower master, there must be some excellence.

Chen Zong's gesture made Yu Pengfei snorted, his eyes became sharper, but since the other party was so entrusted, he was not a kind person, and he was not polite.

When a rattling sword sounded, the golden sword light was still assassination.

This sword, accompanied by sharp screams, Jianguang stretched and bent, like a penguin's pointed mouth, and fiercely pecked at Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's eyes lightened slightly, which is indeed a superb trick to gain some essence of the bird.

But the sword failed, and Yu Pengfei was surprised, but the sword did not stop, and trembled again. The high-pitched screams rang through the sky, tearing the sky, and immediately saw the sword turned into a sword. The golden penguin flew across the sky and rushed towards Chen Zong.

The golden peng bird's wingspan is ten meters, and the golden light is extremely dazzling and lifelike, as if the real peng bird's wings were flying in front of everyone's eyes.

The name of Jin Pengjian is worthy of the name.

Chen Zong's eyes were stunned, and he could clearly see that the golden penguin bird was constructed from countless powerful sword qi. Each sword was amazingly powerful, and its sharp mouth and wings and claws could become killing weapons.

This move is also a masterpiece of Jin Pengjian and Yu Pengfei sword. It is a perfect skill after seeing the sword in the 77th sword tower. Today, today, it is presented to everyone.

Jin Peng spread his wings, flying through the sky, and terrible sword pressure, turning the hard Qianjiantai away, leaving a straight sword mark, which continued to extend as Jin Peng moved forward.

In front of Jin Peng, Chen Zong stood still, as if shocked.

The moment Jinpeng rushed in front of him, Chen Zong drew his sword, his wrists trembled, and the sword of his mind lightened slightly, as if the Phoenix nodded, and the point of the sword was directly on the head of Jinpeng ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ , As if frozen in the air, this scene, as if imprinted, straight into the eyes of everyone, like eternity.

At the next breath, starting from the point of the sword, Jin Peng's head began to disintegrate, spreading his body quickly, blinking, and the lifelike Jin Peng spread like smoke.

After the smoke, Yu Pengfei's horrified face.


One of his strongest moves was easily broken by the opponent's sword. This is not true. This is a dream.


"Did the two discuss in advance"

The people who watched the battle all around also widened their eyes and immediately questioned.

The yet-to-be-seen Qingzhu Jianjun couldn't help but stare his eyes wide and solemnly. If this wasn't acting, then this man's accomplishments in one of the swords would be too amazing.

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