Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 10: Revenge of the skyscraper

The consequences of the death of the Red Sun Sword King were extraordinary and caused great reactions. The entire White Sword City was discussing the matter everywhere.

As for Chen Zong, he quietly stayed in the fifty-five sword tower to learn the sword experience. Among them, there was the sword experience left by the King of the Rhinoceros Sword.

Therefore, Chen Zong was very curious about this spirit rhinoceros sword king.

Although the impact of Red Sun Sword King's death was not small, Bai Jiancheng did not find Chen Zong trouble.

A Red Sun Sword King does not belong to the White Sword City, but a Skyscraper Club, and the White Sword City naturally cannot make it.

Everyone can see clearly that it is the Red Sun Sword King who wants to kill Chen Zong, but the result is that Chen Zong is not as good as others.

"It's a pity." The Lord of the White Sword City carried his hands to the sky outside the window, and sighed secretly, with a little regret: "The skyscraper will act, there is no scruples, and he will report his ruthlessness, this sword king is afraid to be killed."

Like the White Sword City Lord, he has a better understanding and understanding of the Skyscraper. Although he is very optimistic about Chen Zong, he dare not take the lead for Chen Zong, and he will be the enemy of the Skyscraper. According to legend, the Skyscraper was created. That man, but a very terrible strong man, could easily kill himself.

Even if Chen Zong was the first genius of Taiyuan Tianzong, the Ferris Club would not worry about it.

"Well, although I can't step in, I can still let him know. If I can survive ..." the Lord of the White Sword City secretly thought, and arranged immediately.

Although the possibility of Chen Zong's survival is very low under the revenge of the skyscraper, it is known that there will be nothing to pay and no cost.

If Chen Zong could survive and grow up, perhaps he would remember this kind of kindness.

To put it bluntly, the Lord of the White Sword City is investing. Just paying some information and warnings, it is possible to exchange for a kindness. Even if there is no return in the end, there will be no loss.

In the fifty-fifth sword tower, Chen Zong is participating in the sword experience left by the King of the Spirit Rhino Sword King, combined with the previous two articles, and faintly gains.

At this time, a figure appeared silently inside the sword tower, behind Chen Zong.

When Chen Zong felt something, he quickly turned around and looked around, his eyes burst into a terrifying horror, as if the space was penetrated, and then, a surprise flashed on Chen Zong's face.


Is it a hallucination before?

Chen Zong didn't think it was an illusion, but he didn't find out why.

Immediately, Chen Zong saw a blank piece of paper on the ground with dense black letters on it.

A roll of spiritual knowledge, the white paper suddenly flew up and floated into Chen Zong's hands. After a glance, Chen Zong completely read the black words on the white paper.

"It's about the skyscraper ..." Chen Zong said secretly.

The information about the Skyscraper that Qin Hao at the Extreme Society is not as clear as recorded on this white paper.

Of course, the information recorded on the white paper is not particularly detailed.

"In the Skyscraper, there are suspected emperors."

This made Chen Zong quite shocked.

Canglan continent, semi-sacred, unparalleled emperor.

As for the semi-sacred power, there are very few. More than a thousand years ago, the human race once catalyzed a semi-sacred power, and then fell. In the battle of the town's fortress not long ago, the army commander achieved semi-sacred power. In the end, it was impossible to escape. ‘

In addition, it is estimated that no other semi-holy power can be found.

Therefore, the power of having one feudal powerhouse is undoubtedly very powerful. You must know that Taiyuan Tianzong, one of the top 15 powers in the Canglan continent, has only two feudal powerhouses.

And there is a point mentioned on this white paper. There are many strong men in the Skyscraper. The number of strong men in the Tianxuan Realm alone will not be inferior to Taiyuan Tianzong.

In addition, the above also clearly stated that the skyscraper will retaliate, and just recently, for the sake of safety, Chen Zong had better not leave the sword tower and have the protection of the strength of the sword tower, unless the strong man in Tianxuanjing shot directly. , Otherwise it is difficult to break.

Even though the Skyscraper will act recklessly, it is not enough to dispatch a strong person from the sky to deal with a person's extreme situation, which is too trivial.

As for why you know that Chen Zong's cultivation is a human extreme, it can actually be investigated and speculated.

"In this White Sword City, the Skyscraper would dare to do it directly!" Chen Zong felt a little weird and had a better understanding of the so-called imperiousness of the Skyscraper.

Have to stay in the sword tower, rely on the strength of the sword tower to protect, otherwise, once the sword tower, you may encounter the assassination of the skyscraper.

Generally speaking, in places like White Sword City, it is forbidden to torture. When you start, you violate the rules of White Sword City and you must be suppressed or even killed directly.

The Skyscraper dared to do that, and did not look at Bai Jiancheng at all, but Bai Jiancheng was helpless.

"This white paper should be sent by the main city of the White Sword City." Chen Zong looked away from the white paper and said secretly.

Or it can be directly affirmed that it was sent by the Lord of the White Sword City. In the White Sword City, no one can easily enter the closed sword tower except the City Lord ’s Mansion. Even in the City Lord ’s Mansion, only the City Lord has this right.

The Lord of the White Sword City is a strong man in the heavens, but he sends someone to send information about the skyscraper and so on.

Chen Zong suddenly understood that the other person valued his potential and sold a favor in advance.

There is no doubt that this approach is very realistic, but Chen Zong is very calm, without any friendship, and the other party is a Tianxuan Realm who is better than his own. If there is no purpose, he does not need to do this.

"I accept a favor, and I will pay it back someday." Chen Zong said secretly, and then a short shaking of the palm, a force between the shock, directly shattered the white paper, and disappeared into the air like smoke.

After that, Chen Zong temporarily put down the revenge of the Skyrim and focused his insights on the sword.

Among all the sword experiences, what attracted Chen Zong the most was the sword experience left by this sword king.

Chen Zong had a hunch that when he realized the sword heart left by the Spirit Rhythm Sword King, the Kendo of Mind would be further perfected, and then he would create the third sword.


The thin man walked on the wide streets of Baijiancheng, his face was cold and cold, his eyes were deep and sunken.

The powerful breath permeated from the man's body. There was an unbridled feeling. This breath was secretive and cold, making pedestrians afraid to approach, avoiding them by a distance of 100 meters, lest it be affected.

This middle-aged man, who is as thin as a monkey, knows that he is not a good man at first glance.

Although it is forbidden to kill hands in White Sword City, no one knows if anyone will suddenly become mad.

The slender man with a somber look turned cold and cold, and when he swept away, it made people feel cold.

Immediately, he walked outside the 55th Sword Tower, staring a few kilometers apart.

"I can't break the protective power of the sword tower, but as soon as you show up, I can stab you to death." The thin middle-aged man chuckled with a grin and said in a voice he could only hear, full of Murder.

"No, it's too easy to stab you to death like this. I will stab you in the eyes of the public to let the world know more about the strength of my Skyscraper and the consequences of being against me." The thin man changed his mind again. .

Fear is created with blood and life.

"The best time is when he challenged to win ..." Thinking of this, the thin man couldn't help laughing.

Think about it. After Chen Zong challenged and defeated his opponent, he was so excited that he shot it himself and killed him. Thinking about this feeling is really wonderful.

The skinny man is exactly the killer sent by the skyscraper. To remove Chen Zong's killer, he has made a decision.


"Master Bao Bao, the skyscraper will send an illusion." In the city's mansion, a ghost appeared in front of the city lord in a white robe. The ghost quickly consolidated, kneeling on one knee, and reported respectfully.

"Empty fantasy ..." Bai Jiancheng's brow frowned slightly: "But that empty fantasy killing king who once assassinated the king?"

"It's him," the people underneath affirmed.

The entire White Sword City is under the supervision of the dark sword of the White Sword City.

"Sir, the King of Air Fantasy has never missed a shot so far," the dark guard said again.

The Lord of the White Sword City nodded, and he knew that, so this time, the minded swordsman Chen Zong was afraid that he would be less ferocious, unless he could listen to his own opinions and stay inside the sword tower.

But in fact, it doesn't work, because if someone challenges Chen Zong, he will leave the sword tower as well. At that time, it will be the time to kill the king.

With Chen Zong's cultivation and strength, I am afraid that it will not stop the assassination of the King of Illusions. You must know that the King of Illusions has once assassinated a strong king.

Even if Chen Zong is a king-level strength, it is estimated that he can't escape the death ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The White Sword City Lord can't help but sigh gently. Unfortunately, a **** of pride, it is really a loss to die.

It's a pity, if he is from Bai Jiancheng, he would be willing to protect his life, unfortunately not.

A few moments later, another few days passed.

"Killing the King of Fantasy ..." Inside the 55th sword tower, Chen Zong looked at the white paper in his hand, and a piece of text was recorded on the white paper.

"Successfully assassinated a strong king." When Chen Zong saw this, his face changed slightly.

Being able to assassinate the strong king level shows that this empty fantasy killing king is very powerful.

Chen Zong knew that this white paper must have been sent by the Lord of the White Sword City, a notice to himself that the Ferris would send a powerful king-class power to assassinate himself. Kill the king.

In addition to explaining who came to kill himself, the above also explained in more detail the characteristics of the empty fantasy killing king.

"Amazing speed, the ultimate evasion ability, is almost illusory. In the extreme state of man, it is difficult to hit him at all. If there is a spiritual practice in the earth, it can be directly suppressed ..." Such a statement immediately let Chen Zong Hold on.

An enemy that is powerful and unable to hit is undoubtedly terrible, because if you ca n’t hit him, you ca n’t help him, but he is powerful and fast, and one accidentally will be hit by him, with serious consequences.

Chen Zong knew instantly that this was a strong enemy, a terrible enemy.

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