Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 11: King of Illusions

"Sir, Chen Zong, the swordsman of the mind, left the 55th Sword Tower and applied to challenge the 54th Sword Tower in the palm sword department." The dark guard truthfully reported.

"He's not going to die." The White Sword City Lord was startled and blurted out.

He had asked the Dark Guard to send a message to tell Chen Zong's Skyrim to kill him, and waited for the opportunity to assassinate him, so that he had better stay in the sword tower and not go out, but now, Chen Zong took the initiative to leave the sword tower. Not under challenge.

This approach is no different from self-finding.

Does he feel that he can stop the assassination of the King of Illusions?

Basically, there is no level of terrestrial spirit, and it is impossible to cope with killing the king. At least so far, no one can do it.

"Although it is a genius, it's too arrogant." The Lord of the White Sword City couldn't help but sigh, but there was nothing he could do. Since Chen Zong was looking for his own way of death, it would be a waste of effort.

An arrogant generation with no talent, but no self-knowledge, will die sooner or later. Now, but it is only time advance.

"I don't need to bother." The white sword city master waved his hand, and said with some interest.

After a while, Chen Zong applied for the challenge again, and the news spread.

When the challenge time came, Chen Zong stood on the Qianjian platform, waiting for the tower master of the fifty-fourth sword tower to arrive.

A moment later, a blast blew from a distance, and then, a whistling sound rang into everyone's ears.

A figure appeared on Qianjiantai.

Storm Sword

"Let you wait for a long time." Shipun Jian smiled at Chen Zong.

"Let's get started." Chen Zong also smiled slightly.

The Qianjian ban element array on the Qianjian platform was opened, and their spiritual powers were imprisoned instantly and could not be used.

"Winds everywhere"

With a low drink, the Sword Sword King took the lead in launching the sword. The cyan sword light suddenly appeared, and the sound of whining wind pervaded all around. At that moment, there were countless cyan sword shadows blowing like the wind, which contained amazing sharpness.

"Blast Storm"

After one move, without waiting for Chen Zong to play the sword, the Sword Sword King immediately performed the second move, followed by the third move.

In the battle between Xinyi Jianjun and Hongri Jianjun, he saw with his own eyes that he admired the accomplishments of Xinyi Jianjun sword and was also very afraid of it.

Therefore, Sword Sword King then thought, if he confronted Chen Zong, what should he do to defeat him.

I can practice to the level of Jianjun, I think very well, and I am very keen. After thinking for a while, I gradually sort out some countermeasures.

In fact, Jianfeng Jianjun also does not know what methods can be used to defeat Chen Zong. That is not an easy task. The best way is to use his advantages to the extreme.

The title blast, naturally, is extremely fast, and it is as pervasive as the wind.

Sword Sword King is to exert his advantages to the extreme, attack Chen Zong with high-speed sword air pervasive, suppress Chen Zong, and defeat him. In addition, other methods will weaken his own advantages.

When one's own advantage becomes weak or even does not exist, it is good not to be defeated by the opponent.

In an instant, on the entire Qianjian platform, the figure of the Sword Sword King disappeared, but there were countless green sword shadows, the wind was blowing, and the whistling ceaselessly.

Chen Zong stood on the Qianjian platform, surrounded by countless sword shadows, each sword exuded a terrible sharp edge, as if he could tear himself in an instant.

I have to admit that this way does bring some trouble to Chen Zong.

However, it is only a little trouble.

Chen Zong's expression was calm, like the water of an ancient well, his heart was like a mirror lake, and the waves could not stand. When the sword shadow approached, a touch of light golden sword light bloomed.

The sound of crickets rang continuously, and as the shadows of swords approached Chen Zong, they shattered, dissipating like smoke.

All offensive actions of the Sword Sword King were resolved by Chen Zong.

The counterattack began, and a sword was shot. The seemingly simple trajectory was extremely clear, but it seemed to point to his heart, letting Fengfeng Jianjun slightly stunned.

When in danger, Sword Sword King quickly avoided, looking dignified.

Just a little bit, just a little bit will hit the sword.

"The Phantom of the Wind"

"The real and the false are killed"

The figure of the gale sword swayed, divided into two, divided into four, divided into eight, and divided into sixteen.

Suddenly, on the entire Thousand Swords Stand, there were all the figures of the Sword Sword King. Each figure held a sword and culled it.

Every figure is hard to tell from the truth.

When you think it's true, it will instantly turn into a fake, a phantom, but when you think it is false, but it will become true in an instant, and an accident will be cut.

With this move, Sword Sword King has beheaded and killed many powerful enemies. I only hope that today, I can also make a difference.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment, a touch of fascination flashed, his body flickered, avoiding the attack of Gale Sword King while fighting back with a sword, crushing a phantom.

"Here", in a short moment, Chen Zong found the true body of the Sword Sword King, and his mind was empty.

The reality changes, and the real body changes into a phantom. To avoid Chen Zong's sword, clinker, Chen Zong's sword stabbed in the middle, turning towards the place where the true body of the sword Sword King appeared.

It feels like the two men have practiced it. The Sword Sword King cooperated to make himself appear under Chen Zong's sword.

Although it is possible to switch between the real body and the phantom at will, it takes a little time. The Sword Sword King has just switched over. If you want to switch again, you need a little bit of easing, but Chen Zong seized such a mitigation opportunity. .

There is no evasion, it can only be hard-wired.

Under the stubbornness, the Sword Sword King only felt an overwhelming force impacting the sword body, and then hit the arms and body through the sword body.

The Sword Sword King is best at speed, but he is just average in strength and unable to use spiritual power. Under the sword of Chen Zong, he flew straight out.

Opportunity appeared, Chen Zong flatly will not miss, and then killed with a sword.

Under the three consecutive swords, Sword Sword King only felt that the hands holding the sword were unconscious, and the blood and blood flowed backward, almost spurting out.

"I'm defeated." Gale Sword Jun is a bit frustrated.

In order to deal with Chen Zong, I spent a lot of time thinking about it, but I was defeated, and the other party did not use any tricks. I really defeated myself with my strength and convinced me.

Chen Zong's victory was not surprising to many, but, of course, surprising.

"It's like a bottomless pit, I don't know the depth." Qingzhu Jianjun who watched the battle couldn't help sighing.

Twenty or so games since Chen Zong's challenge so far, each of them has won, and it seems that there is not much difficulty, there is always a feeling of leaving room for.

It shows that these challenges have not allowed Chen Zong to show his full strength.

For a time, Qingzhu Jianjun was very curious, to what extent Chen Zong's true accomplishment in one of the swords reached.

The challenge ended, and the Qian Jian banned Yuan array was also terminated.

After all, the thousand swords banned element array is opened, and it requires energy consumption. The longer the time, the more energy is consumed.

When the Qian Jian ban Yuan Zhen was terminated, a weird and gloomy laughter suddenly sounded, and it came from all directions, making people indistinguishable.

The weird scalp laughter was near and far, high and low, changeable.

"Chen Zong, you dare to kill my Skyscraper, and you will go against it. Today, my fantasy will stab you to death under the eyes of everyone." After the secret laughter, there was a gloomy and thin voice, erratic like The wind is foggy.

The "skyscrapers" were suddenly horrifying, and the vast majority of people on the watching platform changed their faces.


These three words seem to have the same amazing magical power, and the talk changes.

"Empty fantasy"

"It's the Sky Fantasy King of Skyrim."

"Chen Zong is finished."

Exclaimed constantly, terrified.

The illusory killing king was so famous that all the people he followed never escaped, all of them died.

The illusory name created by the **** killer with blood and fear.

The horror killer sent the depths of his own body, causing Chen Zong to tremble slightly, his chill rising from the tail spine, straight to the top of his head and the soles of his feet, his body was stiff for a moment.

This kind of killing is somewhat unexpected.

However, Chen Zong's face was not half anxious and shocked, but there was an indescribable peace and relief.

Chen Zong's idea is very simple. He could not hide for a while, but he would face it sooner or later.

Could it be that I have been in the 55th Sword Tower for years

Of course, in the fifty-five sword tower practice for the past few years, Chen Zong's cultivation will be higher, and his strength will naturally be stronger, but he is very aggrieved, because that empty fantasy killing the king is not a spiritual state, not even a heaven. Mystic realm, he is just a human extreme, just like himself.

It is undoubtedly a kind of humiliation to be forced by a person who is also the king to dare not step out of the sword tower half a step, and it will leave a shadow inside.

However, these reasons are actually secondary. The most important thing is that Chen Zong was not afraid of the so-called empty fantasy killing king.

If you want to kill me, I will give you a chance, let you take a shot, and then kill you, it's that simple.

The battle between the town's magic fortress and the demons, and the wanton killings, have already strengthened Chen Zong's mind.

No one can stop the killing together.

You might be very powerful, not alone. Www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But one person's extreme environment, even the assassination of a person who has assassinated the king, is not enough for Chen Zong to flinch.

Chen Zong was also killed, more than one, and it is more powerful than the human race.

I thought that the Sky Fantasy King of the Sky Fantasy would start when he left the 55th Sword Tower. What I didn't expect was that after a period of time, there was no movement, but it was only now.

On the Qianjian platform, I waited for myself to defeat the Storm Sword King before I shot to assassinate myself. Before the assassination, I also said very high-profile that he was out of control. All of a sudden, Chen Zong grasped the psychology of killing the king of fantasy.

It is nothing more than a high-profile person who likes publicity. He likes being noticed by others, and has full confidence in his own strength. He has 100% certainty to stab Chen Zong on this thousand swords.

Together, the yin wind struck, while Chen Zong was numb, he couldn't help shaking.

Chen Zong's eyes were slightly condensed, and the brilliance flowed in the eyes, and the spiritual knowledge also diffused. He covered the entire Qianjian platform directly, and everything on the Qianjian platform was as fine as dust. In Chen Zong's perception.

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