Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 41: Death of Elder Tang


The ground trembled again, and the power waves of the majestic ground veins spread from the ground. Immediately, there was a majestic black light rising from the center, like a dark sky pillar, supporting the sky.

"The tide of the earth's veins is about to end." Everyone on the surface has a spine, their bodies are more straight, their eyes burst into the vastness, staring at the black light pillar, blinking.

The end of the tide of the earth's veins means that everyone who enters the underground world will also come out.

Immediately, with the soaring sky pillars rising from the sky, every figure rushed out of the ground, separated from the beam of light, and flew past in mid-air. At a glance, they could clearly see the surroundings and quickly flew to their camp.

Chen Zong also rushed out of the ground with the dark beam of light and saw where Tang Yaohe and others were. His body was stretched out, and he galloped across the sky like an eagle, and fell in front of Elder Tang Yaohe and others.

Elder Tang Yaohe and others fell on Chen Zong with their eyes together, and the twinkling essence was extremely sharp, like a sword, making Chen Zong full of tightness.

However, Chen Zong's breath is completely restrained, and it is difficult to see that Xiu is here.

"Chen Zong, your cultivation" Elder Tang Yaohe couldn't help but speak, curious and looking forward.

"Earth." Chen Zongyin responded.

Elder Tang Yaohe's body trembled suddenly, a touch of ecstasy and shock flashed on his face.

Before entering, Chen Zong's cultivation was just the nine-fold limit of human extremes. Now that he has reached the terrestrial realm, those who have not done this will not know the difficulties involved.

It seems that there is only a first-line difference between the extreme limit of the human extreme environment and the terrestrial spirit. However, it must experience a pseudo-terrestrial spirit. Each process requires a lot of ground power. Breaking through is simple, but it is difficult to do.

Perseveringly, Elder Tang Yaohe protected Chen Zong, and several other heavenly realms immediately understood it, moving his steps slightly to protect Chen Zong behind him.

More and more people rushed out of the ground along Wuguang. Finally, when Naguang refilled into the ground, the opening to the ground was closed, and even the powerful emperor could not break it.

At the time of entry, the total number was thirty-nine, but now only nineteen have left alive.

Nine of the Skyscrapers have five, and seven of the Skyswords still have four. As for the three major Kendo families and Tenji Sects of the Endless Sword Sect, there are two each.

This kind of loss cannot be described as heavy.

But the people who survived one by one made great progress, and also got the stones of the earth's veins, which is regarded as a rich harvest.

"Elder Tang, Zong Chen snatched my chance." Fang Zyeye was still alive and said directly to Elder Tang Yaohe.

Suddenly, all eyes fell on Chen Zong's face.

It's normal to **** other people's opportunities, but when they are spoken, it's not so good, especially when they **** the chances of their peers.

"At the same time, you and I found the fountain of the earth's veins. The strength is not as good as I retreat, so how to **** it?" Chen Zong looked indifferent, without any confusion, said Xu Xubuji.

Fang Ziye's complexion changed and he became faint because Chen Zong said it was a fact.

Seeing the complexions of Chen Zong and Fang Ziye, Elder Tang Yaohe and others couldn't see who said what was true, and immediately looked at Fang Ziye with a displeased look: "Okay, I'll leave this matter for another time."

Naturally, Chen Zong wouldn't hold on to this matter, it would seem to be narrow-minded, and Fang Ziye was warned. Although he was secretly angry, he didn't dare to mention it again, but he secretly remembered Chen Zong secretly. Whenever there was an opportunity, maybe he would Retaliation will begin.

A bit of hatred flashed through Fang Ziye's eyes, but was also seen by Chen Zong. Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, as if he hadn't noticed it, but his heart had already decided. If the other party really didn't know how to avenge himself, there would only be a dead end.

"Let's go," said Elder Tang Yaohe, immediately releasing the flying spirit, and everyone was required to enter the flying spirit and leave here.

After all, the tide of the earth's pulse has ended, and everyone has gained something. The urgent task is to leave first, and then talk about the trip and so on after returning.

Suddenly, a blast of Mori killing came like a cascade of waterfalls, making everyone's face change.

I saw a domineering blood-red sword breaking through the sky with extreme murderous power and beheading the congregation in the heavens. This sword eclipsed the heavens and the earth, and the horrible knife pressure crossed the hard surface and left behind. A long knife mark.

Under the pressure of this knife, Chen Zong and others have the feeling of the end of the world, death is coming, and the terrible coercion makes them unable to move, as if the sky and the earth are squeezed at the same time, turning into a giant knife. To become a fan.

Elder Tang Yaohe and a few strong men in the Heavenly Realm also changed their looks and were appalled.


The mad ghost really shot.

The reason why Elder Tang Yaohe left in such a hurry was that he was afraid that the mad ghost of the Skyscraper would take the shot, but he did not expect to take a step further.

"You go first." Elder Tang Yaohe erupted in an overwhelming breath. The power of the earth's veins and the power of the heaven's veins increased. He had decided to stand alone to resist the mad spirit, and to win the time for the others to leave here.

A few Tian Xuan Jing also understood this, and immediately burst into full force, taking Chen Zong and a few people into the white cloud flying spirit, quickly activated the flying spirit, and quickly flew up.


Elder Tang Yaohe must be angry, his whole body power burst out in an instant, and it turned into a majestic sword light bursting out of the air, and blasted to that horrible scarlet sword light.

In Mingjianzhou, practice of swords became common practice, but not everyone practiced swords. Like that mad ghost, he did not practice swords, but practiced swords, because he got a formidable sword pass tradition outside Mingjianzhou. The sword pass heritage has also created the name of a mad ghost.

Nai Fei prison and ghost knife are also trained to some extent by the influence of mad ghosts.

Even, that Fiji prison is actually a disciple of a mad ghost.

Fiji didn't come out. He died naturally. This made the mad ghost furious. It was also one of the reasons for his direct shot. The other reason was to weaken the power of the Celestial Society. It is best to kill all of them. The stones of the earth vein obtained by several people in the tide of the earth vein were all taken away.

As for opening up and threatening the other party to take the initiative to surrender, his mad ghost never does this kind of thing.

With a bang, the sword that Elder Tang Yaohe chopped was immediately broken by the blood-colored sword, and the blood-colored sword was like a bamboo shoot, with a violent killing intention, and severely beheaded.

Then, the second blood-colored sword broke through the sky, killed the Baiyun flying spirit, and slashed directly on the Baiyun flying spirit, letting the protective force outside the Baiyun flying spirit tremble and almost collapse.

In the flying spirit of Baiyun, the figures of Chen Zong and others also swayed. Each one looked dignified. Looking through the flying spirit, there was no shadow. Only a blood-colored sword light tore the world and cut a sword. After shattering, it was as if smashed by bamboo.

In the flying spirit, several heavenly realm powerhouses in the sky show sadness. They are very clear that Elder Tang Yaohe is not a mad ghost's opponent at all, but now he is staying to fight the mad ghost, the purpose is to keep himself and others safe. Get out.

Flying spirits fly higher and higher, and the speed is getting faster and faster. Chen Zong and others can only vaguely see the fierce battle below. The **** sword light and the purple sword light collide again and again. The purple sword light is broken every time. Not an opponent at all.

"Crazy ghost, even if the old man is dead, he will pull you on his back." Elder Tang Yaohe's roar suddenly rang through the world, like the thunder.

With a roar, the purple light suddenly exploded, like a blooming purple lotus, covering several thousand square meters. Everything that was passed was destroyed under the blooming purple sword light, and turned into powder dust.

The overbearing and fierce scarlet sword light was also smashed in an instant.

This scene, like a brand, stayed in the minds of Chen Zong and others, and a sadness came out of their hearts, sore eyes.

They all knew that Elder Tang Yaohe was dead.

I only hope that mad ghosts will die.

The blooming purple light lotus is the brilliance of Elder Tang Yaohe's last life. Everyone also stared with wide eyes. When the purple light was gone, they saw a blazing flame of blood red flames, but it was a mad ghost.

In the "undead" Baiyun flying spirit weapon, several heavenly realms looked even more real. When horrified, they slowly resentment, unconsciously clenched their fists, and eagerly rushed down to kill the mad ghost.

However, no one moved, because they all knew that their strength was too different from that of mad ghosts. Rushing down would not only kill mad ghosts, but they would be killed by mad ghosts.

"You remember, one day, when you have enough strength, you will kill the mad ghost and revenge for Elder Tang Yaohe," said a venomous powerful man.

Chen Zong didn't answer, but clenched his fists, there was a wiping machine under his eyes, and he buried them deeply.


These two words were immediately remembered by Chen Zong, such as branding, and given them by killing ideas.

Speaking of which, Elder Tang Yaohe didn't have any friendship with himself. He just led himself and others, but did not expect to sacrifice his life in order to protect himself and others.

A great man in the late days of the Xuan Realm ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ From cultivation to today, I do n’t know how many hardships and setbacks I have experienced, how much time and energy it takes to become famous, but the honor of the elders of the Celestial Society. The strength is very tyrannical, and even paid his own life for himself and others, which brought great touch to Chen Zong and made him very grateful.

The saving grace is greater than heaven.

"Elder Tang, in the future, I will slay mad ghosts and sacrifice you." Chen Zong said secretly, taking this oath.


Above the ground, a mad ghost with a scarlet flame looked up at the sky, gazing at the flying spirit that had become a little bit, and felt only a trace of murderous intention surrounding him. This killing power was very weak, but the mad ghost had It felt creepy, as if someone could threaten himself in that flying spirit.

Immediately, the mad ghost grinned, his feet kicked on the ground suddenly, and the ground trembled. Under the terrible force, it collapsed instantly, and there was a violent force shock, which made the mad ghost's body soar into the sky. Amazing speed chasing Baiyun flying spirit.

If there is a threat, get rid of it as soon as possible.

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