Sword God

Vol 18 Chapter 42: Blue Dragon Sword

The mad ghost is a nine-level realm of the sky, and is the second master of the Skyscraper. In Mingjianzhou, he is also a well-known strong man. He can be included in the top ten, his strength is very terrible, and his speed is extremely amazing.

In the fierce roar, the mad ghost soared into the sky, smashing through the sky like a giant knife, with a terrifying scarlet murderous power, and pursued fiercely to Baiyun flying spirit.

The speed of Baiyun flying spirits has been increased to the extreme, but the speed of mad ghosts should be faster, and the distance between them is getting closer.

Chen Zong's eyes were cold, gazing at the continuous scarred knife light, but he was not half flustered.

But Chen Zong also knew that if they were overtaken by mad ghosts, everyone would be in danger of death.

A Tian Xuan Realm desperately urged the flying spirit to make it faster, but still couldn't get rid of the mad ghost's pursuit.

Immediately, a blood-colored sword rips through the sky, savagely slaying, and the speed is astonishing. After three breaths, it is directly slain on the protective power of the Baiyun flying spirit. A loud roar, the protective power is violent, even with the flying spirit. The people inside the vessel were also affected, with the shaking.

The second Scarlet Sword Light slashed again, once again on the protective power of the flying spirit.

Immediately afterwards, the third **** sword light hit again.

Under three consecutive swords, the protective power of the Baiyun flying spirit was suddenly broken and scattered.

The fourth Daoguang relentlessly slain on the flying spirit.

The casting material of the flying artifact is extraordinary and very hard, but the mad ghost's cultivation is so serious that even if he is injured, his strength cannot be fully achieved. Eighty or ninety percent is very terrible. The flying artifact is hit again After the middle, it shakes violently, leaving a long knife mark, almost breaking into the flying spirit.

"No, the flying spirit can only fight one sword." The appearance of the several heavenly realms inside the flying spirit has changed greatly.

Once again, this flying spirit will be cut, and then it will lose its flying ability and fall directly.

Instantly, a few of the Celestial Realms had completed their discussions and reached an agreement. They gazed at the **** knife light that was beheaded again, only to feel that their palms were sweating, their hearts were beating like they were about to jump out of their chests.

The sharply constricted pupil reflects the **** sword cutting to death, judging the time.

Breathing, as if suffering thousands of years.

Chen Zong and others are well aware of what will happen next and have long been mentally prepared.

At the moment when the blood-colored sword light slayed on the flying spirit, several celestial realms also grabbed everyone's arms and turned into a streamer. They rushed out of the flying spirit with lightning speed. Speed ​​swept away in all directions forward.

The repairs of several powerful gods in the Xuan Realm are far worse than those of Elder Tang Yaohe, and naturally they are even worse than those of mad ghosts. Therefore, it is difficult to escape from the pursuit of mad ghosts.

In this case, they took the people apart and fled. If they could survive the next one, they would count as one. If they could n’t survive, it would be helpless.

With a bang, the flying spirit was hacked, cut in from the knife mark, split into two, and suddenly exploded, bursting out with amazing power in all directions, like a thunderous billowing.

"Do you want to escape if you are scattered?" The mad ghost chased after, and saw the crowds escaping in five directions, and suddenly looked cold.

The blood-colored sword slashed out instantly, and turned into five terrifying horror sword lights in five directions. The speed of the blood-colored sword light was faster than that of the five people.

Chen Zongyu and his Tianxuan Realm were chilling all over. The **** sword light approached at an alarming rate, and they would be killed in the next breath. There was no way to avoid it.

The blood-colored sword is extremely fast, and with an indescribable oppression, as if the forces of the surrounding heaven and earth are constantly oppressing, not to mention that Chen Zong cannot evade, and even the moving bombs cannot do it. I feel this space is like Through the cage, suppressing himself.

Even the Tianxuan Realm with Chen Zong speeded down sharply and could only barely fly forward.

Approaching death

This is true for Chen Zong, as is the other four.

The crisis of death is upon us.

There was a smile on the mad ghost's face.

The threat just felt came from these people. In other words, among these people, there may be a person who threatens himself. Since there is a threat, whether it is true or not, it must be eliminated. The best way is to kill.

Kill, the threat is gone.

It's simple, but it works.

The threat is now eliminated.

At the moment when the blood-colored sword light was about to split the crowd, a long howling shook the earth, and immediately, there was a blue light, like a dragon cruising on that day, coming from the sky, and the sound of dragon chanting followed, and the high-pitched sound rang through the world. Everlasting famine.

The rumbling roared like a thunder, endless.

The cyan sky dragon is made of countless sword spirits. It is overwhelming. Wherever it passes, the vacuum is torn and the first **** knife light is broken. Then, the second **** knife light is also broken. .

Shattered four **** sword lights in a row, but the fifth knife light was a bit far away. Before it could be broken, he had already beheaded the mysterious strong person and the two people they carried that day. Annihilation.

There is no alternative but to be grateful to everyone who can survive.

"Crazy Hugh, I'm so crazy"

After the cyan sky dragon, there is a long howling that resounds through the heavens and the earth, such as the sky sword contending.

The frantic frown suddenly turned out to be this person, who came at this critical moment.

A cyan figure came to the sword, and the sword's air was splashing like a rainstorm, and they shot at the mad ghost.

With a bang, the **** sword slashed out fiercely.

After the storm-like sword qi, a cyan figure flew away like a dragon.

Kill kill

Swords and swords swayed endlessly in the air.

On that day, the Xuanjing strong took the opportunity to take Chen Zong to fly away quickly. Chen Zong could feel that he was relieved and relieved when he took his flight to Tian Xuan Jing.

Chen Zong was also relieved, even though he hated and killed the mad ghost, but now, he is not the opponent of the other party at all. He must first survive to kill the other party in honor of Elder Tang Yaohe.

"Senior, who is that senior?" After leaving a distance, after a little safety, Chen Zongfang asked out loud.

"He is the Blue Dragon Sword Emperor of our Extreme Heavenly Society." The mysterious power of the sky replied quickly, with a very clear reverence in his tone.

"Zonglong Sword Emperor" Chen Zong was surprised. He joined the Celestial Sky for a short time and didn't know so much.

"Qinglong Sword is the strongest in our Arctic Club, second only to the Lord of the Club. It is the Nine-fold Extreme Power of Tian Xuan Jing. It ranks 7th on the Ming Jian Zhou Sword List." The speaker still said in a respectful tone.

Sword List

This Chen Zong is aware that this is the highest list in Mingjianzhou. There are only ten places. Those who can be on the list are the top ten Mingjianzhou recognized by most people.

It is really amazing that Qinglong Sword Master can rank seventh among them.

"That mad ghost is also on the list of famous swords," Chen Zong asked.

"The mad ghost ranks sixth." The Tianxuanjing strongman with Chen Zong replied: "However, the mad ghost suffers and he is afraid that he will not be able to fully exert his strength. He may not be the opponent of Qinglong Sword Emperor."

Sixth and seventh, a difference between the ranks, but also the difference in strength, of course, this difference is not a big difference, maybe not too big.

Under normal circumstances, a mad ghost can defeat the blue dragon sword, but cannot kill the blue dragon sword, even if the blue dragon sword is desperate, it can hurt the mad ghost.

Elder Tang Yaohe blew himself up. Although he did not pull the mad ghost back, it also caused the mad ghost to be traumatized. The mad ghost did not heal himself first, but chased him with his wounds. His own strength could not be exerted to the extreme.

For Chen Zong and others, even if the mad ghost is a little more injured, it is not something that Chen Zong and others can fight, but for the strong ones such as Qinglong Sword Emperor, the disadvantages of the other party will be magnified. The power of the gap will be flattened or even overtaken.

When Chen Zong looked back, he could only see that a cyan sword light and a **** sword light collided constantly, and the astonishing momentum swept the sky, sweeping in all directions, but he could not see who had the upper hand.

One is very far apart, and the other is a battle at this level, which has completely surpassed Chen Zong's level.

But this time to survive, one is Elder Tang Yaohe sacrificed himself, and the other is Qinglong Sword Emperor came to rescue.

Chen Zong was grateful to both of them.

After another moment, the Tianxuan Realm took Chen Zong away. He could not see the fighting at all, and did not feel any fluctuations in the breath of the fighting before he stopped.

This is a cyan sword light flying across the sky, like a dragon parade that day, the speed is fast, dazzling.

At the first glance, it was tens of thousands of meters away, and the blink of an eye was too late to arrive.

This is a middle-aged man in a green robe. It looks like a Confucian student who is full of poetry. His face is warm and lustrous, and there is a hint of modest smile, his eyes are clear and deep. .

A glance makes people feel good.

"Zhou Huaisheng met Qinglong Sword Emperor." Tian Xuanjing who took Chen Zongran away quickly rose and bowed to salute.

Chen Zong quickly got up and bowed to salute.

No matter from which aspect ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Qinglong Sword Master deserves respect from Chen Zong, bowing and saluting, of course.

"No need to be polite." Qinglong Sword Emperor smiled, and immediately looked calm: "I received the elder Tang's rumor as soon as possible, but I took a step back and let the elder Tang sacrifice."

"Elder Tang sacrificed to save me and wait." Zhou Huaisheng said without sorrow.

"Although the mad ghost is injured and has less than 10% strength in the past, I can only fight it back." Qinglong Jianzun sighed slightly, not because he did not want to kill, but was unable to kill. The mad ghost is very strong. At most, it will be badly damaged, so it will not pay a small price for itself.

"Elder Jianzun, the revenge of Elder Tang Yaohe, I will report it in the future." Chen Zong said word by word, his eyes were sternly cold and murderous, which was aimed at the mad ghost.

Qinglong Jianzun heard the words, and his eyes suddenly burst into sharpness, as if to pierce Chen Zong.

Chen Zong, however, looked at Qinglong Sword Emperor without changing his face.

"Okay, I'll stay there that day." Qinglong Jianzun smiled suddenly.

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